okay massive update regarding the Mr B situation apparently he's been threatening to sue the former employee who made the Expos video on him dog pack 404 has just posted that he got a cease and assist from the Mr Beast legal team so clearly Mr Beast was not happy with being accused of conducting illegal lotteries faking the game show videos and all of the other stuff we talked about in my previous videos step one was to send Chucky the fake PR guy to message people to stop making videos and step two is to just use your billions of dollars to bully and silence people not going to lie this is a horribly bad look for Mr Beast because if you want to silence someone like this it's probably possible that you might have some serious things to hide so let's just go over the whole situation the two separate cease and desist and dog Pack's response to the situation cuz not going to lie it's pretty funny okay so dog pack posted in his community Tab ceas and desist de nut and we got ceas and desist immediate attention required Dear Mr dog pack doesn't want to leak his name Satan Lord of Darkness represents your former employer Mr be YouTube LLC I'm writing to you regarding your recent troubling conduct following your involuntary termination from employment with the company on April 19 specifically it has recently come to the company's attention that you have been among other things disclosing sensitive confidential and proprietary information regarding the company's business operations and content creation methodology in a breach of your contractual legal obligations as a company including the contractual post-employment obligations set forth in the confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement executed by you in connection with your employment okay so Mr Beast is bringing up the NDA which basically forbids you from talking about the operations of the company and his confidential role at Mr Beast right now I'm not a lawyer but from what I understand ndas are not enforcable if you're actually doing something illegal because then the person is just reporting a crime which you should do also dog pack was actually very careful in his initial expose video to only use publicly available information to expose Mr Beast and he's actually had his lawyer review what he posts online so it seems like he's good and he hasn't actually violated any contracts there now Jimmy can't really do anything in this situation except maybe take him to court and maybe try to bully him with money but that's also probably not going to work and uh my guess is if if if needed people would gladly crowdfund dog packs legal expenses as well so here's what people are saying remember guys dog pack 404 is not uh Game ending himself implying that uh uh somebody's going to send a Hitman after him I hired 100 serial killers to assassinate a former employee who exposed me $1 Hitman versus $1 million Hitman from what I can tell none of what dog pack actually actually showed his private information so in other words this cease and assist doesn't really mean anything it's just an intimidation tactic as these sort of massive companies often do my lawyer agrees so many comments on my YouTube video like did you even work there this is all public that was to not breach the NDA I just knew the right places to look dog pack actually 1,000 IQ here dog pack 44 might not want to answer any suspicious knocks at the door from now on okay you got to hand it to him dog pack or Dawson has got to be one of the bravest people out out there because going after like a billion dooll corporation that as Mr Beast here is scary when you tear out a Man's Tongue you are not proving him a liar you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say now it turns out dog pack has actually posted a response on Twitter and it is absolutely hilarious okay he made one of those meme videos but I can't actually play the music so I'll just read it out right ceon assist response and update so Mr Beast legal team did send me a cease and assist and here's my official response to that you want to see slander Mr Beast hiding peees at his company obviously referencing Chris Tyson there but he does charity guys of course anyone that does charity can do absolutely nothing wrong other charity mfers we got uh Jimmy savil and Jeffrey uh Jeffrey boy don't forget this philanthropist okay I'm not putting the German guy in my video all right where does this money actually go as of today all 34 million pounds of trash from Team C has been removed from the ocean and verified by a third party says calling out his team C's campaign 2o you said you were saving the ocean 991 days to clean up 8 hours of plastic pollution 90 million pounds per day an estimated 90 million pounds of plastic enter the ocean every day and you did 34 million pounds in 991 days actually bringing up good points here oh my God NASA engineer can't do research no he's calling on Mark Rober nearly all environmental scientists agree that ocean plastic pollution isn't a problem we can clean our way out of or was your charity working for Coke Coca-Cola 56 companies are responsible for the 50% of the world's plastic pollution oh my God you made probably the biggest mistake of your entire career firing this guy this dude is a Content cop detective bro Beast philanthropy selling out to the highest bidder of course of course got a got a dance on him the only Mr Beast member I trust got to have Chandler in there safest Mr Beast Challenge and somebody is getting sliced up cool Mr Beast uploaded a new video oh this is good this is some commentary humor right here Mr Beast after running illegal lotteries for children commentary YouTuber guys we made it we have officially made it commentary YouTubers versus Mr PE clo oh that's so good that is so good Mr be is carefully crafting the worst chocolate you've ever tasted in your life febles of course