Transcript for:
تذكيرات وانضباط خلال تدريب زووم

okay everyone this meeting is recorded for the people who are not going to join us today so that they can watch it when they at their convenience um so we have uh Mr Muhammad can you make sure there is no noise in the background I can hear some noise in the background can you unmute yourself can you mute yourself or just make sure there is no noise in the background please thank you okay uh give me an opportunity to uh just summarize some points that we mentioned before we started the recording uh please please join on time whenever you have a session or a meeting with the Tutors or with us please join on time this is very important uh and make sure you rename yourself the way it's uh uh uh it's on Google Classroom okay so we have here Mr Muhammad which Muhammad we don't know we have more than one Muhammad in the course so you need to rename yourself okay uh use only one Zoom account don't use two because people in the course are uh uh the number of participants are limited we have 24 participants so we can take attendance easily every time also make make sure your camera is on every time you have a session this course is not like any other course this course is like the selta course so a teacher without uh a camera on is a big problem you will not be able to get pass a or pass B you will just get a pass so if you if you're aiming to get a higher grade in this course please make sure your camera is on every time you join class you cannot just turn off your camera and attend the session okay I think there is some noise from mrad or Mr Muhammad KH one of you there's some noise in the background okay thank you very much make sure maybe maybe the sound of the van it's okay now no noise yeah it's okay now uh I have no noise yeah it's okay now uh make sure you have your camera on make sure you have no noise in the background okay make sure you uh unmute yourself to respond to your tutors okay and if you have noise you can just uh mute yourself okay remember you join this course for three reasons as I just created the poll the first reason is to enhance your knowledge your teaching knowledge the second reason reason is what from the poll can you guys say that so reason number one is to enhance your teaching knowledge reason number two is improving teaching improve improve your teaching skills and reason number three why you join the course is to get an accredited certificate is the certificate enough to get you a bit a good job alone the answer is no no the answer is no you can get a the highest certificate you can get the Delta and if your if you don't have enough knowledge if you don't have uh good teaching skills if your language is not good you cannot speak fluently your pronunciation you have a lot of mispronunciation issues you cannot get a good job okay so the certificate just opens doors and you need to enter how can you enter you need two keys teach knowledge and teaching skills of course with your language your language has to be at least High B2 which is Upper Intermediate okay of course you need to be C1 which is lower Advanced but if you're not C1 you you should be at least B2 okay so this was just a a very quick introduction uh and allow me to share my screen we have some tutors today we have Mr Amir we have Mr Muhammad KH and we have Miss I'm not sure if we have any other tutors today uh no but they will definitely watch this video uh because as you know it's it's recorded have you guys received the uh meeting agenda on on the WhatsApp group I sent it early today in the morning have you received it yes M okay how many how many points are we going to discuss today see point three are they three guys I think they are five no they are seven there are seven yeah and this is a very this is a very important uh tip as well please let's add it I'm taking notes and Mr Muhammad KH is taking notes as well so that we can have the meeting minutes we can send them to you here is a tip follow or check the WhatsApp group on a daily basis do you think it's important yes or no I'm not saying I'm not saying yeah I'm not saying check WhatsApp on a daily basis I'm saying check the WhatsApp group group the course group on a daily basis it's very important whenever you have you can pin the group by the way way you know this you can pin the group you can make it like on top of all messages or all chats okay yes and whenever you get an important message you can click on it and you can store it you can give it a store so that whenever you want to go and see all the important messages you can just go to the settings and choose start messages okay raise your hand when you have a comment or a question Miss Mara are you raising a hand for a comment or a question I just wanted to participate so I didn't know like uh should I interfere at once or should I raise a hand before I talk that's a good question that's a very good question sometimes when I ask quick questions I just need quick answers without having to raise a hand even it's if it's going to be noisy for for for some time but it's okay this is a technique called elicitation so so when I say for example guys have you received the meeting agenda on the group everybody can say yes you don't have to raise a hand to say yes yes and no yes if I say how many points are we going to discuss today you don't have to raise a hand to say seven you can just say seven so quick questions request quick answers this is called elicitation okay but some questions when you're going to talk for a while when you're going to answer an important question we need everybody to listen then I'm going to say please raise a hand and you guys know how to raise a hand on Zoom right can you show me now well done Mr Muhammad sh raise a hand guys on zoom digital digital hand yeah H how can you do this do do you have reactions uh down there on the task bar from reactions right or from more it's from more more it's a separate it's a separate icon or a separate button to to to raise hand this is very important guys because we shouldn't we shouldn't interrupt anyone okay when anyone is speaking they shouldn't be interrupted so this is a tip as well do not interrupt any anyone who is speaking if you have something to say or if you have a question you can just write it down you can put it in the chat box you can wait a little bit they might answer it or you can just put your hand up and the speaker or the tutor will give you the microphone okay the floor will be yours all right so these are the points we're going to discuss today uh I believe some of you know me some of you don't know me so we're I'm going to introduce myself very quickly using an activity gtk Y what does it stand for getting to know you yeah getting to know you have you guys read the uh did you have a look at the group profile the one the file that you enter your your country your city so I think when you have a look at this group profile you will get to know each other okay you'll see how many female candidates are here in the course you see how many people from from Egypt how many people from different countries how many people live uh uh abroad how many people live in Egypt so you should be able to get