Transcript for:
Digital Logic Families

oh all right so I'm ready to import the lecture 251 about our lecture 251 or 250 Twitter um foreign foreign like the North Gate detector detector nor gate sorry it hurts abstraction peace abstract essence uh Electronics Electronics family okay identify call me so foreign foreign devices foreign [Music] bipolar logic family logic family so unipolar or bipolar the unipolars are bipolarships foreign family okay so saturated unsaturated difference a particular state with a saturated state is saturation foreign mosfets mosfet buffets Etc my name is logic family we must logic family in Moss logic family that for a CMOS logic family so that is foreign transistor logic but it is short formula RTL R for register t for transistor L4 logic diode transistor logic editable what's a dtl or foreign direct couple transistor Logistics integrated injection logic and i i l Etc hydration logic without htl and finally transistor transistorology okay htl dtl um dtl htl or TTL hata um logic then with that couple logic is a basic outline from digital logic families action foreign foreign foreign say another 100 kilo ohms so um foreign ground [Music] basic money designs do not remember shortcuts without the so um understand foreign foreign 0.25 kilo ohms I mean constant voltage drop model 100 questions same um 0 are finally um [Music] foreign we understood as initials um zero volt ever again to three four two three numbers multiply columns it is knowledge about digital logic yes one okay foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign questions and T2 are modified open circuit money today it is foreign [Music] 0 volt air foreign foreign addicted out that is ideal diodes foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you to allow Ed voltage is simple analysis D1 analysis foreign system S one and only technique that's the first problem is foreign 0.7 V2 minus 5 today 5 volt divided by zero point two five kilo ohms foreign um two eight nine three folded output voltage 4.2896 .28 93 voltage um for case three actually switch course so um Four Points two eight nine 50 volt age so it is foreign foreign [Music] Valley City today v0 plus 0.7 V 0 node analysis [Music] zero zero divided by 100K Plus foreign plus 0.7 Plus [Music] minus pi divided by 0.25 kilogram um [Music] 0.7 minus 5 divided by 0.25 equals to zero a bar S four point nine four six hold so the heck is two nine four six questions see guess what it is yes sir existence yes um did that means exercise [Music] the result foreign output is possible to have different logical level for input and outputs foreign what's up the examples 4.28 something something full okay yes it does not summary meaning so it has the important examples also power dissipation calculation so power dissipation calculations terminal so um foreign foreign yes thank you foreign foreign [Music] V2 minus V3 into I2 let our nature brancher power my name is given plus P2 scenario economic power dissipation um foreign [Music] hello currently how possible [Music] foreign okay okay [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] four sticks whole divided by 0.25 kilos one is zero times five minus zero I I grounded foreign calculations zero point 215 milliwatt milliwatts calculations 100 kilo ohm resistance speed resistance is foreign foreign V2 biggest so you have a code voltage difference five volt zero volt 5 volt 5 volt zero volt beta0 volt ages of 0.68 full take a price 0.7 voltage is low voltage at output side logical low voltage status say 0.68 0.7 um output low voltages foreign foreign transistor logic or archaeologic so so register transistor logic rtologic a logic um foreign reduction 100 kilometers the proof this will work as a um so input voltages foreign [Music] services input High [Music] um situation foreign verified so now a courses discussion High School foreign minus 12 foot the Lambda is um foreign 15K and Apache BB minus minus 12 divided by 100 equals to zero like love started minus 1.56 5 volts so let user voltage is a meter base terminal Heritage Collective terminal s minus 1.565 volt so which is less than 0.5 volts zero minus minus 12. divided by actually so yes minus minus 12 divided by 100K so many current okay okay verifications foreign high voltage so it is foreign 12 foot questions there is foreign that are very close to low voltage a configuration is so expected saturation mode thank you foreign so saturated logic Community data High the transistors so logic transistors [Music] operation so um foreign [Music] [Music] 0.8 volt and collector diameter voltage will be 0.2 volts saturation useful foreign eight volt yes [Music] 12 volt age 0.8 volt without say minus 12 volt beta is simple Ohm's law 12 minus 0.746 milliampere and percent I2 I2 have A1 about the current point eight minus minus 12 volt divided by 800 kilo ohms that are 100 kilo now they can take a result 0.128 milliampere apologize to minus i1 equals to zero whatever normal is foreign [Music] eight point uh 659 so I mean I mean hello hello our saturation assumption is correct um foreign foreign foreign