hi welcome back to day. three thank you for your patience there. I was trying to get the live streaming. going I'm looking for my team to make.
sure that that is happening I would love. to know why my team is uh is catching up. with us here I would love to know uh how. many of you are here this is day three.
of three I'm really curious and I'd love. to know too if um how the pace is going. if you're like okay I got this because. today I gotta tell you today is going to. be a little bit is going to be a lot so.
if you're like hey you guys are going. great the pace is kind of slow Joe you. could pick it up then okay day three of.
three okay this is awesome you guys this. is what I wanted to know all right and. then and then how is the okay the pace.
is good um hi from Detroit. I love it um this is wonderful day three. of three we have a lot of day three of.
Threes pace is great okay good well hold. on to your. hat because I have a bit more to bring. at us today so um I I lovingly told Jack.
earlier that keep the jokes oh and by. the way thank you for being here again. this is so. funny I was just going to reiterate well. let me back up for a minute to in case.
this is day one of three for you we are. Jack and jel and we are land Academy um. and we've been doing uh full-time. investor Well Jack full-time investor. flipping land other properties too but.
you know a lot of it land since the 90s. I came along in 2009 and then we created. land Academy in 2015 to help you um and. to show you and create partners for.
ourselves and we all do bigger and. better deals together and all kinds of. other things that have just blossomed. from the whole Venture so that's why we.
are sitting in these seats today and. talking to you um but so as we're going. along I'm just thinking about day three.
uh oh Jack so as we were preparing this. hold on a. moment as I Was preparing this whole. presentation I was only going to count. on having him on like one or two days if.
that but he's like this is fun I just. get to show up I'm like yeah this is. your turn to just show up because I'll. be honest there's lots of times like our. podcast where I just kind of put. lipstick on at the last minute and sit.
right down and go what are we talking. about today so this is your turn to do. that and now I see why you like it it is. fun now you know why I like it when I.
get to do that too all the fun stuff not. the hard stuff so all of the slides and. the whole presentations every single. thing we're doing he it's it's the first. time for him to so you are all surprised.
together it's good so um but I lovingly. told him today I'm like all right we. gotta I got a lot to cover and I have. some special guests I want to bring in.
today um and I want to make sure we have. time for questions for everyone because. it's going to get it's going to get a.
little more involved but this is why. you're here you're the whole goal this. week is to take some of the mystery out.
of this you know get you get to know us. we get to know you and you decide if. this is something you want to do you.
know and if it is or right here will. help you and if you had nothing but an. entertaining week I'm happy with that.
too cuz we've had fun so good good stuff. oh my goodness I can't keep up with the. messages. um love it I the entertainment the pace.
in the entertainment is great okay good. I love this uh my my wife never tells me. anything either yep there we go last to. know yep is that bad it's a chapter in.
my. book got it it got chapter status oh. this is great okay I I hope that's great.
I need did I I need to close one thing. real quick here there we go all right so. without further Ado I'm excited for day. three so let's we're going to move this. along so today is of course you know.
more. about M I wonder if you guys can hear. that by the way can you all hear the.
train in the background I it's just the. sweetest thing I love this I can't get. enough of it all right there's this nice. big steam engine oh you can't hear that.
okay sorry rolling right by. all right so today we're going to talk. about more about uh what we do with this. data and how we use data to make these. very smart decisions in everything that.
we do Jack is really good at saying and. and uh hitting that point home that. there's no dart boards in our office.
there's no feelings there's no you know. I have a good Instinct it's like you may. start with a gut instinct you may think. about that but you know what at the end.
of the day the math is going to tell you. where to send where to pick you know. what areas to pick we'll talk about that. where to send mail how to price mail and. because I don't want you guys to you.
know Miss out we want to get always the. best deals and make real smart decisions. So Okay.
cool so just also too I'm going to go. back real quick uh little housekeeping. know this is what we're doing this week. so today's day three of five um you are. right on time.
congratulations uh we have the. recordings are available so sometimes. too it's nice to go back and relist to. things and it just hits home a little. bit more and you pick up on things you.
know that's a common thing in land. Academy with people that you know join L. Academy they go through it the whole.
program you know initially and then they. don't go back and it's like you're. missing out if you don't go back after.
six months and 12 months and 18 months. because you know you're going to pick up. more as someone said on our one of our. weekly member calls you're a different.
person now a year later after doing some. deals and you go back and watch it. you're different but you know and and uh.
there's so much more content so I. encourage you to to you know any of the. parts that you know really didn't. resonate or you know there just good. stuff go back and rewatch that you could.
fast forward over all the Goof Off. stuff because there's a lot of Goof Off. stuff um that's us by the way there's a. lot I'll tell you right now our weekly.
Thursday calls and everything oh there's. plenty of Goof Off time too we we all. have a good time this really is a. community um and we really appreciate.
our people I was going to show you real. quick so the workbook I want to just. kind of oops one second. here I have it pulled up so here's the. workbook it's really phenomenal uh I my.
team did the majority of it I will say I. love it it's really good about us you. know really good homework and questions.
and things for you to do um here we are. day three and things we're going to talk. about on day three so I really do.
encourage you to download that and and. use. it what we. go uh we have the equity planner again.
here's the link to that that we talked. about on Monday and as a reminder you. know prizes you know everyone uh. attendance is important so if you attend. every day three winners are going to get.
a 30 minute quick start consultation. with our team whether or not you join. whether or not you decide to do this you.
know we're happy to really sit down with. you and talk one on-one about what's. possible and where you are and see if.
this if we think this is a good fit goes. both ways everyone we uh do and that's. why I'm doing this we really want to be.
upfront and honest and show you. what's involved how hard it is what. things are good what things stink you. know and be fully transparent because I. want you to go into this with your eyes.
open so when we so we're kind of. screening you as just as much as you're. screening us I do not want you to come.
to L Academy with a dollar in the bank. and be unsuccessful it's not going to. work you know and and so that's why.
we're really you want to know how much. money it costs you know ask us we'll. tell you and you can go all right I'll. see you in a year many people have done.
that and there's nothing wrong with that. and they have come back and said Jill I. did what you said now I'm ready to go.
because I want you to be I want you to. do it right you need to come at this. strong so uh most Facebook group.
