Hey good morning good morning good morning it's Jonathan Pack here and we're getting ready to have a discussion that I think is going to be a game changer I was in prayer getting ready for TaylorMade Tuesday tonight that's Bible study at the bridge and I was praying for my leaders as well as praying for leaders seeing that it's clergy appreciation month and while trying to put the finishing touches on my lesson for tonight. Something dropped in my spirit, and we've been on this journey for about two hours now. And so I want to share with you publicly what God shared with me privately concerning leaders. Let me say before I jump in, we just finished 17 years, celebrating 17 years as a church at the bridge. And so this weekend was simply amazing.
And on the first day of the week, it was amazing. And we were able to share. Bishop Todrick Miller preached an incredible word, gave us the narrative and language for the next 360 plus days. Good morning. And and then now, well, we were also able to give some awards, highlight some entrepreneurs.
We're going to talk about that a little bit more tonight. but I want to say thank you everybody for making our 17th church anniversary an amazing, amazing success. And again, I'll share more about that tonight. But I wanted to come in and I wanted to speak to leaders and let me give context to this particular conversation. John Maxwell was the first person I heard who gave language to this truth.
And that is, a leader is not just a person who has a position, but a leader is a person who has influence. Let me say that again. A leader is not just a person who has a position or a title, but a leader is a person who has influence.
Please, ma'am and please, sir, understand. Good morning, daughter. Understand that a person may not have a title, and so they may not be the pastor, may not be the bishop, may not be the deacon. However, if there is a person who has a bad attitude that's in the parking lot.
that's in the restaurant, they can still run off the people who you're called to reach, who you're called to connect with. Good morning, sis. How are you? Happy anniversary.
And so I want you to consider that, that when we're talking about leadership, we cannot limit that to position holders because the reason why your organization, the reason why your ministry, the reason why your church is not flowing the way it should is not just because of title position. but other individuals who represent, endorse, or even benefit from that ministry to a point where they become significant. And let me speak to that.
They don't have to be a part of it for a long time. They can just be present. And sometimes new individuals don't know, Bishop Shields, love you, sir. New individuals don't know who's been there forever. They don't know who's who.
All they know is they could have got offended there or had a bad experience there. And so I want to speak to that. With that being said, there are a lot of leaders who are experiencing frustration. And I strongly believe this, that frustration is an indication that there is more. I'll say that again.
Frustration is an indication that there is more. And if we're not careful, we will misjudge frustration and we will see it as a reason to quit or. We will perceive it as maybe this is God's way of saying I'm not that or this is not working or I'm not supposed to be doing this.
And I wanted to speak to that because contrary to popular belief, all leaders are in constant transition. We are always evolving. We're in the people business. And so you all know how flaky people can be. Right.
And then we are flawed ourselves. And so with that being said, we're always evolving. We're always learning and growing in God. We're always learning how to be a better leader, better mediator. We're always learning how to be a better organizer, communicator, administrator.
None of us top out. We're always learning. And so the reason why I have a passion for leaders is because leaders rarely get an opportunity to be poured into.
Who encourages the encourager? the person who makes everybody strong who gives them strength the person that's the intercessor who says hey i'm interceding for you and if we're not careful what we will have is depleted leaders who who will reposition themselves outside of their assignment because they feel that safe. And they will struggle to be who God has called them to be because they are overwhelmed by these particular frustrations.
And I have seven that I want to speak to. So, again, whether you are a business owner, whether you're a parent, whether you are a pastor, whether you have an organization, I really excuse me. I really want to speak to seven areas. Um, and I, and I'm, I'm one of them.
I'm out of the box, kind of crazy guy. And so I think that when you are a faith person talking to people who believe everything has to make sense, it will be deception. So you need people who are out of the box too. Please don't give me normal advice when I don't have a normal assignment. All right.
I need three people. I know it's early just to type in the comments. I don't have a normal assignment.
Please say that. I, I don't have one. you know, that that's all the way polished.
I don't have one that's all the way funded. I don't have a normal assignment. Some of the things that I'm called to do, I'm no part of it, but I don't know all the way, right? So I don't have a normal assignment and I'm very, very clear on what I'm assigned to do and how I'm assigned to do it for right now. I'm learning that, right?
And so I want to speak to that. Here's, thank you all for doing that this morning. Here's the question. number one or the first frustration I want to address. And that is, at this point, why do I have to keep repeating myself?
Is that me or is there another leader that's saying, I've trained them. Why don't they don't know that? I've went over that.
Why they don't know that? I've shared that. Why they don't know that? And let me say this. When y'all like, tag and share, your like is your energy with me. and then tagging bring somebody else in the room intentionally and then sharing it just give somebody an opportunity later on to jump in to hear what we're saying and what we're communicating but but how many of you feel like that like i'm trying to get new people to to grasp what i'm saying and they act like i didn't say nothing they act like they don't know what we teach, what we believe in, and there are leaders that are frustrated because they're having to reteach in this season.
Let me speak to this and tell you that there is a certain grace and a certain weight on you in this season that wasn't on the previous season. So even though you're saying it again, you're not saying it the same way. And if you're not careful, you will minimize this opportunity to regurgitate truth. That's important to the success and the growth of your organization, your company, your ministry, or your church. I want to speak to that and tell you this one thing that the Bible says is that a overseer must have the apt to teach.
That word apt is the ability to teach the same thing and not get frustrated. So some of you are having to teach the same thing. You're having to go over it. One of the things that I love.
about certain prominent leaders that I watch is how they operate in repetition. So repetition, they say it over and over. They do it over and over because our faith coming by what we continually hear.
And so there are certain things that we have to continue to address that while we want to move on, here's the thing. You don't move on from certain teachings, meaning I never teach this again. You start teaching, building on the very principles that you are assigned to teach to help people to be able to grasp what they need to bring your vision from vision to reality.
