hey everybody Welcome to the next commentary today we are playing some Gallo midlan versus a civer I have not played Gallo or done a Gallo video for a very very long time and it's actually because I thought that uh with the rework that he had which was kind of while ago um really made it so his magic resist build is quite viable and you can just go tank gallo and I thought that was pretty boring so I don't like that but uh recently when looking at win rates and stuff I saw Gallo doing pretty good decided to look into it and stuff and uh there still is a viable extremely damage heavy build with lichbane and storm surge to make it so you build lichbane you justice punch on people and you just kind of One Tap them uh especially when you finish storm surge to get the penetration and stuff playing versus an 80 carry mid that unfortunately probably is pretty good at countering the one shot but we'll see if we can find angles of attack uh she of course has that spell shield and being able to block one of my abilities is kind of a big deal because uh Gall is kind of combo heavy where if you land one you land them all but if you don't hit one then it is much harder so we'll see how it goes CER is extremely uninteractive just like push Farm eventually she'll probably by Essence Reaver and literally be un like uninter because she'll just have um see that's what I mean I that wasn't that bad I guess because she'll have too much Mana wait that beats me well I'll just flash I guess I can't believe that scarner e overpowers my E I thought that it would prevent that from happening but I guess I guess I'm wrong [ __ ] that sucks probably just get the EXP for it and then his base she might try to no she won't she probably has enough Mana for spell shield I think that it actually just costs nothing right spell shield cost cost no Mana so I'm not GNA jump on her I'm just gonna Farm okay cool that's all I can do really there is a lux mid as well yikes not really much that I can do if there's also enemy support here sorry bro I am out of here let's buy a F fillable because we're getting poked a lot obviously from the civer just TP back our team comp's pretty good so if the game goes late I'm sure I will be dealing plenty of damage with my items they have a pretty squishy team comp besides the scarner so we have also engage that isn't me uh Gallia ultimate is something that you cast on your allies and it's really good if your allies are playing Champions that can engage for you and jarvan's like probably one of the best ones ever when he uses his cataclysm he can keep them locked down for my ult especially versus things that don't have dashes so and they have a bunch of those they literally have like all every single person doesn't have a dash the only person I can get out of it is scarner nice okay I got her to use her ability it's good so I'll just taunt her here we know that she has no flash so there's really no way out I'm surprised I went for this with uh no knowledge of where my jungler was that's extremely risky to do my ballan is getting completely smashed right now but maybe uh we'll be able to kill those guys once jarvin once laning phase ends and jarvin can just ulti him and I'll I'll follow it up let's go you know what I'll buy one Boot and ampel first item will be lichbane we will have a little bit of Mana issues but when we jump on people they will die so damn fast if civer ever messes up her spell shield that's huge for instance she should not be using her spell shield ever probably on my q that is a mistake because when she does that that enables me to do a combo so I would just never use it personally it sucks that you get hit by it but just just dodge I guess just dodge it man CER is so annoying to play against okay you used it she could always be baiting though as well which is really annoying okay the use Cal oh my goodness that was an insane combo I think I'm going to die and that guy's not even going to die I'm sad now it's my fault I should have not went as far that guy's going to live for sure the rumble was on a base because he just killed our Top Lane so was really bad timing for us but still that was not that bad for Me overall I mean the civer didn't really get that much from it so we'll take it we will definitely take it my wave sucks though my wave is so bad are you going to okay so if he's taking it I guess I'll just go top here has a lot of gen pings bro you can't just go mid and take my wave and then I mean okay if we can gank this guy it's chill is he here our followup would be crazy I don't think he's here sad if your e ever Clips any type of terrain whatsoever it just doesn't take you anywhere it's really annoying so that's what happened there it got clipped on the wall I'm not going to go for you right now don't really care so uh make sure that you're using your wings to CS at the same time as harassing that's what I'm doing I'm literally using it to to CS while also poke does do that over and over and over again big chunk again not bad God saver Flash jarvin died again though both side lanes are needing some assistance I guess scarner is also dead this doesn't really bother me that much he going to hold it I could have maybe flashed a kill civer but I don't even know if that's worth it it might be more beneficial to see if I can save my flash to go somewhere else cuz she's already 02 wow she's staying at this HP wow okay does that mean I can get botling fast enough oh the clip the clipping is really annoying but I can't I don't think