some information about your peers in the course because this is a journey of three months okay and we're having a month now so it's going to be like four months so you need to get to know each other of course uh you should be kind to everyone this is also a tip I will write it here be kind to everyone okay treat everyone uh nicely please do not talk to any of the uh teachers privately uh because this might cause some some problems especially if the teacher is a female teacher okay and you you go and send send a message privately to that female teacher maybe her husband will be angry who is this talking to you who is this sending you messages so be aware of this if you would like to discuss anything discuss it in the group unless the person is giving you a permission to send them a message privately but of course for men for men yes you can send a message at any time there is no offense it's it's always easy so uh getting to know each other we're going to check the course timetable and I prepared the task for you uh we're going to I'm going to walk you through Google Classroom to see the topics and the materials uh we're going to check your e portfolios on Google Drive we'll talk about the assignments and the teaching practices TS have you received today an important document about the assignments yes or no yes on the email yeah and it does everybody know his or her tutor now the tutor who will be marking the assignments yes or no yes okay I sent it in the WhatsApp group and I I also uploaded it to Google classroom and I'll be doing this thing like throughout the course okay send it on WhatsApp for quick access and upload it to Google class room for like for your reference whenever you want all right so let's begin uh how many of you uh know me already can you please raise a hand if you know me already Mr Muhammad Shan miss Mr KH Miss RAB Mr Muhammad husin don't worry if you don't know me I'm I'm not saying that everybody should know me no it's okay I'm just asking I just want to know how many people know me very well before this this course Mr Muhammad hassin is laughing okay laughter is good it's healthy okay thank you so I'm going to introduce myself now in a uh using an activity okay so that you can be more engaged and you can do something like this with your students uh or even with your with your peers in your TP TP lessons look at these three pictures what do they tell you about me you can just speak you don't have to raise a hand you can let's just discuss it countries you have uh trouble yes yes I lived I lived in these countries yes right all right that mean hello Mr s hello first how are you Mr how are you Mr muham I'm good I'm good alhamdulillah um U that means you you you live in Saudi Arabia I think right now yes I'm living in Saudi Arabia I've been here for uh 13 years yeah I came over to Saudi Arabia in 2011 and I lived three years in China from 2008 to 2011 and I speak some Chinese a little Chinese and what's the third country over there turkey turkey yeah I just visited turkey for six weeks when I was doing Delta module 2 in 2019 that was 5 years ago and originally I'm from Egypt I was born in Egypt and I was raised up in Egypt okay let's move on look at these three numbers what do these numbers tell you about me look at the first one two Del module two no okay you have two no man come on my wife will watch this video by the way she's a tutor in the course don't say your name H okay you have two uh two children or yes I have two children uh my son's name is mmin he's he was in grade seven and my daughter's name is R she was in grade four yeah and uh look at the second one 1984 birday [Music] yeah date of birth so you can you can barely guess how old I am right 40 yes 40 years old I'm 40 years old I believe some of you are older than me and uh some of you are younger than me and it's not it's not a problem when it comes to learning because we can all learn from each other right do you agree yes of course thank you yeah it's okay to learn from someone who is younger than you it's it's even okay to learn from children yeah uh 16 16 years yeah yeah yeah yeah I think you live in Saudi Arabia no 13 only 13 in Saudi Arabia all right 16 years of experience years of experience I I graduated in 2005 so I have like 19 years of experience yeah maybe 16 certificates no teach no it's it's a it's a 16 years of marriage like I've been married for 16 years okay I got married when I was 24 I got married in China not in Egypt and uh my wife is Dr W the one who is gonna be with you in the course she's going to give an input session on Saturday and I'm going to give an input session on Monday she's my wife so uh uh we've been married for 16 years and uh we had the engagement in Egypt five five days before I traveled to China and then five months after I traveled to China she came over to China okay and it was like peculiar it was something strange okay to to happen but I had to because at that time I didn't have any apartments in Egypt I didn't have that much money you know so it was just a good thing for me to do it great a thank you okay look at this one look at these places these logos yeah what do they tell you about me I think now you are working as a lecturer in uh this University I work yes I work as a teacher uh at King Saud University I've been working there for a year now I teach English for academic purposes to the Comon first year students yeah um yeah okay look at the second one British Council Saudi Arab you working as an examiner for bridge Council um do you guys do you think guys I cannot I cannot say that Frankly Speaking but yes I work for the British Council here in Saudi Arabia as an examiner I'm not gonna say more information about it I can't say more information right I've been working as an examiner at the British Council here in Saudi Arabia for uh almost three years okay and uh look at the third one one Cambridge assessment English certificates I think no tutor you work as selta tutor yes I became a selta tutor last year this year I believe I didn't want to become a selta tutor when I first got the delta in 2020 I delayed I delayed the uh the step so I I became a selta tutor uh this year at Cambridge assessment English I've been working as a tefel tutor for uh 3 years this is course round number four we did this course three times before I was doing it like only once a year because I didn't have that much time to do it like every like twice a year or three times a year okay the final thing these two certificates Delta the first one is the Delta Del I started the delta in 2008 uh sorry 2018 and I finished in 2020 so how long did it take me great journey thank you I was like torturing how many years did it take me to finish the Delta the three modules two years yes two years as slate I left everything behind just to finish it so don't worry if the course is just three months it's just fine okay I did two years so can you imagine you stop your life for two years to get this certificate yeah but we just start our journey yeah and it's okay if you started late I started my professional development journey in 2018 I graduated in 2005 and I graduated again in 2007 um I graduated two times I have two