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Monte Carlo Simulation in Finance
Jun 3, 2024
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Monte Carlo Simulation in Finance
Monte Carlo simulation
is a widely applied finance technique.
Used to deal with uncertainty in complex situations.
Generates many random observations for uncertain variables to create a joint distribution of possible outcomes.
Steps in Monte Carlo Simulation
Determine Variables
Identify variables representing sources of uncertainty.
Assume Distributions
Choose a distribution for each variable.
Choice of distribution affects model predictions and is at the analystâs discretion.
Execute Iterations
Perform iterations with possible realizations for these variables.
Repeat Iterations
Repeat the 3rd step many times (hundreds to thousands).
Observe a large number of possible realization paths.
Determine the mean of the distribution.
Applications in Finance
Options and Derivatives Pricing Models
Useful when complex features are involved.
Company Valuation
Cross-check results obtained through a Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method.
Risk Management
Used for Value at Risk (VaR) estimation and volatility modeling.
Leveraged by advancements in computing power.
Allows analysts to gain insights into possible realizations from a given distribution function.
Helps estimate possible prices of an asset by testing different variable values.
Model Dependency
Results depend on the assumed distribution model.
Statistical Nature
It's a statistical approach rather than an analytical one.
Provides aggregate results, not detailed impacts of separate variables.
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