I can I mean surely we scale enough that guy's just going to leave I wish that she got Dove and then I can just ulti but big poke for some reason she tped on the wave I'm not really sure what that was about but I'll take it man no I was going to go top to kill that guy and you ultied out whatever he was probably going to die if he didn't ulti out huh we really need to kill that guy oh man and then freaking Lux is here this is so annoying man they they probably know that I would try support is just leaking everywhere let's just kill this guy I'm kind of dis wanting gold at this point I don't care anymore I'm too low to probably assist with my ult otherwise I'll probably just die with my team at this point I could maybe TP in afterwards though that' be pretty good and they're probably gone now that is sad yep well this is what happens when your teammates are all losing really hard you try to salvage it but it's it's rough we're just going to have to hopefully find an opportunity in time I'm coming in dude that slow from scarner is so annoying thank God she didn't take the kill I would have been pretty upset about that I probably can't catch this guy a there's like Wards everywhere too she really messed up I don't know why she did that but okay huge kill I don't think this fight is good since I don't have a real way to join quickly with my old scar is like a tiny bit chunked it's not like Senna is like strong enough to fight it though luxus here too getting a little bit baited by my own decisions here I definitely should just not even be focusing on trying to salvage the the bad fights but sometimes it's just hindsight you never know sometimes the fight turns out to be somewhat okay and you can go over there and help them and when you do it is the thing that you need to come back so civer is giving us opportunities to come back ourselves cuz we're getting a lead good to go well I managed to do a lot of damage to the turret that's for sure I'm just going to leave and buy I mean my purchase at this point is so important before the next fight breaks out cuzz I am weaker than basically the whole entire enemy team and now I'm not now I'm more like even jyn took bot i' have my ultimate pretty soon I don't think killing civer is ever worth it it's just kind of a waste oh my God I don't want to UL you but maybe I will just to see what we can do holy nice I'm sorry bro I can't okay that was not bad I mean kha'zix went really deep he was probably expecting me to help him so I did the best that I could to assist with my ultimate to just get into the fight it didn't go that poorly I was able to get Jin very fast but now I don't have my ultimate for jarvin which honestly probably would have been so good I could have just ultied top on that guy after jarvin ulties him and at least we could burn his flash at minimum would have been so nice no you should just engage on him it doesn't even matter if you die for it you should just try to see if you can like burn his sums go go go go it doesn't even matter if you die please eqr and then he would just be stuck go go go H is this guy win trading huh okay well that was probably the worst possible way to uh do that fight but okay he ultied his own team somehow after she'll die so many he needs to collect midwave so I'll go get it I guess time for me to secure that try to get both waves at once at this point who is that oh yeah Deluxe is just always around that corner huh got her she's only worth 150 though so it's like not even a big kill or anything sa can kind of go as aggressive as she wants cuz she knows that her death isn't really that important her teammates are so far ahead I get exp and dark seal Stacks though I guess if Rumble goes top all we need jarvin to do is just press R so I'm hoping jarvin go or the rumble goes top here we just engage on him dang it he went bought ah bummer oh well there was no way to tell so sad we're able to rotate between lanes pretty easily because we are building two separate items that both give movement speed so it's not an issue just running around probably just going to lose the dragon I think we just give it and he takes top I don't think that we can easily uh engage onto the flat less Rumble without jarvin just pressing his ultimate button on them honestly man I Don't Want to Waste My ultimate on this he can kill the really not fed CER right yeah okay good she's like doing the same thing that he is huge the only way to kill is that kha'zix somehow gets on top of the rumble somehow and then I press R that's like the only way dude we have we have ashol I guess too we really want all I can do is poke poke is good poke is good oh my God that's huge poke onto our team oh don't even help that guy there no reason I could jump on him but I don't know if kha'zix would do it immediately I could I could have flashed taunt e but I just don't know if he would follow it up I kind of wanted KX to jump in out out ulti him but that's like really hard to communicate too oh wait no Trin doesn't have ult yet though h I'm not going to help kha'zix because there's no way that he would possibly lose to that guy rumble's not going for bot wave so I can't do anything about that can I even hit this I'm going to try to get a Lich beam proc on it and then immediately leave it's really spooky even hitting the turret once all right I have TP [Music] available oh my God if I didn't back my camera wouldn't have moved you can actually turn off that setting I just have it on but I never expected the setting to