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yo AR TR you he about the windows outage I'm sorry okay I'm sorry I visit my friend at Cloud strike crowd strike I was forget their name yeah I spilled a coffee on the server I'm sorry are you still mad about it that was all this morning they tried to hand me a coffee and I was like I don't drink that swill I don't drink coffee and then I mooed at him and I poured it out turns out that was on a very key server yeah it caused the global outage am I sorry yes okay fine is it sincere can't you tell yes I'm sincere Char shut up about it screwed up my night shift in the ER last night what do you mean screwed it up you got to go home you had to stop working nobody's perfect yeah exactly it ruined my Minecraft sesh you didn't it only affect like old windows machines which computers were affected Microsoft enterprise Enterprise machines I see so many companies and agencies use old windows Mach I guess it's new ones no joke my uncle misread a headline that said the outage was caused by Crow strike then he said Birds then shook his head it would be so much of a cooler story if the crows were smarter than we thought and they've been they've been planning this for a while and they finally struck and took down a huge amount of our computer systems that'd be awesome what it is is going to be a hellacious weekend for IT workers it's going to be hellacious like 3 4 days they're going to have a miserable time but it reminds me of when uh what do they call it when I was at twitch they called it Pizza weekend or or something I forget what they called it all the engineers called it Pizza something because there was a hack at twitch someone had got access to internal systems and the whole thing was compromised and so they had to all stay at the office for like four or 5 days straight pizza party maybe it was pizza party the company kept ordering pizzas and they just had to sit there and eat pizza and work the whole weekend to like get everything transferred over and then on Monday we all got new laptops cuz like all the previous were compromised a ton of twitch data was like leaked it was and then they were all frazzled they were all dark circles under their eyes you know it was like a trial by fire anyway it's like that's happening but all over in a million different companies because of these outages yo I just got here and I refuse to read the room or any context clues what if you heard about the whole computer out I know you're doing a bit and that's why I appreciate it because that is the average ENT the room chat message what happened today yeah it's like largest IT disruption largest IT outage in history that's what it is and it was because somebody pushed an update to crowd strike which is like a security software that a lot of companies use it's like the biggest one behind Microsoft itself but it's bigger than its next three competitors and it had a issue with Microsoft not Linux or with Mac just Microsoft the way they these two interacted and it caused the blue screen to death and so the computers were unusable and the only way to fix it was to like reboot your computer in safe mode find a specific Sy file and delete it but like you'd be surprised at how difficult that is to do for like an average worker at a normal company or like an airline worker or whatever and so it's going to be a pain like only it guys are going to be able to do it and they're going to have to do it on every computer and so it's just going to be a pain but it's not like I don't know if it was like a hack or if it was like more difficult to fix or something I think I would do a story on it but after doing a minimum amount of reading it was like oh this is just kind of annoying for IT workers but it's going to be fixed but it is you know the funny part is how big it is I guess yeah there's probably going to be some lawsuits though I wonder how they're eua protects them my company's laptops were fine and I had to work sad someone compared it on Twitter to like it's like when you think there's going to be a snow day but like the snow is too thin like it starts snowing but it's not enough to cancel school it's like Fu dude people were praying it did cancel hell flights it did cancel hell flights but again it just feels like you know it's going to be back to business as usual relatively quick it was like a longer term thing than there would be some CEO reaction he had a apparently oh what let's see CEO reaction apparently pretty nervous why is there not some kind of redundancy or some sort of backup how is it that one single software bug can have such a profound and immediate impact well when you look at the complexity of cyber security you're always trying to stay one excuse me one step ahead of the adversaries excuse me ad adversaries his response was kind of roasted too not that it's like easy to respond to again like this guy didn't push the update to prod you know like it's definitely somebody I think lower on the Chain might have up here but it is f but his response wasn't great he should have accepted more responsibility people just hate when you respond with obus skating corporate speak you know where it's like this thing happened and we are aware and it's very passive voice very cover your ass non-answer yeah probably for legal reasons if I had to guess how was Microsoft and crowd strike stock affected well that's kind of a simple question you don't need me to tell you that you can Google Microsoft stock and then get a ticker and then look at it for to day surprisingly I don't know if you could guess this from your question they're both down a little bit I don't think I mean especially in terms of Microsoft this is not going to have an impact like if Microsoft stock goes down it's because of a larger rotation out of tech stocks crowd strike may take a bigger hit it's a bad PR hit but their other competitors are so small sometimes this stuff happens paradoxically backwards like this might end up being annoying but then crowd strike fixes it and then a bunch of it guys over the world know the name crowd strike and then when they're picking who they have for security they just pick crowd strike because of name recognition lowkey it might affect nothing it reminds me of when there was that um like pelaton is a company that has eventually done poorly but you remember that that pelaton ad that was really bad with the girl that looked like she was trapped so you remember this it was like a pelaton ad with the girl that was like pleading with their eyes and everyone was like oh my God that ad is so terrible and the stock actually went down but then people realized it didn't affect sales at all and it actually made people talk about pelaton more and there was no other option in the in the [ __ ] at home exercise space at the high end and so pelaton actually went up from there eventually it is cratered because people have exercise is fad based people will move on to the next thing but it wasn't cuz of that NL hasn't moved on no nl's apparently very committed to pellaton I heard he does pelaton days with his subscribers which is pretty funny mango does that or is that mango maybe maybe they both do it's worked for mango mango lost a ton of weight on God Cloud n in chat Cloud9 good to see you mango mentioned yes but also Esports being a gigantic Money Pit was also mentioned so just tomato tomato bro I don't want to talk like jar jar please answer sorry that's the rule rules Chef Davey that's the rules please repeat this question but put it in a jar jar Voice or I'm not answering sorry that's how we do things around here I can't I can't understand I'm sorry but I don't want to listen to your China EV questions until you put it in a jarar voice so that we can all understand oh he did it okay let's see what he said jarar here Misa want to know why people think terfa are the answer to subsidies with EV Visa couldn't Visa also subsidize R&D is Misa taking crazy pills thank you for your question it's not just R&D it's also the production I mean the companies themselves are heavily government subsidized so it's a little different it's not really just the tech it's the it's like the whole supply chain from the top up is subsidized so in China like from Cobalt mines into battery production into the companies themselves into their ability to sell the Chinese Market it's all subsidized to allow them to do things at lower costs even like the most cost conscious I won't take a profit at all American EV company if they were building in America could not sell an American Eevee at those prices they couldn't do it which is the idea it's like oh so if we let them ship EVS to America which I'm iffy on it because I would love a lowcost Chinese EV and I think it would eventually spur competition but the idea is that it would so radically kill jobs here in the short term that they can't allow it that's where tariffs come from no my understanding is no to this question no I don't think they subsidize the shipping when they use air freight you don't have to pay tariffs on things under $800 which I talked about recently but also they have I mean they have great ports in China they have excellent ports they have warehouses near the ports they have factories near the warehouses Chinese manufacturing is like if you if you went into Sim City and designed the perfect manufacturing area like if you really if you're one of those nerds that like lined up all the grids to have everything set up and that's near that and that's near that and that's that do it's they have a lot of advantages there if you want to make something [Music]