All right. So so that's a frustration. Why do I have to keep repeating myself? Because you do.
And please, there are many of you that are in this season with those who are those who you have influence with. You're having to do that. And please, please know.
that the reason why it's a frustration is because you don't believe it's necessary. I thought I was on to talk to some leaders. Well, it's a cop.
They already know what to do. Well, you still have to go over it. You still have to say, let's go from from top to bottom. And you will have people say, but I already know what to do. But we're still going to go over it to make sure that we're clear, because we have to do everything decent and in order.
And you're right. You've got to have grace for consistency. if you're going to be a leader. You don't know who they've been talking to before because when people get frustrated, they'll go back to default. They'll go to what they're used to doing.
They'll go to how they're used to saying it. They'll go into their routine, whether that's positive or negative, and you will find yourself frustrated. But hear me, before you try to repair what's broken, be able to speak to the health of it so it doesn't get broken.
So let's go over it again. Hey, here's our vision. Here's our mission. This is what we're assigned to do.
Here's our goals. Here's the vision for this particular moment. I know last year we did this, but this year we have another assignment and we got to be able to speak to that and speak to that and speak to that.
Are y'all listening to me? So I'm frustrated because I have to keep repeating myself and I need to calm down and accept. Good morning.
I have to calm down and accept this is a part of leadership, being able to speak in repetition. to be able to speak the same thing and not get frustrated. Every time I evolve, I'm noticing I've got to teach certain fundamentals over again, right?
And there are some people who say, but we already heard that. You got to hear it again, because I got to make sure that as I'm evolving, people have an opportunity to evolve with me. And so I want to challenge you to be able to embrace that frustration and be able to shift that frustration to just a new normal.
Right. Here's the second leadership frustration I want to address is I don't have the passion that I used to have for this. I think that passion sometimes can be overrated. And I'll be honest with you.
There have been seasons in my life as a leader, whether that's business or whether that's been ministry to where I didn't have the passion in that season. But that wasn't a reason for me to quit because I wasn't passionate about it. There are some moments I'm doing it, I'm excited, things are working, things are happening, I'm good.
And then there are other moments, nothing is working seemingly, nothing is happening the way I desire. And then I can allow my lack of passion to be able to shift me out of the position I need to be in. Now, here's one thing, leaders, I want to share with you is that there will be moments, watch this, when the thing you are not passionate about.
will be the very thing that finances and qualifies the thing that you will be passionate about. Let me say that again. I know that was fast.
There will be moments where the thing you're not passionate about is going to finance what you're passionate about. So there are sometimes you got to work a job that you're not passionate about so you can finance a hustle you really want to do. So I'm spending 40 hours here.
I'm spending four hours there. but it's to feel what I'm doing. And there are moments when the Bible says that a woman is pregnant with two kids. It's Ephraim and Manasseh, I believe. And they said that they were both in their mother's womb.
One came out first, one came out second. Cynthia Diggs, please preach this better than me. They say one came out. first the other one came out second i disagree because one hand was on the keel um yeah okay i need to get that these babies and again i'm cloudy this morning i'll clarify later if i need to uh these babies that came out one didn't come out first one didn't come out second when he had his hand on his keel that means both of them came out first because they came out connected it was just only one that was seen first and the other one was seen next. There are many of you that what you don't understand is the blessing is tied to the very thing that's visible at first, right?
So the thing that's visible at first is the thing that's going to pave the way for the thing that's coming next. And if you're not a good steward over your assignment, you will get frustrated because you're saying, but I don't have passion for this, but I don't feel this anymore. Right. It's because something else is coming.
It doesn't mean you need to move from that. If I quit pastoring every time I lost passion, we would not be celebrating 17 years as a church. I'm getting ready to celebrate 24 years being a senior leader.
I've lost passion quite a few times, but what I had to do was I had to go into obedience. I had to go into duty. I had to go into burden.
And it wasn't exciting. I mean, I was frustrated. I was being attacked from my own camp. Ain't no bite like sheep bite.
I was frustrated because of my own self, because I blew it. I missed it. I didn't get it right.
Or I didn't. God was giving me vision. And then when I presented it to the people, all of a sudden, you know, they didn't buy in.
I just said something yesterday. I said, hey, this is something I want to do. And a leader was like, that ain't going to work. And I'm like.
wait a minute, before you tell me it's not going to work, let's at least try it to see what we have to do. And I've had those moments to where I lost passion for it. I lost passion as a parent.
I've lost passion as a person, not feeling life the way I should. As a businessman, having ripoffs and having to fire and then go through slander and go through all of that. It comes with the territory. But please understand that just because you don't have passion for it doesn't mean that's God's sign that you need to quit.
We cannot keep allowing our emotions to get the best of us because when you make the next decision, you're not going to always be passionate about that. And when you get with the next person, you're not going to always be passionate about that. And when you start making the next level of money after the new car scent wears out, you're not going to be passionate about that.
And so what we cannot do is allow our emotions to control our devotion. We've got to have some fundamentals that's outside of feelings. That's why I tell people when they say, oh, I love you.
Well, love has to be responsibility and not just feeling. Because if you get stuck on feeling, what happens when you don't feel it no more? What happens when you're not getting butterflies in your stomach and you get sick to your stomach? There has to be something else that fuels that friendship, that relationship, that leadership.
that partnership and this is why you got to be careful to examine why people are connected to you because some people are only connected to you for the good days but this is what they say when when they get married and and this is why divorce is rampant because we we say stuff but we really don't mean it they say for better or for worse and then we say for better or for kind of better But we don't believe that worse could be a reality. But for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, sickness and health, you know, to death do us part. Many people watch this while they're members. Somebody said something to me the other day and it blessed me. They said, I don't want really members in this season.
I want partners in this season. Right. Because you can have a member that's a membership that they have a membership at the gym.