actually matter to the point that I lost a kill man I could have pressed R and it gives them a magic damage shield and it would have saved them probably all right well once again I don't care about being on jarvan's side unless rumble's on that same side because he's the only person that we need to kill he's worth 1K and he's so killable if anybody goes on top of him doesn't look like that's going to be happening though why are we so far Bots side well I'm just dead here you can see I almost do it on my own like that's so freaking incredible that he just sitting in that brush look how much damage I did with it like the most basic combo ever and I didn't even know that he was in there so I wasn't even prepped I even well whatever I got an assist I guess it's chill I really wanted to shut down really badly but at least he's dead right maybe that's the the best takeway I can have I got a dark seal stack back too cuz I lost them when I finish just like a need if I just had a needless like I was just a tiny bit more fed I would have just one tapped him that's how ridiculous this this build is uh if you can ever full combo hit everything which I did I mean there's no way that they would possibly do this without the rumble or civer right that'd be so stupid I mean there there's no way they're trying by trying I mean like what kill the ward there's people tops side and I don't want to get caught right now I do a huge amount of damage to this guy so I know that didn't look like that much but if I landed full combo on him you'd be impressed trust Rumble still worth another shutdown that's insane man I should have jumped on him there if I was sitting inside this oh he probably would have never W for it though because there was a ward in that brush maybe it was not going to work out in the first place there is a rumble here he's probably looking to engage on ash taunted him I mean there's no way to fight for V5 without our our jarvin oh that guy's so caught go Ash Arrow thank you I mean I got a big taunt off does that matter I'm trying to tank for you should be fine I don't know why I went for civer I guess I'm kind of used to the civer being like useful I don't want to ulti that I have a needless in base if this is a Clear Vision this is a really good spot to stand in cuz if they want to contest this if I hit any squishy oh but they might be doing Baron no they won't not without Jin right probably not I'm just going to use my w to reduce the damage of that screw it I have I have no idea if they're on it and if we're not using do we not have ashy kind of surprised that it's not being used I would assume that it's up yeah they're literally on it I mean there's no way for me to get there in time though even if I had I don't even have a TP board or anything so it's just gone jarvin just never really grou so Rumble has three items I still might be able to kill him one hit though maybe I think he should be aware of that though and he would just be brush camping somewhere that's what I'm trying to do too sit and wait for somebody to pop up just go mid let's buy a blue pot just to make it easier yo jarvin says he's coming oh nice dude let's go he's grouping I'm alting that just yet I'm going to wait be patient he he ultied the Jin and the guy had flash so I only want to go on it when I know that it's somebody that's going to be stuck in it otherwise I'm just going to put myself in danger too it's not bad to get them off the turret though who knows maybe if it's even defendable on the next wave I killed him instantly I'm probably going to die for that but yeah I was really hoping that if we could onot Rumble that I guess I wouldn't also just instantly die to the Gin but I guess there's uh no threat for them to not just jump on me immediately so I die one inhib gone at least we don't lose two plus has no flash next time too so we ping gin flash when jarvin presses r on Jin next time it is going to be huge I should be able to get him the only way that I can't get him is if scarner sits inside of it as well and uses his ultimate to cancel my w and then after that I can't use anything cuz I'm suppressed like he could uh stop me so it's probably the only way CER is definitely going to like blue trinket this brush or [Music] something sad that my blue pot kind of was wasted I didn't really get uh what I wanted with it which is a good team fight man I missed two cannons in a row that's crazy where is jyn feel like I hav oh there he is jarvin if you get caught and die it's so bad please don't I'm level 16 one minute on the thing we don't even need to go for it immediately huh [Music] uh I'm going to kill that guy can we do more don't know what she's doing but okay I'm not going to help you I feel like defending the base is more important please man we lose Dragon but it's fine because we we already have the previous Dragon so they don't get sold or anything like that Decap is like just about to be purchased all right Decap up even scarner who has magic resist while I have like not a good Magic Pen because I only have flat Magic Pen I I deal a lot to him too as you saw he even flashed away from me cuz he was scared I could go void staff if I really wanted to deal even more to their scarner but but Zas might be also a really important item to get would be sick if we could kill her but it seems kind of difficult doesn't it my bad maybe I could have killed Jin he kind of stepped up aggressively and I feel like I could have maybe tried to fish for an e on him I'm scared that if I miss