Transcript for:
Exodus 34 and Related Discussions

Heavenly Father we thank you so much for this evening uh on the eve of Chavo and we ask your blessing on this uh lesson today Father you give us give us ears to hear eyes to see father the sermon and understanding into your word we thank you we pray this in the name of Yeshua amen all right so we are on uh Exodus 34 and we're going to start reading uh verse 29 we made it all the way up through 28 where Moses comes down from the mountain he's up there 40 days 40 nights didn't need bread drank no water and we were wondering if he uh actually slept even I don't know verse 29 and it came to pass when Moses came down from Mount Si with two tablets of testimony in Moses's hand when he came down from the mount that Moses wh not or he knew not that the skin of his face Shone while he talked with him so this word uh skin where is it okay skin yeah this word or it's actually pronounced the same as the word for light or the only difference is that or for light is an olive and skin is a p and also this word shown is the word Karen which actually means form or horns and some translations actually translated that way uh if you look in the strongs one of the definitions is a beam or a ray so it's like his face was radiating so you figure he's up on the mountain for 40 days 40 nights right and uh this is the time he uh he requested to see the glory of Yahweh and he he agreed to do do that he put Moses in a cliff and covered covered him with his hand while he passed by so the Moses could when he passed by he could see his glory so obviously this made his face glow right he was like he was radiating so I think it's interesting how that the word for shown space shown is actually the word for a horn so it's like a a ray a beam of light sometimes I say Horn of light so and when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses behold the skin of his face sh and they were afraid to come nigh at him so they uh first thing they notice is when he come down from the mountain and he's glowing and I would imagine it was it would be pretty um it would probably just kind of freak them out a little bit and they were afraid but you know our skin actually does radiate right we have like a a AA uh a lot of paintings religious paintings they depict the halo over the head which kind of is supposed to be a depiction of this this Aura uh when Adam and Eve were in the garden uh they didn't know that they were naked because they radiated this this Aura of light so skin and light they kind of go hand in hand right once again the same same pronunciation just a slightly I want to see there Debra's here hi Deborah Shalom how are you good it's almost like in a Romper Room oh there's Deborah Lisa and [Music] Donnie you guys never watch that when you hear kids what what movie or what show was it Romer room I don't remember that one I remember it Mike you would say oh I see Deborah and I see L kind of weird show but uh verse 31 and Moses called unto them so they're probably like you know afraid to go in but and Aaron and all the rulers of the congregation returned unto him and Moses talked with them and after all afterward all the children of Israel came nigh and he gave them in commandment all that Yahweh had spoken with him in Mount Si until Moses mooses had done speaking with them he put a veil on his face but when Moses went in before Yahweh to speak with him he took off the veil until he came out and he came out and spoke unto the children of Israel that which he was commanded and the children of Israel saw the face of Moses that the skin of Moses Shone and Moses put the veil upon his face again until he went in to speak with them any uh comments questions well I think there's a hint that's all a big hint about the integration of energy plasma matter yeah how it's connected to the Divine yeah I would Age you know they had to be they had to be familiar with these beams of light because uh like the Jordan riff Valley generates huge amounts of energy and there would be periodic releases of these energies through the high ridges and mountaintops and you'd at night they'd see these beams of light shooting up into the sky kind of cool yeah all right chapter 35 hey Mike yeah so it said that there was it was if there was a veil over his face I think he put a veil over his face oh okay I'm just wondering if that's related at all to is it Hebrews when or trying to think where probably Paul talks about when whoever reads Moses they have a veil over their like eyes or understanding you know remember that like I just think it's a little interesting because Moses had to put a veil over his face after being up in the mount and yet when you read Moses and the law there's if you don't understand Yeshua or aren't aware of it yet um then you have a veil basically over your understanding because you can't understand Redemption fully without Yeshua right so it's interesting when we acquire uh glorified bodies I would say we will have we will emit this glow also every everything much like Adam and Eve did in the garden all right chapter 35 so those chapters 32 32 3 33 and 34 those are all like the central uh we talked about a acrostic structure where that is T at the center if you