i did it i'm here i think i'm here hang on you're going to hear me for a second like an echo it is it's working it's working what's up guys how you doing hopefully you can hear me i've done two live streams on youtube in the past and uh oh my gosh chat is going so insanely fast there's no way i can read things i've done two live streams on youtube in the past and both times you couldn't hear me as soon as i started so i think uh so far we're doing better how you guys doing uh say say squirrels if you can hear me and audio's great just type squirrels how's everyone doing uh the surprise surprise stream okay we're doing it we're doing a surprise stream this is my monitor i should have done an intro i'll make up for it hello okay there's my intro i've done that one before though okay everybody everybody said squirrel so heck yeah heck yeah there's dude there's 1500 of you what the heck okay so i'm gonna try the volcano level in descenders today if you guys don't know what the volcano level is it's basically a secret level okay oh yeah let me do this real quick hang on nice okay uh so it's basically a secret level you have to complete all the fire rings of every campaign level uh in a row okay so you have to find the fire nodes of every single level of the first four levels of the campaign then you have to do the boss jump through the fire and the flames we carry on and then uh you have to do it successfully all in one go you can't die i mean you can die but you can't lose all your lives that's what i'm trying to say okay so we're gonna try it i was just not gonna uh film it because i feel like it's gonna be like hours of me trying it but i was like you know what maybe i can live stream it that's a good idea dude this xbox controller is terrible it disconnects very often uh hey matia i'm sorry if i said that wrong thank you uh for the five i don't know what currency that is but thank you for the five of that i really appreciate it is there a way to do slow mode because there's no way i can read this chat but i'm glad you guys are here all right we're going to try it i'm just going to jump straight into it okay so we're doing a career session i think i think i just did this career session highlands we're just gonna go for it man uh infinite coasters thank you for the five dollars for the volcano you have to go through the fire hoop yeah yeah i know and if you do it in career plus you unlock ridges i did not know that probably won't do that today but uh thank you okay so what i do my controller keeps disconnecting that's gonna be terrible if that happens in the in the middle of the jump you know what i'm gonna use uh i'm gonna use a different controller i'm gonna use playstation controller this xbox one is like broken are you working are you working it's working all right let's do this four seconds of air time lives matter everything matters i'm gonna play it a little safe but not too safe we'll be back flipping and stuff you know no hand to back flip heck yeah whoa dude this one disconnected hang on maybe it's the cord it might be the cord hang on because he just kept flipping right there i'm restarting quick restart let's do this hello why are you streaming i don't know thanks for the two dollars that was really weird i think it might be this cord actually oh i got okay different challenge 360 twice let's do it so boom easy peasy i'm just not gonna move that's what i'm gonna do so this chord doesn't mess up i'm just not gonna move whatsoever have you guys ever tried playing this on mouse and keyboard because i don't think i ever have maybe the very first time i ever played the game why isn't it turning lag or something maybe the stream is messing with it well dang it i i'll do a 360 right here make up for it oh my okay okay dude off to a great start i'm making up for it though i'm doing this 360. there we go also i learned yesterday that the training wheels do not help you balance wise i thought it might actually all right we're back to four life um roblox gaming thank you for the two dollars ralph's thanks for the 229. i appreciate it uh let's do medic because i just lost a life for absolutely no reason four seconds of air time i like that one a lot i want this game how much it is totally free on xbox game pass if you have game pass it is free but i'm playing on steam and i'm not sure how much it is on steam actually there was just a free weekend but i think that's already gone all right we're back flipping it up does the stream look fine to you guys dude my heart is like racing i feel like the pressure is really really odd okay we need one more second of air time hopefully there is a ramp somewhere but if not i'm gonna make my own ram there's not there's not a ramp okay we're jumping we are jumping we are i need a dude i need a ramp i need a ramp yes did it got that point two seconds that i needed heck yeah uh sean and caleb vlogs thanks for the five dollars been watching you since the casey lego videos heck yes that's awesome thank you uh and german coins and collectibles thanks for the five hi sam you've been very