commentary YouTubers looking for a way to defend Mr Beast hey I'm just saying I was the first guy to call him about okay one of the first guys one of the guys that go viral here all right I'm still waiting for everybody else to jump on this all right where's everybody huh huh suddenly everybody wants to take breaks huh excc and every okay xcc has negative IQ let's not even talk about the guy he reacted to my video and I tried his absolute hardest to defend Mr Beast I don't know if these guys are all In Cahoots or something but this is crazy Pokemon reacting a classic put us on in there as well Jack septi guy being right all along this is in reference to when Jack sepy said that Mr Beast ruined YouTube with all of his highly edited ultr produced garbage all right which um unrelated to the situation but I like my boy Jack Mr Beast trying not to use charity as a shield from criticism for 5 Seconds okay I can always respect the good SpongeBob Meme all right I'm I'm the king of SpongeBob memes as you guys know Mr be in front of his $60 million Studio explaining how he's actually poor and pretending like he has an oldest model X playay for a year oh who who's that uh Jimmy in the car next to you who who who could that possibly be H Mr be running for president while never taking a stance on anything also who's going to vote for him they're all under five Mr be PR team realizing the Reddit am were a distraction trying to hit me with the ndas and cease and desist and he's put Muhammad Ali dodging the punches this guy is 10 out of 10 comedy Mr explaining why Drop Shipping Burger is actually a genius that was a complete Disaster by the way me forging my mom's signature and my report card POV you're a minor in 20124 run run as fast as you can it's everybody it's everybody Chris Discord mods discussing the do uh anime drop okay independent third party investigation in we actually investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong here and he's ended it with this James Charles still holds record for most amount of YouTube subscribers lost in a single day can Mr Beast break the world record guys I mean he is he is a champion in this fear I will say respect for standing your ground in the face of legal repercussion Discovery would destroy Mr Beast as referring to like illegal proceeding now Doc pack actually made some follow-up tweets here some updates I was originally going to expose Mr be's philanthropy efforts being more for aiding private interests and boosting Mr BEAST's image than actually doing anything good but in this investigation I came across something far more interesting uh that no one else has ever found part two will be far more damaging to Mr be's career than part one dog pack is going to make a second video and it's somehow going to be worse than part one I can't even imagine what he's going to talk about but I am excited man as far as Mr Beast the largest fundraiser team sees it's pretty well known that it had no statistically significant impact on ocean pollution so people say it's better than nothing it's a drastic oversimplification that doesn't factor in the money time effort and carbon cost associated with raising the money and removing the trash also where did the trash go landfills where over time it will break down into microplastics that blow right back into the ocean or recycling plants team C's also promoted the false narrative that plastic pollution is a Problem solvable by people when they put the Beast Burger guy in charge of saving the ocean in this interview with MKBHD Mr Beast even acknowledges that it was not actually about the impact of removing 30 million pounds of trash but team se's was frequently advertised as a way to save the ocean it's not necessarily about the 30 million PB it's about the inspiration it's about the positive net influence of people coming together and demonstrating something powerful so Y and just showing that people care honestly I didn't know that I thought you were actually saving the ocean dude with that's some false advertising there Jesus Christ I thought I thought we donate money to you and then you go and clean up the ocean you help us Save the Ocean I'm trying to raise some money to help save the ocean I'm going to lie and go with it so we you know raise money to save the ocean if you want to see me and Mark Rober suffer and Save the Ocean you get to save the ocean okay so I get that Mr Beast is trying to do a good thing but lying about the impact it has is not really good you need to be completely transparent with everybody especially if they're going to be giving you money Mr Beast and marroo also went on to promote single-use plastic garbage this video by uh stay uh goes more in depth on this so why did team C's never mention corporate pollution or push for a ban on unnecessary single-use Plastics instead push the narrative that is a problem that is solvable by people in cleanup efforts could it be that 50% of the money went to their Peter Theo funded startup whose largest sponsor is Coca-Cola wow this is actually a pretty huge I'm not going to lie now it turns out after seeing all these videos on him and seeing how this story is just going Omega viral turns out the Mr Beast team is panicking really hard apparently he sent yet another warning to dog pack 404 cease and assist final warning final warning before what Jimmy what exactly are do you want to do to dog pack here Beast actually trying to be a cartoon anime villain here with this BS legal stuff dog pack says new one double it and give it to the next person ceas toist final warning Dear Mr dog pack 404 a new firm whose white color criminal defense practice is second and none according to the website has recently been retained by Mr Beast and its founder Jimmy Donaldson regarding the unsettling news that you have embarked on a campaign to disparage Mr Beast as a company and defame Jimmy