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Pro Players Discussion - Series Against TI & LCS Match Analysis

actually in our Series against TI in playoffs you remember when he said JoJo you are hot garbage at Rice you don't know how to control Vision in the river you don't know how to roam you don't know when you should R for Tempo and then and then he said I will go meat and we play the r impact me and played Luci top imp was playing against VX Victor he was Perma pushing Perma going okay AB M top I'm putting wordss here I'm going B now and Ro hold up crazy you are d i play [Music] hello welcome back to Pros uh blessed week for pros even though the LCS didn't have that many games this week because everybody swept right yeah eight games eight games 20 20 202 but also uh first first second in terms of well first first third in terms of the overall LCS standings but you're like the only team even take a game off of Team Liquid so right now it's like going into the break Winner's queue but inspired hot off the presses 20 over Jensen and Dinger toas yeah how does it feel what do you mean as expected like I don't how you can actually be a like you have any knowledge about league and then you watch two games of digas and you say like wow digas dig season oh my God they're so good they favorite going against fly Quest like I can like if you say there's a chance they win I'll be like yeah sure I mean there's is a chance we might just choke and in and they play their best games and they will win but thinking that they favorites like come on guys I figured you guys would win but I was like a little bit on down on you guys cuz you guys lost the game to nerg like there's a chance withg like get favores I don't know you smashed them today it was not a close series what you think I mean know I thought flers could win too um but dig is in scam is like really something to behold like they're they're pretty bad they're an academy level team it's they might they might be on The Black List now like there's a chance that they were put there we scre them and it was like actually I'm not they might they might not be on the back that's like energy but um yeah after today maybe um no so I thought fers would win but like dig seems to be playing a bit better on stage at least so I thought maybe there's a chance they can compete but I mean everyone saw what happen so I think on the broadcast we had uh two people 21 I was 2 and then Discord voted 2 for dig but everyone else voted 21 or 2 for flag Quest did I mean I like the content leading up to it that dig put out that you put out the hype and the spectacle of it was nice so did it feel any better to to win this game than a of course yeah it felt better and I never expected to have a such a hype game against that's a first I think that's the first hype game they ever had in the OR history I me the game ended like four minutes in game one when he just speak balling and M you're really good at drafting the way you drafted that Bing match up I don't know how you did that your coaches oh yeah that was that was funny right I was like B out the second face R is open last peek against five M Champs and a br pretty bold yeah yeah and I saw the G and I thought to myself wow this game is so cooked you're just about to be up three camps get grubs for free bot GG yeah I I knew that we going to win after the draft like I was very confident after draft because I mean before the draft like I was thinking maybe there's a chance we can lose but like we get way better left in both games I think and we are better players so it's like kind of hard to lose then quad also won both sides up yeah how do you feel about quad today cuz I know in the first couple weeks he was a little nervy on stage but he looked a lot better today I mean honestly I feel like this T Series he was playing pretty well but we just didn't give him any attention because of the drafts that were played out I feel like uh especially I mean every game hly the support jungle were just helping way more meid and we didn't really do anything around meid because our champers were not good at it we play like n Kindred when we lost Kindred Center yeah so like we can't do anything we can't do anything and enemy team was just helping me off off cool down and I feel like quad was still doing all right in the games and then we did pretty bad macro mistakes like AA is good at speed pushing and like taking towers and we didn't match them at all so the game became unplayable and it looked like mid is getting gapped but I think it was just mid jungle Gap more I mean like jungle support Gap I remember game one I taking top turret and quad just like randomly shows ball in on because in game one I remember bu stay top as own at like 11 minutes when you went top when they force your flash and then bus stay top he has still or and decides to go meid and just open top and tell Squad to go top when he's playing instead of instead of sending or to we side to clear the waves and ASO can just Farm but we send quad to top while we are playing both side so he's playing weak side ASO can't do anything can't cat walk up so he just r b then K gets fed and people narrative like oh quad is so bad like J was better so you're playing buso is what you're no I think me and buo were just we're just not on the same page but today it looked way better yeah we are actually playing more together and bus was running around the map always with support Tempo putting deep wordss so we knew what's going on and I feel like that was the biggest difference coming into this game and TL game I felt like we didn't get many ws and didn't play well with Tempo while you guys were so it was unplayable for ultimate yeah really quick before we touch on your two's you were partially hoping that zven or someone from dig would be here so you could talk talk your I wanted to ask what they were expecting to happen like very confident you wake up today thinking that you would lose exactly cuz in that video they like talking yeah that would be nice to beat FL like blah blah blah I don't remember exactly and I wanted to actually hear from them if it was cope like like you know you just like talk to yourself that you're going to win so you have higher chance of winning or was it just like yeah I don't know it's going to be close because people on the internet were thinking that D is better for some reason I think dig has the 100 thev thing from last split where they're completely trashing scrims but they're like okay on stage yeah and then everyone's just like wow dig is so good wow they're going to be competitive with fly Quest they're competitive with um 100 thieves or not 100 thieves um yeah 100 thieves so uh I think they're just the new hun thieves