interactions of course you get a. throwback swag bag and we talked about. the homework and I talked about um just. you guys are doing it perfect you guys.
know the know the theme now use a Q&A. and uh use the chat thank. you um can. oh can I briefly share I have a I you. know what Robert it's a good question I.
don't um kind of G to jump back and. forth here because it's fun to change. you know just interact so I have two.
different kinds of staff I have land. Academy staff and I have land the land. staff so the land Academy staff is uh. for you they are here to make sure you.
can log in make sure you have access to. everything you need make sure you you. know can get into the education make. sure you're there for the member calls. make sure you know about all the support.
um that's available to you that's what. the staff is there for they're not there. to say hey does this mailer look good my.
staff can't do that but that your peers. can and we can on our member calls that. we get together every week so that's. what they're now my land staff that's.
the fun part I have a transaction. coordinator I have a couple of them I. have a little team I have people that uh.
now that Jack's we've elevated Jack so. he's here running the data he's picking. areas and everything and we'll talk.
about that a little bit today too my. land staff does the boring work for Jack. he gives him the zip Cates tells them.
what he wants do you want to explain. that well this yeah your land this whole. entire business is is built you can very. very effectively do this with one.
employee or yourself it was uh designed. this way and we cover this extensively. in the program Jill has one key person a.
transaction coordinator which she shares. with you at a different uh certain. levels within land Academy but.
everything's designed to be outsourced. everything uh with with the exception of. the absolute imperative things number.
one you got to choose where you're going. to send mail I don't think you should. Outsource that ever true and and and you. you can Outsource doing the mailer you. can Outsource all kinds of stuff and you.
need to be the person who makes the key. decisions should I buy the property or. shouldn't I how's it going to get.
financed just the deal making type of. stuff and that and uh which includes. Jill's role which is swooning the seller. and creating that real estate deal over. the phone yeah that's it everything else.
can be outsourced and we provide most uh. most or all of those ways to uh to. Outsource all of those tasks because. over the years people have asked for it.
gez should I do I really need to go hire. a transaction coordinator can I use. yours so and we're always evolving so. I'll tell you right now at the end of.
today I have a a little announcement. some stuff we're doing for everyone. today then on Friday I have one more.
much bigger thing that I'm sharing so. FYI that ties into some of this so cool. and and the whole point is as you go.
along and you've progressed aslant. Academy has grown and progressed and. what your needs have gone and progressed.
we're here to do it you know we we bring. in new programs and bring in new things. and provide more support and solve.
little problems you know um so you can. be a successful um and Professional Land. investor like us okay today mastering.
our datadriven uh approach to land deals. a little bit about how we how we became. acquisition machines you know how to. spot triggers that indicate good areas. to buy and sell.
land where and how to get assessor owner. data that's how we use to get um the. mailers get the owners how to put our.
offers in the owner's hands basically. basically we'll talk about that little. bit of an overview on pricing you're it.
is really SK I'm telling you too it's. don't worry it's not a deep di I like. this okay that's even. better special guest maybe I'll maybe. I'll do this business partner muzzle.
21st century muzzle for a. man that's good we clearly did not. coordinate what we're wearing today.
because I don't think I don't think pink. and red go together at all just looking. so if it's hurting your eyes I apologize.
now this is how much this is how how. much time we spent together before we. sat down today yeah this whole.
presentation is hurting your eyes and. hurting your. ears welcome to land.
Academy okay so like I was saying. earlier you know we're not new to this. you know and that was that's the funny.
thing about this before we started L. Academy we're like we don't need to. start this we're doing just fine but it. was just kind of like our business was. humming along and we had enough people.
coming to us it was our our buyers were. coming to us like all right Jill you. know um because I'm on the phone they're. like hey look I'm buying all this.
property from you I'm marking it up and. I'm making money and I know you're. making money before I got to me how the.
heck are you buying it so cheap I'm like. my what you do you got to do this and. send out these offers and you got to get. your hand of this data and they're like. whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you know it was.
a lot um and so we created L Academy um. and you know here we are. we we to when I say completed.
transactions these numbers are somewhere. between 16 and. 17,000 we kind of lost track now we were. really keeping good track on a major.
spreadsheet that we shared years ago um. showing everyone the proof and we had to. pull it down because it was just people.
would ask too many random questions. about the one deal in. 2004 but anyway those are our. transactions not within our community.
that's that's us gosh we've been through. real estate downturns three of them well. Jack has and so that's one of the things.
that I want you to feel good about you. know with us we we've we've stayed the. course we've struggled we've had. problems you know there were times that. it was like whoa but we did it you know.
and we share how we did it you know and. what you can do to to be ready for it. we're always watching you know and then.
we got together and professionally and. and personally and like we talked about. lucky for us lucky for us I'm not a data. nut or that would be we'd be fighting.
over it you know or we both talked on. the phone that we wouldn't have data. people you know we are really fortunate.
that he's so good at what he does and I. do pretty well at what I do so and. through trials and errors and gosh we. had this eBay disaster in the 2000s you. know we've been there it all led to this.
so it all led to land Academy and we did. it 2015 so this is year n. this uh in July and next summer will be. year 10 I can't wait and I could you I.
can't even can you I didn't think it. would be like this did you have any idea. what it would be no yeah and that's the. secret to this The Secret of our success.