So they come to experience the gym, benefit from the gym, and then they're bounced. But when they're a partner, they ask questions. Did we hit budget?
Even though I'm not the janitor, there's paper on the floor. Let me pick it up because it's necessary if I'm a partner for me to partake in those things concerning vision, those things that can make it or those things that can break it. So even when, again, I don't have passion, I still gave my word. I still gave my word. I still made a decision to be relationally integral.
I still care about individuals. And so while I may not feel it, I still understand what I'm called to do. And let me speak and tell you, the very things I lost passion for, as I kept going, it cranked up again. And I don't know who I need to speak that to, but it's coming back again. If you just remain.
faithful. The Bible says it this way, and let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we'll reap if we fight not. So when this moment comes, you need to already be in motion, not be on the sidelines saying, well, I'll do it when I feel it again. Get your feelings out of it and make full proof of your commitment so that you can accomplish what you need to accomplish, right? Because nobody likes making a whole lot of sacrifices.
being inconvenienced all the time, not being appreciated or welcome. Nobody likes their money always getting close to zero. Nobody likes going through those seasons, but many times they are necessary to help you to be able to qualify for what you need to do next. Let me give you number three because I don't want to keep you all long.
Here's number three. I got this vision, but I can't find the help that I need to get the vision done. And I know what that's like. I remember moments and I'm like, God, but I don't have the right team.
I got this vision for the vault experience. I have this vision for the bridge, the bridge Arlington and then the bridge and other locations. Then I have this vision for Jordan and I have this vision for a family.
I have this vision for this business and that business and that team. And I got all of this stuff in mind, but I can't. It's like I can't find a team.
Right? Can't find a team. Let me say this. First of all, you've got to be careful when you compare your journey to others, because what you may think somebody else has, they don't have.
What you may think, you know, they got this whole staff and some of them do, but some of them have staff that that's paid, right? They got grants or they're raising certain kind of money. And so they're able to do that. Other people have volunteers and you don't know what those meetings are like.
You don't know that there might be only three people who are actually getting paid something significant. But I'm going to I don't I'm really not called to the people, you know, who have, you know, ten thousand dollar budgets, you know, every every week. I'm called to the people who say I'm a volunteer or I just got volunteers around me.
Why can't get this accomplished? One of the things that I had to discover is I had to I had to sanitize the vision that God gave me. so that I could be healthy. Let me say what I mean by that. Some of the things God called me to do, I mixed it to what was current.
So I felt like I had to have what other people had to be able to accomplish what it is that he gave me. And so I never will forget. And some of the bridge that is on, when the bridge began to grow and be healthy, it was when I set worship and arts down.
Because while everybody said, oh, we need music and we need this for the sake of that season. to have a more mature audience, I had to add the hotel we were using. I had to be able to sit down all the fluff and I committed myself to weeks of teaching those fundamentals and those principles that he gave me. And what I started noticing is even though we had some people fall off who said, but we didn't shout this Sunday, or I had some people say, wait a minute, but when he going who? Had all of that going on but we begin to grow this is when some of you need to understand first of all You may have the work you need you've just got to repurpose them in the area of where you've been assigned Right you you got to be very very clear on that then you've got to be able to talk future Even when you're looking at the present so when I'm saying okay, I need somebody to do this I need somebody to do that.
I start speaking and say hey This administrator is coming. Hey, this person is on the way. And I wasn't talking to an individual, but I was calling in an individual, talking to God concerning what it is that I needed. Please understand, if you haven't learned to start having a conversation with your future before your future shows up, you are missing out on quality moments.
Yes, I'm not just praying to the future. I'm praying from my future. I'm calling it in. So when I pray and believe God, I believe that when I pray, he answers. So then now that the answer is already on the way, I start calling it in.
I start preparing to get that work done. Okay, God, you know where my money is right now. If I can pay him, I can pay him.
If I can't, I can't. I got to call whatever in and God will send somebody to say, hey, I've been called to sow into you to help you get this done. I don't know what it is you're believing for.
But but but I'm supposed to help you some kind of way. I'm supposed to use my influence, my resources, my ability to help you accomplish what you need to accomplish. You know, we've got to get that done. And other times you've got to take another look at the people that are around you, because many times you can have an answer around you, but you're not seeing them with fresh eyes. Right.
So it was David that was in the backyard. He was tending sheep so well. they didn't believe he could be king. And many of you, you can get stuck in being so good at what you're doing presently that they never consider you for anything else. And so Jesse never recommended David because David needed to be out there with the sheep.
I don't have time to go into the rest of that, but David needed to be out there with the sheep. It was Samuel who said, do you have another son? And then he says, well, yeah, there's a boy in the backyard.
He said, well, give him an opportunity. And then when he comes in, of course, the oil flows. And then it's David even says, wait a minute, I've got to get back in the backyard because I've got to take care of these sheep. That there will be moments when you've got to have a take another look at the people that are present and repurpose them in the area. There you go, Bishop.
You got to repurpose them in the area for their now. So in the previous season, I needed them to be this in the new season. I need to be. need them to be that.
The other thing is many times as leaders, we can get so tired and so frustrated that we want God to send us people and places and things that are already ready-made, right? So everybody loves to prophesy, harvest is coming. It's going to already come ready. You know, God has sent you a mate. They already going to know what to do.
They already going to know how to fold your clothes and cook your food. God has sent you staff. They're going to come in already job ready. They're going to know the skill.
All of that sounds good. But more than likely, when they come, you're still going to have to train them. And so I used to pray for help.
Now I've learned that I've got to pray for teachable help because help can come. But watch this. Help can come, and it's not really help if you can only help me your way. I've got to be open to the fact that if I'm called to another individual, I've got to be willing to make some adjustments based on their preferences, based on the uniqueness of their vision. I've got to adjust myself to get it done.