I mean they did beat 100 theves but I still felt like 100 thevs was a better team that serious like that just rewatching the games I feel like 100 thevs was better and they were just trolling like even then I I watched voice comes I remember of digitas and they are in this Nash situation with Cam pushing B there's no way you can finish Nash ever Z van is saying guys this is so bad this is so bad I'm like watching it wow it's so bad they're about to get a then Camille tpis loses her hands completely suicide yon just SOS in without the suicide they kill them all get Nash and come back I'm like I wonder what was the V thinging I wanted to ask him cuz in game in there comes he's like oh guys this is not good this is not good because it was not good and then just win the fight as them I'm like wow it's just D season D season magic magic right there cuz that was the licorice cassant game right like he Killam pushing cam was pushing B and they forced to do Nash but it was so bad Nash and they somehow won the game there so I was like wow great call guys well played fulcon M slightly better start to this split than the previous split how's it feel with this this year C9 are you back the this split right compared to last split yeah I mean it feels pretty good I think um we're more focused on the right things in game uh as opposed to last play I think we were a lot of the time like not very aligned in what we want to do during the game and then instead of like saying about talking about something um that's happening or going to happen it's like something that happened like trying to maybe a bit of arguing during the games um more in scrims than on stage but sometimes on stage would happen as well and now I feel like the game flows more nicely maybe people who are watching can kind of feel it but like for from my perspective especially as support I think you can probably feel it more when you're playing with with a team like um understands Tempo well doesn't waste time plays fast I think as support specifically it's hard to play a role if your team doesn't really do that um and I think we're doing a way better job at being aware and like making plays and then after one play is done not going for like too much um so it feels way nicer were you doing a lot of that last split just like over forcing Tempo because it was really weird for me and I'm curious what you guys think too playing against Cloud9 last split versus even scrimming than this split if you've noticed a difference because the the conversation that like I was hearing or having was Cloud9 last split sure they win their Lanes a little bit but then they have like no idea what to do and replacing fudge with a rookie even if he's better in Lane oh that's not going to fix those issues but it does actually seem like you guys are playing more controlled it's obviously only three different teams that you've beaten but you're you're playing I mean today two 25 minute wins and it felt like you were actually able to end the game off of like oh yeah we double cbed them and kill the jungler now it's over cuz that clearly means you know what you're doing more do you feel that yeah no I feel that also um what was I going to say yeah I mean we changed fudge from fudge to tantos um but I still think that if we were to subm in fudge right now yeah we would still be doing much better like T is playing Super well right don't get me wrong and he's performing super well in lane and like we never have to worry about top because he's always going to be in good spots but I don't think like I attribute everything that happened to like the two switches right like the the top swap I think we're just playing so much better and also it feels like we are not so bothered by what the other team is doing I think before if a champion was appearing on our screen randomly and we didn't expect it it would be like what the hell we need to do this and we need to do that and we like force ourselves into like M trick ourselves a little bit into thinking that we need to do something whereas now I think we're more comfortable playing our own game and winning like just because we we we don't get distracted by the random things that the team might you guys are more consistent the split like even last split your guys are kind of trolling and they're just like randomly leading to Insanity s mid with JoJo on the VIN yeah he should have gone discent that game that's what you said to him I think that he should have gone go after completely ter but now even when you face the bottom teams like mean chop fight today for example you guys just [ __ ] on them two so fast yeah I think last split they would have been like it would have been way hard to me it seems like you guys are just I mean especially you I think you are like dictating way more Tempo in the game like I was listening to coms and like you are the one always making sure that everyone resets after the play doesn't over Chase and like keeps Tempo because if you are winning Lane and you just don't over for plays you can always like make a new play Reset make a new play and I felt like when I played against you last split it was like you guys are winning Lane but then like as I said someone will appear on your screen and he will overstay then you will cancel your recall one more time and then we already running the next play somewhere or like taking objective for free even though you guys were in the better spot but you just overstate so hard and now it feels like you guys don't overfall so like you actually actually play way smarter that's how I noticed right now just from screams we didn't play each other on stage yet but is like way harder and I don't know I think it kind of comes with confidence CU I I feel like when we play the game before it would be like we felt like we needed to do something right now to get a big Advantage like we feel we need to win so we need to like get this or get that or get the next thing and now I feel like we have more faith that like something good will happen and we trust each other more to know that maybe JoJo won't run it down this time and like I said JoJo usually it's JoJo so well in scrims maybe not but on stage yeah there's some other shouts in scrims sometimes sometimes yeah but yeah that's the judon number one no one's like blocking each other in scrims like you've all kind of played each other in scrims this year yeah I never blocking each other we play we play TL and fly at the end of the split so we we're like scrimming them a lot we didn't scrim fly before our series our series week one which makes sense but since we scrimmed them at least once a week I think we scmed you guys like three times since then yeah I think so it's awesome I want to ask you guys about