Ivan and Randy I'm answering your. question yeah is that uh by not by. default but by force by not having an. option we have embraced con change yeah.
we're seeing I'll give you a great. example very quickly right now there's a. lot of people sending out mail largely. because uh more than I've ever.
experienced not from our group but just. from uh every everywhere and because. there's just more people out there who. are former um members former members of.
ours out there trying to teach this or. instruct it and then we have a lot of. one-time mailers and so there's more.
traffic out there and we talk about all. about all about that that within the. program and how to adjust to it and two. months from now it'll be something else.
two years from now it'll be something. else and that's why we're still here. good our minds are open to that we know.
that's going to happen oh we're ready. now yeah oh there's gonna be something. crazy you know like thank goodness we're.
not we're not running around wholesaling. everything I'd be like shaking in my. shoes you know but we know how to that's. another reason why we my name's on the. deed kind of thing so this is really.
really good uh I have to admit we're the. onetime mailer person that's all right. we'll help you we will help you so you.
got the first mailer out of the way. that's great good that's awesome you're. further than most people let's put it.
that way oh that's very true really good. so let's talk real quick about how to. spot some triggers and again this is. just just just kind of a little Snippets.
along the way of what we do um to make. sure we're picking really good areas and. we're using data so um one of the things. that Jack does I'm really good at saying.
we but it's Jack is trolling like all. the time so um we use uh Zillow realtor. whatever you're comfortable with I just.
happen to love Zillow and we're and I'm. going to show you real quick how to. troll and look for areas that um things. might be selling to meet your criteria. so I'm going to show you here real quick.
um I'm starting with properties let me. just back up and I will get into it. here's the things we're going to look. for by the way s to sold days on market.
and I might even I look at some of the. listings so this is just again three. little things that we look at so what's. so funny the comments is good okay I got.
my eighth first mailer out the door. yesterday you guys are. awesome that's really good Ken that's.
great okay so here's what I did I I just. randomly was playing around the other. day and picked the ZIP code I I put him.
for sale cuz think here's what I want. you to think about what am I doing here. this is an example of trying to find an.
area where properties are selling for 50. to. $75,000 because I want to buy them for. 20 okay I want to buy them for I don't.
know 15 20 25 that's where I want to I. want to buy them and I'm looking for how. many are selling between 50 and 75 see. if it all makes sense this is this. something that what people even are.
buying these properties um is you go in. here see I unselected them I only have. land I uh pre I'm going to get. everything in here I like all of them. and then I put in I just went one to 10. acres why did I start at one I don't.
want I don't want to deal with infill. lots I want that I'm just kind of. playing around with one to 10 and this. is you're going to play with all the. numbers and all the stuff as and you're.
going to find pockets of like wow you. know moments um and I put in last 12. months so here's what I've got so for. sale in this r random Arizona ZIP code.
85361 um there are 33 for sale starting. at 50 Grand right because that's my. thing look at that one acre for 50 Grand. accepting backups geez I'm liking this. now I'm GNA PIV so so far I'm like well.
let's see how many sold and when I'm. trolling my goal is I want to have my. sold of course remember it was last 12. months I want that higher than my first. sale so let's see what my sold is. 27 not it's close to one: one so it's. not like horrible but you know it's it's.
not setting the world on fire now I. remove the boundary nice and I'm going. to scroll out I'm not going to change.
anything I'm just G to scroll out a. minute here let my page catch up with me. oo wow look at all these red dots all. the reds are for sale all the yellow are.
sold right watch this who liking this. okay so let me zero in a little bit this. is just an example of some. trolling this is exactly what I do so. this is West do it a lot faster I.
know such a. stinker oh my gosh welcome to my world. so yes all right so in my in this view. I'm going go in a little bit closer here.
too I love this this is this is probably. one or two zip codes you know West. Phoenix area just randomly I got 66 for.
sale on this view right none nothing. none of my stuff has changed how many. sold. 74 oh look at that and just for the heck.
of it look at this one two acres sold. for 50 Grand look and I definitely use. an agent let's see how long it took by.
the way I clicked on it and it just sold. it actually sold a year ago so it's just. inside of 12 months but I'm I'm still.
good with that it's fun to see while I'm. doing this too there's so many things. that are going on and you're going to.
get good at this I'm already going you. know I kind of like this agent because. they have a lot of photos what I don't.
like is this lead photo nobody wants a. brown lead photo but this would be a. better lead photo or something pretty.
would be nice preferably showing power. and access is a good lead photo but um. let's just go you know what I kind of. look at this agent more than two lines. that's kind of nice Corners are marked.
um now I'm going to go down and go all. right this is just giving me a few for. the area so they I can't tell exactly.
when they listed it it's not on here but. it went. pending and then so then they relisted.
it that fell out last year relisted it. uh on the 12th look at that and then it. sold this listed 60 sold for 50 anyway.
pretty darn fast so this is not again. not setting the roll on fire but this. might be. something pay attention to maybe I jot.
down that zip code maybe it meets my. criteria me let me find one that we we. all go. wow this is what you do by the way just. start scrolling I'm staying out of.
California do we want to explain this. area no okay good we'll explain on the. member call we got you how.
about I how about this I'm just playing. around with this is good right there. Northern California what's going on ring. excellent yeah let's see what's going on. here look I love these numbers talk.
about consistent numbers okay great if I. could find something you know for. 10,000 in Jill's screen there's 15. active this is super important 15. active and 12 sold there are more active.
properties for sale than there are sold. in the last 12 months is that why you. want to a mailer want to see a ton of.
properties sold and not a lot actively. listed and the ones that are listed are. not they're so priced over what the sold. prices are that it makes you dig deeper.
now it has the idea has been planted in. your head this may be a place to send. mail that's all trolling is for it's not.
to make a decision about it you just. want to say I like this place I don't. like this place I like these three. places but I don't like these 10 places.
then you move on to to make sure that. your that your uh. intuition is in correct or correct and. you prove that through uh The Next Step. hey by the way I wasn't liking this 50. to 75 I'm like I'm not getting enough in.
there I so I just bumped it up to 50 to. 100 look what happened I got more things. showing up. now 20 I got 31 active in this View. 22 sold not good not.
good doesn't mean it can't work it just. means that you got to buy amazingly. inexpensive real estate amazingly. inexpensive as a percentage of retail. value and you're going to It's Gonna.
even then it's going to take some time. to. sell not my favorite kind of deal and.
when you start I want you to have a lot. of numbers please don't go it was two to. one there were two active and four sold. yeah want that that data set's too small. right you're you're going to struggle oh.
here we go 64. sold in this screen and 30 active. excellent two to one two to one plus now. you got it does that mean you should.
absolutely send mail there nope it means. that now it's on your radar it could. work it could pass the next test exactly. so that's what I want you guys to take.
from this exercise I'm G to move on here. because it all starts from this keep. going it all starts from this trolling. action all of it and if you find this. really interesting and I I say this to.
you directly if this kind of thing. really interests you because this is my. hobby If This truly interests you and. everything else doesn't make sense yet.
you will do well in this. business you're either a data person or. a real estate person or both of them.
because this the the rest of the stuff. you can teach but you can't teach what. your what's in your soul.
