Transcript for:
Data Migration Process using SAP Fiori

welcome to another video in the data migration playlist in the video today I will run a full end-to-end demo of the data migration application on sceps 4hana 2021 using sap Fury so I will show you how to create a migration project and then I will use the GL account mastered it as an example so I'll show you how to download the master data templates how to fill them and then how to upload the data and the different steps included in the data migration process so this is the first demo on the data migration application in this playlist this is why today I'm going to explain everything slowly I will take my time to explain the overview of the application and the different General functions then in the future videos when I do other demos to explain the different data migration objects I will go faster I'm coming back to you from the future after two hours of recording to tell you that in this demo you will see a lot of errors that can happen in the upload process and how we can solve all of them foreign demo I'm going to start from zero so here I have my sap going and to go to sap Fury I'm going to type slash n slash ui2 flp this code can be used in any s4hana system and it will open the sap Fury Launchpad if it is installed in your system so I will hit enter if you want to know other details about how to navigate sap Fury in general so how to start it and how to set the home page and the color of the system and the different user settings you can check the other playlist that I created for sap Fury overview I will leave you a link here and you should definitely check it if this is the first time for you to work on sap Fury this is an essential skill now because as you see there are many things that will no longer be available in sap going for example data Migration used to be available as egoi using transaction code ltmc but this is no longer the case now I think starting 2019 so esperana 2019 ltmc was not available put in there in the menu so we were still able to use it if we know the transaction could but then I think from 2020 they already removed it completely now if I try here in my system to type ltmc it will take me nowhere so ltmc is no longer available in sap going we are now forced to use the sap Fury application so we all need to learn how to use sap Fury well so now I have started my sap sap Fury here as you see and I started with my home page the application I would use is migrate your data migration cockpit these are the different data migration projects available in my system this is a test system used by so many people but then here if I want to create a new project I will go to create and then I have one of two choices so migrate data directly from sap system or migrate data using staging tables from sap system this means that we have another sap system from which we are migrating so the source system is sap and the destination is this whereas this instance of sap and we have a connection between the two systems this is not what I'm explaining and I don't have access to another system anyway so the other option that we used before going to insert the data using Excel sheets we use migrate data using staging tables and this is the first screen so here we have create new project general data here you specify the general information so migration approach we already selected the name let's say and then here we have mass transfer ID so I will leave it as s you can click on display next available and then database connection either local or remote local means that the staging tables will be created in this instance of s4hana it will be created in another system if I want to say in another database if I want to have it in another database I will click on remote if you choose remote sap Hana database it will ask for a connection string so again you have a connection to another Hana database but if I choose local saps for Hana then we don't have to insert a link because it will use the current instance so I click on step 2. and here we have the development package so when we are migrating the data sap is going to create staging tables so as we said we are doing the data migration using staging tables these tables will be filled by our Excel sheets now these tables will be created by the system in order to create tables sap needs a developer a development package so either we are going to use a local package or we use other package if we use the local package this means that this configuration cannot or this or this project this migration project cannot be transported to another system so we are working directly on production for example and we are going to upload directly there but the standard sap approach of course is that we use we use a demo system or a testing system first and we do the migration project there and then once we test that everything is okay and the project is well created we then transfer or transport this project to our production environment but in my case I only have one environment and I'm testing and doing everything in it so I will use the local package if I choose other package then I have to select which package from here local package this is not transportable we cannot move it to another system and then click on step three here we have migration objects so here we have all the migration objects that are defined by standard and scap I am looking now for the jail account Master data so I can type account here in search and then click here so we have if I accounts payable open items receivable open item if igl accounts so this is the one I'm looking for and we can choose different objects so for example I'm choosing this one and then I will send it to the other side and then let's say I also want to do data migration for suppliers so here we have supplier so I will choose it also so now we have suppliers here and as you see we cannot see the glac counts this is because the filtering here works on both sides of the page this can be very confusing it's very simple but it can be very confusing what I mean is if I remove this search criteria you will see that we