Berserker then just because I know I think it might have been whippo last uh split on Pros was saying that Berserker is not him has that changed is he a little better or is it still a question I mean to me it was always good I feel like it was not he wasn't the issue that C9 had and uh I don't know to me seems like he's a really good player like when I play against him he knows when he can actually die and we when he cannot die so he's like playing to his limits if I click when I'm not supposed to click he will walk on me and start hitting me not like the other ads that are maybe a bit more scared and they will like click away so I mean I know to me he was always the top 80 in the league and we talk I think he was he was just doing it for the memes yeah he was just doing it for the memes I agree with him he definitely has more like pressure in team fights it's kind of hard to see how good ADC is through like stats or anything but when you're playing against when you play against them and like you're like postering and you can feel their pressure like some of the worst adcs in the league you like walk up and they're going to run away you just have so much space to go in but then you step against Berserker he's like and you have to actually battle for the zone so yeah I mean I don't know he should still be at least like a top three ADC in the league absolutely and you need to stand up for your guy but has he been better in summer than in spring or is it just a bunch of other factors I mean I don't want to be boring but I think it kind of like reflects on how we're playing as a team because I I feel like um we were making a lot more individual mistakes but it's way harder to not make them uh when the game doesn't make sense or when the game is like you're not comfortable with it because you don't know exactly what's going on right if you're more comfortable in a situation where you kind of have a good feel for what's going to happen obviously it's way easier to like execute and Flash the right spell or or stand your ground and fight back if you know that you're ready to fight and like your silers are going to TP in um so I think that's part of the reason um because I didn't feel like he was playing like not him or whatever you know like I don't think he was playing very bad there were some games where he was kind of sprinting it like I remember aan game or Shopify where he had so many deaths I was just like but he was going for Tik Tok combo that's that's a regular season game irrelevant game like you of course you go for Tik Tok combos yeah there was the one game against or where you wanted to get the pentac kill over ending the game that makes sense that makes sense it's just a regular season gu how was that review I mean it's hard to argue when he says like I'm going for the penta next time again cuz like you it felt like a free win right so it's like it's I mean what are you going to say as a support man you're like oh I will never get pentac I was saying during the game let's go mid we can and riew I was like B what what the can I swear sure what the [ __ ] it's not that bad of I swear and then yeah cuz I I mean we should just send the game don't get it man don't get it you just don't get it yeah we have a different when else can you make highlights like regular season game and you see the Highlight in your eyes like you have to go for it you rather get you rather like make sure you win in like in playoffs but I mean the standings are so close for these guys though really yeah we were like in a we weren't in a good spot in regular season we need we needed every win like I think you guys ended third right uh yeah I think so but there was like a chance they can end like six if I think until the last weekend but you guys wanted to finish F cuz then you play th like everyone to finish F yeah that was the end up being good but like it was it was dicey for a little bit there it was yeah yeah that's a hilarious story APA this is a good start this is a really good start to to summer spring was honestly until the playoffs pretty shaky for Team Liquid what are the big differences from Spring summer well I think I'm not trash anymore it's probably the biggest one I think I was kind of trash at the very start of spring um I'm sure you guys are probably both agree I was getting [ __ ] on by a little bit of everyone and then I don't know I just improve leaning I improve side laning cuz like I have such great resources from like impacting core and like even coaching staff where I can just talk with them all the time and like impact will bring me over it be like AA come here the [ __ ] are you doing in this sit situation here just come flame me and like cor will do the same thing like point out a whole bunch of small things so I just have great resources to learn from then obviously going International stage like you I got to play against cream I got to scrim in one one caps I got to play against uh chovi Faker just like all the really good players so like you know every time you go International tournaments you can just learn so much and you feel like you've actually been able to transition that towards Summer because I know you've gone International I mean everyone of the table's gone International I feel like sometimes it's a bit of a flip whether MSI hurts or helps you well I think worlds was my worlds last year was not that useful for me because our team mentally implemented quite early on into the tournament but like this MSI for me was definitely extremely useful what do you feel about TL so far this split seems like they're really confident when you play against them like when they see a play you guys just go for it you like set up stuff especially jungle and support they don't waste their time like Co will sneak a Reco in bot LAN and group with get control around mid or or around one side lane and you guys will just get gold L like that and it seems like uh yeah it seem as you guys are not scared of anything like when you guys play I mean we take so many 45s like yesterday's games we just when when you f us on heral while you were pushing B like our Carri is mispositioned because they fought it's 45 you guys are not even going to fight but you just come to us St at us and and take a good fight and U yeah same on S Side Lane I feel like you guys just know where everyone is you're we're in the game push sent deep we are already too late to make a play on the opposite side so you have to match you and then you guys base with 10o in vision and go other side and we can't really do anything so I don't know I mean the games against you were pretty hard but I also think you had good met read or like you play well with your Champs because you guys play the tank jungle that is like