were to go back to the last portion of chapter 31 he talks about the U the Shabbat and so when he came down the mountain the first time the first 40 days that was the last thing he was instructed to do and back in chapter 31 he was it it says uh above above all so that's the most important thing so when he when he was to come down that would have been the first thing he instructed them so had a little bit of a situation to take care of first but now when he comes down this is the first thing he's going to talk about the Shabbat and then after that will be all the uh making of the uh the Tabernacle and all all the the garments and the furniture and all verse one and Moses gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel together and said unto them these are the words which Yahweh hath commanded that you should do them six days shall work be done but on the seventh day there shall be to you a holy day a Sabbath of rest to Yahweh whoever does work therein shall be put to death he shall Kindle no fire throughout your habitations upon the Sabbath thing so this is a a recurring thing he's he's wanting them to understand that we need to keep these sabbaths because you figure I mean they haven't been keeping Sabbath well they're in Egypt probably and so now they're getting used to it so they shall not Kindle a fire throughout your habitation so I was thinking about this does that mean they can't have a fire just says they can't Kindle it I would think if you Kindle your fire before Shabbat and just keep it going you could have a fire in your home what do you think about that any thoughts we did a study some time back and come to the conclusion that it wasn't meaning that you couldn't book so that was the conclusion we' come to I don't have the notes and stuff but uh yeah because obviously the you know they are kindling fires because they're commanded to uh offerings are being done and one person could say well they they they started the fire uh before the sunset on Friday night but um also I was going to mention that my program says that the uh this chapter 34 is a covenant renewal starts with verse 10 it's a covenant renewal right you've probably heard people give comments on the the face shown that shown is Karen which also is the word for horn but the sep the sepian says that Moses's face was charged with Glory is very interesting yeah I saw one version that said uh a version I have uh like G I think it said a beam of light or a beam so all right uh verse four anybody else have any thing on that I would think all the the sacrifices and all that would be done at the sanctuary this just says in your habitation so I would think it would it's meaning uh their individual personal tense uh Mike yeah I think it's interesting Mark that that it says that he was charged with Glory because I I think there's a being in that high energy environment with Yahweh he gets charged up and there's actually this this like glowing plasma around him from all energies picked up but there's other scriptures I can't think of the exact reference off the top of my head to talk about how Angels there different angels are are made of different kinds of Glory right as as if it's talking about different kinds of Flesh humans are one kind of glory and and then different kinds of angelic beings are different kinds of Glory so I just think there's that's an interesting connection yeah good go ahead that's good and I there's another scripture says from glory to glory right like you're going from one different type of Glory to another can I add to that you have an answer no I don't have an answer but I can I can add to it oh okay go ahead oh you said can I answer that um so uh speaking to what Mark and Ward were saying as far as um did you say the word shown Mark s h o n e yeah yeah some of the translations use the word shown is that the Hebrew word or the English word Hebrew word is Karen yeah yeah Karen yeah oh Karen okay because um so reading from the book of natsarim it talks about yahusha and it says here coming from the Wilderness yahusha still retained the full power of the Rua Kadesh having it on trustee ship from Elohim he would not use it unworthily at night it's shown around him like a pale blue haze and though many have it never has another manifested its in such strength interesting very nice uh Deborah Fay I thought I was hoping she would jump on and say these things but she's posted a couple of things on the chat you want me to say I can say yeah that way we can hear you speak yes I just didn't want to interrupt I um so what Ward was saying I think is this what you were talking about Ward here there are because in the King James it it translates it as Glory which um there are also heavenly bodies and there are Earthly bodies but the Splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind and the Splendor of the Earthly bodies is another the sun has one kind of Splendor and the Moon another and the Stars another and stars defer from star in splendor and the King James translates That Glory yeah that's it what what verse is that First Corinthians 15 First Corinthians 15 and since the septu is using the word charged you know so you you like like Ward is saying obviously a plasma is charged