bachelor's degrees education and arts yes yeah but I didn't do professional development for like um like 13 years I started professional development only in 2018 with the Delta I finished in 2020 and then I did my Master's Degree uh I got my master's degree in 2013 last year from the University of Sunderland in the UK okay so uh okay do you have any questions for me you have five seconds to ask me any questions about myself if you don't have any questions we're going to move move on what is the most difficult thing that you have faced while you're Journey the Delta yes Delta more difficult than your ma degree yeah it was more more challenging than the ma I got I got a distinction in the ma program alhamdulillah was the highest grade but the the Delta was the the most challenging and demanding one the Delta is the Delta you know you cannot compare it to anything yes Mr mm may I take five minutes and come back again please sure sure no problem it's gonna it's recorded anyways so you can go back and watch it at at your convenience okay thank you very much everyone what's the second point in the in the agenda yeah you can go back to the agenda in the group first time table Yeah first timeline no not timeline it's time table course Tim table yeah yeah have you have you checked the course timable did you have a look at it yeah uh okay I believe I believe some of you didn't have an opportunity to check the course timetable so I have a task for you now it's an interesting task I believe you will love it check the WhatsApp group please what can you see I printed as a time table later this is the yeah this is the course our course Tim table okay yeah and and here is a task is a task wait I will send you a task in a in a couple of minutes allow me to share the task first before I share it in the group okay okay I believe you can see my uh my screen now hand out one timetable familiarization right you need to be familiar with the course timetable yes or no yes of course of course yeah so I have 10 questions for you I want you to read them now and look at the course timetable which is sent in the group when you're done raise your hand 24 session yeah you don't have to answer now just write down write down the answers you don't even have to type anything in the chat box just write down the answers on a piece of paper e e e e e guys ra could you raise your hand when you're done e good good three people sh for for is it a challenging task oh finish finished okay uh I should send you to the breakout rooms now to discuss but because it's recorded you know and I don't want to make it long so we will just uh check the answers here how many input sessions are there 25 17 I think yeah 17 17 input sessions okay yeah how many input tutors are there in the course uh two only only two input tutors yeah we are we are six tutors in the course two input tutors myself and my wife and four TP tutors okay Miss Miss Dina uh miss Nine and Mr am and we have Mr Muhammad KH he is like he's a trainer but he is not gonna have any like uh candidates in this course uh what are the course days and timings Saturday Monday and Monday Saturdays and Mondays Monday I'll be with you on Mondays and Dr W will be with you on Saturdays and there are I don't want to answer the other questions but these are the days how about the timings 9900 p.m. 900 p.m. Saudi Arab 9 and Egypt time I think are they going to change the timing in Egypt soon no there is no change in the time zone no change in Egypt what what time is it now in Egypt Arabia is 9:45 41 841 oh in Egypt they're the same doctor the same 94 9:45 okay are they are they going to change it in Egypt soon in Egypt in in October uh next October oh August September October so we will be about to finish the course okay inshah at this time at this time we will stick to Egypt Egypt timing because it will be early in Egypt so people might have some work so we will make it like 9 in Egypt okay the time is the same as in Saudi Arabia in Egypt isab now no but later they will change it okay how many assignments are there for the cpdt C candidates five yeah you can just just elicitation you don't have to okay and how about wcl Minister College London four yeah so the assignments are 2 4 6 7 10 these are the numbers of the assignments all of you have all of them CPD Tel have this one seven so te te candidates will not be doing assignment seven how many weeks are there for the TPS four weeks only three three weeks three weeks yeah three can you check that they will have a different number turquaz they have a different uh color sorry do you see see them week number six I think uh what else H 10th week yeah 10 and the 12 during during these weeks you will not see me you will not see Dr you will be with the other tutors and you will be divided into TP groups every every six candidates will be with a tutor in tp1 and then in tp2 you will be with another tutor and in tp3 you will be with a third tutor so throughout the course you will have the opportunity to meet three different tutors okay what's the focus of tp1 I have a question yeah uh on the 2nd of September I didn't get what will we do is that will be a TP or preparation for the TP okay allow me to check the timetable please which one the 2nd of September you will meet with your with your tutor every six candidates will meet with the tutor uh to prepare for tp1 yeah so they'll explain what is tp1 and and then we'll prepare it and then uh next week we present so so the 7th and the 9th that's for presentation right yes the 2nd of September will be a meeting with your tutor every six candidates will be meeting with the tutor to discuss tp1 and uh uh 7 September and 9 September you will be teaching you will be teaching each other don't worry you will not be teaching real students you will be teaching each other micro teaching so tp1 is about what what's the focus of tp1 grammar and vocabulary grammar or vocabulary so you will have to teach grammar it's one yeah or a vocabulary lessons just one you're going to teach two and what's the focus of tp2 uh receptive skills yeah listening or or or reading you choose one you're not gonna teach reading or listening and reading no you're going to teach listening or reading and tp3 speaking or writing yes speaking or writing you choose one so by the end of the course you will have taught what a grammar lesson or a vocabulary lesson a listening lesson or a reading lesson a writing lesson or a speaking lesson this way you will be uh uh you will have the opportunity to teach a system lesson a receptive skill lesson and a productive skill lesson and each TP will be with the with a different tutor so that you can like learn more from different people are the input sessions uh are the input sessions during the TP weeks these weeks yes no no no no I told you during the the TP weeks week six week 10 week 12 you will not see me you will not see Dr you will be just no input sessions no input yeah no input s yeah you have 17 input sessions in the other weeks but you don't have any sessions in week six or 10 or 12 you will be just meeting with your tutor on Saturday three people will be teaching Monday three other people will be teaching and the others will