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Exploring Apple Notes Features and Benefits
Aug 13, 2024
Overview of Apple Notes Features
Discussion on various note-taking apps: Evernote, Notability, GoodNotes.
Preference for Apple Notes due to simplicity and cost-free nature.
Organizational Features
Folder System
Regular folders for sorting notes.
Drag and drop notes between folders.
Smart folders for automatic sorting using tags.
Nesting folders up to five levels deep.
Default Folders
Note folder: contains all unsorted notes.
All iCloud/All on my iPad folders for accessing any note.
Quicknotes saved in Quicknotes folder.
Recently Deleted folder allows retrieval within 30 days.
Notes sorted by last edited.
Grouping by date (e.g., Today, Past 7 Days).
Search and Accessibility Features
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for searching handwritten text and attachments.
Pinning important notes to the top of folders.
Display Modes
List View
Split into three panes: Folders, Notes, Content.
Ideal for managing multiple notes.
Gallery View
Displays thumbnails for notes.
Allows customization like adjusting thumbnail size.
Note Creation and Editing Tools
Typing and Handwriting
Typing with onscreen or external keyboard.
Context menu available for text style and formatting.
Handwritten text conversion using Scribble feature.
Drawing Tools
Four pen types, pencil, marker with adjustable thickness, color, and opacity.
Pressure-sensitive pencil tool with no lag.
Eraser Tools
Pixel eraser and Object eraser available.
Emphasizes text without obscuring.
Additional Tools
Lasso tool, color palette, ruler.
Text tool for adding text/captions.
Shapes tool for perfect shapes.
Quick Notes
Creation using Apple Pencil or control center on iPad.
Feature can be enabled in Control Center Settings.
Advanced Features
Snap to Shape for perfecting drawn shapes.
Importing and extracting information from attached documents.
Interactive Elements
Checklists and tables available.
Data recognition for phone numbers, emails, dates.
Apple Notes is the top choice for an easy, intuitive, and free note-taking app.
Syncs across all devices.
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