Donaldson as an individual not only are your statements about Mr Beast and Jimmy Donaldson untrue then prove it you have all the footage but instead of posting any you've just been deleting more they also violate the clear binding enforcable terms of your NDA okay Mr NDA which you have shown in videos posted to the internet okay message to the Mr Beast team can you actually instead of you know threatening people with cease and toist can you actually prove your own innocence right instead of just staying silent despite videos exposing you getting millions of views like you guys are ultimate experts in making videos so come out with a video response clearing your name Jimmy okay prove that Dawson is just a quote unquote disgruntled employee and then everyone will be on your side it's so easy to do that you have 50 channels posted on one of the goddamn channels but the thing is you can't seem to do that because it seems like a lot of the criticism was justified and is totally legit now this next part gets kind of dark apparently people have found dog Pack's real phone number and are threatening him with some real messed up [ __ ] you know the stuff we were just joking about like uh you know don't answer any knocks at the door and stuff yeah they're texting him that same sort of stuff all right and this is all alleged all right I personally if you had to ask me I don't think Mr Beast uh did something like this but if he did it is a horrible look it might just be a troll though also my number got leaked apparently from a Mr Beast employee named Kaylee I've been getting texts from former Mr Beast employees text I received last night claims that James wants to have private investigators start following me and looking into my family social media accounts to find ways to discredit me we are actually in a movie guys apparently the best Nar ative they have right now is that I'm crazy drug addicted Mr be super fan that got fired for trying to steal company funds if this text is true I will say Mr Beast if you want to resort to personal attacks I'm happy to reciprocate or you know just address the evidence here we got some screenshots dude has anyone at Beast contacted you about the post you're making I've been reading the NDA over to see what I can and can't post because I'd like to move on with my life and try having some type of social media presence not planning on ever mentioning worked at beast but if it got out or somehow some way I accidentally mentioned it I wanted to make sure I was going to get sued to all hell also I got your number from Kaylee I don't have access to anything Beast like slack or anything Dawson I'm texting you anonymously to let you know that I've heard James wants to have private investigators start following you and looking into every detail of your life he wants them to reach out to all your former employers find all of your social media accounts your families social media accounts videos of you anything they already have a Google doc listing possible ways to discredit you including you're on drugs and have mental health problems your mom is bipolar you were an obsessed Super Fan you were crying begging for your job back after they fired you you try to steal company funds Etc I don't know what's true and what's not but personally I really think you should just take everything down ASAP if you take it down there leave you alone you're trolling what this is an actual super villain message okay again not saying Mr B send this not saying anyone associated with Mr beend this is all alleged this could be a random troll but it is absolutely crazy that he's getting these messages period I mean you see this type of stuff in the movies you know like hire someone to follow this guy tail this guy try to ruin his life by you know messaging his family like threatening everybody absolutely crazy scenes this is one of the biggest stories on the internet man so here we got the text Daws I'm texting you you're trolling what this phone number is no longer in service what stop what stop this is so creepy leave hello what now you don't respond dude if I got this message not going to lie I'm going into my Nuclear bunker all right I'm taking my family going into a nuclear bunker locking the door never coming out for the next 50 years all right this is the scariest [ __ ] I've seen in a while all right godamn it's probably someone just trolling around that's what I theorize too could be but I know Mr Beast does really have private investigators as long as it doesn't escalate to hiring Hitman we're good okay dude all right can we get some security for Dawson can we actually get some security everyone keeps saying Jimmy's so nice but the more I look into this it seems the opposite may be true I think he nice to everyone who helps grow his brand but if someone is trying to take him down or if someone is against him in any way and stopping his growth he is probably Omega ruthless now Nathan one of the Chris Tyson victims actually posted the website that hosted the Chris Tyson from Mr Beast Discord leaks was taken down yesterday morning and served with what we can only assume is a cease and desist they terminated everything to do with the website with no notice will will not stop until these files are published and remain available to the public I think it is public now but it seems like the team is trying to take down absolutely everything relating to these Discord servers the legal Lottery streams trying to silence the whistleblowers as well honestly this is absolutely insane by Mr Beast sending him cease and deist attempting to silence a whistleblower or possibly bully him in court using your insane stack of money is just such a bad look if you want to catch up with the whole situation or you're confused watch all my previous videos go check out dog pack of course and yeah that's it I'll see you guys next time bye-bye [Music]