strong at face checking and support that is also good at 2B tws and they just walk around and give so much space for the team while we weren't doing that because we're playing different Chumps and you guys just snowball On Us and other than that what I think about TL I mean definitely as APA said I think you guys were improve like especially you you improve like the most going into playoffs because uh I didn't really respect TL in regular season like I feel like they're just a team it was the impact show during regular impact show I was like watching impact like if he picks cassant like tank he would like play well but then he can't do anything he's just Cante in team fights like he's just tanky but his teammates are all behind he can't do anything but then going into into playoffs I feel like you played better team gave you more resources and then it's like felt hard to match it I don't know I don't know what was our problem but even y y start playing a lot better as well I mean I don't really focus on both side that much like I don't I didn't look Aton cuz it's just ad to me like meet jungle support is most of the time on my screen and we like playing 3b3 so it just felt really hard to contest you guys you can speak on no more but to me it just felt like in playoffs I always just had a winning bot Lane so I was just like H I can make a few mistakes in this game and I can do well because my balling is going to carry like core normally has Tempo because he's like winning lane and then he can come Ina mid help me out a little bit help up out and just like continue the positive cycle forward yeah no I think yon was always a good player but I feel like in the past he always had like these grief moments pretty pretty often yeah pretty often um where I feel like recently he's been cleaning up his play and obviously if you're an ad carry and you don't die then most of the time that'll mean that you probably win the game right so I think that's probably one of the biggest things for like before TL and then Championship winning TL got it who is the best team in the LCS right now do you think think between these two I don't think we are okay in screams I feel like we are not that consistent yet like we we need to work on a little bit more Champions and and uh learn more how to play our team comps and vision game but TL is really good at it and I think CA has the strongest laners like you guys are just really good at laning everyone so it seems hard if you don't make mistakes but I don't think the Gap is Big I'm confident that we can for sure uh put a fight against them but right now I think one of these teams is for sure the best I think our scrims are like normally very close it's always like 3 three or like 2 four one way I think this like as of this week we might like have the the trophy of scrim like the scrim trophy you know five four 42 or 51 against us day one and then we won two games day two as well so like I think it was like eight four or maybe even nine T I don't know yeah there's some remakes here and there so it's like hard to track like we we sometimes like to if there's like a fast FF we like take that win you know if we f f fast we don't count it we just ignore it really that's good for stats yeah for stats there we um we scrimmed them this week and we made Jo or they made us say please for the Remake oh no it was probably because of it was probably because of me to be honest with you like I think I probably got got [ __ ] on really about Jojo and whatever I always just type G remake I don't ask G remake if you go remake I'm these guys it was like vulc um JoJo says say please so like we say please and then like a game later they asked for me to make we're like please say please I Jo happened is that they said PL LS right they didn't say the full please like no that's not going to cut the full please and also we started doing it because I think the first block that we screamed against you guys was right after you guys came back from MSI and Lane swaps are still like pretty common and we had the Lan swap game where we griefed it very hard because we weren't as experienced as them and then we wanted to remake we said and we asked and they were like no we can't we're like what do you mean you can't so funny when you play screams and they say the enemy team say can't remake I'm like I'm sure I was like I'm pretty sure you can make it like you can digas by the way they had at the beginning of the Season like I we ask Z they had the rule of no remakes no FS so we are playing first block against them the first block of the season they got 06 15 every game like 10 minutes into the game I'm like are they going to ask for remake or FF like they are not asking and then ask is like no FF dick season okay respect bro but then they changed then they actually like event eventually they ask on your mental like when you lose so many games I think the only times we say no to remak is when we feel like the game won't be like that useful for us if it's a remake like if you guys are trying to pick or something and it's like well I'm just playing TR I played 100 ch games I don't really need that practice on this so we're probably going to say no cuz it's like more useful for you guys it's like the times we say know yeah that makes sense for us it's like sometimes when there's a there's like sometimes there's scums where one team should win but the other team has to do something cheesy to win right like maybe level one they need to do some funny thing and then you do the funny thing level one you win and now they ask for remake but we're like hm now they know what cheese we went for and now like it's going to be it's going to be a clown show like for sure because we're we're going to have to try a different one yeah they met a game the funny thing yeah it's just I don't want to play against like this bad draft again and have to come up with a new cheese thing to do so then in those cases I don't like to remake but how often are are scrims getting remade nowadays once a day twice a day like average twice a day out say like once a block maybe not so often as once a block but yeah maybe at least once a day yeah okay was it more I'm actually just curious CU we I've had this discussion with a ton of Na Pros does NA or EU like remake more do you think don't I know it's been like years since you've been in EU but there were a lot of remakes I think in EU too I don't think it's like I think it's pretty normal yeah I know like Reddit it's just stupid to not remake the game when G2 G2 always says like player GG oh yeah G2 never remakes right now I don't know what's up with genuinely like you could be like down 10,000 gold at 5 minutes just something disastrous has happened and they'll just