Transcript for:
Controlling Worry and Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Worry is the fuel of anxiety. It's what feeds  generalized anxiety disorder. If you want to   learn how to control generalized anxiety  disorder, you have to learn how to control   your worry. But if you tell someone to stop  worrying, they'll just like shake their head   because it's not that easy. Worry is hard to  control. It's an old habit that's worn deep   grooves into your neural pathways. And you do  it because your brain thinks it protects you,   but it really weighs you down. In this video  you'll learn why your brain likes to worry,   why your brain thinks it's helpful, and you'll  learn a really practical way to set boundaries   on your worrying because when you do, you  can decrease anxiety massively, like 75%. the anxiety cycle. We start here at stimulus, and  at some point we perceive danger. We believe that   we're in danger, whether that's real or in our  head. That's what triggers the anxiety response;   it's our thoughts of danger that make us feel  anxious. And for most people it's worrying that   fuels anxiety disorders. When we worry we imagine  future dangers, like being rejected or losing our   jobs or failing at life, and that creates  a real physical reaction in our bodies, the   fight/flight/freeze response. And while it seems  like the logical answer is to just stop worrying,   it doesn't work like that because our brain likes  to worry because because sometimes worrying keeps   us safe. Sometimes worrying protects us, and  our brain is designed to keep us alive, not to   make us happy. So let's review the two reasons  why your brain likes to worry. There's a bonus   video after this one in the course that goes into  a lot more detail on this, but here's the summary:   worry is a mutated form of problem-solving. Humans  have these super powerful brains that can imagine   future scenarios and find solutions to them,  and our ability to plan for the future is why   we attend school or save for a rainy day. Right?  Good problem-solving is intentional. You choose   to do it. It's focused on your locus of control,  what you can change, and it's action-oriented. But   worry is like a cancer. It starts to spread to all  the areas of your life. And it's telling you when   and where to do it, and it often focuses on things  that you can't change. So worry is maladaptive   problem-solving. Worrying secretly feels good.  Your brain secretly believes that worrying is   preventing bad things from happening. It's a  sneaky form of magical thinking. So let's say   that your child is going on a long drive, and you  worry about your child getting into a car crash,   and they don't get into a car crash. Your brain  subconsciously believes that worrying prevented   bad things from happening, and it's going to  reinforce that worry. It's going to make you worry   more. Someone commented on one of my videos, "If  you stop worrying about this, it means you're not   taking care of this so it's going to be a disaster  and it's going to be your fault entirely." That's   the first reason your brain believes that worry  protects you. One day after I learned some of   these skills to stop constant worry I was driving  down the road one day and I wasn't worrying. And   I was really like, I was realizing how good that  felt and to not feel so anxious. And then out of   the blue I was struck by a very loud thought that  said, "What if I get too comfortable and happy   and then something bad happens? What if God has to  send some trials because I was feeling too happy?"   And as soon as I noticed this thought I literally  laughed out loud because I know exactly what that   thought is. It's a worry trying to convince me  to keep worrying. I don't actually believe that   God is like that, and I don't actually believe  that worrying prevents bad things from happening,   but this is the exact reason why my brain likes  to worry. It believes that worrying is keeping me   safe. This is faulty thinking. But if you tell  someone to stop worrying, what will they say?   They'll say, "Oh, it's not that easy. I wish I  could. I feel like I have to" or "That's just   putting my head in the sand." And even though  it seems impossible, you can learn how to stop   worrying. So let me teach you how. Also, I need to  give credit to Nick Wignall for really condensing   a lot of this psychology into practical,  actionable skills. If you'd like to learn more,   please check out his course Worry Free. Uh link's  in the description. Okay. So step number one: you   need to know the difference between a worry and  worrying. There are two types of thoughts. Number   one is the type of thought that just pops in and  out of your head all day. Your brain is a word   machine. It's going to make random thoughts all  the time. The second type of thought is something   we engage with. It's active thinking. It's  engaging in a behavior. Thinking is something that   we're doing, and we need to be able to use two  different types of skills for two different types   of thinking. For the random pop-in thoughts, these  automatic thoughts, it just doesn't help to engage   with them, but it also doesn't help to struggle  against them. If a worry thought pops into your   head, you just notice it, say, "Hey, brain. Thanks  for making that worry thought. Moving on." So with   worry thoughts we use cognitive defusion. You  don't struggle against your worry thoughts. That   just makes them stickier. But worrying, that's a  different thing. Worrying is when you're allowing   your mind to dwell on troubles. Worrying is the  action that you are doing of turning a problem   over and over in your mind. It's when we engage  with worry thoughts and we keep thinking them.   This is something that you are doing. It's not  something that happens to you. To control anxiety   we need to set boundaries on our worrying. So  let's think about worrying as if it were a train.   When a train is moving it's got a ton of momentum.  If you try to stop a train, it's super hard. It's   impossible to do quickly. But it's relatively  easy to direct a train to a specific track. You   can channel that train into a different direction.  