still have the Glad counts so when we search for something it filters both both sides of the screen or both columns so now we have the jail account supplier let's add also customers so these are the objects I would like to try to migrate in this project we can choose as many as we want and I can also for example choose the JL account open items so let's say I want to also transport AP open items and they are open items NGL account balances and open items and move all of them there so now these are all the objects that I selected for my project and then we can proceed so click on review the register objects exist for the selection six of six producer objects will be added to the list of the migration objects so for some of these let's add let's click on ADD first so for some of the objects that we have selected sap already identified that there are other objects that must be migrated before them so for example if we want to migrate GL accounts open items and glad count balances it means that the GL accounts must already be migrated before this domestic data so if we choose to migrate the GLI account open items a CPU will automatically also tell us that we should add the GLI account Master data and the same for for any object that we choose here this is the summary of what we have so here we have the migration approach the name the transfer ID so these are the settings that we selected the development package migration objects and as you see sap automatically added Banks Banks depreciated because Center these are the predecessor objects for the objects that I selected and therefore every object we can see the predecessor objects so supplier for example it has two predecessors and if we click here so in order to upload suppliers we must upload the bank and Bank depreciate it because inside the supplier Master data we include the bank Master the bank data for the supplier so the banks must be uploaded before or should be because sap gives us the choice to do this and then we have the FI accounts payable open items this has four period assessors so profit centers exchange rates GL accounts and suppliers so these are the predecessors and here we have documentation the nice thing about the data migration application is that it is recent it is new which means that it is very well documented so this is not an ancient solution that you will struggle in order to learn actually there are a lot of videos articles documents that are available for free from scep to the public so anyone can learn how to use the data migration application if you click here on any of these documentation links it will take you to the documentation so let's try for fijl accounts click on documentation and this opened the scep help portal and as you see here it explains many things so this is function accounting Master data what is digital account Master data the approach and this these are the different field values that you can insert in the sheets and a lot of information about digital account Master data so this is just an example you can check the documentation for any object you want now if we want to change anything we can click on edit and we will it will take us back to the steps in order to choose other objects or remove some of them and so on now I'm done so I will click on create project here we have our migration project and also as you see here we have the number of migration objects and if I click here on the number 12. it will show us the different objects inside this project now in order to get into the project you can click on this Arrow here or just click on the name of the project so here we have ready for processing so the project now is ready sometimes as you see here for example not ready for processing the system takes some time to prepare the project in order to proceed until their project is ready for processing you will not be able to do anything so as you see we have no action here but the ones that are ready you can see migration started and we can do different actions in order to monitor the different activities inside the project you can click on monitoring here and this will explain what the system is doing so now as you see we have prepared project started and this is the time and then we have some preparation activities that are complete so we have copy migration object or project for bank and Bank depreciated are done now we can see also that we have another another activity happening Kobe migration approach object to project for customers and this one is still in process so copy started and run time one minute so now you see the system is preparing the objects in the project and it can take some time and you can always check all the activities inside this monitoring screen this is very useful because this is the same that we will use in the different steps of the project so when we do the upload of the data when we download the templates or when we do the simulation or migration or anything any activity that we do you can go inside monitoring and you will find it now the fijlag counts is ready for processing and we can proceed with our demo so I can select here and here we can see the different activities that we have for this object so we can download the template upload file and then mapping tasks if you let's start by getting into the details of this object so here we have ready for processing a standard scope this is the the layout of the screen so these are the different tables that will be filled with the data so we have General data controlling area data company could data account names and account keywords and these tables will be available in the upload template all of them so we will have a sheet for controlling area data a sheet for company code a sheet for General data and so on and I will show you this now and then here we have history so the history is prepared object completed so first we have copy completed and then prepare object completed so in this history log we will be able to see everything that happens on this object in this project and there here we have the migration object dependencies so States and process we have a successor