say GG or GG or play like they never REM make games I think it's like part of the culture they want to force creative play so like you even though you're like you're really in a terrible game they want to like try and find some angle and like maybe that helps in one stage game out of like 50 and maybe that's a super important moment where you like find that angle so I think that's more valuable for G2 but like not valuable for like a mid-tier team because I can def I can definitely see I'm already projecting like if some the the the biggest critics of remaking scrims that say you never remake scrims and then they hear that G2 doesn't remake scrims also them like why would they teach the other team how to play if they're like winning against always winning the SC if you are winning then why would you remake like you just helping any team you might as well [ __ ] sto them and then they are tilted and you just no no remake see see see tomorrow done at 3m. uh okay so you think you two are tied for first M do you think you're tied for first or is one of you two better I mean I think we'll find out what week five week whichever week I should know this but not I know you play last or the second to last week it's hard to predict who's going to win second to last week so week six I think our series should be close oh really you guys play second last week them and last week well you guys have a hard last two weeks yeah and with the way it works I can like literally Define your split yeah I mean I think it's yeah it's interesting that we like we have to ramp I guess we we just get to ramp up we play against like worst teams and then by the end hopefully we're in the best form and then we play the the two best teams so works out pretty well for us I think yeah okay uh do you agree that flwest is the third best team yeah I after that there's giant think about it who's fourth it was 100 before are 100 th like someone everyone is one and two or 0 and three but like who's fourth like d are 100 th no there's like no way who can be fourth otherwise I mean dig did win the series but like you said I do think 100 th was playing yeah I think 100 th the mid J was playing significantly better I feel like if 100 thief's B and top just like a little bit like a little bit please like like they might be playing like this if they just sit like like this a little bit like they will get carried they will get carried against the bom teams so please don't run down what do you think of Hunter thieves this split because I know last split uh I was wrong on the majority of their best of one predictions because I think they went 11 and three or something maybe 10 and four but I'd always hear that they just get completely ran in scrims then they did not make it that far in playoffs and now they're one and two and best of Threes do you think the best of Threes actually hurt them more than other teams I think it's a bad met for them as well yeah I think so I think River like to me the ganking guy you know he's like that's how I see River he Mr G he's Mr gank but then he's just on like full clear only like you can't really gank people as Z other than like at 3 minutes when you're finish your full clear enemy like tank jungler on his red camp or something yeah I mean to me it seems like uh they were really often in bad position last season and the fact that R was playing like play making Champs he was just making comebacks like randomly and that's how they were winning games but right now if you play ap jungle like uh you can't do anything like if your laners are losing you just basically lost if they lose too hard because then you can't enter River you will just slowly not get resources if you don't have resources you're useless and then you just lose so I feel like it's not the best way how they're playing right now because they're trying to put River on the car Champion even though he's I think he's good I think he's uh probably um really like he can play any style basically he can easily Play Farming junglers and when I play against his tal or need I can see he he's pretty good on them but uh his teammate just teammates are just not delivering so he can't really play those and he keeps trying I'm also not too sld on the Ezra mid stuff after playing against yesterday it definitely does get you pry in the first like six seven minutes of the game but I think after that it's just like the CHS not make to me on S Side Lane is like my biggest thing like one to one item like in my Cy game versus hisz like one to one item he shifted forward and I just solo C him randomly because he wastes e MH yeah I think you have to be really good on and like you see rench really well you can't just brute force fight yeah I think that's also a problem midlanders are not good as rules yeah mhm jungle meta I I had this thought earlier but I like what you brought up about how to play a successful AP jungler you actually can't gank that frequently your ganks really have to matter so your laners mostly have to be able to take care of themselves for a lot of the game yeah that was really true in your series against Shopify today like double Malai versus blabber just being able to kind of go wherever he wants um I don't know just is there a way to what do you think breaks out of this meta or do you think that's like necessarily the meta now because I know umpty is on suani duty like 247 and you're still finding success the laners have to be able to carry I guess uh right now the AP jungers just take over the game right if you play against Zyra Bren or carus even and they're fed they're going to carry you to the team fight if there's a ball ler or top laner or mid laner that's able to take over the fights the same way and you gank for him enough and then he takes over the game then at that point maybe AP junglers take a a step back but your other point of the question was like um you have to play like without a jungler a little bit when you have a AP jungler but the thing is that the ganks or the game becomes so predictable because the other jungler can't afford to gank you because if he gets invaded he's going to it's over because then you get the grubs grubs are pretty pretty op like both for the jungler and also for pushing turrets uh but the experience it gives is like pretty good for junglers J it is how does get away with playing Sani I don't think Sani F slow though like you just can't make many mistakes like specifically when we SC this guy in SCS if we would make like two to three mistakes honestly probably even less you inspired to randomly just be up like two levels onty and it would just be like what is this jungle Gap but even though it's not even jungle Gap it would be like a team Gap like we played poorly like we use