so this you could be these these bodies are radiating with charge of different variations of one another so would make sense yeah this is what I was saying about how how plasma is infinitely configurable so these different types of beings have different specific parameters of how their their flesh plasma bodies are set up so there it's like a fingerprint they're all unique these different these different types of beings are unique you know versus other types and what was that expression again the the glory what about the glory on Moses I missed it the septu agent says that his face was charged with Glory okay all right uh verse four and Moses spake spoke unto all the congregation of the children of Israel saying this is the thing which Yahweh commanded saying take he from among you an offering unto Yahweh who whosoever is of a willing heart let him bring it an offering of Yahweh gold and silver and brass and blue and purple and Scarlet and fine linen and goats hair and RAM skins dyed red and Badger skins and chatim wood and oil for the light and spices for anointing oil and for the sweet incense and onx stones and stones to be set for the epod and for the breastplate and every wise-hearted among you shall come and make all that Yahweh hath commanded the Tabernacle his tent his covering his toxs I think are the Fasteners or the hook and his boards his bars his pillars and his sockets the ark and the staves thereof with the mercy seat and the veil of the covering the table and his staves and all his vessels and shra the Candlestick also for the light and his furniture and his lamps with oil for the light and the incense Altar and his stays and anointing oil and the sweet incense and the hanging for the door at the entering in of the Tabernacle the altar of burnt offering with its Brazen great his staves and all his vessels the labor and his foot the hangings of the Court his pillars their sockets and the hangings for the door of the Court the pins of the Tabernacle the pins of the court and their cords the claws of service to do service in the Holy Place holy garment right now Baron the priest and the garments of his sons to minister in the priest's office so Mike how many uh how many Olive tobs are there there from verse 19 is there more above four no okay yeah uh no that's a lot and and just uh what is that uh yeah see where they are and can I can I ask a question while you're looking so the the word for offering is it here yeah is that would that be best translated as contribution or tribute yeah or offering contribution some emergency contribution what verse was that uh verse it's this word here tum tumat tumat that's a first five it's Cole the uh Greek word is first fruits first fruits okay yeah alter MMA and then hangings the hangings so they're instructed uh so this is basically for us a repeat from when Moses was first on the mountain giving the instructions for this and now he's telling the people so then the people in verse 20 and all the congregation of the children of Israel departed from the presence of Moses and they came everyone whose heart stirred him up and everyone whom his Spirit made willing and they brought yahweh's offering to the work of the Tabernacle of the congregation for all his service and for the holy garments so as reading through this I mean it just occurred to me that this as it turns out is a very good time for them because they just came you know from the whole golden calf incident and they were very downhearted and when they were told that you know yahwah was not going to be in their midst you know they got very depressed and now Moses he goes back up and he he gets Yahweh to change his mind so now he is going to be he agrees he will be with them so now they're just uh really excited and uh we just see that they're uh you know they just really want want to do this so I would think that this time this was a very good time for them you know considering where they had just uh you know come through and all I find it interesting that uh in verse 22 in the septu it says and the men brought from their wives everyone whose mind seemed good brought seals and earrings and finger rings so it seems as though the septu making seem like the the the the women brought forth things that they had and from the children Rings earrings nose rings all those kinds of things to make contribution and so it's interesting that it's it's implying that it's coming from the women all the ornamental stuff yeah and let's face it if if there's embroidery and linen art works of those kinds of things wouldn't that be coming from the women of the house too I mean I doubt the me I doubt the men are over there doing the the linen work and the stuff like this probably the L women in each man's you know uh whether it's servants or whatever you know they've got this stuff is coming from them and he you know the husband probably went back and said hey the Lord God has asked us to bring forth uh whatever we our heart moves us to bring and so the ladies are like here I've got this I've got that and yeah and they came both men and women as many as were willing hearted and brought bracelets earrings Rings tablets all jewels of gold and every man that offered offered an offering of gold