helpful uh in this time for me heck yeah i will i will definitely keep on making videos for you man i appreciate it and uh serious thank you for the tin appreciate it guys thank you uh so basically what you do in case you guys don't know you go around and look for the fire node and then once you complete the fire node which is very hard the boss jump will spawn a fire ring and you have to jump through it i'll do the sponsor track though and i'm on enemy one clean landing do you know who i am i will do that i will absolutely do that i saw someone just say am i gonna play little nightmares too i beat that game already i loved it very very good there's the clean landing that is what i needed i am definitely playing a little cautious compared to normally because uh all pressure's on you know like this is i need to know like a chat uh this is for the secret level that i like it's like one of the hardest things in the game to do i think unless i'm wrong about that i feel like pretty much everyone has done it except me at this point yes i need to not look at chat while i'm doing this the stakes are high but we are already at seven health so heck yeah oh should i move the webcam slightly lower so you guys can see the health let me do that there you go uh brienne thank you for the five ava thank you for the uh five and the big q-tip thanks for the dollar appreciate it okay landing impact that is so important um doesn't really matter what we do guess i'll just do this volcano is hard uh if you ever do ridges it's much harder one day one day it'll happen do two backflips that's my specialty that is my specialty also guys uh tomorrow oh that's a weird ramp there's one wait what why didn't i count as a backflip i did it what the heck uh tomorrow is another robo-skate video so look forward to that it was like the hardest thing ever i don't know why that backflip didn't count let's do one right here risky okay there's one that should have been two but there's one hello hey how are you and here's to oh my gosh i don't know how that worked but it did i technically just did three backflips though oh gosh oh you know what i just remembered the forest level i am bad at that level and that's the next one dang i'm gonna be so upset if i like do all the fire hoops and then the last one peaks just kicks my butt that is going to be an upset time that i'm feeling it's a long uh it's a long level boom i did it uh nicholas thanks for the five tom thank you for the 15. dang i really appreciate that thanks brian ames my friend brian ames is in the chat uh thank you for the five dollars brian appreciate it and sam joyce thanks for the five everybody type in brian ames on youtube a-m-b-s and you'll see him eat spicy food and i'm on his channel sometimes eating spicy food and i can't do it fire node found it all right this could be tough this will be tough do you guys think i should try to like stack up the lives a lot like because technically i could just go straight to the boss jump if after i complete this but i feel like i might want more lives finishing oh i didn't read the thing finish within 45 seconds that might not happen it's not looking good it is not looking good uh you know what i'm i'm okay with not finishing in 45 seconds as long as i don't lose a life i'm okay with that don't need to jump there this fire note doesn't seem too difficult but it's the first one so that might be why yeah you like literally don't have to jump on any of these maybe this one yeah okay now 45 seconds but as long as i don't fall i'll be fine there we go boom more lives stack lives it really helps okay thank you for the uh two dollars infinite coasters yeah how many do you think i should get how many do you think i should get i have eight right now like that's pretty good unless i use all eight on the fire jump that would sting oh dude two front flips i thought it said backflips one two boom did it do one of these probably shouldn't but i am i need to not be risky it's tricky because i like want to be entertaining and do do cool tricks but at the same time i really want to unlock this boss level or secret level i mean all right did it nine lives just like a cat hey no more robots donated five uh i'm just gonna say five dollars for everything i'm gonna save five dollars um that's the creators of this game in case you guys didn't know hey sam looking good always a pleasure to see you playing decenders thanks guys you guys made a really good game how many lives should i should i get because i can do it right now i can do it right now i'll i'll wait i'll i'll wait to see what you guys say although everyone's going to say a different number 999 that's not the no you know that won't happen um i'll do this one i'll do this one at least uh nicholas thank you for the five dollars finished with that 35 seconds okay 10 okay everybody said 10. i saw like five people in a row say 10. so i'm doing that which means this is the last one also if i don't make it through the fire hoop but i land the boss jump that doesn't count i'm pretty sure like you have to make it