Transcript for:
Strategies for Pranking in Minecraft

all right it's finally time we set up for that we spent hours getting the materials to make these potions now it's time to officially [ __ ] with no glass he's outside of his house right now building all kinds of dumb [ __ ] this reminds me of being 16 in ireland and we're illegally drinking behind like the back of a barn or some [ __ ] everyone would take one sip and act like they were wasted all right so here's the plan i think from from the text message so i'm gonna sneak over and take his horse and you guys are gonna plant a [ __ ] ton of trees while he's chasing his own horse that's the that's the last thing though that's not the last thing see if we do nothing yeah he's going to be he's going to know we're up to [ __ ] we got to do we got to do we got to do some little stuff first like what like what like like one at a time so like well that's what we'll do one at a time we'll all have like a little dare contest basically the three of us will be outside of his house two of us will watch and one will go in and do something yeah like go in and place a block or go in and break a block or go in and [ __ ] ride his horse around or i don't know something like that okay okay okay all right ready on go three two one go all right let's put the glass away put the glass bottle away all right put your seeds away you need to have your fist on a hot bar that's not your first hot bar because if you're picking one it's gonna go in here all right let's go let's go let's go i can't see you guys at all i don't know where you guys are at oh i see you okay i'm going around the back of the house towards nogla's house i'm going right towards my house he's in front of your house he's in front of your house on his horse [Music] dude i don't know where the [ __ ] you guys are at all i see someone on the beach yeah yeah if you're on the sand i can see you easily don't walk on the sand he's over here all right where is he where is he let's got him out from here this is some dumb [ __ ] oh he's no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't say no it's crops across the couch is he at his house yeah he's upstairs he's upstairs okay okay what do we do what do we do let's go let's go let's go stand out front oh he's coming down he's coming down he's coming down let's stand right here let's see who who's going first who's going first i don't know where you are okay i'm at the gate i'm at the gate you go first i'm going in boys going in boys go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go what are you doing what are you doing i'm gonna sneak up i'm gonna sneak up behind him he's got cats and weird [ __ ] in here i see him floating in there go smack him give him a smack back on the back he's so scared to jump oh [Music] you hit me because i stopped you from napping this guy's delusion i feel like i feel like my cat hit me then my cat hit me there all right all right all right my turn my turn my turn my turn yeah go go go go okay what are you gonna do what are you gonna do i don't know i'm going upstairs i'm gonna break a glass window i'm gonna break a glass window right next to him right next to him he didn't hear it wait he didn't he did he did he did he's looking around he's coming outside don't make noise don't make noise crash walk hey hey invisibility [ __ ] i see you i can see you he sees you he sees you i'm taking his heart what's going on is he following me still no he lo i lost him i lost him i lost him get on the horse get on the horse and go i'm taking the [Laughter] donkey oh [Applause] one sec because the doors are open someone's riding my [ __ ] horse leave my horse alone god damn it they're all [ __ ] with me they all have their own little [ __ ] discord [ __ ] with me i saw some [ __ ] there where the f y'all oh get [ __ ] oh thank you for the proportions [ __ ] i'll make sure to use those go [ __ ] yourself he's confused i'm going for a boy i'm going for it take his horse i broke something he's the [ __ ] pissed he's following me i've got the horse hit the donkey and go oh no he knows he knows i'm here someone's [ __ ] with me right now oh my god dude yes i see you i see you you little rat did you get the donkey and go someone's eating around the wall i can see i've got the weapon on you he's gonna they're in the house still he's going for me absolutely what do you mean they're in the house still running i'm away boys wait just the samples here we go there's another [ __ ] do you have saplings i don't know but i've got the i've got the donkey i'm gonna make no kill his own horse i'm gonna break his bed damn it he killed you again his horse is one shot kill his [ __ ] horse [Music] [Laughter] the horse is nearly dead though how do i heal up my horse [Music] you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my there's they killed my [ __ ] horn samplings getting trolled again okay saplings time go go go you've got the saplings in your hand okay yes i'm ready to go whenever he's upstairs he's upstairs he's outside he's downstairs yeah yeah that's fine bone meal is not working it takes a while he's coming out get the workbox get to work all right so we're going invisible huh so we're going invisible we're going invisible oh you want to plant trees around my house did you see that on youtube did you oh we should fight him we this is what you get you [ __ ] with me and this is what you get myself how [ __ ] titties bro where's your [ __ ] where's your donkey where's your stupid [ __ ] mew [ __ ] your donkey [ __ ] your garden [ __ ] your donkey okay get away from me all right that's it stupid he's drinking more potions is [ __ ] he's got no idea oh you hit me oh let's [ __ ] with no ugly again his dad hasn't been i let his house on