Transcript for:
Infield Drills for Footwork and Rhythm

in this video i'm going to show three infield drills that you can do to work on getting your feet moving and just to work on your rhythm so this first drill that we're going to do we're going to be working to our glove side so all of my righties that's to your left all of my lefties that's to your right what we're going to do is you're going to have a tosser in front of you we're going to be fielding a ball uh three different balls to our glove side the first two we're fielding and tossing the third one we're going to field and throw so the first toss is going to be a little bit to my glove side and what i'm going to do is i'm going to shuffle and i want to shuffle because i want to mimic fielding a ground ball when i feel the ground ball or right before i take my steps i should be in this athletic position so when we're shuffling try not to stay straight up and down we want to be in our legs so the first ball is going to be rolled a little bit to my left so i'm going to shuffle just a bit i'm going to field and toss it to the side as i'm tossing i want to stay low i don't want to come up as i'm doing that and tossing my partner is going to throw me another one to my glove side and i'm going to shuffle again field toss as i'm tossing they're going to roll me one more i'm going to shuffle field come up and throw so we want to keep a good flow here we don't want to shuffle stop field and then toss it to the side what we want to do is we want to keep it really fluid so i'm going to shuffle a little bit to my glove side feel toss field toss and then field pick it up and throw and this will look like full speed for this next drill now we're going to get our feet going a little bit quicker so we're going to be going back and forth over these cones our feet should be sped up a little bit more than that first drill however you want to make sure you still got good rhythm you're flowing you're not heavy on your feet stopping we're kind of like springing back and forth we're going to be going over three times on the third one you're going to time it up to field and throw so all of my righties you're going to start to the right of the cones all of my lefties you're going to start to the left of the cones as we are going over we always want to we're going to be leading with our outside foot so my outside foot is my right foot what i'm going to do is i'm going to go over with my right and then my left right when my left foot hits i'm going to go now back to the other side with my outside foot which is now my left foot and i'm going to go left right and then right as my right foot hits this is my outside foot i'm going back over to go right left field and then right left throw so the tosser's got to time it up to where when on our third one so we're going right left left right as i'm coming back the tosser's got to time it up to where my left foot hits when that ball hits my glove so now like i said our feet are going to be a lot quicker so we don't want to go over and be heavy and stop heavy and stop we want everything to be continuous keep that good rhythm so for all my righties we're going to start to the right you're going to go right left left right right left field right left throw making sure when you're feeling that ground ball it's timed up for my lefties you're gonna go left right right left left right field left right throw and this one will look like full speed this last drill is pretty similar to that second drill except we're going to get a couple more reps in fielding the ball so what we're going to do is all my right is you're going to start back to the right again my lefties are going to be to the left we're going to go three ground balls one on the left side one on the right side one on the left side and throw it the first two we're not throwing we're just going to field and toss so just like the first drill we did with shuffling this drill we're going to focus on staying low and staying light on our feet every time we go back and forth so just like the second drill we're going to be always going with our outside foot so my right easier to the right of these cones partner's going to roll a ball right to my left i'm going to go over the cones i'm going to go right left field i'm going to toss it and i'm going to stay low i'm not going to come up when i toss right as i toss they're going to throw me another ball to my right so i'm going to go with my outside foot left right field toss right as i toss it they're going to roll me one more to my left and i'm going to field it come up and throw as we're going over we want to be fast we don't want to be slow and we all want to be heavy they're going to roll it i'm going to go right left field toss left right field toss right left field right left throw lefties you're going to be on the left side you're going to go left right field toss right left field toss left right field left right throw and this will look like full speed [Music] bye