be observing uh should you finish the assignments before the course starts yeah I think yeah yeah this is an an offer like this is an offer choice right yeah we usually uh finish the assignments during the course but because this is a summer vacation we want to exploit it we want to make the best use of it so you can finish your assignments in July and get your certificate before you start the course if you would like to apply for a job or so but usually usually we finish the assignments during the course unless we have like a month before the course to finish the assignment so you're I think you're lucky to have this option in this course okay the final question what's the duration of the course how many weeks three months three months it's three months okay we're not counting this month okay it's just for the assignments and how many weeks to be very specific 12 12 weeks plus plus the farewell session the session that we're going to me to say goodbye to to each and every one of you okay okay you have any comments or questions about the timetable I think you're more familiar now and if you if you're not 100% familiar with it you can just go back and check it whenever you want and if you have any questions you can just ask uh your Tutors or ask me of course these are the answers okay what's the third point in the agenda today Google Classroom so allow me to take you to uh walk you through Google Classroom now all of you joined Google Classroom already I think you can see it now you're here those are the people 25 people because we have a we have a candidate from the previous course round Miss wa but you are 24 okay all the names are here and the tutors are here and this is class work this is the most important tab uh the first topic is course handbook and timetable I believe all of you checked the course handbook right before registration yes yeah you're familiar you know everything about the course from the handbook if you're not familiar with that please go back and read it and if you have have any question please ask me so this is the course handbook this is the course timetable and this is the group profile okay and these are your portfolios I want someone to share the screen now and click on the link here who's using a computer now and who has this uh Google Classroom tab open who who can help us with this I want someone to share the screen to share Google classroom I want to check something anybody can help yes Mr okay Miss Bush do you have Google Classroom open on your computer computer no but on my phone yes uh I have it open Mister if you can who's sharing now Mr Muhammad Shan okay so let's let's just uh thank you very much Miss Bushra yeah I really want you guys to use a laptop or computer when you join the course maybe for input sessions as I said and this is a this is a tip I will put it here use a computer or a laptop during the course maybe when you're joining input sessions you can use your phone it's okay but if you're doing TPS if you're writing assignments please use a laptop or a computer okay Mr Muhammad can you click on uh the the drive folder the link yeah please okay I need to change I need to change something here because I don't want you to see the other people's portfolio does anybody know how to do this I will I will try to figure it out out of confidentiality okay we you shouldn't be able to see the other people's portfolios you should only see your portfolio when you click uh on this link okay anyways thank you very much Mr Muhammad I will try to figure it out and if you guys can help with this you can just send me a message tell me how to do this how to share like uh each folder with only one one candidate okay we can to view our portfolio to only the two or only uh the the teachers we can sh we can limit the access yeah I shared the portfolios with the tutors and with the candidate but I don't know why you still see all the portfolios yeah I will I will try to figure it out anyways here we have the assignments CPD Tel assignments and West Minister College London Teel assignments and how to do the assignments this is a very important question you have you have uh two things to help you do the assignments number one is my huh which is video my video my videos you watch my video carefully then you should be able to understand the assignment okay and you should be able to do it uh accurately you will find the videos here how many videos are there up till now two only two only two yeah yeah I recorded the videos before but I wanted to create like updated videos for you so I created only two still need to create three for cpdt sub candidates and two for uh westmin College London tea those videos will be uploaded maybe within this week or maximum next week before you finish assignment 2 and4 okay yeah you took about unit two grammar and vocab abary two videos about understand understanding English grammar and teaching English vocabulary I'll be finishing the other three uh assignments very soon uh you also have some units yeah so before you do the uh the the understanding uh English grammar assignment you can read theit about grammar okay you can read it you can just read it if you don't want to read it that's fine you can do the assignment without reading the unit that's okay but do read the unit to give you some insights on how to do the assignment but it's not a must okay okay and here are the assignments for CPD Tel and these are the assignments for Westminster College London Teel don't fall into the Trap don't make this big mistake if you are a t candidate do not download the Teel assignments and if you're a te if you're a tiil candidate do not download the tel assignments and someone might say but they are the same yes the content and the questions are the same but the header is different did you see the header yes next to the logo the header is different 150 hour 154 tessel regardless of the hours okay uh the Teel is saying te and the tel is saying so yeah so please don't mix them up okay follow my instructions carefully when you watch uh the tutorial videos about how to do the assignments and here is a very important tip for you guys because some people sent me messages they say when I want to download the assignment okay or the assignments I I get them in a PDF format what's the problem no you uh you you cleared out this u in the previous video and I downloaded it and I uploaded it on Google Drive and by the way by the way guys can I send the assignments in word on the WhatsApp group is it easy for me to do this or is it difficult I think easy it's very easy for me it's very easy to send the five assignments on the group and the four assignments in the group but I don't want to you know spoon feed you I don't want to do everything for you anything that you can do we will not be doing we will help you okay but if you can do something why do I do it okay so very simple yeah just click on view material and I'm going to say it again here view material then click on the assignment that you want to download and then you can see it now okay if you download it now it will be a PDF file you cannot edit it poins yeah and if you change the format using uh any website or any application the the