fire i [ __ ] died i swear to god killing me so weak he's so weak where is he marcel [ __ ] wildcat yes okay wait see if he comes back for it like stalking beard is missing all right getting trolled again getting trolled again let's have a [ __ ] look here [ __ ] cons man i'm on his roof just pouring lava is this you what the [ __ ] yeah no i'm on his roof just pouring lava he's like stealing everything he's going through all the chests at your house taking everything brock is just brock is just their place give me your [ __ ] horse bro i think he might be killing my horse i think he's good he's riding my horse he's riding first he's on your horse there we go [ __ ] your horse wild cat he's running my horse into a creek he's such a dick it only did half a heart of health diamond armor you reached a horsey man but the horse isn't [ __ ] why is the horse not working oh it was it was supposed to be a harmless break but he went full call of duty nogla he [ __ ] freaked out i'm dying i want to wait until he's at his house and then blow it up [ __ ] this is me he saw me and i think he ran away let's focus let's [ __ ] with nobody brian what are you doing [ __ ] off brian you're a little rat boy oh he went invisible all right brian okay brian we can play that game then [ __ ] your horse brian [ __ ] your dome skeleton horse come here you [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] thing [ __ ] leaving [ __ ] leaving i can teleport right by him he won't know oh he's on my horse oh the little [ __ ] he's running away with my horse just running away boys they can't troll me if i'm running away [ __ ] it doesn't realize i can just do this don't teleport i'm teleporting him to moo so what if they [ __ ] with my house they'll probably just revert to server anywhere bunch of little [ __ ] oh hilarious nice just teleport me can't troll me why the [ __ ] are you in here [ __ ] wait what what yes i teleported into moo and who just killed him wait why didn't brock kill him i don't know he wasn't invisible maybe brock thought he was up to something he just killed him [ __ ] you in your shitty [ __ ] aquarium oh look looky look he's break he's breaking my aquarium as far as he knew we were up to something all day and then one day he finally gives up and he goes he's killing my he's killing my dog look he's killing my dog oh no there you go got him god he's dying i'm going back i'm gonna fight nogla teleport me to you brian are you watching him like inside teleport me to you i'm gonna kill his ass [ __ ] your house prank look at you look at your little rat little rack come on kill me then little rat boy don't kill me then go on invisible with your diamond so go and kill me yeah there you go wildcat loser don't worry brian i'm putting all this stuff back he brian just watched me bop his ass and he just [ __ ] conked out oh this is some harry potter [ __ ] he's so pissed i think he's going to my house wait he might be going to his he's going to [ __ ] my house up he's on your car he's just under complete duress right now now he's going to toddler side breaking the glass doors he's going to your chest i'm killing him again he's going through your chest he's now going to eat your food he broke my coral block where's the bone meal let's plant more trees he's burning the carpet he's getting himself on fire he's got armor on someone said ring the doorbell ring the doorbell oh come here come on don't take me again nice he's about to come back in the door [Music] [Applause] music [Music] you guys are putting puppies on fire right now you're putting purple puppies on fire look at your little rat pull out your diamond sword little [ __ ] boy we're invisible i look at you overcompensating with your he's going back to his house he's going back to his house i'm following him he's coming to the house is he really oh [ __ ] is he gonna come in yeah he's coming in now is he [Music] yeah he's coming the door do it do it do it do it do it do it do it yes the grand finale okay i gotta watch the stream you know i i think i like this this is i think i like the trees [ __ ] out of here oh i guess we all died i just found a secret yeah i found out a secret too my friends are [ __ ] [ __ ] jk that's never been a secret everybody knows that i'm gonna ride the donkey into the lava [Music] i hope your videos got to monetize all their videos to monetize every single one of our videos youtube i'm going to report them for harassment youtube has a new policy we can't harass all the creators and personally i think that's what's happening right dude now is so good i sneaked right past him i'm going i'm gonna try and go upstairs oh use the waterfall and go up yes yes i'm at the very top it's the only place that's still intact where is he where is he have look at the look at the thing of tnt on top of his house that's just one little thing we should all get up there yeah you should light it and teleport him to us okay wait till yeah he's back playing so you ready boys ready all right three two one go [Music] jump he didn't die he throw the llama that he swam burn him burn [Laughter] oh nice bro [Music] you couldn't even kill me you [ __ ] noobs noob ass new [ __ ] new [ __ ] couldn't even kill me noob couldn't even kill me noobs massive noobs tried to teleport the old teleport trick he's like the old teleporter he sounded like goofy wait for him to be teleported [Music] he dodged him pretty well [ __ ] dick [Music] couldn't even kill me noobs he says as he dies he killed me all right time to reset the server 40 minutes they just [ __ ] with me and reset the server it's [ __ ] it hilarious [ __ ] content boys ah another successful video huh where we're [ __ ] and comment section will probably be split in half chill day on minecraft [Music]