unto yahwah and every man with whom was found blue and purple and Scarlet and fine linen and goats hair and Red Skins of L of rams Badger skins brought them everyone that did offer an offering of silver and Brass brought yahweh's offering and every man with whom was found shtim would for any work of the service brought it so whatever they had they brought and all the women that were wise-hearted and did spin with their hands and brought that which they had spun both of blue and of purple and Scarlet and a fine linen so in uh proverbs 31 we know the uh the woman of noble character verse 13 it says she seeks wool and fla and seek and works with willing hands and then uh verse 22 22 no that's I was going to share with ver 19 uh she put her hands to the dis staff and her hands hold a spindle so the women uh are who do this are the the noble women go ahead Mark I was just going to say the uh where it says porpose skins in the sepan it calls it blue skins and the what is that huh in 23 well every place that says porpose in in and some other translations may use that something other than porpose but uh it's in the sepan it's calling it blue skins and the target it calls it multicolored skins so I suppose if if you're think I'm thinking of multicolored skin so you know you've got you've got cattle that have multicolored skins it could be you know like your uh like your uh Chick-fil-A black and white I mean you know you could have all these kinds of skins and uh different you know red and white and so maybe it is multicolored instead of I I don't know of any blue skins that are clean but it's very possible that what they meant in the Hebrew was possibly a multicolored skin yeah mark one of the analysis that I've read about that word is that it's referring to a specially a special formula or special method of tanning the the leather of the of the cattle so that the leather was extra strong for resisting weather but it was also made it translucent so that light could shine through it huh and uh so at night you know it would have whatever color the light was shining through it pick it would pick up that color well so if you had some uh some uh what's it called that you have in your background the uh um yeah that would be very interesting to have that shining through the right verse 26 I mean that's probably the kind of leather that was over the over the Tabernacle so at night you know the whole top of that would have been like a glowing eyeball with light shining through it I mean it would it would have been like Moses face I mean it would have been shining with light or Abraham or whatever whoever it's Badgers Badgers we don't need no thinking Badgers yeah different ver versions have different names for that do the septu aent calls it uh a Greek word that says it's high sync it means a blue colored but like Ward said it could be just like some kind of method they knew how to do in the uh in the in the tanning process well they definitely had some knowledge because uh this is not an easy task and all the women whose Hearts stirred them up in wisdom spun goats there and the rulers brought onx stones and stones to be set for the epod and for the breastplate these must have been the guys who are the little more wealthy that's the word for uh princes and spice and oil for the light and for the anointing oil for the sweet incense the children of Israel brought a willing offering unto Yahweh every man and woman whose heart made them willing to bring for all manner of work which Yahweh had commanded to be made by the hand of Moses so there was no order that you have to bring everything people just did this willingly as they as they were moved by the spirit and I don't know if there are any people who didn't I don't really know but there were and it seems like there were a lot of people the majority of the people wanted to do donate verse 30 and Moses said unto the children of Israel see yaah hath called by name be zalel the son of URI the son of UR of the tribe of Judah and he has filled him with the spirit of God and wisdom in understanding and knowledge and in all manner of workmanship and to devise curious Works to work in gold and in silver and brass and in The Cutting of stones to set them and in carving of wood to make any manner of cunning work and he have put in his heart that he may teach both he and aab the son of aisat of the tribe of Dan them hath he filled with wisdom of heart to work all manner of work of the engraver and of the cunning workmen and of the embroiderer in blue and in purple in scarlet and fine linen and of the Weaver even of of them that do any work and of those that devise work I think it's interesting that that skill and that the the gifts that they have they're described as wise heartart hearted you know yeah um talking about their ability and their skill and the women were considered wise-hearted when they were spinning the goat's hair yeah and I I have thought about this many times this skill set that's fallen on these these men that's this came from the spirit because you know a lot of the First Nations people believe that they are you know Israelites descended Israelites and they have skill like this this is they've got really amazing skills it makes me