EMP these timers poorly and then inspir just hit the crog camp yeah I mean just Farms against AP junglers for like first two rounds she's going to get level six same time as them so and then she's like way stronger then like you have BR or Z and then we have level six s like how can you contest rer you can't and if you use it well then uh I think you are in a good position in the game but obviously like going into level nine where Sani starts like slowing down her clear and zy or BR just focus on repeat and and are able to be in every fight faster then uh it's scary if you make one mistake yeah if you make a mistake and then brand gets to full clear and walk into your jungle get your three comps then he's like already level up and he only keeps going faster and faster while Sani can't get any more resources so she has to hope for some picks and stuff like that but when the game is even like the game starts I think San is a really strong champ and she has a lot of playmaking potential cuz she's just strong she has really strong spells really strong Spike at level six he has Z that is like really cheap and she has really early Spike on it so I think you can play both Styles it's just a little bit uh like more responsibility on you if you play a tank like you can't make mistakes but same with ap jungles you can just walk in river and die if you die to Sani one time it's GG like Sani is just gonna be so op yeah or if the first brand gank of the game is a 2v3 kill that's also going to be oh yeah was terrible that was terrible by them but it was it was good turn by our bot Lane they were aware that they are winning that and that the team is just rolling very good by them mhm at this point it almost feels like old news but we're only three weeks in how do you like best of Threes compared to best of ones super nice for me yeah um even like just from the first series because we obviously we lost the first game and then we were able to come back and win the last two so right there is like a good selling point for best of three if you're like if you feel like you're the better team then upsets are less likely to happen so you I mean obviously like if you lose a best of one it was solely on you right it's not like random things but um sometimes [ __ ] happens and it feels good to know that you can drop one game and then come back and also like the level of excitement I have when I come to the studio and it's like the whole week I practice for this one team rather than like two teams or three teams sometimes even like it's it's way nicer feeling and I also like like you win one game you get off stage you talk about the game like that that's stuff is cool I think it's all nice it's all it just feels like mini playoffs every every Ser the fact that we can just prep the entire week for one specific team and I can like go through their vods like pick up certain things that they do and do all types things like that and so it's like last but it was um playing C9 and FL West I have to prep for both these guys but then who I prep for more because like they're both good teams and just like I wasn't a fan of best of ones but then best of Threes like you said it's like manyi playoffs where even if you make like small mistakes like to be honest my game one first 100 of these I was kind of running it down after 15 minutes if were to lose that game because of me while I'd be super pissed on myself like we can still win games two and three anything else inspired feels very fun to play like going on the stage our Series against TL I had a lot of fun if it was best of one we lose one game we go home in like such a depressed to a because we just got [ __ ] on and best of three like we lost I knew there is one more game we can play we won it I'm like oh that's a nice nice day we are already one1 about to go game three look looks fun I think people are enjoying watching it and I'm enjoying playing so it's like it's nice I like it I think shoot I think was licorice was saying that we're going to have fewer upsets in best of Threes partially because you get the Forgiveness when you have a top team versus a bottom team but also because when you have a Shopify on your schedule you're not going to be prepping the other team yeah right you're actually just going to 100% prep Shopify that seems pretty true so far because in the past you would you would have a week where you play TL and Shopify and obviously the whole coaching staff and every player has their mind on TL and then Shopify happens and you're like you obviously prepare a draft but like it's not like play mid and you're like what especially if they're the Sunday match like if you were if you would like C9 Saturday Shopify Sunday it's like the entire week C9 does this C9 does this C9 drafts like this C9 does this you play C9 you lose you're like a little bit depressed and you're going oh so tomorrow we play we play again oh we just lost the game give me a break yeah true what do those teams have to do the Shopify and Immortal seem like they're at the bottom bottom it's weird because I was kind of strangely hopeful for immortals because I'd always hear that they'd be decent in scrims in Spring but their last I guess four games have been pretty rough I think the way Immortal SP is just really weird what's weird about it like if you watch how they play like tactical and olle we just randomly run Top Lane at 5 minutes no matter what and then in mid game they only play through M side like only and then Castle's just on like week side Duty for 25 minutes straight and you would just see Castle be like 200 CS down and Mas would be 13 CS per minute and then even if balling is going well for tactical Ola they'll just randomly go down 20 CS because they're like I don't know if if it's them wanting to go top lanee or if their coach is forcing them or like what's making them go top it's just like I don't know it looks so weird to me I I don't analyze their games I just like at the bottom teams I just watch like highlights like the team fights maybe and they're like so bad individually like bro like how can you be so bad at like team fighting like for example uh the game against you the Z she was like so F she just get notless cook she e in I think flashed out and then walked into your hook yeah look and there was a kante front of her and then she probably assumed that there was a tank in front so she wouldn't get hooked but at the same time she was clicking in cuz something was clicking back so it's like this unfortunate thing where and then shopy fight as well when I play in team fights against them it just seems like I don't know someone will always find a way to in like it just you just wait wait wait and someone will in support the jungler the ad car