through the fire hoop oh wow i killed that that's five seconds early should i do it i'm doing it okay i'll do it tell me i won't i uh maybe i'll just play by ear like if i'm just dying a lot in the next level then i will uh i'll stack up some lives do two backflips okay oh yeah i forgot it gets dark too you gotta like be cautious about that the sun is setting right now which uh definitely makes things harder another backflip point okay there it is i just gotta go straight just gotta go straight first try maybe please first try dude first try that is what i'm talking and i have 11 lives now um asher thanks for the two dollars tom thanks for the five infinite coasters thank you for the two i've gotten like 20 lives just by stacking yeah i did that i did that once uh not like just playing for fun before uh infamous pyro thank you for the five i inspired you to make your own channel that's awesome good luck with it all right let's see what who do we want i guess this i already have the landing impact one okay i am really bad at this one i am very very bad at this level do a 720 one time really that's tough okay we need a big old jump for that by the way guys i think i'm gonna do memberships here pretty soon i just gotta get it all worked out figure out some things okay we're okay this is definitely 720 material right here oh no it's not i just lost all speed oh oh that's awful that's terrible lost to life well now i definitely have to do a 720. that's weird there's like a dip right before it yeah that was not 720 material dang it man that's all right maybe i'll stack some lives oh terrible light i'm not doing it i'm not doing a 720. this is such a hard map to do a 720 on i have nine lives now yeah i'll definitely be stacking some lives on this one told you guys i'm bad at the forest one i'm very bad on the forest one infinite coaster sinks for the two uh oh i already said that uh tayman games thanks for the five you're my inspiration thanks a lot i appreciate that two clean landings okay that's way easier than a 720. i gotta slow the heck down is this clean that was clean right that wasn't clean oh boy okay this will be clean right here clean backflip right there heck yeah clean front flip heck yeah why is there a bus up there who knows oh okay i thought that jump was shorter than it was back to 10 lives thanks for the dollar jacob um that looks good sure uh laura thank you for the five all right let's do this double backflip okay well actually that's easier than 720 if i get the right ramp just gotta get the right ring and i'm not seeing it okay here's one check it i'm doing it i'm gonna do it right here thank you thank you video game appreciate it all right that was easy i should probably not look at chat at the end too because like i could totally see myself just running straight into the poll at the end uh thanks for the five nicholas and for the two jacob how many we got 11 lives um i do watch it be all the way up there the fire node do a 360 twice easy easy i think the 720 might be the hardest one and the near misses i'm really bad at the near misses oh that's a bridge not going fast enough i am definitely not going fast enough there we go crew member unlocked heck yeah oh i hate these jumps dude oh that's why i don't like the jumps i don't like those it's like a piece of wood that sticks out that i always hit my head on sorry we got plenty of lives so just right down the middle it looks like there we go okay it's gotta be super centered for those i think oh no we're fine everything's fine everything's fine okay okay uh ty thanks for the five ben thanks for the two uh brienne thanks for the five tricks thanks for the 79 cents not dollars thank you my controller disconnected again so that's cool oh i think this one i think that one we want winnie she's uh she's downstairs right now either being a maniac or sleeping one of the two two clean landings i got you i got you fam that's a berm that is a berm right there i went malcolm not okay i went mountain biking yesterday it was very fun in real life it's pretty awesome uh i literally started mountain biking because of this game like when i think about it actually even when i don't think about it like that's just the truth very cool and i love it how is that that clean how the heck okay this is clean okay i'm sad wait can i respawn without losing a life i feel like i can't oh that's cute catherine just sent me this she is sleeping you guys see that kinda maybe that's my dog sleeping that is cute all right let's do the sponsor track you know what would be awful is if i accidentally like without thinking chose the boss jump without doing the fire note that would be terrible and now i'm scared that i'm actually gonna do that two clean landings again okay sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't it's a tricky one work that wasn't clean oh no that was clean okay i'll take it oh that was good that was great now just don't crash i said don't crash thank you that's the truth all right we're good 12 lives it looks like nice uh nicholas thanks for the two jacob