MH let me show real quick wait second. let me go back here um on this EXT this. is just regular Zillow someone's asking.
how do I look at just land under home. type see there's. everything do you select all and just.
pick land that's what I'm using right. now so let's see this is a regular. Zillow good. question HGTV like renovating house.
enters our uh household life space often. true I know you can make a ton of money. you can make a lifelong great living.
buying especially the way that we have. done it in the past buy houses piece of. crap houses make them look great and.
resell them I know there's huge money to. be made there if you do it correctly I. hate. it I'm not an interior designer I don't. care about cabinets.
orru I don't care so we don't do it. right but we love land both of us and. data and and Joe loves selling uh and. the way that she does it on the phone so.
it all works out exactly there's a lot. of things you can make money at but I. think it's a really good idea especially.
if you're young to do stuff you're. interested in yep so so we just we just. identified some triggers right that's. what it was and in the end you're going. to end come up with three to five.
counties that and you're going to run. them through the red yellow green test. and you're going to pick the best ones. so what you're going to do is take those.
counties go down to the ZIP code level. and put them against each other that's. kind of all we're going to get into.
today I'm just going to give you a. little sneak peek this is what I'm. talking about this is a little sneak.
peek at Jack's red yellow green test. he's going to sit in put in all this. information he's going to put in the. days on Market he's and and he's going. to put in uh new list to pending I don't.
want to make your head hurt I just again. just want to give you a little snippet. of what you're going to learn and how.
we're going to show you to make sure. you're you're picking good areas these. are the data results of the of the areas. that Jill chose on.
Zillow they're trolling areas and she. downloaded from another data set to the. pit them against each other which zip. codes are best performing from a data.
standpoint they get green the ones that. are questionable yellow the ones that. are red nope not going to send mail. there that's what the red green yellow.
test is this is the second step after. the the uh trolling test exactly so. these are just just to show you these.
are the things that we're going to help. you and show you how to use and what to. look at um here this is like looking.
through the chocolate cake behind the. glass what does that mean I can't eat. the cake I can just look at it oh I'm. sorry. what's my chocolate.
cake wow that was. good is your nose pressed against yes. you're like oh man now we gotta move now. I'm thinking about cake darn it we gotta.
move on all day darn it the cake all. right well we're gonna do more we'll. cover we'll come back to this more I can. come back to it at the end if you want.
to talk about it more and I can come. back to it on you know tomorrow and. Friday we'll do more um time for this.
too I have guesses that don't we want to. bring up so uh this is great so that. tells you what that part is okay that's. now I know where to send it now I know. where to send it right well now how do I.
get the names of the people that live. there what do I do I don't I don't how. am I going to do that you know do I call.
somebody you get it through assessor. data and we provide that for you just so. you know in L Academy or if you're not.
in L Academy this is the best one data. trees the best we have used them all. we've been licensed providers of them.
all and we have settled in currently on. data tree as the best and by the way. like I said this is not the first one.
that we've used over the years and we're. going to stay ahead of the Curve if. something better comes along we're going.
to start using it you will know but. currently D Nationwide you get and just. so you know as a member you get.
Nationwide access so if you're going to. get this you know that's what you want. um we oh it's good there's so much stuff. in there there's times that our poor.
escort agents I already know everything. about the property I've pulled lean. reports I've done all my own due.
diligence I've gone back and checked the. chain of title I think that came up. Monday or Tuesday this week like you.
know what do you do ahead of time I can. go back and do all kinds of stuff for. free before I even you know get it to my. escar agent I do some of my own little.
uh extra work there to make. sure um and it's yeah we provided as a. really good discounted well it's part of. the membership with land Academy um but.
this this is just I put this on here. that's how their data Rocks Our Nation. our Our Land Academy wide data burn rate.
through. uh through data tree is extraordinary we. go through so much data as a group that. are the our the rate at which we buy it.
is very inexpensive yeah good question. thank you Sid yeah that time frame I was. looking at was the last 12 months so. really really good.
um let me get this I'm going to move on. here and I'll get to these questions oh. um do you want to answer that real quick. and Randy how does data tree compare to. propstream I have never used propstream.
um I've heard people talk about it I. don't know truly what special about it a. lot of years ago it's my understanding. that propstream was a a data source for.
property managers that's probably. changed now it's probably new but uh if. any anybody can answer that question I. would love to know I think propstream is. using core logic or data tree so if you.
dig or just pick up the phone and call. them so here's the thing things like. propstream they are not the source I.
want the source I remember a couple. years ago cor logic had I can't remember. the name of it now but it was like uh um.
agent Pro agent Pro 247 and they stopped. it so here's what agent Pro was like we. have data tree which I get all what is. it 300 I don't know how many lines of. data it is it's somewhere between 300. lines of data that the assessor uses we.
get it all so we get to pick and choose. what columns and what things I want to. look at companies like prop string and.
then agent Pro 247 they're like you know. what we're going to send a pick the top. 20 that we think you guys need and we're. only going to provide you that 20 lines.
of information oh no I want it all maybe. I'm G to look at this one little thing. for this reason so that's why I wouldn't. use a I don't use something that.
somebody else packages up pretty all the. sources of these data these yeah data. Tre is an a data aggregator they all are. the source of the data is from the. 3,144 municipality County municipalities.
they control it they control that data. for that County so they can send out. accurate tax bills every year uh the. data tree puts it in uh a package that. works for us right uh I don't know if.
prop TR packages it up that where it. would work for us. yeah we're getting uh all of the data in.
a Loosely. organized format sometimes you got to. sit and figure out what you're looking.
at you used to have to buy the data. right from the county yeah and they. would send you a CD you'd send them at.
$50 check or so and they would send you. a CD and then you'd have to break it all. down exactly I got a couple more things.
I want to talk about and I want to bring. in some guests here so real quick uh. overview on pricing okay we got that to. do this. yeah well so we can bring this back more.