like someone will in it just doesn't feel like if you do nothing they will like take over the game it feel like you can just wait and someone will make mistake that's how when I play against the bottom things feels like and in scams they are just getting they're losing Lanes most of the time and enemy jungle I feel like he's trying to do something but not doing much and I'm also like not scared of them they don't it seems like they are scared of me when I play against those teams I walk on them they just walk back I invade their jungle they're like moving but not moving they're just slowly coming to be while I can just back off en me I mean we get the lead somewhere else and they just don't make any play in the turn it just feels like they're bleeding and they don't want to make many plays it just feels like for shopy and I mean honestly both teams they're very just scared due to anything like in both of our Series where Shopify just someone would walk in create so much space and instead of like Shopify trying to like trade blows back they would just give up the space completely and they can't make any play yeah like both of our games were such low kill games not because we weren't doing anything we were trying to do stuff they would just okay you can have the dragon yeah that bot tur's yours they're just giving away everything you want they just gave up everything and then you just have like a 10k gold lead at 20 minutes like he's forc at Baron and you win the game at Baron what about energy I was talking to you a little bit about them today and I heard even dig was like beating energy and scrims they're but they were the LCS Champions and they had such a good World showing only made one roster change and now they feel at a much lower level do you think it's I don't know a little Doom for them or will they be able to improve in the next 20 days I don't think it's doomed because I think a lot like most of their players are actually pretty good uh but when I scrim them it just feels like they're inting so hard like I don't understand what they're doing like they can't be try Harding in my opinion like the way the things that they're doing it doesn't make any sense like they will try so hard to like beat you into the ground or something that they they in and like they don't play as a team very much either IM moras and shif fight they're just bad individually but energ has like decent players but when you play against them they just like seems like they don't know what they are doing and they're trying to overplay so hard they're just they just like they will keep fighting you like they will never stop fighting like against us they in they just randomly walk to Nasha 20 minutes and start hitting it that's not what I expect Immortals to do like like saying that you need to play more aggressive is not that you need to go to Nash and start hitting it as five people like randomly in the game but uh yeah I don't know I feel like they need to be a bit more calculate with the decisions they take because it seems like if you give them the fight they will take it no matter what it's like I don't know seems Seems like they they just fight and they don't care about what what's going to happen so so if they get a little more patience would they be the fourth best team Maybe by like your your read of their talent I think so if you if I had to look at like the players like and compare them to like cones and and dig I mean dig is also maybe in that like yeah they might have like a close game right it's tough cuz you've only played three matches there's that too yeah if you watch the laning face like most of their Lanes normally go like even or like a little bit ahead a little bit behind but normally it's always like even in lane and then just once you start watching them move around the map they just like who he's trying to go boards Bots side and then contract is just playing top side for some reason and just like they're never on the same page as a full team which like to me that feels really weird because they've been together for so long yeah yeah their bot Ling seems like really strong bot Ling to like I feel like they're good in Lane so I don't know how can they be losing like bottom teams to me they should just they should be the winning like how how I feel like FBI and hooki put so much pressure on the map and they just don't use it and they just lose so I don't know I do want to ask you guys uh about impact I also you can think a little bit if there's any other topics you guys want to talk about like feel free but you've all played with impact the goats you've all won a title with impact uh last week he set the record for most LCS wins like he passed Beren he's in his 10th LCS year like just I don't know talk about impact a little bit why is he so successful what does he do that people don't notice I'm just kind of curious to hear about it it's crazy to me how much he still cares about the game like the game of League of Legends he cares about it so much after how long he's been playing because he will show up to the office and his phone's already pulled up and he's watching a VOD or he's watching like some today on the super servers YouTube about a new champ or something he's always watching vods in the deal office right now and then he's he's like he's going to he's going to see inspired in the EG days and he'll be like yo did you see this and you start like talking about it and like how he wants to implement it maybe in like scrims and he's just always like thinking about League looking at League playing league so I think just the passion that he has like allows him to like still be good to this I felt like he was always helping us in mid game a lot like he knew always when he's on bot when Nash is is up like he knew when he's supposed to rotate to the team and get vision and when he's supposed to be catching waves deep and like or not moving too much I don't know it just felt like the game was really easy to play with him like especially when we won the split it's just I don't know he we play playoffs he always has push in his Lane says that he can do this and this he doesn't want to over Force when he wants to over Force he just groups and force the fight he always found the TP out of nowhere and I don't know we never had to help him either he always had great situation for Herald it just felt like I don't know it's just unbeatable that's how I felt when I was playing with I was like coming in as like I pretty much a Rie this year like I didn't really learn too much last year he's just such a insane resource for me like throughout the entirety of spring he would just be like he'd pull me over after like the team review and point out like certain things he thinks I'm just