the format will change and the logo will go there and you know the color and it will be a big problem you will have to repeat all the assignments please don't do this go to the three dots here next to the uh printer opening a new window yes open a new window yes and just download you will have it as a Word document go to printer again don't use the printer icon use the arrow to download yes and it will be there in second okay after you answer upload it on the yes yeah we will talk about this when it comes to the assignments I'm just now walking you through uh uh Google classroom but we will talk about the assignments in in in a way okay so back to Google Classroom now yes so after the assignments we have El Library how many books are there 29 yes around 29 books if you click this link you will find a folder about vocabulary a folder about pronunciation folder about grammar about listening Reading Writing speaking you will find the folder about every system and every skill inside the folder there is a book or a couple of books or three books yeah do you have listen to this question guys do you have to read all these books no just reference someone was asking me you cannot in my in my ma uh program I used more than 50 reference books 50 have I read all of them no you just look for the information you want and just make it a reference yes you just want something about the present simple tense so you will go open the grammar book look for the present simple tense get the piece of information and put the reference that's it you don't have to read the whole book you don't have to read the two or three books over there so this is an El library for you to help you in the course after that these are the input sessions but they are not posted now they are not published after i' after Dr W finish her session on Saturday she's going to to post it after I finish my session on Monday I'm going to post it and so on until you have the 17 input sessions do you see them all yeah yeah after that we have uh tp1 tp2 and tp3 and as we said tp1 you will be doing either AAR lesson or a vocabulary lesson will you be doing both grammar and vocabulary no no you will uh you will not even choose in tp1 and tp2 you will not Choose You Will you will be assigned a grammar lesson or a vocabulary lesson tp2 you will be assigned a listening lesson or a reading lesson but tp3 you can choose writing or speaking why why tb3 I have to because because we will be at towards the end of the course and we will want to give you like more freedom to choose what you want to do to become like independent yeah okay so uh this is for this is for the TP uh lessons we have only three TP lessons and as I said are you going to be teaching real students or are you going to be teaching your peers oh PE your peers so if you're teaching on on Saturday five people will be students and the tutor will be observing if you're teaching on Monday five people will be students will be acting as students and the tutor will be there observing okay and here you will be having uh the other course units because I I posted only five units or four units we have 11 units in the course so I'll be posting this one so that you can read more units uh as you go in the course this is point number three Google Classroom do you have any comment or question got it okay Point number four is huh can you go back to the uh course agenda are you raising hands mrad Mr Muhammad do you have any comments or questions or this is from before no no no no thank you all right you're welcome uh Point number four is portfolios every one of you has got a portfolio on Google Drive Mr Muhammad Shan can you share your screen again and click on portfolios and open your your folder the folder that has your name mam can you hear me one minute please yeah sure if you can't we can see someone else no problem because you just shared it so uh can anybody else share but you have to be using a laptop or a computer M are you using a laptop oh okay Mr Muhammad shared the last moment Okay click on the link go to your portfolio the folder has your name okay I will try to remove all the other folders but if I can't then you can just you know just click on your folder find your name Mr Muhammad yes click on it please you please wait please wait Mr Muhammad inside your uh portol you folder you have two folders two subfolders assignments yeah one for the assignments and one for the TPS how many how many folders subfolders are there in the assignments folder Mr Muhammad is Tel is Tel that's why he has five assignments A2 A2 stands for assignment two A4 assignment 4 A6 assignment 6 A7 assignment 7 A10 assignment 10 this is the correct abbreviation please don't use any other abbreviations for the word assignment please go back Mr Muhammad to the TP TP folder you can just go back using the arrow over there on the left yes TPS how many folders are here guys this is not an but I just want to three because we only have three TPS in the course so when you plan tp1 lesson grammar or vocabulary you should upload your PowerPoint and your lesson plan and your reflection after the list everything all the materials everything should be uploaded in this folder so that your tutor can find it easily okay don't send the materials to the tutor on WhatsApp they cannot check that yes you upload okay your materials to Google Drive in your folder okay so tp3 what will what will we be uploading uh in in tp3 folder subfolder huh writing or speaking Liston right and that that will be in week 12 not now okay can you go back Mr Muhammad okay Mr Muhammad have you finished assignment to click assignments okay yeah two double click please yeah assignment two have you finished assignment to Mr Muhammad I didn't I don't I didn't okay let's say let's say you finished assignment to okay how can you upload it to Google Drive go to new please on the left new file upload not new folder file upload okay choose the assignment from your computer choose choose choose anything now okay yeah yeah choose it okay then open or double click you can just upload it then the assignment will be there thism dismiss dismiss this is like this is a problem your drive like you need to free some space okay guys so the assignment will be there this is not the assignment but this is just an example now you can delete it please Mr Muhammad go to the three dots and delete move to bin move to bin yes okay guys okay so this is about your portfolios how you should be dealing with your portfolio Okay and uh this will make the tutor lives easier okay they will just go click on the the folder find everything over there they don't have to chase you they don't have to ask you to send the materials or the assignment on WhatsApp or email everything will be will be there on Google Drive thank you very much Mr Muhammad can you stop sharing now guys now do you have any uh questions about portfolios or assignments or TPS I'm not going to talk about the TPS now okay because it's still the first TP will be on week what do you remember six I think week six week six yeah the first TP will be on week six uh and that will be in September okay so we we're not going to talk about the TPS now we don't want you to be