So please be careful not to brag about who you've been in the previous season, because who you've been in the previous season may not be necessary in this one. Right. So you you worked at McDonald's, but it's not the same thing at Burger King. Right.
And so both of them are burgers. But, you know, this one is different. So can I be fluid enough to make the adjustment?
Bishop Martin, love you, sir. I honor you, really. But am I willing to be fluid enough to say over here, let me learn their way. So even though I'm strong in administration, I've got to learn how to administrate their vision.
even though I'm a good organizer, I've got to know how to organize their vision. How do they communicate? How do they work with their team?
Let me shadow for a minute so I can get the rhythm. Jesus even said it this way, if you believe in me, then do the works I do, and then greater work shall you do. So that means if I believe in him, then I adopt what he adopted.
I follow his principles. I follow his examples. And then once I've proven that I can be trusted because I value what's already present, then now they can release me to do greater works.
Please deliver me from these people that want to go to greater works. But you flunked stewardship. These are these people who claim, hear me, they claim to be, well, I'm called to do something new.
No, you're a rebel because in doing something new, we're not tearing down what has been. We're building on that foundation. And let me throw this in for free. The people who will have the keys to the future are people who possess ancient future.
They have enough tradition to be stable and grounded, but they have enough vision to be able to see what the future holds and how we need to get there, how we need to conduct ourselves. And so we'll be them. So, you know, who has seen the house in its former glory and how do you see it now? That becomes necessary for us to get where it is, to where we need to go and where we need to be.
And so please understand this. When you can't find the help you need, you may have to take somebody and train them intentionally to tell them, I need you to be this for me in this season. And I'm going to take time to work with you to get it done. Now, here's what I notice is please be careful not to train large groups when you're looking for one particular thing.
Jesus was very adamant. He fed 5000 men, not counting women and children, but he didn't disciple them. He was careful to keep the crowd that he was called to disciple, to keep them small. He had, he had, of course, y'all know he had 70, then he had 12. And then with the 12, he had three.
He was very, very intentional. Even when he was in Gethsemane, he doesn't take the 12 with him. He takes the three because he was intentional about how he poured and who was present.
Because just because you gave the invitation, some people will show up just to be in the way. I'm going to say that one more time. You gave the invitation and some people will show up just to be in the way. They will show up just to frustrate you, to get you off focus.
And I need you to accept that I'm building for better. That's what I'm talking about tonight, building for better. And if I'm doing that, I've got to find somebody that, yeah, I got to find clay.
I can't mold concrete, can't mold concrete. I got to find clay and then I got to work with that to get it done. And it may take weeks. It may take months. It may even take years to get it done.
But when you get it done, it'll be proven. It'll be solid and it'll be everything you need to get vision to come to pass. Here's number four.
Here's a leadership frustration. If it's not one thing, it's another. And boy, do I understand the frustration of of this particular leader who says this.
And please know, I don't recall a season where where I can honestly say. it was stress-free. Can I be honest with you? Because again, if leaders don't say this, then you will assume that what you're feeling is wrong.
No, I've always dealt with the level of stress. I need people. I got a burden. I wake up weird times.
I go to sleep at weird times. I feel energy. I feel these things. God, I'm watching a movie. God takes my mind, and I'm thinking about something else.
And then I'm called to people and I don't have a, I don't do a nine to five. And so there are moments when they'll get me off schedule and then, you know, and I'll, I'll be concerned about them. And then I've got to go to the hospital when I got to feel if they're going to live or die. And then I got to go to these funerals and then grieve. And while I'm feeling what I'm feeling, help others.
There's, and then I've got to manage budgets. If I don't, if I don't, if I raise the money, they're going to say I'm only in it for money. But then if I don't raise the money, then I can't pay staff.
And then their families are going to feel the burden, you know, of, hey, we trusted him, but he didn't deliver. Got all of this stuff going on at one time while still trying to be a person, while still trying to get rest, while still trying to be integral to my hearts and my desires, while still dealing with complaints and frustrations and issues. There's stress that comes with it.
Here's what I've learned. And I'll say it this way. Bishop Miller who preached Sunday. This is his brand, by the way.
And because I'm a fan of my friends, I rep what they do. Um, he said a 50 pound weight is going to always be a 50 pound weight. But the more I lifted, the lighter it gets.
Watch this. Not because it no longer becomes 50 pounds. He says, but I become stronger because I've been working it. And there are some of you, you're waiting for the storm to leave. You're waiting.
for you you're waiting for the stress to go away don't don't wait for it to get lighter get stronger that's why bible talks about putting on the whole armor of god that's why mentors are in your life to save you time to help you to manage the weight of the responsibility but because you toughen it out and you prideful and i don't need nobody and i got this man experience is not always the best teacher sometimes i can get advice and it will save me from unnecessary seasons So I could accomplish what I need to accomplish. And so, yeah. And let me say it this way. Thieves don't break into empty houses.
So many of you will always be dealing with some level of warfare because there's value in what you do. That when there's I remember it was prophetess Janice Mixon who said something phenomenal one time. She said, you can you can come to church and have candy in your purse. and you know, and all will be well, right?
And you pass out candy to your little people, all will be well. As soon as we make you the candy distributor for the body of Christ, all of a sudden they discontinue it. All of a sudden it starts melting. All of a sudden your grandkids broke in and took it. There will be some warfare in what you do, but you can't wait for the storm to be over.
You got to get stronger, right? I got to get strong. I got to have mental fortitude at this level to say, how am I supposed to think at this level?
How am I supposed to govern myself at this level? I'm supposed to get stronger. I need somebody to hear me.
I need somebody to hear me. You're supposed to get, stop waiting. I say it this way.
If it don't stop raining, then I'm going to dance in the rain. And I'm just going to take some emergency and we're going to get back to what we got to do. Why?