thanks for the two uh and happy almost birthday jacob tom thanks for the three jamie thanks for the two fire node got lucky it's right here how much is descenders it's free on game pass not exactly sure how much it is on steam i want to say 20 but i could totally be wrong so go check it out on steam if you want i am playing on steam uh four near misses uh i hate those and a lot of the times i screw up trying to get them but i'll try yeah see that wasn't a near miss because i wasn't going fast enough i think i'm gonna ignore it i think i'm gonna ignore the near misses because this is a hard level see that would have that was a near mess but i wasn't going fast yeah i'm just gonna ignore it i'm gonna ignore this one sometimes you gotta you gotta play it safe oh this looks very intimidating you know how scary this would be in real life be very scary oh boy dude these berms are huge that crew member is not kidding when it says it makes the uh the berms higher oh my gosh go go go this is terrible this is not a good run this is a long level dude i'm playing it so safe like i want to go faster but my health is on the line i definitely play worse when uh when i'm doing like career mode because i don't want to fall oh i got one near miss i didn't know that okay yeah see we got 12 lives let's just go for it oh this is a tough one though i think i can do it though i'm gonna go for it this is a youtube vid this is a stream but it will also be on my youtube channel after okay i'm kind of glad i did decide to do this because i forgot about night time do one double backflip i'll try i will try my darndest maybe right here oh yeah that's good barely fairly good where am i oh whoa okay that was confusing is this the boss track or uh is this it no it's not okay dude my heart is pounding i thi this is the one i screw up the most it really is okay i can do this i can do this oh my gosh oh i lost two i lost two lives totally forgot that was a thing okay i got way slower this one is tough man oh okay i only lost one that time i gotta go a little faster oh no dude wait okay that didn't count though oh i can just respawn that's nice i gotta go through the fire unless that the one where i fell counted but i'm not taking a risk i feel like it didn't count there it is yes dude so happy so happy ten lives i'm gonna do this one i feel like that's important that was not that bad that was not that bad i usually fall way more times complete this level's mini boss gym oh goodness okay uh levi thank you for the three dollars is this it is this the boston oh gosh that was not it i feel like that was it oh that's that's it right there dang okay i can do it i believe in me i believe in me easy i'll backflip in that's how confident i am nice now as long as they don't fall 11 lives heck yeah okay let's do uh this one because it's the easiest 360 twice got you i got you fam oh this is weird one dude i am not good at riding fakie that was scary that was scary i'm gonna wait to do a 360. well maybe i don't know if there's another ramp i don't think there's another ramp oh here's one i couldn't 360 right there i'm gonna have to do it somewhere huh is there a finish line is that a finish line over there oh definitely right here okay there we go that was terrible but i did it put that your milk boom 12 lives uh sponsor check i'll do it i'll do it six seconds of air time these are usually really easy you can literally just do this if you want oh why am i so bad at those i'm seriously so oh okay not doing that i'm skipping it i'm going around don't care i just lost two lives to that i'm angry i'm sad and angry get up there there you go back flip in be cool gosh i can't believe i lost two lives to that we'll make up one though don't know where this is going uh-huh uh dude this is scary i'm dead i'm dead i told you three lives down you know the band three doors down i just oh my gosh this is not easy it said this was an easy one not easy look at that i'm not doing it dude i don't trust those i really don't i don't trust those ramps so many jumps it really wants you to get like 18 seconds of airtime huh well that was terrible at least i'm at 10. that's fine oh medic camp heck yeah two front flips i got you so we can get two lives from this okay i want to figure out this ramp i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it that was easy why didn't that work the other time why did that not work that one time that would be a hard trick in real life here we go smooth as butter be able to be back up to 12 lives i think dude i'm booking it i'm only going 35 yeah i felt way faster than 35. uh let's do a helmet cam why not finished within 45 seconds all right here we go we're going probably shouldn't even attempt it because it's scary but i'm going to well at least this is insanely mellow so far it's not an issue so far oh wow dude i'm gonna destroy this time wow that is what i'm talking about okay i guess this one i just looked at chat while i was in mid-air backflipping probably shouldn't but i did oh that was good that was a good air time right there that was