overwhelmed uh when it comes to the TPS your tutors will tell you everything you will have a meeting okay on Monday the week before the first TP so the teachers will tell you everything and you will have the TP points you will have the TP lessons and the course books and the materials and everything so we're not going to like overwhelm you now talking about the TP lessons and what we will be doing and so on okay do you have any questions about the assignments citation yes citation yes please could you please guys raise hands if you have any questions Miss please uh yes um we we're divided to four groups I think so the assignments the feedback for the assignments will be from the Tutors or from your side from the tutors not from me good and if we have feedback we can go back and edit the assignments or just one CH that's a very good question okay allow me to share something with you now okay very good question okay this is the file I shared with you today the assignment the assignment groups we have TP groups and assignment to groups the assignments the assignment to groups will remain the same until the end of the course we will not change you we don't want to confuse you so those people who are assigned to be with Miss s will be with her till the end of the course until they finish the assignments you will not we will not rotate you we will not change the tutor in the assignments those people will will be with Miss Dina they will be with her until the end of the course until they finish the assignments those people who are with Miss nmin will be with her until the end of the course and those people who are with Mr Amir will be with him until the end of the course so don't worry about changing tutors now you know your tutor okay when you upload the assignment to Google Drive send the message to the tutor okay hello Miss S I uploaded my assign them to to the drive thank you that's it if if you even don't send the message that's fine the tutors will still check the portfolios according to the due dates so don't worry if you don't want to send the message if you don't want to disturb the tutor the tutors will be checking uh according to the due dates here we have due dates and we have late submissions two or three days after the due date so if you're late if you cannot submit before uh the 13th of July you have time to submit before the 16th of July so that's fine by the end of July we should have finished okay all the assignments and we should be able to get your certificates and these are some tips and uh instructions to do the assignments allow me mred to finish this and then if you have have any question you can ask me okay how can I get my feedback on my assignment I uploaded it and U okay how can I know you will find the assignment in the same folder you upload it should I go back to the file of course so you upload assignment two in assign in A2 folder yes okay after some time you will find the assignment in the same place marked and the assignment can be either a p pass or what um pass or sub resubmission resubmission and it's okay it's very okay to get a resubmission don't cry don't argue why you give me a resubmission no no pass is okay if it's a pass the tutor will put the word pass on the assignment okay and then you will go back you click on it you see pass alhamdulillah then you move you keep moving if you find the resubmission you will find some comments in the margin in the margin of the assignment on the left on the right you just need to work according to the comments fix the assignment okay edit it fix the issues and submit it again when you submit it again the tutor will look at the the comments they gave they will not look at the whole assignment again they will just look at okay I give mrad or mrad will be with uh Miss Dena okay so miss Dina gave Mr Imad two comments on assignment to and a resubmission when she goes back to check she's not going to check the whole assignment so please don't change anything that shouldn't be changed just fix the two comments she will check okay this comment is fixed this comment is fixed [Music] pass okay and make sure you read all these instructions before you start your assignments and make sure you watch my videos as well miss uh Miss Mara uh yeah it's clear now um I have another question I I haven't watched the videos actually but I wanted know how the citation will be should I just mention the book or should I do like MLA CIT specification you need to go back you need to go back and watch okay this is mentioned there is there is a short video about in text citation and bibliography but I can but I can give you I can show you an example now if you want guys we're almost done but if you want I can show you an example now would you like to see an example yes sure sure yeah mister yeah okay but I will I will show you an example from my ma uh dissertation not from the Teel course because up till this moment I don't have a perfect like example of the assignments they just you know they were just good examples but not perfect but I will show you my dissertation now but you need to watch the videos Miss Mara have you have you done any assignments so far no I haven't but I just wanted to double check that the the way or how this is a very important question by the way so I I love your questions today look guys this was my dissertation my ma dissertation I would just go straightforward to uh to citation okay look at this one yeah if you're going to paraphrase if you're going to paraphrase let me make it bigger okay if you're going to paraphrase the quotation then you can mention the name of the author like this and then between brackets you can put the year column and this what's this the number of page number page number yes and what's this the time of publishing yeah the year publication publish year yeah the year of publication and this is the author's name you don't have to put the book's title book name you don't have to put it okay this is if you're going to do uh paraphrasing M uh 20128 conclusions about teachers attitudes blah blah blah so this is the author's name this is the year of publication and this is the page number if you're going to do it like direct quotation allow me to find uh direct quotation now for you H look at this one this is a direct quotation do you see the inverted commas yes okay so whenever you have inverted commas this is direct quotation okay and when we have a direct quotation you you put the name of the author between the brackets do you see this CR then comma not column no comma then 2009 then I should have put the page number here colon put a colum and then space and then the page number is this Harford style Mister sorry is this Harvard style citation yeah yeah yeah this is Harvard style I was doing it Harvard style yeah okay good that you I've learned I've learned to do the MLA at at University so that's what I'm familiar with do it the way like the way you like yeah yeah there is no problem you do it any style you like no problem okay the most important thing this is called what what I said just now is called what inext citation in text citation you put the author's name the year of publication and the page number the author's name