10-Step Plan to Becoming an Effective Salesperson

Jul 10, 2024

10-Step Plan to Becoming an Effective Salesperson


  • Sales experience across 30+ years
  • Sold to every Fortune 500 company
  • 10-step sales process
  • Emphasis on patience, perseverance, and focus

Key Principles

  • Sales vs. Marketing: All business processes involve sales. Marketing is essentially sales under a different name.
  • Honesty and Authenticity: Crucial for long-term success. Avoid manipulative tactics like the 99p rule.

Steps to Effective Sales

1. Authenticity

  • Be honest and build trust for repeat sales
  • Example: Salesperson recommending another brand (Tesla) for a better fit
  • Personal story of selling first job honestly at 15

2. Overdeliver

  • Ensure that what you sell meets and exceeds expectations
  • Example: Overdelivering in PR services by offering what can be guaranteed and what might happen
  • Importance of personal brand in upholding promises

3. Find Your Style

  • Sales effectiveness isn't limited to extroverts
  • Train everyone in your team to think and act like salespeople
  • Example: Accountant turned best salesperson through training
  • Leverage your natural comfort zone (e.g., blogging if you're an introvert)

4. Train Your Team

  • Everyone around you should be able to sell your product
  • Educate colleagues, family members, etc.
  • Importance of a supportive network for sales

5. Understand the Selling Process

  • Step 1: Identify potential buyers: Know who needs your product.
  • Step 2: Build relationships: Ensure mutual liking and understanding.
  • Step 3: Present the product: This step becomes straightforward if the first two are done right.
  • Use tools like PipeDrive for tracking sales interactions

6. Leverage in Sales

  • Use previous clients or brand names to gain credibility
  • Example: Offering free work for renowned clients (like CNN) to use their name as leverage
  • Maintain a good reputation

7. Sell the Outcome Not the Product

  • Focus on the emotional and end benefits rather than core details
  • Example: Selling the 'feeling' associated with a product (like Apple or Haagen-Dazs)

8. Sell What You Believe In

  • Genuine belief makes selling easier and more impactful
  • Work with products/companies you truly believe in

9. Partnerships and Brand Alignment

  • Use partnerships to enhance brand credibility and reach
  • Example: Potential partnership with Liquid Death
  • Numeric rule: 1+1=11; synergy between collaborating brands

10. The Emotional Sale

  • Use emotional connection to create a more compelling offer
  • Example: Book launch appealing to a sense of mission rather than product features
  • Authenticity is key; must be genuinely felt and conveyed

Additional Points

  • Sales as a system: Use methods like PR, marketing to stand out
  • Out-of-the-box thinking: Encourage creativity to attract attention
  • Humor and enjoyment: Make the sales process fun


  • Authenticity, community, proper training, and a sense of mission are vital
  • Think creatively, integrate sales into every aspect of life