terrible that was atrocious backflip no hands okay i got you i'll try to do this whole transfer there we go there we go oh no oh no again easy boom i'm on a roll on this one i felt smooth those ramps are really satisfying right all right 14 lies fire node let's do it oh gosh these are terrible he's very terrible oh my gosh i'm not even gonna worry about the clean landings if they happen they happen because these are scary you gotta find the checkpoint uh i might be able to clean landing right here actually oh no no i'm really glad i didn't i'm really glad i didn't go for that also if you fall you have to start back from the beginning i'm pretty sure because there's no checkpoints playing it safe cactus i have once fallen like 50 meters before the finish line before and it was terrible it was very upsetting uh there it is oh i'm on the wrong side watch me watch me just eat it right here i've done it i've done that before i shouldn't say that okay i'm playing it so safe so a stinking state steve there we go imagine imagine if i fell right there uh infinite coasters things for the two dollars by the way you have to survive the volcano yeah yeah i knew that i think i'm gonna go for it that was the fire node right yeah that was the fire note oh yeah it's the fire note because flames appear on the boss track yep boss track let's do it wow 4 000 viewers thank you guys that is mind-boggling i've never had that amount oh and the sun's setting okay i'm not even gonna worry i'll i mean i'll try to do a 720 if it's there but i don't know how fast i need to go i really don't way faster than that or i mean less fast than that luckily i only lost one life though i can do this i can for sure do this oh my gosh dang it i'm pretty sure if i allowed that fall to happen i would have lost another life this looks pretty good ah i lagged too i don't know if you guys could see that my game lagged a little that's not why it fell but it didn't help okay maybe this maybe this oh my gosh no dude how do you do this oh this is hard maybe i shouldn't jump oh my gosh how do you do it i didn't jump that time i did not jump that time i did it i did it oh my gosh so stressful so stressful oh my gosh dude why do i have training wheels because they subconsciously make me better one double backflip dude this map is tough this map is real tough i'm gonna play it safe oh gosh i hate those ramps too i'm gonna do it though good that's really good [Music] what oh my gosh i'm gonna go around it i can't i can't lose here i'm going around it i have to why how do you do those i when i beat the game the first time i struggled so hard on these jumps i'm a wimp i know you guys can make fun of me it's fine i got six lives though like i i can't i can't do that dang i still need to do a double backflip too it's not looking great uh this is not a double backflip jump i don't think the i don't think that's gonna happen yeah that did not happen dang how many lives have these two whoa joseph thank you for the fifty dollars wow thank you so much love your videos keep it up because all because we all love your videos and great jump thank you thank you thank you i really appreciate that very generous infinite coasters thanks for the five also if you lose a life in the air and you're about to fall yeah yeah yeah yeah i noticed that this looks like literally as easy as you can get there's no there was no bars finished without breaking i hate these i hate but it's a very mellow so i think i should be good gonna stack up some lives on this on this uh world for sure because i need more than six this is a very mellow one though okay that was easy that was easy uh let's do that oliver thank you for the one dollar get a top speed of 52. i am not good at these super not good at these oh usually when i try to get the top speed ones uh i end up falling very hard so i might ignore it what the heck is this oh almost hit my cow head okay let's try it let's try it oh let's not try it let's be safe it's always better to not lose any lives than to gain one with the uh wait did i say that right you know what i'm trying to say so it's better to lose or wait okay it's all i'm doing a speech it's always better to not lose any lives than to try to gain one but you lose one that's my ted talk uh why would i want more steepness is there is there a reason for that this is good that is good okay sponsor track sure then thanks for the uh 1.49 complete the mini boss jump okay i like these because it's basically like oh just play the level you know there we go i love these ramps i really do never mind okay that was scary oh gosh it's one of those not i need this i need this checkpoint not a fan of these but i will try it not a fan oh gosh that was terrible i i can't can i respawn without okay good i didn't know there was a that's how i didn't know how that's how uh not long the jump was you know what i'm saying oh gosh i got so lucky i got so lucky all right don't fall just make it let's make it now make it there and everything will be okay boom eight lives uh shd clan thank you for the five i guess