Transcript for:
Single Limb Heel Raise Test Guide

single limb heel raise test is a test for the strength and endurance of the muscles in your calf and your foot so you can find a countertop something that is a stable you can use your hands for a little bit of balance but you're not supposed to like really lean into whatever you're putting your hands on so just kind of for a little bit of balance you're just going to pick up one foot make sure that toe is right straight ahead and all you're going to do is a heel raise you're going to come all the way up as far as you can go hold for a second and then come back down and then keep doing that and you should be able to get to 25 of those 25 full range of motion heel raises by the way so if you get tired out and you notice that your heel is not coming up as far as it was when you did the first five then you need to stop and kind of rest and that's where the the test stops you should be able to do 25 of those consecutively with the same amount of range of motion if you cannot it's an indication that there is a strength or endurance issue with the muscles in your calf and that can affect everything that you do when you're standing um just going from sitting to standing going up and down stairs even running jumping that kind of stuff if you don't have strength and endurance those muscles then it's going to cause problems so that's a really good test you can do at home to find out how good your strength and endurance is in your calf you should be able to do 25 each side