Because I don't have time to wait for the. perfect moment and the perfect season. When my heart, this is what the book says, when my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that's higher than I.
So that means I've got a responsibility to get to something higher, to get higher thought, higher activity, higher discipline, so I don't get so burnt out. One of my favorite scriptures says this, if you faint in the day of adversity, then your strength is small. That means In adversity, you didn't have strength, possibly because you don't have it in the performance because you used it all in practice. And so you were fighting people in practice. You were overworking in practice.
And when it came time for the moment, you lacked strength. And so you've got to be able to accept some things I can't give energy to, some things I can't even, I only got time to deal with that. Well, but did you hear what they said? At this point, I cannot, I cannot.
And Bishop said it Sunday, I'm doing a great work and I can't come down. Does it mean it doesn't matter? No, it matters. Does it mean I don't care? No, I do care, but I don't have time to babysit individuals when I'm trying to get something accomplished, when I'm trying to make it happen.
I don't got time to manage little feelings. Well, they could have said it different. Get over it.
We're talking about vision. We're talking about making it happen. And we'll have disgruntled people.
who will be majoring in minors at the wrong time. And you will have to make the commitment to say, I am called to do something else. I'm doing a great work and I can't come down. If it's not one thing, it's another.
Embrace that this is what comes with this level of accomplishment. This is what comes with this level of success. People say, but if I just get more money, more money is gonna give you more problems.
I want God to take me to the nations. And then now, instead of, instead of 500 people knowing you, now 50,000 are going to know you. And what do you do then? Or this person disagrees with you and they just talk about you to people. Then now you're at a point people disagree with you.
They do a Facebook live about you. And then now this person will do a whole show about it. It comes with the territory.
And so you've got to get that out of your head that the people who are winning are winning with no scrutiny, with nobody talking about them, with no... with no backlash. It comes with it, but you got to stay focused on what you've been assigned to do, because if you are a leader, it comes with the territory.
Well, they don't like me. Well, no, no, that will happen. Darkness will always be intimidated by light because darkness will be unsettled and uneasy because the Bible says where there is light, there will be no darkness. So then now darkness feels uncomfortable every time I show up. because I'm the individual that, yeah, I bring light with me.
I need somebody to understand. I bring light with me. And so they'll say, wait a minute, they mean, no, they want to put things in order.
And some people don't want things to be in order. It's like that TV, the knob will fall off and you'll put pliers on it just because it's functional, don't mean it's fixed. So then when a fixer comes up, when a solution is comes up, then all of a sudden morning broke.
All of a sudden, they want things done. They want to move things forward. They want to get things done. And if you're not careful, you will become offended by the fixer. When the fixer didn't come to attack you, the fixer came to fix the problem.
Are y'all listening to me? So if it's not one thing, it's another. Get over it.
It's what come with it. So you got to walk in and be like, okay, I see what that is. But before I got here, I knew my assignment. Let me do my assignment.
Let me get goes. Cindy Diggs, I was thinking about the woman with the issue of blood. And I think one thing that we don't pay enough attention to, and that is when she gets her healing, she's ready to leave.
She ain't trying to be noticed. She ain't trying to get no attention. She was trying to get her healing. And Jesus stopped her and said, now who touched me?
God. And has that conversation with her because all she wanted was what she wanted. And then she was ready to go back home.
There are some people you got to be able to accept that in this season, I don't need the extra. I just need what I need. And then we're going to get goals. And I'm telling you, it's some of the people you will give the most to who will give the least to you. And then it's some people you don't give the most to, they will give you everything, right?
You got to be able to accept that there's a different rhythm in this season. And even though it's one thing or another, I still got to keep focused. I still got to keep my drive.
I still got to accept. I'm healed now what okay all right see there you better preach it at me that's bad oh but oh I gotta be able to embrace that let me get to number five because I gotta I gotta be done I gotta be done by by seven central stop central center time oh here's number five why am I reaping what I didn't so why am I reaping what I didn't so um every leader they may not tell you this they may not tell you this but every leader One of their major goals is to find another them. They may not tell you that, but if a leader was once an adjutant and served and nobody had to ask them to do nothing, nobody had to pay them every time, they were able to make shifts and adjustments, they looking for another them. Because they're like, this is the way I've grown to where I am, right?
I got rebuked. David, hey, man, I remember getting rebuked in service. And I remember I was agitated and and it was my off Sunday and I showed up to church. I showed up to church with walking them on your lung infection and bronchitis, got on the bus hour and 15 minutes to be able to get to service.
And I noticed that my pastor at that time, he was he was up and they gave him the wrong all sport. And so I knew I knew what he needed. I only had two dollars in my pocket.
That was bus fare to get back home. But I knew what he needed. So I'm like, OK, I'm going to run to the store real quick and grab it. The large bottle was one eighty nine. And so I'm going to go get it.
Soon as I get to the door, starts pouring down rain. Well, that's my man of God. So I take off, run to the corner store, get it, put it under me, come back, give it to the actor. He sees it. He stands me up and says, basically.
I was unprepared and I should have had his stuff before he stood. He rebuked me and then he silenced me. And I'm like, you know, before the movie came out, I'm like, hey, I just got fired on my day off. But I didn't change my expression. I still smile.
I still worship. I don't know what he was preaching because my feelings was hurt, but I was still trying to engage. I still stayed after like I normally would. But even though I was disciplined, watch this.
I was still disciplined. I need y'all to hear that. About a couple months later, he stood me back up again.
And he said, you know, and he said, the reason why I showed you tough love is not because you were wrong. But I wanted to expose the people around you who were wrong. And then he put me over them.
Some of them he released that many of you, you would not be able to handle that level of testing. And so now I look at people and when they get. and they feelings over something easy, I'd be like, okay, they're not really ready for the next level. When I say, hey, they can't cancel an appointment for an assignment, they're not ready like I was.