I love this so um pricing over here we. talked about picking the county we. talked about um getting the information. on the stuff now I need to get a I'm. trying to get my my direct mail offer.
out to them so I got to price this stuff. so we do go into and this is not the. place if we went to a deep dive into. pricing I'd need you for about eight. hours that's real that's realistic.
because even though even in the program. it's a very deep dive and then we still. talk about it a lot outside of the. program too um every Thursday we talk. about pricing and nuances and things.
that we find again that's why we have. him 16,000 deals he did them he found. them that's the thing and our goal has.
always been to double our money and get. out if I can't double my money I don't. do it and usually it's more can I double. my money and then some yeah but you know. what I'm not here to reset the market.
our our philos opy has always been but. some people do they're like I'm going. for the retail like okay our philosophy. has been let's double it sell it fast. move on and you know what whatever room.
is left for my buyer good for them now. they're really happy now they love us. and they come back for more so that's. how we How We. Roll um we also too you know within land.
Academy we're constantly like I said. updating and changing there's something. big that's going on we're we're on land. Academy 3 right now and when there's. some monumental.
changes there will be land Academy 4.0. right now we're on 3.0 we we will always. stay ahead of it and be ready and test. it and work through all the Kinks before.
it gets to you um and that's just where. we. going because we're doing deals right.
way you so in a nutshell here are Jill's. overview you like this of Jack's Stellar. pricing you haven't seen this this great.
so our team's like that was good graph. I'm like good thing I made this all by. myself so the first thing we do with.
pricing is we access of course and. download the ownership records uh using. your specific mailer criteria so you did. your trolling you picked this County and.
these 10 zip codes are the best. performing out of the 15 in that county. let's just as an example and you're. buying anything from one to 10 acres you. liked my my my thing so you go in and.
you would go into Data tree and we show. you how to do that and download all that. data next thing you would do is scrub.
and remove all the in invalid addresses. like city of you know things just happen. to get in the data sometimes you know.
the fire department all that stuff. you're going to go take all that out um. then this is all just big picture steps.
is this hurting you okay no it's a okay. it's no it's not okay it looks pretty. though okay thank you then we would.
solve for the cus zip codes because not. every property has been assigned a. postal address right that's rural vacant.
land but we show you how within land. Academy and in our group to use a. geocoding tool to go in and fill in the.
zip codes so you can accurately price. these mailers like okay this is great I. know who owns a property I have a legal. description and an APN but I don't know.
where the heck it is it's in the zip. code but I don't know where it is so I. don't really know pricing is it on the.
good side of the tracks or the not good. side of the tracks kind of thing and. because you're you're going to use that.
then you're going to. scrape active and sold all that Zillow. stuff you know we're looking those.
numbers we showed what they're selling. for you know what you're going to you're. going to back into making an offer price.
based on that you need to have a real. good price per acre for those properties. uh active and sold in the last 12 months. so we're going to show you how to do. that and then you're going to come up.
with a number and then from there you're. going to take that number and establish. an offer percentage so again based on. the retail price per acre for all these. properties that you scrub that met all.
that same criteria go ahead all the. properties are listed uh an active and. so that comes out to be 600 bucks an. acre you're going to offer 20% of that. or whatever it ends up being uh making.
sense so you offer $200 an acre M look. this might seem complicated if you're. brand new to it or if you're coming from. another.
group and the and the truth is the. learning curve is a little bit. complicated why do we make it. complicated we don't this is the result. of 30 years of doing this so that you.
can make a ton of money and that's the. truth of it it keeps a ton of people out. of this business true it's not like.
buying a house and putting up new. curtains it's there's it's it can be. intense at times and also leads to huge. profitability yep. exactly I'm going to try to get to these.
here when we get to the end here so bear. with me I see your. questions um lots of good questions that. we're going to get to um so okay back.
what I want you to know though is if. this is already hurting you're like holy. moly don't worry about it we can help.
with that honestly M you have to pick. the what you're doing in your criteria. how much money you're going to make what. you're going to buy what you're going to.
sell right that's you like Jack talked. about what you need to do in your own. business and why you can do this with. with a small staff or very little or no. staff it could just be you we have lots.
of people in land Academy that's just. them most of the people that's true. that's very true um but and and then you. can use our team and what's great about.
it is they're all a cart whenever it's. the mailer you pick all the stuff maybe. you don't even do it you call up my team. and say hi I want you to pull all the 1. to 10 acres uh in this these three zip.
codes and then and they'll do the. scrubbing for you and they'll do the cus. zip code filling in for you they will.
scrape for you and serve it up on a. platter for you here to go all right no. I got all the data I needed for you to.
go and go I want I want this area priced. at 19% I want this area priced at. 22% all of that they will do all of that.
busy work they'll do the mail work. orange for you and get it in the mail. you just have to look at the spreadsheet. 5,000 units give it a day or two maybe a.
little more if you're new um spend some. time on it and do the pricing and. they'll get it out in the.
mail that's that's very popular product. that Joe and I have created it is I'm. gonna try right now to bring forward we. have some cool. guests.
um I will find them hopefully if not my. team might beat me to it you see. it oh oh good you're already there yay.
are you on video yay there you are oh. good how are you guys good we've been. enjoying this guys very much so this is. awesome looks like Michigan to me in the. background yeah we are in the state of. Michigan at our happy place um though.
the last two days we were able to listen. to this uh webinar uh on actually. sitting on our boat while we listen to. it today we had to come in and put on.
clothes so that's. unfortunate you have a t-shirt you have. your swim trunks on though. right you gota go exactly Sam's got a.
shirt over bikini that's what's going. on because they're gonna get right back. on the water so if you would we just.
have like just maybe like five or 10. minutes I would love for you just kind. of say hello and and if you would just. share a little bit about your experience.
with everyone that is new here yeah yeah. absolutely um first of all hi I'm Carl. I'm stha we're husband and wife and we.
do work together um so that's going on. but we found samanth and I we have a um. a background I have a background in uh. construction and real estate investing.