could be outside the brackets if it's indirect quotation and if it's direct quotation put it inside the brackets okay uh and at the end of the assignment you should uh and if it's a website you just put the website's name between brackets okay and this is called inext citation how about bibliography or referencing or references look at this I'm trying to get the references of the uh dissertation oh now you see the references now right yeah they should be uh ordered alphabetically and by the way there is a video on this okay I'm just answering the question now but if you go back to the list of the uh assign the videos on the assignments there is a video the second video is about inext citation and references so please watch it this is just a quick like explanation they should be uh in an alphabetical order okay A B C D and it's very easy to do this you can just select there is another video I will upload it I will upload it don't want to explain it now I don't want to confuse you so when you write the full reference it should be like what alphabetically order yeah but there is a a specific format look I want to get like an easy one for you yeah look guys look at this one yeah the name of the publisher first yes the author's name author in the year look at this one this is the author's name you start with the surname then th name and then the first name the initial of the first name yes so and the the year of application yeah yeah so this is this is the surname you put it like full and then you put a comma and then you put the the initial the first letter of the first name then you put a full stop then between brackets you put what the year of publish application you have you have it on the book by the way you don't have to like invent it and then you put a full stop and then you put what the name of book the name of the book idle [Music] Edition and if it's Third Edition second edition fifth edition you put it between okay and then after that you put what the name of uh the university the publisher the publisher yeah Cambridge University press Oxford University press Belmont whatever so this is the way the place of publishment or something sorry do we put the place where it's published uh the publisher the publisher is enough okay yeah if you would like to add something after the publisher you can add the page or the page numbers like this yeah do you see this yeah yeah you can put the page number if you don't want to put the page number like this that's okay that's also fine you don't have to worry a lot it's not a master's uh or a PhD thesis it's just you know an assignment in a course so don't take it so hard okay back to the uh back to the agenda if you still have any comments or any questions we said we're going to talk about the TPS uh later in the course maybe in week six or week five aob what does it stand for aob when you have a meeting a business meeting they put they usually put a o what does it stand for does anybody know any other business I will send you a reference for that Mr mm sah there is like too much noise in the background thank you I muted you thank you uh any [Music] good evening everyone are how are you nice to meet you and I am so sorry for being lit it's okay this session is recorded but uh uh the input sessions will not be recorded so you have to be there on time okay thank you yeah but don't worry about this one it's recorded because uh Tuesday is not one of the day one of the course days so uh I recorded the session and it's also Al very important for you to go back and check every now and then so don't worry yeah thank you very much for that thank you very much Victor you're welcome do you guys have any questions now I didn't see the messages in the chat so if you have any questions please raise your hand yes Mr Muhammad um okay uh regarding the assignments uploading the assignments uh when I when I I I upload my assignment will it be visible to others on um on Google to to others yeah yeah it's it's all the folders are uh visible to everyone and I will try to fix this issue as soon as I can all right yeah it should be only visible to you like your folder should be only visible to you no one else should be able to see the other folders for confidentiality you know yeah okay yeah I would try I'll try to uh try to figure it out and fix this issue yes mrad please yes is there a WhatsApp group for every group for our tutors it will be assment it will be no no assignments no if you have if you have any question about the assignments just put it in the WhatsApp group and anybody can help your tutor myself anybody there's no ability to send on the group of uh te and Tel now you can send in the group why not the chat group we have yeah yeah this group is for chat like what whatever question you have just put it there okay this is not a formal this is not a formal group it's just there for you know for chatting asking questions sending reminders and so on the course platform is Google classroom okay but but for the TP for the TP lessons tp1 tp2 tp3 you will have WhatsApp groups so tp1 your tutor will create a group and they will invite you to join the group you will be only six people with one tutor yes so you will be divided into four WhatsApp groups in tp1 then tp2 they will swab the tutor will leave the group and the other tutor will join you will stay this in the same group okay yeah so during the TP lessons you will remain in the same groups but the tutors will leave so let's say for example in tp1 you are with Mr Amir yeah tp1 is done Mr Amir is going to say goodbye guys good luck with your new tutor good luck with your tp2 and he's going to leave and he's going to join another group for tp2 yeah yeah thank you you're welcome any other questions guys I'm here to help you if you have any other questions if you don't have any questions now feel free to reach out to me on Whatsapp privately or in the group Mr mahm Ramy please yes and Au the is it a problem when I write a full name of the author uh in in text citation the the surname of the author not the full name yeah only the surname of the author thank you you're welcome the surname the year of publication and the page number in text citation between brackets if it's a direct quotation if it's indirect put the name outside and put the year and the page between brackets and there is a video on this you need to watch it okay yeah in the references yes you put everything the author's name the year of publication the the the the TI of the book The Edition and the publisher and maybe you can put the page numbers as well and if it's a website what do we do guys if it's a website the people who watched assignment to video just take the link and to put it in after the yes take the link put it because you have books and websites in each assignment under the assignment yes you the link yeah allow me just to finish this idea Mr if can I just finish this point uh yes I have another question please okay if the author persons should I write the two persons or one one only two two two person yes harmer and scrier yeah uh if it's a link guys copy the link and paste it in your assignments and the references and after you put the link okay make sure it's