let's try this one why don't i play fall guys again i don't know i like fall guys i there was no uh intention of not playing again i probably will i'll finish that breaking gonna go slow and go very slow and i'm gonna slide down a mountain sideways this is how i do i don't know if this is how other people do it but this is how i do it i think that's what you have to do you have to drift back and forth so far so good it's not that bad herbert thank you for the five okay did it thanks for the two infinite coasters uh season four is coming out oh nice i'll have to check it out fire node all right i'm definitely stacking lives after after this maybe like 15 or something one double backflip oh yeah i can break uh right here's good i think yeah yep perfect don't fall off the mountain good job pure concentration dude what's the point of that ramp oh gosh i gained a lot of speed right there on accident oh no no ah i need i need the speed i need that speed okay so drift a little there we go there we go there we go there we go okay that's tough did i get a checkpoint i would like one developers can you send me a checkpoint please all right that works too finish line works nine lives medic camp you know it speed of 52 dang it that's hard it's hard because you have to slow down for those jumps i mean i guess i could go wow i gotta go like 12 miles an hour faster than that i'm not doing it i'm not doing it i'm not doing it i i i tried again right there and then i decided not to scared me right i'm playing it safe because we're so close we're so close i gotta play it's it's almost not safe almost not this world will mess you up well back to nine that medic camp didn't do much all right let's try to let's try to gain some lives i think matthew thanks for the dollar sun is sitting oh my gosh i'm gonna have to do this boss jump in the dark oh boy i'm gonna be so upset if i fail at the end but i've been there before i've done it before oh almost breaks i forgot oh this is hard there's a tough one i think i'm gonna go for it after this i think i have to because of the sun okay i met ten lives i think i gotta do it everybody wish me luck i'm gonna need it i am going to need it oh my gosh i'm scared my heart is racing this is it this is it good oh oh my gosh i'm awful what just happened oh i just wasn't ex i almost did it again that turn messed me up wow what a waste what a waste f f in the chat okay i don't know where i'm jumping right here thank goodness okay that was terrible i'm very upset that i just lost a life doing that oh here it is okay we're doing it we are doing it oh imagine imagine first try okay i gotta go way slower way slower oh maybe right here i think it might have just set me up for victory actually i did it oh my gosh oh i'm so happy oh i'm so happy we are saving that replay this is a memorable moment volcano time dude all right now we gotta do the volcano we gotta do the volcano oh i'm scared volcano time all right i've never seen the volcano look at this look at this i got an achievement it's getting hot in here okay oh it's lagging what the heck dude first try why is it lagging i'm lagging a lot hang on why am i lagging so much and my controller stopped working oh this is good my joy dude my controller stopped working one second one second all right you working did i get this checkpoint i guess i did okay no what is going on all of a sudden why is this happening vita thank you for the uh five dollars my controller is drifting all of a sudden it's like doing uh right turns by itself on the volcano level that's not good there's not there's not okay okay we're fine now i think i think we're fine checkpoint number two okay i'm scared like i don't is this a really hard level i don't know what to expect oh i forgot about the landings get one clean landing that wasn't clean i don't even know where i was supposed to do clean landing to be honest but i made it and i didn't fall even though my controller was freaking out okay boss jumps over there hey wait do i have to do the fire note here do i have to do the fire note here i think i do uh pace sting thank you for the two i bet i have to do the fire note that makes sense you know i need to buy a new controller obviously though no dude oh what is happening i gotta switch controllers it's just going right for some reason oh my gosh what is happening like all of a sudden i don't know why it's very scary okay i have to the fire note okay thanks i don't know why that's happening where do i do this double backflip all these ramps seem like not ramps you know there's nowhere to do it i'm also like being extra cautious now because i feel like my controller is going to freak out it is okay it's the game i think it's the game or something i don't know what's going on bear with me guys i really don't know what's going on you know what uh let me go get uh my xbox the new x whatever then whatever the new xbox is called let me go get that controller i'll be right back [Music] okay okay hopefully this works hopefully this works i do not know what's going on and it's very unlucky that