(low rumbling) (quiet music) (Elizabeth gasps) (labored breathing) (ringing car signal) (door thumps) (ringing stops) (switch clicks) (eerie foreboding music) - Hey. (eerie foreboding music) (door rattles) (eerie music) Hello! Anybody? (eerie foreboding music) (owl hoots) (door clatters) (ringing car signal) (eerie foreboding music) (door thumps) (nervous breathing) (eerie foreboding music) (door rattles) (eerie foreboding music) (engine stuttering) Come on, come on, come on. (engine stuttering) (quiet eerie music) (Elizabeth sighs) (eerie foreboding music) (device beeps) - [Recorded Voice] You are going to need to stay calm. Panicking won't help your situation. My name is Control Agent Elizabeth Armstrong, badge number 48625, you hear my voice? This is your voice, you recorded this. I know you're confused, but if you want to survive, you need to do exactly as I say. There should be what looks like a person with you. Do not untie them, do not look at their face. What's in that bag isn't human. If you see its face, you'll forget everything, like wiping a hard drive, that's number one. Number two, find a pen, a reliable one. You can't trust your memory anymore. Your pen is your lifeline, you lose it, you're dead. Number three, this is the hard part, inside your bag, you should have a weapon. If you're lucky, that'll be your service pistol, and this next part will be easy. If you're not, then you'll have to do it with whatever you can find. (gentle eerie music) I know. I know, I'm sorry, Liz, but if you're-(device beeps) (device clatters) (engine stutters) - Come on, come on, come on, come on. Come on! (hand thumping steering wheel) (engine stuttering) Come on! (Elizabeth exhales) (quiet nervous breathing) - [Recorded Voice] If you are listening to this, it means containment has failed and you're the last one left. If that thing gets free, it will kill you. It will kill everyone. I know you can do it because you're me, and this is not how we die. - [Hooded Man] Hello? (quiet dramatic music) (labored breathing) (man grunting) - Hey, hey, hey, stop it, stop that! You feel that? You do that again, I hurt you. (labored breathing) - [Hooded Man] Please take it off. - I can't do that. - [Hooded Man] Can you open the window? I can't breathe. - Only if you answer my questions. - [Hooded Man] Okay. (labored breathing) (window hums) (labored breathing) - Who are you? - [Hooded Man] You don't have to do this. - Do what? - [Hooded Man] Just let me go - Answer my question, or I'm rolling up the window. Who are you? - [Hooded Man] I'm your brother. - I don't have a brother. - [Hooded Man] You forgot again, didn't you? Elizabeth? Liz, I'm not a monster. - Why would you say that? - [Hooded Man] Because you've done this before. You have a condition, I take care of you. We, (stuttering) (labored breathing) there's a picture of us in your back pocket. (paper rustles) (gentle dramatic music) That's us. (gentle dramatic music) - [Elizabeth] You could've seen this. - [Hooded Man] What? - [Elizabeth] How do I know this is you? - [Hooded Man] Just look at my face. - I can't do that, you know I can't do that- - [Hooded Man] Come on, just look! - Hey, hey, stop! (man grunting) Stop, I said stop. I said stop-