my e though I instantly die like it's one of those things that really can go badly fast if it messes up should have bought a blue trinket to check Baron is jarvin going to like tpn confidently or is he not he is really going hard bot forer okay oh you got me wow that was um a little bit aggressive if I get pulled it's over good pressure to get them off I never bought that blue trinket yeah that sucks that I got hit but it's not over because there's nobody near me yet I almost got one tapped it was close let me go heal this fighting I feel like would be so easy if at any point jarvin just stopped going bot Baron will be gone maybe after Baron's gone the enemy team will feel that they need to pressure our base and get caught because of it there's also a slim chance I can try to like find somebody on rotation somewhere but it's not that easy to do if I try to find someone and I like I don't know this fight doesn't even seem very good whatever dude I'll just ulti in for the hell of it this game is really strange but might as well try I guess I just have to kill Jin and leave I I can't kill more after that I don't even know if I can defend yeah he's on you too well there so I can't get out oh wow wait holy I can't believe it somewhat defended kind of cable tpn maybe should probably sweeper I would probably one shot civer you get Soul I'm not even going to go for soul like my team should just do it I don't really trust anybody but myself to stop the CER TP I guess if I saw the CER TP I could also TP on our own pink though that would be kind of nice vision control is okay sometimes you have to be worried about people going through our jungle and then flashing over this wall but there's a ward here that I think would prevent that jarvin bro please dude if they just run it straight down mid and he shows on bot wave we we instantly lose you you cannot be S side laning ever I only need 200 gold for my next item she really dispel shielded that's crazy oh my I don't think that I can actually uh push out fast enough I should have went bot I don't know why I went to the Ping dang it oh well still have a little bit of minions there's no way I can defend the minions though I'm trying to make it so we still have the wave tank yeah I think we win oh what a I can't believe we won dude no way oh jeez well that was a game that was a crazy one drop a like if it was insane please holy that that game was uh extremely rough at the end I should have one shot Lux much faster too I feel like I didn't even combo cck so that was pretty bad but nice um I mean I think cosix was the most consistent player I don't really want to give honor to anybody else really so did most damage crazy comeback jeez I got all four honors too that is so nuts top Gap Rumble says our jarvin stay free so yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed that uh maybe I'll even get a game two of it so thanks for watching guys see you in the next one peace out bye oh yeah before I go I should look at the gold chart that's probably pretty important to look at I really want to see jeez dude we were 10,000 gold behind in fact there was not a single point during the entire game we were winning and we won all right cool all right see you guys later bye hey everybody Welcome to game two there is no way game two can be as intense as game one but I guess it could be more fun if I get really fed somehow we have a jarvin again but this time it's jarvin jungle I imagine the jarvin probably won't get as far behind as the jarvin Top Lane last game probably um playing versus a Twisted Fate with Ignite he also has electrocute as well pretty aggressive level three mid okay we can try whenever people level three I'm always level two it's so difficult to reach three at the same time also that definitely looked like it should have landed but okay my Q misses we will just Farm let's try to hit the minion and him maybe no barely got that minion hits me once that's warded autoing again what I don't deal any damage to that minion wait he might actually try to like kill you let's put a ward down like there oh never mind sorry I ping that because like he was missing for so long I didn't see him at all I thought he was like going through River for a second it might be kind of ballsy to go for E into W on him even if it might be a bit easy to land because if I do it and then I immediately get ganked I'm screwed although it seems that they're they should be okay what dude there is no whatever well played bro you're nuts craziest outplay I've ever seen from TF he he walked in a straight line at me I thought he was I thought I was lined up where it actually could have missed honestly guess I can though I think he would maybe even be killable if I had ignite but I don't and he has ignite Advantage so I think it's just not even worth attempting bro I was just about to jump in on him right when jarvin left that would have been so bad thank God I didn't I don't even know if this is something I can fight very easily I taunted him too double taunt oh my god that actually made my teammate live I can't believe it I thought for a second that I made the mistake of not taunting earlier because that did make it so uh uder died a little bit later so then jarvin didn't get triumph proc but somehow it worked out perfectly where he lived oh kind of nuts all right cool we're really fed already nice and even gives the kill to jinx okay so first item we're going to be going for the hex tech alternator and I think we should just build a dark seal