wonder sometimes if that's that skill that Spirit still moving through descendants in that same line very interesting yeah here's the word for wisdom wisdom of Heart Another particular set of skes uh chapter 36 benr baz bazel and oh H and every wise-hearted man in whom Yahweh put wisdom and understanding to know how to work all manner of work for the service of the sanctuary according to all that Yahweh had commanded yeah I think for the most part we we have lost there's a lot of great things of go in construction but I think for the most part we've lost a lot of uh knowledge how to do stuff like this Moes when I think of wisdom I guess I don't think of skill and talent so I interesting that that is in yahweh's eyes I mean that is wisdom yeah yeah you think of some guy sitting on a mountain spouting truisms or something WR well if you think about it it takes even the even the wisdom to mine out what we mine out of the scriptures there's some there's a level of skill there that's involved in mining out and and and getting that understanding so yeah it's uh these but these guys definitely had a skill set I mean I'm thinking about when you're talking about the the setting the setting the jewels in their in their position and yeah this is very and and when I watched the lady in Israel who had been tked by the temple Institute to embroider the the curtain the the uh uh curtain that separates the the two rooms the skill set that she had and and the wisdom the the spirit of the Lord revealed to her how to make certain colors she had no idea and she said all of a sudden it was just in my mind what to do and she goes I went and did it and it actually worked exactly what had come to my mind to do and so she was able to to achieve the colors uh by by dying and I think she said she had to Dy it a certain color and by setting it out in the sun the the the Lord told her to set it out in the sun and to dry and when she set it out in the sun to dry it turned to the color the it was supposed to turn yeah it's pretty crazy it was pretty amazing yeah I I wonder in just reading this how how uh did was it like that where they just received this knowledge or did they have some type of skill when they were still in Egypt you know and and they just kind of maybe like that learn something from that or if it was just giving given to them or maybe they just had an aptitude for it you know and it's like uh kind of like Dan you know like you go look at what he's built out there it's like I've watched him work and it's like he's just like cutting things and it's like it fits it's like I think some people just have a knack for putting things together you know go ahead that's exactly what happened to this lady she she said it was in her heart to want to do this uh this curtain and yeah she said I didn't have any skill she goes but whenever I my heart was willing to do it when she put herself out there to be a servant to do it like it says here in the sepan in verse two Moses called bezel and elab all those having the skill to whom God G gave knowledge in their heart and all those who freely desired to make a start on the work so and because she became willing the Lord gifted her with the ability to do the work she was willing to do and I think that applies to us when we say you know what I I want to do this I I'm willing to step out and do this you know the father opens up the heart and the mind and and and gives it to us yeah verse four and all the wise men that wrought all the work of the sanctuary came every man from his work which they made and they spoke unto Moses saying the people bring much more than enough for the service of the work which yahwah commanded to make that Moses gave commandment and they cause it to be proclaimed throughout the CL Camp saying let neither men nor women make any more work for the offering of the sanctuary so the people were restrained from bringing for the stuff they had was sufficient for all the work to make it and too much so that's just so shows how willing their hearts were to give they just I mean I guess it's a good problem to have right people are bringing too much and they have to be actually commanded okay that's enough we got enough we can stop now what a deal it would be to have too much when you have to tell people okay you've given enough you know we're gonna have to shut it down that it's amazing that's why I think this was a a good uh period of of their time out in the wilderness uh you know probably probably up until they were getting ready to go in probably the best best time they were there I would imagine I'm thinking from the time uh well if the Tabernacle was done by the first of the first month of the next year that would give them roughly about this whole thing took up roughly five months to put together verse eight did I just read that no you and every wise-hearted man among them that wrought the work of the tabernac made 10 curtains of fine twine linen and blue and purple and Scarlet the cherubim of cunning work made EV them the length of one curtain was 20 and8 cubits and the breadth of one curtain four cubits the curtains were all one size so uh I think there were 10 total 282 28 by4 but uh I was thinking the 28 they would put them four in line