I've been doing it for around uh just. over 10 years now um we found Jack and. Jill gosh how long ago was it Jill I. think it's been three or four years. now yeah and um.
we ended up doing career path with them. which is a product that Jack and Jill uh. put together that really teaches you how.
to um really just immerse yourself in. this business H in on all your skills. Hing in on all your skills um we did.
that uh while Samantha was still working. her W2 job as a. CPA um and you know we had a really good.
connection with Jack and Jill obviously. you guys know that but those who don't. know uh uh We've we've kind of immersed.
ourselves in the community because we. just couldn't get enough of land Academy. um we just started you know we hit the. ground running with with career path um.
we just really just fell in love with. the community and fell in love with just. doing this uh Samantha that since left. her W2 job only took me a few months.
after career path actually think it was. during career path was Durer put in my. notice. so it was one deal that just like Ping I.
see what's. possible you know we SE we've barely. seen what's possible with this business. uh I've met so many people who just you.
know I mean how many times you go into. Discord and you see the people say hey I. paid off my my house you know in the.
first two years of doing this it's like. that's the kind of stuff that's possible. with this business and Samantha and I.
you know when we saw the same thing that. so many other members have seen it was. just like Hey we're going all in on this.
and um it's been a blessing it's been. great for our family you know we get to. spend time um up in you know on vacation.
up in Michigan which is not where we. live full-time um you know because of. you know being able to work for. ourselves be entrepreneurs Jack and Jill.
for that matter of set everything up. there's really framework for a business. that doesn't require you obviously.
neither one of us all four of us right. now are not sitting in our primary. residence and it is a.
Tuesday Wednesday whatever it doesn't. even know what day of the week it. is um that's really what's possible you.
know samith I we talk about our goals. and um you know our main goal is just. one word it's freedom and um and we're.
really always working towards that and. uh this has really given us the. opportunity to do that.
so I don't know if you have any specific. questions for us or anything like that. we're more than happy to share.
whatever that was perfect well let's do. we're gonna answer some questions with. Carl and Sam and then we're g to jump in.
on the last 10 minutes my team's like. you have other stuff to cover I'm like I. know thank you so much I kind of thought. I don't know how it worked out but today.
ended up being kind of a a packed up but. a lot of good information day so um Jud. yes bring it I love the Jill Equity.
planner I didn't see that. coming I just didn't see a comment I. just want I had to say something about. that that.
um. chill you know what I should make my own. Equity planner honestly I going to make. it like a scale down one and I'll put.
make it all like flowers in fo if you're. thinking about joining land Academy but. really struggling with the Excel part of.
this I will tell you a story that will. make you feel better okay several times. throughout my career with Jill I have.
sat behind her in front of her screen. with Excel open and she has a solar. powered calculator right here so there's. three or four numbers in the Excel and.
she adds them up and says oh it's 4200. and and puts it there how long ago was. that I've seen I've seen your calculator. J I've seen the don't let your issues. with Excel or math or any of that stuff. stop before doing this it's true Carl.
and Samantha know exactly what drawer it. is in my desk at. home so yeah anyway that's good but yeah.
so yeah we couldn't be so more proud of. you two and how well you have done you. guys did this is a this is true so yeah. they came to us like and it was somebody. that said told them you need to do this.
which is the funniest thing so they. jumped right into career path they're. like all right we're doing it we're.
going big you know so they joined Lan. Academy joined our it's our eight-week. Mastermind and we can talk about that. another time program so they just like. were in and they were kind of their.
first mailer was doing this whole thing. with all these Advanced people they're. like we got this and they did and that's.
when Sam by in that eight weeks I think. it was 10 weeks back then but Sam did. quit her job and said this is it you. know and we're in and now look where. they are with their with their lovely.
vacation home now in their boat and and. it's funny you brought up about people. doing that I just got an email from some. he's uh his initials are JB I've been. communicating with him last couple days.
he's 67 years old and he said I hate to. say this but I'm officially retiring. retiring you know he's like I I and I. thank you for everything and I'm like oh. you know like so he's not going to be.
around but I'm like I get it so whatever. his financial he didn't share with me. what his real big picture goals were. here and he wasn't with us just a few.
years but coming to us at the end of. this his career he's like mic dropped. now I'm done I did what I needed to do. that's what's cool about this business. is everyone can do it a different way.
because when you say that he's retiring. I don't even understand what that means. fully I think that we're always going to. be sent always be investors but the. thing is with this business is you can.
do it a different way I've met so many. people doing it a different way they say. Hey listen I made this goal and I'm.
gonna retire I don't know if financially. Samantha and I will ever fully be like. hey we're done you know it just doesn't.
work in my it's not how I'm wired but. people are wired different ways and I've. seen people say hey I only want to do. one deal a month for for for the next.
ximon of years so that's not our that's. not the way we are but there's different. ways we approach this business and.
that's what's cool is someone you know. like that can do that exactly you. haven't been worn down to a raw nub as a.
husband and a and a father yet Carl so. you still have. hope do you think there's still hope for.
me you I tell you stay there with this. I'm going to show what we got going on. today um because my team's like let them. know let them know what you're doing let. them know you're doing so I want to give.
you guys what we're doing right now and. then we'll get back we'll see what. questions we can answer before the top.
of the hour and we will be back tomorrow. so for those of you who are like all. right we get it we want to do this now. we have some special things going on for. you starting today through Tuesday okay.
so this ends on whatever Tuesday oh. Tuesday the 25th good so if you're like. I want to do this I get it this is not.
scaring me or at least I know you'll. help me um we would love to have you so. Jo go to L academy.com there's a special. checkout Page live and join if you put. in the co promo code boss I like that.
because you're going to Be Your Own Boss. here at least in Your Land Company. you're Your Own Boss um and here's what. you're going to get between now and the.
25th and there's something else too. that's not on the screen so hold tight. you will get $500 off right now plus.
you're going to get we talked about. those data tree records you're going to. get I give a thousand free every month.
by the way anyway so it's at worth 100. bucks but joining up now you're going to. get instead your first month you get. instead of a thousand you get 2500 free. records of data tree um there's. something else coming on the next line.
and the first 10 people to. join and we just lifted up the curtain. right now so I'm not seeing what's.
happening um the first 10 people to join. which will probably be today um you're. going to get a special VIP group.
coaching session um with Jack and I in. July that's good we haven't done that in. a long time that's a great idea so yeah.
we're gonna do a special thing from. wherever you are just 10 people 10. people Jack and I that's it you know Joe. and I discovered that we like uh we like. this instructing type lifestyle or we.
wouldn't do it exactly so I this excites. me I I love the idea of having just a. group of 10 people good yep that's it so.
then if that's not enough I'm throwing. in a couple more things we're going to. give away a couple. properties so one entry uh exactly so. one entry per enrollment so like I enjoy.
