Understanding Qualitative Research Methods

Sep 24, 2024

Overview of Qualitative Research Methods

Purpose of Research

  • Definition: Organized, systematic approach to answer questions about observations and experiences.
  • Objective: Gather and interpret information to understand, theorize, or explain experiences.

Distinctive Features of Qualitative Research

  • Focus: Generating meaning and understanding through rich description.
  • Applicability: Useful for studying educational problems and complex social environments.
  • Difference from Quantitative Research: Different problems, philosophical views, goals, and methods.

Comparison with Quantitative Research

  • Focus:
    • Qualitative: Quality of experience, understanding human experience.
    • Quantitative: Measurable factors (how much, how many, how frequently).
  • Philosophical Roots:
    • Qualitative: Subjective human experience, constructivism/interpretivism.
    • Quantitative: Positivism, objective reality.
  • Goals:
    • Qualitative: Understand, describe, discover meaning, generate hypotheses or theories.
    • Quantitative: Predict, control, confirm, test hypotheses.
  • Design Characteristics:
    • Qualitative: Flexible, evolving, emergent.
    • Quantitative: Structured, predetermined.

Data Collection

  • Qualitative: Researcher as primary instrument, using interviews, focus groups, observations, and documents.
  • Quantitative: External instruments like tests and surveys.

Process of Qualitative Research

  1. Exploration: Identify patterns, themes, hunches.
  2. Description: Heart of qualitative research, convey detailed information.
  3. Interpretation: Make sense, understand phenomena.


  • Case Studies: In-depth exploration of programs, events, individuals.
  • Grounded Theory: Develop theory based on participant views.
  • Ethnography: Study cultural groups in natural settings.
  • Phenomenology: Identify essence of human experiences.
  • Narrative Approaches: Study life stories and experiences.

Data Analysis

  • Steps:
    1. Prepare and organize data.
    2. Reduce data by identifying themes.
    3. Present data in narrative, tables, or diagrams.
  • Validity:
    • Use credible data and interpretations (terms: validity, trustworthiness, validation).
    • Strategies include prolonged engagement, rich descriptions, triangulation, member checking, peer debriefing, etc.

Considerations for Choosing Qualitative Research

  • Investigate human experiences not quantifiable in numbers.
  • Immerse in the environment to study phenomena.
  • Aim for interpretation and holistic view, not comparison or quantification.

Steps to Begin a Qualitative Study

  1. Review existing research and methodologies.
  2. Study literature on qualitative research methods.
  3. Complete self-paced tutorials on methodologies and techniques.
  4. Conduct a literature review for specific methodologies.

Application in Educational and Social Change

  • Qualitative research is a powerful tool for understanding personal perceptions and experiences.
  • Can be used effectively in social change projects, such as student capstones at Walden University.