but now I'm incling to think it was they out the the 28 28 going around uh uh and he coupled the five curtains unto one another and the five other five curtains he coupled one unto another and he made Loops of blue on the edge of one curtain from the shage of the coupling likewise he made the uttermost side of the another curtain in the coupling of the second 50 Loops made he in one curtain and 50 Loops made he in the edge of the curtain which was in the coupling of the second Loops held one curtain to another he made 50 packs of gold and coupled the curtains into one another with the TS so it became one taer so we kind of went over this in previous part and he made curtains of gold hair for the tent over the Tabernacle 11 curtains he made them the length of one curtain was 30 cubits and four cubits was the breath of one curtain the 11 curtains were of one size and he coupled five curtains by themselves and six by themselves he made 50 Loops upon the other Mo edge of the curtain of the coupling 50 Loops made he upon the edge of the curtain first coup the second and he made 50 CS of brass to couple the tent together that it might be one he made for the tent covering for the tent of ram skin DED red and coverings of badger skins above that and he made boards for the Tabernacles I sh Tim wood standing up the length of the board was 10 cubits the bread of a board one cubit in the back one board had two tenons equally distant from one another thus did he make for all the boards of the Tabernacle he made boards for the Tabernacle 20 boards for the Southside Southward 40 sockets of silver he made under the 20 board boards two sockets under one board for his two tenons two sockets under another board for his two tenons and for the other side of the Tabernacle which is toward the north corner he made 20 boards in their 40 sockets and silver two sockets under one board two sockets under another board and for the sides of the Tabernacle Westward he made six boards and two boards made heat with the corners of the Tabernacle and two Cs and they were coupled beneath and coupled together at the head thereof to one ring thus he did to both of them in the corners and there were eight boards in the sockets or 16 sockets of s under every board two sockets so until I could study out that guy's uh thing uh a lot of this is kind of hard to understand just reading through it would you agree I mean it's very hard to just visualize how this thing goes together he's fre through and he made bars of chatim wood five for the boards of the one side of the Tabernacle and five bars for the boards of the other side of the Tabernacle and five bars for the boards of the Tabernacle for the sides Westward you need the middle bar to shoot through the boards from the one end to the other and he overlaid the boards with gold and made their rings of gold to be place to the bars and overlay the bars with gold Edie made a veil of blue and purple and Scarlet fine twin linen cherabin made he had cutting work and he made there unto four pillars of chatim wood and overlaid them with gold their hooks were of gold and he cast for them four sockets of silver and he made a hanging silver door of blue and purple and Scarlet fine twine lemen of needle work and the Five Pillars of it with their Hooks and he overlaid their Capers and their filets with gold the five sockets were of brass any comments there's only a few more chapters left and um it's mostly repetitive from what we read before so uh I don't know that I will read the rest unless you want me to I think we'll just go uh to the end chapter 397 39 so they they made everything all the Tabernacle all the curtains all the Priestly garments all the furniture onx stones and clothed in ouches of gold which is a real word ouches it's like the the setting that they put a jewel in a setting that's what an ouch is so verse 32 thus was all the work of the Tabernacle and the tent of the congregation finished and the children of Israel did according to all that Yahweh commanded Moses so did they and they brought the Tabernacle unto Moses the tent and all his furniture his tax his boards his bars his pillars it's interesting because in uh Hebrew those there's no word for it it's boards so so they're using the his referring to the pillars and sockets and the coverings of ram skins di coverings of bad your SK what that why you no we're not going over there tooot comment hot's got their their speaker on we can hear you [Music] the Ark of the testimony the staves thereof in The Mercy Seat the table and all the vessels thereof and the shr pure Candlestick and the lamps thereof even with the lamps to be set in order and all the vessels thereof and the oil for life and the golden Altar and the anointing oil and the sweet incense and the hanging for the Tabernacle door the Brazen Altar and his great of brass his stays all his vessels the labor and the foot the hangings of the Court his pillars his sockets hangings for the court gate his quch and his pins and all the vessels of the service of the Tabernacle for the tent of the congregation and clothes of service to do service in the Holy place and the holy garments for Aaron the priest and his son's garments to minister in priest's office