Every leader wants to find another them. And the frustrating thing is you will have seasons where you will be reaping things that you did not sow. I sowed faithfulness. Why are people not faithful?
I was a giver. Why are there no givers around? Here's what I had to do.
is I had to accept that some things were just crop failure. And I had to dismiss it and say, I don't deserve that. I don't want that. That ain't my harvest. That's somebody else's.
I demand this. And I got in certain moments where I wouldn't settle. See, some people settle for something so that they won't have nothing.
I would rather have nothing than have something that's not mine. Right. And so some things you've got to dismiss and you've got to get it out of your head. That's not what I'm that might be coming my way, but that ain't mine.
I wish I had somebody that would test. Matter of fact, I need 17 of y'all to type in the comments crop failure. I know what I'm sowing.
I know what I'm sowing. And there's a principle. Type it, crop failure.
There's a principle. Whatever man soweth, that shall he also reap. So what I'm expecting is what I'm sowing. Yes, I am. I'm expecting loyalty because I show that.
I'm expecting people to cover me because I cover them. And I know we can say don't expect you from other people. It's not.
me expecting them. It's me expecting the principle of seed time and harvest to manifest. And if what's coming is not what I sow, that's crop failure.
You got to dismiss that. And yeah, you got to cancel that. No, send that to somebody else. I decree and declare I shall be healed. I shall be whole, nothing broken, nothing missing, nothing lacking.
That's crop. I show support. So God, you're going to send people my way. God. I push other people.
You're going to bring pushers my way. I support other people. You're going to bring supporters my way. I got to be able to put that in motion and not let that hit my spirit and make me believe that's what I deserve. I need y'all to hear this.
That is not what you deserve. That's crop failure, right? So I got to give you that word, right?
So why am I reaping what I did not sow? The enemy wants you to get so frustrated that you accept. anything instead of waiting on that thing. Why am I reaping what I did not sow? It's to be able to complicate your journey.
Watch this, to see if you can discern properly. It is to see if you will walk in the spirit versus walking in condemnation, because condemnation will say, well, I'm just a nobody trying to tell everybody, so at least I got this. Please understand, when you anoint it, you can't just date anybody. When you anoint it, you can't just let anybody in your house. Jay Todd, what's up, man?
When you anoint it, you can't just hire anybody. When you anoint it, you can't just be on pictures with everybody. I wish I had somebody. You can't just support every event just because somebody invited you because you got to say, wait a minute, I understand my value and what I bring to the table and I don't want to reap from what I did not sow.
And so I've got to be careful because I'm not just a giver only, I'm a sower. When I'm giving, I just give. But when I'm a sower, I know what to sow.
I know when to sow. I know where to sow. I know how to sow. I understand my assignment.
I got to go. I got two more. And I got 12 minutes and a few seconds to do it.
Let me get to number six. Here's a frustration for leaders. Bro, it was good to see Jay Alexander is on.
It was good to see dad in the house. I heard dad in his voice. I heard a hoop in it. And I said, yes, sir. uh but it was so good to see him uh here's number six when is the money gonna come okay all right if i'm talking to you i i just need 12 of y'all to type in the comments that's the question i got that's the question i am how however you want to say it when is the money gonna come i got this vision but but when is the money gonna come yeah when when is the money gonna come i i believe this is what i'm called to do but when is the money gonna come i i need 12 people to do it i'll get i'll give you my response as soon as you do it come on when is the money gonna come i'll win that's a question i have i'm i'm sewing i'm believing i'm i got vision i just need provision when is the money gonna come yeah we'll definitely do it you already know when is the money gonna come when is the money gonna come just what i think we're waiting on seven more people yeah that's the question we got right yeah that's that he said for real and that's what we asked like i i know we're in this thing where i'm not really expected no i am I want money at the level of my faith because I know what I'm supposed to do with it.
I know I can't hire people if I can't pay them. So I know we can't host events like we know we're supposed to on a limited budget. We know we want to be able to create.
We want to create a masterpiece. We want to be able to take what we have to the world in a quality manner. When is the money going to come?
Here's what I discovered. Here's what I discovered. Here's my answer. You will have what you need.
When you need it, you will have what you need when you need it I know y'all don't like that, but please hear me if you needed it, you would have it So if you don't have it, what do you have to help you get it done? Okay There's story of a prophet that meets a woman and he comes and he says, um, you know So this and she says I don't have a whole lot. All I have is this He was like, I'm not talking about what you don't have.
I'm talking about what do you have to work with? So there. OK, so there are many of you. I don't I don't I don't have time for commerce.
I can't pay a photographer the way these phones work. You ask one of your grandchildren or somebody, ask them, how do I make this work for where I am now? God never penalizes you for who left.
He penalizes you because you don't do enough with what's left. And many times you get addicted by this thing called excellence that you end up forfeiting excellence at your level. I need y'all here. Excellence at your level.
I may not have Bentley money. I may not have I may not have money for the Phantom. But if I only got this Honda, then I got to clean this Honda and make it work because that's the level I'm at. And many of you, the reason why you're not going to get more is because you haven't maxed out with what you already have.
I remember when Bishop Jakes, he told a story about when he was blowing up and he said he didn't have a secretary. And so he had to answer the phone as the secretary and then put himself on the phone to finish talking to the people he was called to. I'm like, no, there's a way to get it done.
And there are many of you, you're wondering. When is the money going to come? I want to challenge you and ask you, what are you doing?
What you already have to help you get where you got to go. Are you listening to me? Here's the other part about this frustration, that there are many times God will withhold money from you because you got the wrong people connected to your heart.
And he knows that if he gives you that kind of download, that amount of money, you will finance the dysfunction. of the people who are really not even supposed to be in your life. I just said something that I'm not getting no likes.