completely trolling on and then like even now like we went back after our Series yesterday and he's rewatching the game me cor and him and every like couple minutes he would like point out a time be like what do you think about this timer he'd explain his thought process to me I'd explain my thought process to him and then we'd like try to find a middle ground in between those thought process so it's just like such an insane resource for me do you have any fun impact stories I I only worked with him for I was barely with him for the 2020 summmer split with TL because that's when I was with the team he wanted brxa to do this because Graves jungle was meta he wanted to do the late invade push them off like red buff but then cross between the turrets and also take the blue buff and for the longest time time Brock had just like wouldn't do it because he couldn't get the dash right so impact like practiced the dash and showed him exactly where he could do the dash cuz he really wanted to pull it off and then we did it we did it in one youram at that point we did it in one scri and it worked perfectly and they just instantly remade the game like well that's that's worthless um I mean right now he just like in review he always just say like his favorite phrase is I don't think you got it and it would just flame whoever speaking that to just for like 5 minutes and just won't let them speak at all so yeah to me the funnest was when he was flaming JoJo like every time he's like Jojo what are you doing what are you doing this is hot garbage what the [ __ ] Jo what the [ __ ] and he's like n Joo you're Trash N you're trash I remember talking about we lose some game in the regular season and he's like ah JoJo is so trash JoJo is so trash no no it's fine he's learning he's he's actually good like he's just I don't know making stupid mistakes on stage we're going to be figh pleas nah he's trash yeah after the the top e Sports series at MSI where we just got completely [ __ ] on we come back into our hotel room like our practice room and just Ina goes instantly I think it was to me or umpty he just goes what the [ __ ] are you doing this entire series just like starts flaming everyone for an entire hour points out like 15 different points where like I have no clue what you're doing why are you so scared here why you here like completely it on to us why are you not pushing this wave I have Temple top now it's your time to push the w i don't take Vision you are pushing and then it's crazy how much you can see like during the game and like come back after the game and be able to like communicate what what he saw that you should be doing differently and everything is making sense that he's saying but it's just like you don't see that in game but I don't know he just has like such insane levels of like game sense yeah I feel like I mean I think Joo didn't take it personally at all like when he was flaming him so he was learning a lot and I assume you do as well right now that's why you guys are moving really fast but uh I I guess it's specific way maybe some people will not like that type of feedback but he's like just direct and it just works really well and that's how he is and I enjoyed it I I really like playing with him any thoughts on his team fighting no he's always making a lot of space like he he makes lot space but like he can't play like skilled Champs like cam like he would say no that's not for me that's good to know like style in your teammates it's always a bit awkward when you have like teammate who maybe is not so good at a specific type of Champions and then you have to have that that like yo bro it's playoffs now like like we can stop with an ital are you sure you want to play mid like maybe maybe not maybe just some Mage yeah awesome I just I'm glad that impact is getting the recognition he deserves because he's been such a a good player for so long actually in our Series against Ste in playoffs you remember when he said JoJo you are hot garbage at Rice you don't know how to control Vision in the river you don't know how how to roam you don't know when you should Reco for Tempo and then and then he said I will go me and we play the r impact meid and played Luci top was playing against Victor he was Perma pushing Perma going okay I'm roing top I'm putting words here I'm going B now and he Ro hold him up CRA you are d i play and then Joo play the r in finals against 100 thiefs I think and he was running the server as well he per top Perma bot like he just legit okay give me the keyboard I'll will show you how it's done he legit just showed him uh bit off topic of league but are you guys still playing soccer yeah we played Wednesday two days ago yeah how tell tell me about it like how does that what what is the crew who's better it's a it's a big mix of like there's a lot of staff from Esports orgs yeah like coaches managers content even there's a few Riders who come um Joel might be here Joel he like he's probably the best you know Joel so Joel is like probably the most reliable player he plays defense and like he's yeah like you want to draft him on your team as fast as possible um yeah I mean it's a lot of fun yeah who are you on the same team different team who won last time it all depend we were on opposite teams this week I won by like one goal team I mean he claims it all the time our team was just hot garbage like it's fine though like sometimes it happens yeah we had a pretty strong team that's fair yeah nice what are you going to do during the break before LCS comes back uh well these guys are going to Saudi so we'll wave them goodbye as they best of luck hope that they 20 hours flight hope that they burn out probably on Monday Monday same MH yeah and then other than that I think we're scrimming we'll have like 12 days instead of one I think per week so that we're not screaming too much and yeah thanks for joining us guys this is really good and congrats on all the wins yeah you guys have been crushing the LCS in the first three weeks us yeah time to keep it going and get some big rematches and playoffs so that's it for pros we're going to see you back at the 20th of July in a month July 20th is when we're going to be back for more LCS week month break it's two weekends but because we're Thursday Friday it ends up being three weekends not IDE not IDE but we'll be back stay in the month just remember July 20th see you guys there yeah do he say cot garbage still no really he was saying like so much hot garbage he this is so hot garbage his favorite quote is just like he'll be like umpty I don't think you got it he didn't say that now like he would really like on EEG he never said I don't know you if you got it he was always saying like this is called garbage r