it's happening on this level hey aaron thank you for the ten dollars i appreciate it all right bad at camp if it does it with this one then it's the game or something because uh let's say i've literally never used this controller i've used it like twice maybe where do i go oh am i at the right spot i respawned i don't know where to go okay i gotta follow those those flames oh i go this way okay i'm so glad okay i didn't know where to go i'm so glad respawning doesn't cost a life that would make me very upset dude no way can i get a top speed 52. okay it must have just been the controllers both of them that is so strange to me no thank you landing impact or whatever it's called appreciate it what the heck oh my gosh i don't know what to expect i didn't know what to expect at this level that's why i'm playing like a turtle all right dude i haven't gained one life yet uh i guess this one hmm how did i land uh all i did was press press up on the right stick and hope oh i didn't see that can i redo it i can't nice all right we're gonna wiggle our way down hopefully it's fairly flat the whole time i also have that crew member that is uh makes your impact less harsh so that's also how i how i did it you don't need the fire note for this one i think i'll do it anyway just in case because i would hate for that to be incorrect okay there it is easy peasy heck yeah uh yeah let's do the sponsor track i feel like i have to do the fire node to unlock it maybe i'm wrong one clean landing okay i just don't know where to jump the jumps are very uh strange oh that's where i could have done where should i jump not there yeah oh maybe right there yes no don't like where this is going do not like where this is going okay i'm fine i might be not fine okay we're good we're we're good think goodness boom nine lives uh will thanks for the five my son loves your channel can you wish him a happy birthday happy birthday malachi hope it's awesome man oh aaron i didn't read your uh oh okay yeah thanks for the tin erin dude hang on okay i want i want to make i want to make sure i need to do the fire node okay you know what i'm going to do am going to go to no more robots as youtube uh what is it no it's no more robots that's what it's called i'm gonna go to no more robots as youtube i'm positive you don't need the fire node okay i believe you but i wanna double check because they literally just made a video of this and we're all gonna listen together okay we're all gonna listen cause imagine imagine okay you just need to complete the boss jump you heard it here first folks i'm not doing the fire note who needs it i feel like i should get uh i feel like i should get some other ones some more lives at least a 10. do three backflips probably should have done one right there kyle thanks for the five all right there is one there's two gotta do three three perfect now survive oh i said survive don't not survive oh where am i going okay there's a confusing level of i know you're supposed to fire follow the fire but there's so many hills wackiness um mellow race let's do that let's just get a few more finish without breaking i see i will i already see the finish line it's all the way over there by the way guys we are doing a descenders uh contest me and the creators of the game um i think if you go back to descenders videos i explain the rules or you can go to itsdescenderstime.com and uh look at all the rules there and follow all of them any other super easy ones let's do this helmet cam uh oh grady gaming thank you for the dollar oh it's getting night time oh finish without breaking in helmet cam dude prepare to throw up all right after this i will uh i will do the boss jump this is gonna be very wiggly okay sorry you get motion sickness just close your eyes for this one and listen to me it'll be like a decenders podcast oh my gosh i don't even know where i am okay doesn't mess with me might be because i'm two feet away from the screen but or like two inches away from the screen heck yeah all right boss we're doing it we're doing it everybody cross your fingers and wish me luck we are doing it right now all right finished without breaking i don't care i do not care i'm breaking right now oh i'm going the wrong way oh this is it i'm literally jumping over okay here goes nothing oh that's not possible i'm in the lava okay we gotta go faster we gotta go faster okay i can do this i believe in me i believe in me yes yes we did it we did it success mission successful oh my gosh i'm saving this replay too lava time oh my gosh dude we did it i can i was not expecting that's a happen first try what did i get goggles t-shirt pants that that heck yeah i did it now if i had to do the fire node to unlock it i'm going to be so upset there it is volcano yes and now i can just do it thank you guys i've actually lost six health on that level before oh on a level but i've lost like like 15. i'm not good at it oh my gosh well you know what i'm i'm i'm better at it now now that i i can say that i am now in that percentile that has gotten to the volcano level i feel