I mean so per person basically and we're. giving away two properties and the. drawing is going to be on our weekly. member.
call next Thursday June. 27th so join between now and. Tuesday um and you're automatically. going to get this too so and here my. team put together some good things I.
went handpick these properties um from. our inventory so again you need to join. by Tuesday here's one of them so and you.
can go look this up you you have this. access um you have this um you could. pull up the property address if you.
wanted but you have these slides and and. you have the video recording so you can. look this on exactly where this is you. do I know we've on this this these.
properties I'm not selling anything here. see the mobile home just south of that. yep these properties are are pre- zoned.
and mobile home ready exactly I think. it's in Snowflake yeah and I when I put. I want I want what's bottom number this. is not retail this is my number like I.
want to sell it fast around five grand. so in one acre nearby see s for 9500 so. I'm being conservative if you want to. hang out for 9500 you can so that's.
what's possible so here's the property. do what you want but these are great. terms properties too that's true the. true test for selling on terms I think.
versus cash is can you right up to it. and look at it take a picture and say. yep I dig it these are good good terms.
properties yep you are right so and. then um I have one. more oh man I know should have checked. me me before you give these stuff away. sorry maybe you could win it yeah maybe.
you'll win it. back this is good so yeah we they'll. figure that out thank you I'm missing a.
digit somebody took that off here oh. funny you guys will get it okay so. here's is it are they bull Sho no that's. snowflake figure it out snowflakes.
probably got two zip codes maybe one. maybe one exactly entire town Ken picked. up on that one little.
thing so I've got another one uh Navajo. County what am I doing this time this. what they're both Navajo County one. snowflake one snow one sholo um again.
mobile friendly that's what makes these. great yeah here's the. address it makes it great because uhhuh. look up in the county who just pulled a. permit to install mobile homes in the.
last 12 months and that's GNA be the. person who you'll sell it to there you. go exactly so let me go back I'm gonna. hit this again and we'll try to get oh. good we still have like five minutes for.
questions too so one more time if you're. ready to go um I'd say do want you want. to be one of the first 10 people because.
then you get every you get access to. everything you're going to get go to. this land academy.com jooin live or.
excuse. MLive jooin um Chromo Cod boss will. automatically take the $500 off and.
we'll know what you and then you're. going to get and my team will fill you. in you'll get some emails that I'll fill. you in and how and where to you know um. claim your 2500 free records how that.
works and then of course you get the. first 10 will get to be with us in a. special close coach coaching session um.
next month uh via Zoom those are those. are fun so whether you're whether you're. brand new or in the middle or like I'm.
here to bring this home kind of thing um. you're going to pick up something you. know you always want to be in the room.
with those people anyway so this is good. oh here we go oh hello Ivan all right we. got Ivan joined with us today sweet all. right and then of course there's two two. winners are going to be drawn um for.
some land maybe it's going to be Ian so. here's one property again uh sweet 1.1. Acres uh in.
Snowflake and then we've got another one. here uh in. sololo awesome Jill's got a little side. grip she hasn't talked about it lately.
and uh I don't know if I'm stealing her. Thunder but she has a little group. called land Academy ladies So Randy. you'll be you know everybody that's. within that Community our community.
and speaks a female joins Jill's group. and well you have to be a female not. just speak you can't be a woman. Whisperer he's almost Sid's almost there.
he's speaking it yeah Sid Sid sure. trying Sid really wants to be in the in. the ladies group Sid Sid AKA Cindy.
always tries to sneak in we always find. her so uh this is really good but that's. good the Lamy Ladi group um that is not.
just you don't have to be the primary. person you could be I'm doing it with my. husband kind of thing or I want to.
support my husband kind of thing and. learn more about what you guys are doing. you are welcome to join so come just.
tell all I have to do is send a note to. the team at support atlan. academy.com so you guys can see our wrap.
up and then I'm going to try to get a. few more questions in here before we. have to wrap before we have to go so.
today you learn what are the trick. you know what are some things that we. look at to gosh make sure we're looking. at a good area this is stuff that nobody. does by the way there was no if you've.
ever heard there's other people that. have like a secret County list what the. heck is a secret County list it's going. to be if it's a secret County today it's. not going to be tomorrow because now.
everybody knows about it you need to. learn this is what we do we teach you to. go off and look at the whole country and.
find a little corner section that. nobody's doing but you know and you. found it and you saw the triggers and.
you read your red DEA green test and. here come your letters if you live in. West Virginia or Illinois or anywhere.
for that matter you know you have an. idea in your head of oh yeah it might. work out there well now you're gonna. find out if it really will work exactly. and you can pit that two or three areas.
that you think might work against all. the other ones in the surrounding area. and get a definitive answer yep does it. work or not. exactly and you're going to you now you.
have an idea of where to get the data. and how to. get into a price and how to get it into.
an. offer tonight I want you to practice. trolling go on Zillow go on realtor I.
just love zel it's a great idea and. practice trolling see if you hate it. come up with some zip codes that you.
think would work you know and and think. about what you would do in your own R. red yellow green test like think about.
these zip codes and just the stuff that. you saw on screen days on Market start. with that how many was my ratio at least.
