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Pega Interview Series Part 2

hello Pega people welcome back to Pega interview series part two video I hope these videos will help you to crack the Pega interview if anyone is looking for Pega training please contact the scrolling number so we'll move on to interview hi has hi ma'am good morning good morning shall we continue with our interview sure ma'am let's start with our first question okay to a file listener instead of CSV file if we use XML file what will happen okay to a file listener which is configured to consume a CSV file if we are going to place an Excel file sorry an XML file then file listener is going to successfully pick the file but there will be a failure in the execution during the par structure because the par delimited rule we have created for comma separated CSV file so it will fail with XML file passing so we'll get a runtime exception in this case to a file listener instead of CSV file if we use XML file what will happen to a file listener which is configured to read and process CSV files if we going to place an XML file in the path then file listener will be able to successfully pick the XML file but only problem is as file file listener service files uh par rule is configured as par delimited rule created as par limited rule during the processing of XML file it will fail okay we would have created a pass XML Rule and utilize it for passing XML but as we have pass delimited rule in the service file rule it is going to give a runtime exception okay we'll move into our next question other than CSP file what are the file formats that file file iser supports okay file is supports XML files Excel files text files and even if you have requirement we can even go with HTML files and there are so many different file formats that listener can support in a case type how a work object will move from one stage to another stage please explain the internal mechanism during a Cas processing a work object is going to move from one stage to another stage internally there will be an OTB activity that gets exec Ed called as PX change stage so in the case type settings in the case type rule under the settings tab sorry in the case type rule under stages tab we are going to choose an option automatically move to next stage when the previous stage gets completed this option is going to invoke oot activity PX change stage that is going to move the work object to the next stage from the current stage okay we'll move on to another question on case okay how a case can jump from primary stage to alternate stage what are the different ways to implement it a case can jump from primary stage to alternate stage by using two ways one is we can use change change to a stage automation shape or we can use utility flow shape and in the utility flow shape we can call one water activity PX change stage so these are the two different ways where case can jump from primary stages to alternate stages okay hasha okay next question will be on decision tables okay I want to call decision table from activity what are the parameters need to pass Deion table from activity can be called in two different ways One is using property map de table method we can call when calling from property map de table method we have to pass the parameters of De table name and resulting property and also L missing properties checkbox this is optional and the other way around is in a normal property set method also we can call Deion table by using functions we can go to Expression Builder there we have a function called PX evaluate decision table we need to pass two parameters to it primary page name and decision table name that is going to execute the decision table okay we move on to next question okay you said right allow missing properties checkbox what is the use of it yeah I'll tell you allo missing properties checkbox in decision while calling decision table from activity whenever a decision table is called suppose I have called one Deion table which has three properties in its logic condition but at the time of calling the decision table from the activity on clipboard only two properties are there this is now going to result into an exception because Deion table expects three properties to be used in the condition but by the time it gets executed only two properties are there on clipboard one property is missing now to handle this internal exception Pega provides an exception handling mechanism called as ELO missing properties checkbox while calling the Deion table by selecting this option pea ignores the missing properties and evaluates the condition only with the remaining two properties whatever that is available on clipboard that's how exception handling mechanism is handled and provided by Pega using this option of L missing properties checkbox let me ask you next question on report definition how do you call report definition from activity a report definition rule can be called from activity by using PX retrieve report data OTB activity that means in our activity we need to call O activity PX retrieve report data which is from rule obj report definition class so if there is no inheritance relation from calling activity to PX retri report data then the way to call is call rule obj report definition. PX retrieve report data it takes three parameters one is report definition name second one is result page and third one is the class in which report definition rule is created then when the step is executed result is going to come on to clipboard on the respective page whatever we mention in the parameter let's say page one page 1 do PX results okay let's continue with report definition rule hasha can you tell me what is the purpose of class join in report definition sure the purpose of class join in report definition rule is whenever there is a need of retrieving the data from more than one table let's say two tables or three tables or four tables then we can Implement join conditions between multiple tables now if we want to retrieve from table a and table B then we have to create report definition rule in table a and in the data access tab of report definition rule there is an option called class joint then we have to go to add class join and mention the second table from second table class from which we want to retrieve the data then there should be a common value column between these two tables so that we can retrieve matching the records so to retrieve the data from more than one table by matching with some uh common value columns we can fetch the data by using report definition rule in this case we will be using class joints there are even other types of joints also which we can use like index joints and also associations and sub reports