I'm not getting no hearts. I guess I'm not doing good at all. But I want to speak to some people that are heart people, that you can bring people in your heart and you say, because you rock with me, we're going to win together.
Some people you're not supposed to win with. Matter of fact, matter of fact, 12 of y'all, I need you again. I need you to type in the comments. I'm not supposed to win with everybody. No.
Well, you started with them. No, everybody I start with, I won't end with. I'm not supposed to win with everybody.
I need to accept that. Just because you're my friend don't mean you're supposed to be my business partner. I'm not supposed to win with everybody.
Many of you are supposed to have a life to where when God does something in your life, people say, I didn't know you were working on that. Right. You weren't supposed to.
Right. Because all of my business ain't everybody's business. I can't win with everybody. I can't win. What are you working on, man?
Just keep me lifted. Because you end up telling your dreams to the wrong people and they will speak doubt and speak frustration and irritation. And you've got to say, no, no, no, no, no.
At this point in my life, I've got to be able to say I can't win with everybody. See, what we don't like to do is we don't we don't like confrontation. And so we don't want to fire anybody. But you cannot be CEO and and struggle to fire because my firing is attached to my success.
Just like my hiring is attached to my success. And there are some decisions that you have to make in certain seasons to say, I can't win. I'm not supposed to win with them. It might be easier with them, but I'm not supposed to win with them.
There are some seasons you will have a Peter on your team, but you're not supposed to win with Peter right now. Then you will have Judas on your team that you can't get rid of because you're supposed to win with Judas. Let me say this, that Peter, while Peter is distant, Judas comes in and betrays him. Jesus says he's a friend.
because I need a betrayer to get me to Calvary. Peter is loyal, trying to prevent me from getting the Calvary. So there will be certain seasons where you've got to be able to discern who do I need and who I don't need. Now, the person I don't need, it doesn't mean I won't need them tomorrow, but it means that where I am right now, I've got to be very careful at who I win with.
And if you are a person who is not a good steward over your heart, you will end up... financing other people's dysfunction, and then God will be mad at you. I know we don't like that. I know we don't like that.
I know we don't like that, but he says you cannot bless whom I curse. You cannot curse whom I bless. And there are some people, can you give me some money?
No. Oh, you don't have it? I have it. But I'm not released to give it to you because you're dysfunctional.
You're not going to pay me back. I don't even got time to be fighting over $20 at this point. No, and I'm not going to finance your addiction. I'm not going to finance your dysfunction. What you in is not a situation.
It's a cycle. And I've got to give you to yourself to let you come to. It's not my battle. And I don't know who I don't.
This ain't even in my notes. I don't know who needs to hear this. But many of you, the reason why you've been tired is because you're taking on burdens that are not yours. Everything is not your burden.
Everything is not your battle. I remember a lady told me, Prophetess Mixon, she says, I'm going to carry you in prayer because I don't pray for everybody like that. And I got offended at first.
And then I finally. thought about it and she educated me. She says, we've got to be careful who we bring in our prayer time because we'll start feeling what they're feeling. We'll start drawing in what they draw in.
And some of you make everybody a major assignment. And sometimes you got to say, hey, bless David in Jesus name, help him to get everything you need. And you got to move on. You got to be careful who you bring into your heart because you will end up taking on the infirmities of other people. So you got to be careful.
And as a heart person, That doesn't mean I'm released to say yes to everybody. Yeah, because watch this. People will learn your heart and use it against you. So they'll play you like a fool because I know they're going to say, yeah, I know they I don't got to pay them back. Watch this.
I don't got to do them right because I know them. And what you got to do is you got to set new standards. That's why as you evolve, let me say it this way. Givers have to create boundaries.
because takers never do. Let me say that again. Givers have to create boundaries because takers never do. Some of you in business, you can't be the first point of contact. You need somebody a little bit more militant to be able to speak on your behalf, to be able to talk about money, to be able to talk about those things you may have a hard time with.
And then other times you got to say, wait a minute, like Paul, Paul said that I'm bold when I write, but in your face, I'm a little bit more timid. So some of you might have to say, hey, we've got to talk through email so I can communicate what I need to communicate the right way. Right.
It is necessary for you to accomplish what you need to accomplish in this manner. Let me give the last one and then I'm done because I got to let y'all go. I'm going to let y'all go.
Shell, I tried. Here's number seven. I have a leadership frustration.
Matter of fact, let me review. Number one, for those of you who are coming on. I keep having to repeat myself.
What do I need to do with that? Providence, Lena, hey, hey, hey, hey. Here's number one.
I keep having to repeat myself. Here's number two. I don't have the passion that I used to have for this. Number three, I can't find the help that I need to get the work done.
Number four, if it's not one thing, it's another. Number five, why am I reaping what I did not sow? Number six, when is the money going to come?
Here's number seven. I got to give it to y'all. I'm rushing through these because I try to be done by seven. It don't look like that's going to happen because I got it. I got to give weight to this.
Here's number seven. I have more than one thing in my head. Which one do I do first?
I've got I got I got these visions, got these businesses. I got this stuff in my head. Which one do I do first? Is just give me some likes and some hearts. If you had to ask that question.
Or if you're asking that question now, give me some likes and some hearts if I'm talking to you. Right. OK.
OK. Here's here's what I've learned. And if the jail, if if many people knew the streams of income I have, the things that I work on, the things that I do, Melissa, they they they they would be praying for me a little bit more.
Here's what I discovered, that when God gave me multiple visions at one time. I couldn't wait to figure out which one to do first. I did all of them.
I know y'all think that's crazy. I did all of them. Now, I couldn't sew the same amount into all of them, but I start moving in the direction of all of them. Yeah.
So I had five things in my mind. So I start working on five things. Yeah, I start working on five things and, you know, start working on five things. And as I start working on them, number three, start taking off more.