immediately cuz I am feeling kind of like a god right now I feel very strong now all we need to do is just press e towards this guy and I feel like if we land any combo we'll probably almost always just straight up win not bad to trade one for one in a gank I still want to chunk him with q's though if possible okay he's dead we just made sure to not use the end of our taunt until uh his Unstoppable went away cuz he he double Eed there to make himself Unstoppable there's no way that jarvin can die to that guy but I think he's just probably the uder pinging the camp is like get him off that now maybe just base again to buy pretty good uh push too it's a cannon wave it's going to fully crash maybe I should use my TP at this point I think holding on to it isn't the best staying on the map so I can uh continue matching this push is smarter you got me ow Oher went bot I mean that guy's just fine ud's just wasting his time at this point Point going to Ping that TF is level six his ultimate range is a bit longer than mine but I think I could probably still uh match him dang that's so smart walking forward well played let's not get hit by that yeah my e range really isn't that long it's like not even the uh tf's Auto attack range so even if I do it towards him when he's Auto attacking which causes him to stand still I still don't even land it so I guess I won't do that anymore it's not even worth it I didn't get that that's crazy I deal so much damage to it too wait he's just taking the freaking wave oh I messed that up so bad I think he still dies though sorry I had to I had to leave you can use your ultimate to get out but the range on it is so bad so I barely was able to escape using my ultimate to get to my teammate I'm just going to give those because I think that being higher on Tempo is uh smarter I'm just going to buy level two boot so I get back mid faster also he's probably going bot he went mer tread sadly so the one shots are going to be more rough I'm probably going to need like actually the full two items and then I I bet I could do it diving with TF having ultimate when I just use mine I mean if if they succeed then nice I guess my wave is bad I'm trying to fix it will Camille gank mid if she's not coming the uder I mean not the Udo the rumble keeps saying that Camille is gone over and over again that guy's just dead we are just so far ahead because of our jarvin he's just grading plays everywhere I guess I'll rotate over to that guy I mean it kind of oh just kill him damn he had everybody so low too feel like udir is so tilted just losers you move along did Ping that he was going up there so he pinged TF R when TF didn't use R the person that I'll be able to oneshot this game is for sure going to be the uder am I getting it stopped that'd be really annoying wait I don't have my item yet I thought I had my item that's why I was backing just get electrocute proc and back away I only need 100 gold so next wave should do it tf's going R of Ages so he's going to be super tanky I think I just push and leave no reason to try to go for the TF kill I think it's a bit too challenging to get in range enemy teams mentals are so broken that I I can't really tell you what's going to happen next like they have completely given up on bot I suppose they just don't even care about being down there anymore I'm going to buy a sweeper so I can stand inside of a brush and Hope that after I shove out mid I'll try to sweep and uh seek out the uder and see if I can maybe combo him it might be a bit too difficult with just this item versus somebody that has some HP versus Luan Nami would probably be possible but they're less likely to uh be walking through the jungle though so catching them seems harder I mean you're you're pinging on the way and stuff but nobody's going to be getting those melees now I'm going to face check this there's uh uder wait is he freezing that's cringe all right well time to stop your freeze I guess there's no way that I'm going to I can't UL yet I was really looking at Lucian cuz I knew uder was already dead so I was about to flash Auto just to try to kill but I didn't do it why is he backing there I can't believe that worked I could probably beat camil in a one V one can I just sit here or do you think that she warded it h won't my we have found our answer is the minions minions walking over to me definitely means it's wed oh she almost killed my Rumble surprisingly does he die that's kind of funny I thought I went too deep for a second thank you Rumble I saved you and you saved me I'm tping in I guess I not my old though I need to land a full W without even letting Camille Auto attack I feel like she's going back to dang it she saw me no that's so frustrating she barely if you see them they you so bummer I couldn't find an opportunity to catch her I feel like if she didn't see me there I bet I could have uh picked her well uder is mostly HP tanky I wonder if it's possible here if my alternator is coming back up justice punch might get tfed oh they F GG so yeah that was uh waste ster than the previous game I guess it showcases what you can do if you stomp so hopefully you enjoyed both styles of games and I will see you guys in the next video just waiting for the Champion Select to load or Champion so like the the client well play jarvin you you did very well I enjoyed having you as my jungler GG's didn't even do most damage rumbled did more than me but I still was pretty happy with my performance thanks for watching see you guys later bye