like i should have done the fire node though i know i unlocked it but but i feel like the fire node would have been more impressive and i only died one time that was actually a really easy boss jump it's cool though i liked it wait what i thought i chose boss level yeah oh i didn't i did not boss i want to do it again i'm gonna i'm gonna try to double backflip superman secret is that what it's called i think i have the bike to do a superman secret oh gosh yeah yeah i'm dead that was death all right i don't think you're ready i do not think you're ready you are ready because you already saw me do it once i'm going so insanely fast do i need to go this fast yeah i don't i don't the answer is no okay well no i'm going the right way oh this is good this is a good speed this is a good speed triple whoa oh what that was perfect this isn't this that was not perfect i'm so glad my controller is working now because that was upsetting all right let's do this so a little less fast i guess i also didn't like pump into the transition maybe i should have done that dude i'm bad now i'm glad i did this second try on in the campaign because i'm terrible now oh should i do it in first person hey i'm doing first person oh my gosh oh my gosh okay here it is oh boy way too fast again okay okay i'm so glad i did this first or a second try in the campaign because i would be terrified right now i would be absolutely terrified that i would that i'm going to fail what is going on where am i here it is i think i got lucky guys i'm not kidding i think i got lucky or something well i would have survived that first attempt if i had the uh the uh what you call it the impact crew member totally would have survived it which i did have in the campaign all right oh i'm kind of going all over the place dude what i can't do it all of a sudden i cannot do it all of a sudden all right terrible i'm terrible all right this is it this is it so like this this speed i think i'm gonna punch my i'm gonna punch it i'm gonna punch it so so glad so glad i did this in a campaign quickly oh boy oh boy all right this is it last try if i don't do it this try you guys are going to see it in the next ascenders video okay i promise it's like one or the other it's like one it's like one or the other it's like i do it or don't more speed i need more speed that was terrible i need more speed all right last try for real okay last try for real if not landing it in the next episode absolutely you're i mean you already saw me land at once you know i feel like that one absolutely should have been it i don't know how i felt to be honest remember what i said last track this is it okay this is the last tray because i'm just i'm just terrible now man that uh landing impact crew member is like a necessity for real you like need it yeah cause i don't have it now and i'm dying yeah oh there it is there it is there it is dude heck yeah saving that replay too lava cal time too heck yeah hey tom vinter thank you uh thank you for the twenty dollars what's up t venture what a great what a great video way to go keep killing it oh wait what a great video way to go keep killing it thank you i appreciate it all right guys uh isn't there there's another level two that i'm gonna play for a video but how do you i unlocked like the uh the kids room or something right where is that there's like a it's like a kid's room and it looks like a hot wheels track or something what's going on come on game whoops i just opened audacity and i didn't mean to there we go uh kids room where's kid's room it's a seed number or something right what if for the kids room i had to jump through the fire node 105. how do you do that again there's a i forgot where to type it it's not redeemed code ride ride infinite coasters thanks for the five is in the vault you have to find the kids room how uh oh build track from seed here we go yeah nice okay well i'm not gonna do that for this uh for this stream i'm gonna do that for a video okay it's gonna be a lot of fun i'm gonna bike the heck out of it but yeah guys i thought that would be longer honestly i did not think i was gonna be doing that that quick um but i'm hyped thank you guys for watching this uh hopefully you guys like the stream random decision to do it it kind of made sense to me that i should stream the journey to the volcano instead of making a video of it um but yeah stay tuned for the next ascenders video it is on saturday and tomorrow's video is robo skate which is a hilarious game featuring a robot arm and a skateboard that game is hilarious and i had raged kinda in my head i ranged a lot but yeah i hope you guys enjoyed this uh thanks for all the super chats oh my gosh thank you guys very generous um yeah you know you know the drill hit the subscribe button click the notification bell to never miss an upload dude i have coffee i i have had coffee here this whole time and i didn't drink it i'm upset it's fine but i'm upset uh okay anyway have an awesome uh evening and i will see you guys tomorrow yeah tomorrow in a video okay peace out have a good one you