And so I put energy in number three and I start working. Yeah. If God gave it to me, then I've got to do something with it. Now, again, I'm not responsible for what he breathes on in that season. That's up to him.
But I'm going to put it in motion. And there are some of you, I don't want it to look like I'm doing too much. To who?
Who's grading you? No, who's grading you? You've got to get it out of your head.
And sometimes I'll get it out. There are certain things that I started that I didn't complete yet. There are other things.
you know, I'm like, okay, hey, that's a vision, but I'm gonna give it to somebody else. You know, there are some songs you will sing. There were some songs you will write for other people. There are some plays you will star in. There are some, you'll give somebody else the script.
There are sometimes God will give you something and five years later, you will give it to somebody else. Don't let it die. If he gave me five things, I'm gonna move in the direction of all five. Don't get overwhelmed.
Because you want everything to win now and win quick and win big. She said, I thought I was Kristen. No, don't. You're not doing nothing wrong.
You're working. And again, it's your responsibility to put the work in. It's his responsibility to breathe on it and show favor to it.
Now, again, I'm careful. A person called me. They said, hey, what are you doing for Jordan?
I haven't seen you post anything yet. I said, but I'm posting the fact that my new e-book is out. I'm posting that, hey, this is where we're ministering, what we're doing. I've got to be careful at what I post so I'm not overwhelming my audience.
I've got to be very intentional of what I'm called to do, what I'm called to, you know, what I'm called to work on, all of that. And just because I'm not talking about it doesn't mean I'm not working on it. Let me say that again.
Just because I'm not talking about it doesn't mean I'm not working on it. Now, again, just because I'm that again, it doesn't mean brand all of them. but it still means be working.
I'm still giving it time, still giving energy, still making calls. I'm still studying this. I'm still working on this because I understand everything ain't going to take off.
We've been doing Jordan, you know, over 11 years. I understand that assignment. I understand my assignment at church. I understand my assignment in travel.
I understand my assignment as an author. I understand my assignment as a coach. I understand my assignment as a motivational speaker, as a mentor. as a father, as a spiritual father, as a brother, all of the hats that I wear, but I have to do them all. And many of you, you are graced for more than what you assume.
Watch this. You're just used to defining yourself by the measuring stick of the previous season. And you've got to be able to accept I've grown now and this season is going to require more.
So do all of them. Start making steps in every direction. And again, He gave you five, three might take off first, then number five may take off, then number one, just because that's the first thing you thought of, don't mean that's the first thing that's going to happen. I got to accept that.
And I've got to just be comfortable with my own rhythm. Every day I'm praying, Lord, help me to identify your rhythm. And I announce I'm in the rhythm of God.
And so what he wants from me, I got to be able to do it. Stop letting normal people tell you what to do. You got to have this amount of hours of sleep.
You normal. That ain't me. I'm prophetic.
Prophetic people don't get to do that, right? I've got to be able to accept that. With vision, you don't bite off more than you can chew. Sometimes God wants me to go from baby step to big step. Other times, he wants me to go after big step.
Other times, it's baby step, baby step, baby step, then big step. I've got to be able to enjoy and embrace the rhythm that he has me in. And it just is what it is, right?
That's where you are. Matter of fact. I just need 12 people before I log off to just type.
It is what it is. At this point, I've got to embrace that. That's how he has me.
It just is what it is, right? It is what it is. I'm uniquely set up to be who and what I am.
And it just is what it is. I came on to talk to leaders, not just position holders, not just in church, but even in business. I came to talk about seven leadership frustrations.
And this is what I'm going to ask you to do before we go away. I'm going to ask that you would tag some leaders. Now, again, John Maxwell says leader is not a position holder only.
A leader is a person who has influence. So a person who walks in my organization, they may not get to me first. But if they get to somebody rude in the parking lot or in the restroom or in the hallway, that can make them go away, never having an opportunity to meet me.
So they had influence. Influence, whether good or bad. So I want you to tag some people and or share it. Matter of fact, will everybody that's on, will you share this to somebody who needs it?
Because they're a leader trying to grade themselves as a follower only, because we got to be follower and leader, in authority, under authority. But I got to be able to accept it is what it is. Another leader needs this. Give them an opportunity to have this information.
So I can say, okay, hey, I'm frustrated with this, but I got to be able to accept that it's a new normal. and it is what it is y'all know normally when i come on i don't charge if i ever ask for something it's because i was instructed to but today i'm not instructed to ask for anything financial i i i'm just here to sow this into you and i pray that it makes you better again just do me a favor if you haven't downloaded the new book um seven culture killers go find it it is uh drjlpack.shop Go find it and give me a shout out. Let me know that you're reading it.
There are pastors and business owners that are taking their entire staff through it. There are some that are already teaching on it. And I'm getting ready to start teaching, teaching it at the bridge tonight at seven o'clock at five oh nine. So be in the place and it's going to be a phenomenal, phenomenal experience.
I love y'all. There ain't nothing you can do about it. I wanted to help you, whatever your frustration is. I pray I was able to speak to at least a little bit of it and we'll come back and share it again a little bit later.
This will this weekend will be in Goldsboro, North Carolina. And so get ready. It's going to be an incredible experience.
What's the name of the book? The name of the book is Seven Culture Killers. Seven things that will kill your organization's culture.
And so, again, it's an e-book. You can find it. Dr. J.L. Pack dot shop.
Find it, download it for $12.99, a small amount, but the information, the content will be amazing. I didn't write it to be inspirational. I wrote it to be instructional. So you will find step by step how to be able to identify certain things, identify certain people, places and spaces, identify even certain seasons, and then give you action steps to be able to create a healthy culture or even recreate. A culture that needed to be healthy in the first place.
So again, thank you all for your support, for your love. And Jesus, have an amazing day.