so kind of a quick impromptu video today uh hence why i'm wearing my hazy nelson t-shirt from the backwoods brewery in portland and carson washington or portland oregon and carson washington but never mind that um a discussion came up uh just this morning uh with one of my uh one of my key colleagues and uh partners in crime fei wu and we were talking about is it better to get fired or to quit when the job is not right and i i think back to having been given advice at a point in my life when someone said look here's what you need to do if you know this is not working fine but you need to protect yourself you need to do the job and do the job well enough that you can stay there until it's time for you to leave now you start looking right away and you get out but you want to get out in your terms you don't want to be out in the market saying i lost my job i was let go i was fired you want to be working to get a new job and that makes a lot of sense i totally get that and you know it's advice i've probably given people as well from time to time and it probably sucks this advice um and and here's why if you're in that job still no matter how much your heart's not in it your mind and your body is in it most of the day and you're committed at that point to keeping a job and looking for another one when you have the time but most people i know don't really focus on that search and they don't focus the time they need to they're not committed to finding the thing they really want and they're living their days comparing everything to the the bad job they have now and so they end up looking to leave not looking to go somewhere um and i can tell you that at one point in my life i had a situation where we just got to it and i thought you know what i'm going to go ahead and do what i've been told stick it out make it work and not make it work but you know make it work enough for me until i can leave but the company had other plans in mind and they changed their mind before i did it and said nope we're kind of done and i walked out the door that day probably the best thing that ever happens to me because then i had to commit myself to what it is i wanted to do i had to figure it out and find it and interestingly enough in the sense getting fired from that job moved my career ahead faster and further than i ever could have imagined so is it good to be safe sure it can be good sometimes but there's always a price you know what's the cost of saying staying safe is a question we always have to ask ourselves okay so good so good