according to all that Yahweh commanded Moses so the children of Israel made all the work and Moses did look upon all the work and behold they had done it as Yahweh had commanded even so they had done it and Moses blessed him so I'm sure this was a very fine moment for all of them as they Liv and beheld the the work that they had done and there's only one more chapter left Mo uh Mike yeah so it's interesting here at the at the end of 39 it says Moses examined all of the work that they had done and it had been done just as God had commanded it and because it was as it was requested the blessing comes so just like they're doing here when we do the things that God asks us to do and he examines it to see see that our work is is uh can pass through the the test the work is is uh right and done right then the blessing comes amen so the last chapter is and they erected the U Tabernacle and uh I think we'll finish this up then next week we could start Leviticus which would be a lot of fun that is exciting I know de yeah I thought debah would be excited about that she's been learning a lot about Leviticus lately so uh you might have to lean on her and yahwah spake spoke unto Moses saying on the first day of the first month shall thou set up the Tabernacle of the tent in the congregation so the first day of the new year they're going to uh set it up and thou shalt put therein the Ark of the testimony and cover the ark with a veil Thou shalt bring in the table and set in order the things that are to be set in order upon it and thou shalt bring in the Candlestick and light the lamps thereof so the first thing they're going to do is they're going to put the Arc of testimony in the holy of holies then they'll cover it with the AR with the veil next they're going to bring thing the furniture that goes in the Holy place the table which is the U the altar of incense uh the Candlestick and and and then oh the table is the table of showbread and then thou shall set the altar of gold for the incense before the ark that's the table of incense with the hanging of the door to the Tabernacle thou shal set the altar of the burnt offering before the door of the Tabernacle of the tent of the congregation and thou shalt set the lab between the tent of the congregation and the altar and shallal put water therein and thou shalt set up the court round about and hang up the hanging of Court King Thou shalt take the anointing oil and anoint the Tabernacle and all that is therein and shal Hollow and all the vessels thereof it shall be holy Thou shalt anoint the altar of the burnt offering in all his vessels and sanctify The Altar and it shall be an altar most holy and thou shalt anoint the lav and his foot and sanctify if it Thou shalt bring Aaron and his sons unto the door of the Tabernacle of the congregation and wash them with water Mike yes so this is a liken to to shaba because you know we're going to be doing a washing with water tomorrow right but uh so before God descended he asked them to wash with water and what's about to happen here is everything has now been prepared for God to descend into this place and he asks them to wash with water so you got this happening and this before God comes into the presence of the people he asked them to wash themselves whether it's the congregation whether it's the priest so there's a washing of water before the almighty descends into the place close to the people right so and his sons are going to be they're washed with water in the land of and th shall put Upon a in the Holy garments and anoint him and sanctify him that he may Minister unto me in the priest's office and so the the whole uh ordination ceremony we'll read about later in Leviticus and thou shalt bring his sons and clothe them with coats and shall anoint them as thou did anoint their father they Minister unto me in the priest's office for their anointing shall surely be an everlasting priest throughout their Generations thus did Moses according to all that Yahweh commanded him so did he and it came to pass in the first month and the second year on the first day of the month that the Tabernacle was reared up and Moses reared up the Tabernacle and fastened his sockets and set up the boards thereof and put in the bars thereof and reared up his pillars and he spread abroad the tent over the Tabernacle and put the covering of the tent above it as y commanded Moses and he took and put the testimony into the ark and set the stabs on the ark and put The Mercy Seat above upon the ark and he brought the ark into the Tabernacle and set up the veil of the covered them covered the ark as the testimony as Yahweh commanded Moses and he put the table in the tent in the congregation upon the side of the Tabernacle northward about the veil outside the veil and he set bread in order upon it before Yahweh as Yahweh had commanded Moses and he put the Candlestick in the tent of the congregation over against the table on the side of the Tabernacle southw and lighted the lamps before Yahweh and Yahweh commanded Moses and he put the golden altar in the tent of the congregation before the veil and he burnt sweet incense thereon as Yahweh commanded Moses and he set up the hanging at the door of the Tabernacle and he put the