clickable okay leave a space after it and between brackets what should we put when I the date when I visited the website very good Miss B the date when you visited this website the date if you visited this website on 79 2024 yes okay put it why because your tutor might check the link if the link is no longer working no longer available then you can say I checked the link on the 7th of July or the 9th of July it was working for me then it's fine okay okay I'm done I still see Miss Mara and Miss H still raising hands yes please miss uh I've tried something with the access of the assignments on Google Classroom can anyone check my portfolio I have I've uploaded something uh On Assignment to file yeah of course I need I need you to uh it's it's it's seen for the for the teachers but I need any of anyone from the students to check if it's visible or not it's visible it's still visible all the folder all the portfolios are visible to I know no not my portfolio the things inside the portfolio I can I can manage to limit the access of the files inside the portfolio and that's what's important I think okay can guys can anyone from the students check assignment somebody can check here for me yes I can see it's it's just a a random file I yeah for me I can see it I'm not sure about the students but maybe they can as long as they they mamad chan may you check or anyone uh is it is it I can see it as long as as long it didn't work it didn't I just tried something with the aess a iile called the combine answers right as long as they can see the folders they can see what's they see the the content yeah so I will try I will try to figure this out and fix this issue because I don't want everybody to see everybody's work out of privacy out of security out of confidentiality I will try to fix it in yes Miss H can you you have a question yes yes please if I don't have a laptop or a computer uh and can I delay my assignments to another day and upload them all of them that's one time yeah no problem but but this will take time to to be marked by the tutors like if you if you give your tutor for example the four assignments or the five assignments at once they will take time to be marked and if you have resubmission they would take time to be resubmitted and fixed yeah but but but there is something uh you have to use a laptop or a computer when you do the TPS you cannot teach using a phone you can't so are you planning to have a laptop when you're doing the TP lessons Miss H week six week 10 and week 12 in yeah yeah because you cannot teach using a phone maybe you some people can but it's gonna be it's gonna be very hard very difficult not even not just for you even for for the candidates the the students so yes input sessions you can use your phone assignments TPS please use a laptop or a computer Mr uh do you have more questions Miss H uh Mr Muhammad Shaban is asking about how can I contact with my tutor okay we will we will introduce the tutors to you very soon on the group we will introduce them to you don't worry okay yeah Mr Muhammad is asking about the deadlines of the assignments I think uh I was I was displaying this uh 10 minutes ago Mr Muhammad do you see my screen yes yes this these are the deadlines in blue if you miss the deadline that's not a big deal you still have two or three days to submit yes okay because we need to finish in July if someone is not in a hurry okay if someone is is not in a hurry they don't want to get the certificate now they want to finish maybe by the end of September or October that's fine you can do the assignments whenever you want but if you want your certificate as soon as you can please stick to the deadlines we're going to upload like uh at least we need to upload like 10 to 12 uh portfolios to get the certificates we cannot just upload one portfolio or two portfolios we need to have like a a package of like you know at least 10 so the first 10 will finish the uh the assignments will be uploaded to Westminster College London and we will get the certificates insh but it is according to the uh due dates yeah of course we will not upload any portfolios before the end of July don't worri okay yeah yeah yeah okay thank you someone someone might finish the all the assignments like in three days I know some people talk to me today they finished the assignment too they finished it I hope so yeah we need to be one of them yeah yeah hopefully uh mrad do you have more questions any more question is it is it okay if I use just one book as a reference when I answer yeah grammar yeah yeah yeah one reference is fine but but a good assignment should have a variety of references okay but yeah the book uh has a lot of um has what I want okay fine one book two websites that's fine okay thank you you're welcome Miss Bushra uh yes doctor I was going to ask the same thing that my colleague was asking and another thing yeah uh away from the course can you please uh correct us with your name like is it Mr s or S I see people by the way if you if you check my WhatsApp number before you save my name you will see Rashad and in Arabic rash because many people just called me say Rashid you know yeah but good that you but good that you did ask this question question so that everybody knows now now you know thank you Mr s thank you you're wel you're welcome okay uh I believe the people who will be watching this uh session recording should have some questions if they have any questions they should send me a message privately or even send it on the WhatsApp group now you have any comments guys do you want to say anything Mr Amir Miss s the tutors we only got two tutors today uh Mr Muhammad KH is here as well so if you guys want to say anything to the candidates you can uh you can have a minute if you want okay thank you very much we will have I will have a meeting uh yeah thank you very much I'll have a meeting with the tutors uh on Thursday okay uh we will agree on everything and uh you're in safe hands guys don't worry about anything will'll be helping you uh all the way long all right and the first input session will be on uh I can't remember the day but it will be in August okay the first Saturday in August it will be with me or with Dr W Dr Dr with her and I'll be giving you my input session on Mondays always on Mondays all right thank you very much do you have any comments any questions before we leave thank you Doctor everything is clear thank you very much I would like to thank you doctor about your insightful and constructive um Zoom meeting thank you very much thank you very much I'm I'm I'm just trying my level best you know and we guys in this journey guys we all learn from each other I learn from you you learn from me you learn from the tutors the te learn from you we're all teachers by the end of the day okay but we're just in the course we're just you know we're just there to help you we're not better than you we're just there to help you one day you can be who knows you can be a te tutor you can be a Sela tutor be a teacher trainer who knows so we all learn from each other um just do your best okay if you need any help never hesitate to ask questions thank you so much thank you all right goodbye thank you bye-bye