Understanding Hebrews Chapter 1

Aug 19, 2024

Lecture Notes: Giving the Sense A to Z - Hebrews Chapter 1


  • The focus of the lecture is on Hebrews Chapter 1.
  • Importance of understanding the context of Paul's writings through the Book of Acts.
  • Mention of Nehemiah 8:8 explaining the distinct and clear reading and understanding of the scriptures.

Context of Hebrews

  • Hebrews is directed at Hebrew Christians who believed in Christ.
  • Understanding the audience is crucial; refers to Hebrews as those who followed the laws of Moses.

Reference Scriptures

  1. Acts 6:1 - Murmuring between Grecians and Hebrews.
  2. Acts 15:5 - Pharisees who believed in Christ but insisted on the necessity of circumcision.
  3. Leviticus 12 - Circumcision and the law of sacrifice.
  4. Hosea 12:10 - Methods God used to speak through prophets.

Hebrews Chapter 1

  • Verse 1-2: God spoke through prophets and now through Jesus, who is an heir of all things and made the worlds.
    • Reference: 1 Peter 1:19-20, John 1:3, Proverbs 8:22-30.
  • Verse 3: Jesus is the express image of God's person and purged our sins.
    • Reference: Daniel 7:9, Revelation 1:14.

Jesus and the Angels

  • Verse 4: Jesus made better than the angels.
    • Reference: Job 11:6 - Scriptures can have double meanings.
    • Angels refer to leaders or prophets in scripture (e.g., Psalms 103:20, 2 Esdras 1:38).

Jesus’ Role and Exaltation

  • Verse 5-6: God’s unique declaration to Jesus as His Son.
    • Reference: Psalms 45:6-7, Psalms 110:1 - The prophecy about Jesus’ exaltation.
  • Verse 7-9: Jesus’ love for righteousness and anointment above others.

The Nature of Creation

  • Verse 10-12: Jesus' role in creation and eternal nature.
    • Reference: Genesis 1:1 - Jesus' involvement in creation.


  • Verse 13-14: Christ is unique among all, none were promised the same exaltation.
    • Angels as ministering Spirits sent to aid those inheriting salvation.

Key Themes

  • Christ's superiority over the law and old covenant practices like sacrifice.
  • The importance of adhering to the teachings of Christ for salvation.

Final Thoughts

  • The lecture encourages giving earnest attention to the teachings of Christ, especially amidst contradictory teachings from other groups (Pharisees pushing old covenant practices).
  • Preparation for the next segment on Hebrews Chapter 2.