altar of burn burnt offering by the door of the Tabernacle the tent of the congregation and offered upon it the burnt offering and the meat offering as Yahweh commanded Moses and he set the Laver between the tent of the congregation and the Altar and put water there to wash with all and Moses and Aaron and his sons washed their hands and their feet there at when they went into the tent of the congregation when they came near unto the altar they washed as Yahweh commanded Moses and he reared up the court round about the Tabernacle and the Altar and set up the hangings of the Court cave so Moses finished the work then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation and the glory of Yahweh filled the Tabernacle and Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation because the cloud Abode thereon and the glory of Yahweh filled the Tabernacle and when the cloud was Tak taken up from Over the Tabernacle the children of Israel went on with in all their Journeys but if the cloud were not taken up then they journeyed not till the day that it was taken up for the cloud of Yahweh was upon the Tabernacle by day and the fire was on it by night in the sight of all the house of Israel throughout all their Journeys so that uh concludes the book of uh Exodus we've gone from uh them being slaves in Egypt to this great day when they erect the Tabernacle and the glory of Yahweh fills the Tabernacle so much so that Moses wasn't even able to enter into it so from slave very glorious day go ahead from slaves to working on the house of God yep so any comments I guess you could say they were working on the houses of other men and Nations to working on the house of God and so yes that was part of the reason Yahweh took them out because uh they were slaves to uh slaves to the man but when [Music] we're slave no slave drivers but when we serve Yahweh we are Bond servants we are slaves to him but he does not treat us as as men treat slaves makes you wonder if he put them in that slave position to teach them how to be a slave before he took them to be slaves unto himself and you look at today's modern people nobody's interested in being a servant or yeah nobody tells me what to do so next week we'll uh we'll dig into Leviticus and that should be interesting uh I got a been reading a couple books trying to uh get a get a hold of it because Leviticus probably is the number one book that uh people don't like to read or they avoid reading yeah it's uh there's a lot there a lot to mine out so with that unless anybody else has anything else I'll close us in prayer anybody have any other parting words I will say that uh my trip to Utah uh brought about a I knew that John Conrad is a man that's been to our congregation I think two or three times but he has a a farm in uh Utah and uh 800 head of cattle and the the holin milk cows that he has the the back of the cattle are my height that my head six so it's they're big big animals and uh just beautiful amazing amazing animals so I'm going to share a lot of stuff with you guys on Shabbat about it and uh hopefully we'll get a chance to talk about it then amen oh I did want to ask Ward though that on this last verse you you were saying the uh the covering was translucent yeah so uh like the fire by night I don't know I guess the fire was was upon it make it look like a light bulb yeah yeah would have lit it up I mean it was I don't think this was the you know Carbon oxidation fire this was plasma fire yeah and clearly this is just more indication about this word Glory this this plasma Cloud that Yahweh was in you know the the tabern Le had to be built in such a way that it was compatible you know with that cloud you you can't have just any old structure because it would have blown it apart right um so yeah it would have filled that with so much energy that uh you know Moses wasn't even able to go in because it was just it was just too much energy and probably super bright so I mean this this thing would have looked like a super glowing eyeball with a laser beam shooting into the sky type of thing so it had to be an incredible site yeah okay well let me uh say a word of prayer and um I want to pray also for U Ron because I understand he's kind of in a serious condition right now I don't know things have improved but anyway Heavenly Father uh we just want to come before you and thank you for this evening and looking into your word but father we just want to pray for our brother Ron and uh just understand that he's going through some really U serious things in his life right now father we just pray father your hand would be upon Him Father that you would your hand would be upon the doctors who are are taking care of him father we also just pray for de and the kids father father because this has just be a very stressful time for them Father just not knowing and that we just pray that your hand would be upon them Father we pray for all great things that you would heal Him Father you would uh bring him back father we thank thank you so much that you are a God who heals who loves and father full of compassion and mercy father we pray that your compassion and mercy would be uh focused on Ron at this hour father we thank you for all this in yeshua's name amen