We're going to take all that worrying energy and   we're going to tell it when and where it's allowed  to go using a skill called scheduled worry. So you   are going to worry on purpose. Here's how you  do it: plan a time each day when you are going   to sit down and worry for 15 to 30 minutes. And  I want you to pick a consistent time. This is an   exercise, not a coping skill. We're strengthening  your brain's ability to set boundaries, not just   trying to feel better when you're anxious. So you  need to be consistent if you want to develop these   brain boundary muscles, basically a new groove  in your brain, a new train track in your brain.   So choose a time that you can be consistent. And  I do not recommend first thing in the morning or   last thing before bed. Like, don't do it in your  bed or some other place that you want want it to   be relaxing. This is worry time. Like, kitchen  counter might be a good place for this or your   desk at work, something like that. Right? It's  easier to tell your brain when and where to worry   than to tell it to not worry. Then during this  time, during this consistent time, I want you to   write down all your worries. Putting them down on  paper makes them more concrete and it shows your   brain that you're serious, that you'll address  these worries so that it doesn't have to keep   reminding you throughout the day. And if you'd  like, you can clarify some of your worries. You   can also choose if there's one or two things you  want to plan to take action on, or perhaps there's   a problem you need to solve. Like if you're  worried about money, maybe you need to stick   to a budget this week by using an envelope system.  Right? But this this exercise isn't really about   problem solving. And we're going to talk more  about problem solving in chapter 4. The goal of   this exercise is to tell your brain, "This, right  now, 6 p.m. for 15 minutes is when I worry." Then   when your timer goes off, step away. Leave the  paper in the space and go do something different.   So it can be nice to call a friend, go for a walk,  play with your dogs, whatever is engaging for you.   Your next worry session is in 24 hours. So what  do you do in the meantime? When a worry comes up,   you want to notice it and redirect it. So  it's going to sound something like this: "Oh,   oh hi there, worry. Let's talk at 6:00, okay?"  And then redirect your attention to what you do   want to be doing in the present moment. What do  you care about? Is it your work? Is it the people   around you? Shift your attention to them, and  if a worry pops up again, you keep having these   worries pop up, you say, "Thanks for telling me.  Those are some really strong worries. Let's talk   about them at 6." And you go right back to your  values, what you care about right now. "I want   to be playing with my kids right now." "I want to  be noticing the sunset." With our minds we need to   redirect our attention to the present moment and  our values. We, you need to pay attention to what   we want our life to be about instead of dwelling  on future fears or allowing worrying to take over.   Remember, this isn't a coping skill. This is an  exercise. Um so for example if you find yourself   feeling really fat and out of shape and like you  get winded really easily going upstairs, you might   start working out, uh exercising physically  to improve your cardiovascular health. When   you find yourself drowning in anxiety, this is the  exercise to do for a few weeks to a month. Right?   Do it for three weeks minimum every single day at  a scheduled time. Don't use it as a coping skill   for when you feel worried. I get this question a  lot, actually: Can I use distraction to help me   stop worrying? So if I, if I notice I'm worrying,  can I watch TV? If I notice I'm worrying, can I   look at YouTube? Right? In general, distraction is  not a helpful long-term solution. So for example,   if you start worrying during the day and you  constantly turn to your phone to avoid your   worries, that phone usage, that distraction  is going to interfere with your ability to   live your values, to engage with the people  or to do your work, and it's also a sign to   your brain. It's a form of avoidance right here,  which gives you some relief in the short term,   but it tells your brain that that thought is,  that worry thought is important, and your brain   is going to make it louder. Distraction feeds  worrying and avoidance in the long run, and it   makes your life less meaningful and less vibrant.  However, in a short-term training period you can   use limited distraction paired with scheduled  worry to train your brain. So for example,   if you're struggling to set boundaries on your  worries when you're trying to fall asleep,   uh listening to a moderately boring audio book  might redirect your brain away from worrying,   and you can say, "I will think about that tomorrow  at 6." Now, this really is a fine line. Right?   Distraction is not a good long-term strategy, um  but you can use it to break the worry habit in the   short term if you pair it with scheduled worry.  The long-term skill that will be helpful here is   mindfulness. This is the ability to control your  attention. But we're going to talk about that in   the next video. So here's what you can expect from  practicing the skill of scheduled worry: you are   going to spend less time worrying. The majority  of your worrying will happen at once, leaving you   much more of your day to not be worrying and doing  something else. Also, by being intentional about   your worrying, you might be able to solve some  problems. And worrying on purpose will decrease   chronic anxiety and stress. Your body is really  well adapted to short-term stress. It's okay to   get anxious or worked up in short bursts. It's  the chronic stress that's harmful. So by putting   in all your worrying at once, you give your body  a chance to relax and regulate throughout the day.   Okay. So go ahead and schedule a time and place to  worry every day for 3 week. Come come back to this   video and tell me how it went and how much your  anxiety decreased. I'm so excited for you to learn   how to set boundaries on your worrying and to get  healthier. Thanks for watching, and take care.