2 to one and on the days on market now. crazy just from what I you Troll and you. are fascinated by. trolling I can't can't like iterate this.
enough yeah you will do great. exactly we do it all the time oh thank. you Margaret some people are like Yay. Randy um so recap what's in L Academy so.
the educate so what land Academy. is hours but you could do it in a. weekend.
um hours of everything we do from and. everything you need to know to start and. have a successful land Investment. Company like we do starting from nothing.
do I need an LLC do I need business. cards do I need an office can I can I to. go ahead L Academy is a no Stones. unturned learning environment right it.
takes on a ton of forms it includes all. the tools it includes the uh finan cial. and emotional support to succeed in this. business if you bring the right attitude.
and and the right um Moxy yeah you bring. those two things we provide just about. every other thing but you got to find. your own deals but well somebody in our. group if the deal is worth it at all.
will fund it uh it's a full-blown and. encompassing land investment environment. exactly some of it self-study. there's ton a weekly webinar uh the. podcast you probably already know about.
there's a a channel on Discord where. everybody in real time is communicating. with each other asking if they should do.
this deal shouldn't I do this deal all. you know whatever whereever whatever. you're bringing to the group somebody's.
been there six months before you many. many many people so they're going to. have the answers for the most part for.
what you need exactly because that mean. it's easy nope takes a lot of work and a. lot of time are we here to help you it's. you got us we're gon and we keep it. small again remember so we can do this.
so let me give you the tomorrow's agenda. and I'm going to sneaking and my team's. like good good I'm gonna try to get. through these seven questions real quick.
um just so we can do that and then don't. worry if I didn't get you um we I. promise we will get you tomorrow we're. gonna have more time um tomorrow's. agenda we're going to talk about um you.
know how we get these great land deals. you know we all got the the mailers went. out what do we do when they call us back. now what do I do so we're going to talk.
about that tomorrow we're going to talk. about you know how to make sure that. you're doing the best buying the best.
ones what are the what are the eight a. we're going to talk about the eight a. that that we created Jack started with. four and then we grew it to eight to. make sure you're making good buying.
decisions doing your due diligence and. picking the best ones getting the deals. done what's involved with that and we're.
gonna have another special guest. tomorrow who is on this call right now. so um real quick I'm going to whip. through these other questions as best I. can I'm G to try to do them in like one.
we're going try to do one sentence. answers ready and it's not that we're. not going to within L Academy we will go. for hours on this stuff by the way it's. just right now with our timing we don't.
have to cut the short um with our Equity. planner example with 15,000 mailers how. do you uh how do you find good leads per. month my data tree came up with one.
2,000 Per County obviously making the. mailer small too small there's something. in there you're putting in yeah it's an. input thing and uh you never want to. make a mailer smaller or you want to.
make it bigger yep but you don't want to. send mail to the US government and so we. go through all of this in an incredible.
amount of detail in the program infill. lots The Good the Bad the Ugly some. areas I love them and it depends on what.
I'm looking for there's times I love. them and I've done great I still do info. Lots so I don't know there's what are. you railing for if you if there's a hot.
area and that's what everybody's doing. they're all building do it INF lots are. great in environments that are hot like. Jula said in an economic downturn right. now and it's a mild downturn it's a.
little bit harder to offload infill Lots. uh especially if you didn't buy them. cheap enough there you go um Kathy says.
I want to make sure when I find when I. find the land which I have which I have. lots of listings but the guy I was.
working with was a builder so he was. looking for land to purchase areas where. the ROI would be valued between 300 and.
$499 I was wholesaling I had to come up. with earnest money down which I never. had so my question you both is can I.
bring you properties I locate to them. and you guys do everything else is there. a percentage or.
commission that um is I get if you. purchase it that's not my thing L this. is a a very reoccurring theme within. land Academy especially with new people.
we have a program that really works. works for the vast majority of the. people who put their mind to it and this. is this is veering very far from that.
program and while it might be valuable. to you or has been in the past it's just. not something that we get involved in.
exactly however what I'm reading between. the lines here is that you are capable. of finding great real estate deals. everything else you'll you will learn. how to complete everything else uh in.
the program pivot Kathy find them we'll. help you buy them you sell them and make. more money don't just get a commission.
you're right there Kathy you're two. steps away from being exactly where you. need to be if you're able to do exactly. what you're saying to do and you can. just alter slightly I'm sure you're.
gonna have a great career uh in this. space so. exactly what does testing for reason. mean that's when the mailer comes back. before it goes out and we'll talk more.
about this um tomorrow we can uh when. the mailer go when you're before your. mailer goes out when you spot check and.
make sure that the price that you. percentage you came up with if it came. back uh signed ready to go would you buy. it so if it if you you're looking at it. going all right if this guy signed it.
and came back would I still spend $8,000. on it and you look it up and you check. it and you go heck yeah that's testing.
for reason Kathy said yesterday you were. doing your own title search what does. that mean that's part of all the great.
resources and tools that we're going to. actually we're going to talk about that. tomorrow so I'm going to I'm going to.
put P that to tomorrow about doing my. due diligence and how much I do and what. I look into do I ever send neutral. letters without a price you want to. answer that one never okay there we go.
there's not enough call it action and. we've tested it trust me so we've tested. this unless you're looking for a house. to live in yourself and I just did a. neutral letter yeah that might be a.
reason that's the only reason yeah. that's it because you don't because. price doesn't matter yeah because come.
on you're going to win emotionally or. financially we all win that we all know. know that so that if you s out a thing.
you're looking to win emotionally I've. never won emotionally I except with. me what about me you know I win.
emotionally every day there's time for. you to have feelings and emotions after. you're. wealthy that's it that's good all right. our last question Ivan Ivan and.
Randy um let's see here uh oh good oh. ready oh good my team's like if you want. to ask Mar questions you could hit up my. team this is great how many deal funding. requests from alumni do you get monthly.
what percentage you accept your decline. huh I never really looked at the. percentage I you know what if it's a. good deal I'll do it I don't care we get. a lot yeah we approve uh up in a 20%.
range but here's the deal there's so. many other funders just like Carl and. Samantha they might they might accept it. and we might reject it it doesn't and. vice versa right largely on geography.
all depends on the deal they know bid. Midwest better than we do we know the. desert better than them. exactly well thank you everyone this has. been fantastic again and thank you Carl.
and Sam for coming in and putting on. some shirts for us lip gloss lip gloss. and t-shirt mid 90s out here we don't we.
don't experience heat like you guys do. so it's mid90s out here it's been all. week and it's gonna be for the rest of.
the week so we're going through a little. bit of a heat wave wow w got it well. thank you so much again we appreciate. you guys and everything that you do with. land Academy and thank you to my team.
welcome our new members and I'm gon to. be watching for you too so all right we. will see you all tomorrow at the same. time um I hope won't have as much so we. can get some more questions answered.
there so all right have a good one. thanks everyone bye bye.