the fijl account balances and open line items so after we upload the GL account Master data we have a successor so the next step is that we can upload the jail account balances and open line items now let's go back and proceed with the first step so now I have selected frigl account and then if you go to the right here we have mapping tasks before we proceed as you see now in data we have tables five these are the five tables I just showed you inside so the general controlling area company code and so on if you click here it will take you to the screen where we can see the same tables so General data control area data company code data accountants account keywords and the technical ID is the ID of the table in the system so this is the actual table so these are automatically created by scep inside our Hana database and then we have the table status is okay if you can go if you want to go to the details of any of these tables so we can click again and here we can see the actual technical details so what are the fields inside is it a key field is it mandatory the data type and the different details inside the table and then also here we have explanation of every field so if you click here on more it will explain the general ledger account type there is how generally your account can be used and these are the different values available inside this for this field so these are the values that you can fill in the Excel upload template this is very useful so now before we start filling the upload template we should always check this to understand what is the value that will be accepted in any of the fields and also to understand what are the fields about if there's any field you don't understand we can see the details here now let's go back to our tables so now we understand that different tables included in our GLI count Master data and the different fields inside them what is the meaning of every field and what are what are the input data that will be accepted inside now let's get back and continue with our process so I will select fijl accounts and then here we have the mapping tasks so now so far we mapping tasks we only have one simulation zero migration zero I will proceed with the first step download template before we do that before we do the mapping so this will download the Excel template that I can fill with my data so here I will click on show in finder and here is our Excel sheet foreign so first we have the introduction sheet that explains everything about the template and how to use it and the very important notes to avoid any errors so for example you should not use formulas you should not copy and paste any uh any formatting or any formulas you should only copy and paste values and many other notes that you should definitely read before filling the template to avoid errors that can happen when you do the upload and then the next sheet we have the field list so this shows the different tables and for every table what are the fields available so first we have General data it includes these fields and then we have controlling area data with these fields and others mandatory or not the type of data and the length accepted so these are the different fields included and then this is exactly the same what you have here in the different sheets so we have one sheet for General data one for controlling area data one for company code data account names and account keywords the ones that are in orange are mandatory the ones that are in blue are optional and the reason we have them in optional here for example so company good data is something that's I find mandatory but it's only mandatory if you want to extend the jail account to a company code but we can also create the jail account only on the chart of account level and then we only need to finish the general data and the account names so whether you should fill the sheets or not depends on your business requirements here I'm creating the jail accounts on the level of my company code ag00 so for me the company code data and the controlling area data are mandatory controlling area data is mandatory for p l accounts proof and loss company code data is mandatory for all the accounts but if I want to create agile accounts only on the level of the charts account I can fill the general data and account name sheets this is why they are in orange so this is the minimum requirement so then I will start with the general data sheet here we have the different values I have already prepared an Excel sheet that I can use in the demo today so let me bring it here so here is my sheet it's exactly the same one so we have introduction Field General data so this is the general data that I filmed first of all when you open the sheet these two rows are normally hidden you can unhide them if you want everything is explained in the introduction sheet it tells you what are they hidden columns and what are the hidden rows and what's included in them and so on so here I have the Charter account so this is my chart account hg00 it has the same code as the company code any field that has the asterisks means it's mandatory and must be filled so the small asterisk there this one so this is a mandatory field that must be filled now let's proceed so the second sheet is controlling area data and here I'm filling the details of my P and L accounts profit and loss so here is the contouring area IG triple zero and the cost image category and then the company code data here I'm filling the data for all of the gel accounts because I want to extend them to my company code so here I have the chart account the company could the company code is here faces group and so on and then the account names this is the description of the different accounts and also we can fill the keywords if we want but this is not mandatory at all if you check here we have fields that are marked with an asterisk which means that if I decide to fill this sheet then I must fill these fields but if I don't want to fill the sheet at all then I can ignore all the fields in it this way here I don't have anything and sap will not give any errors so now this is the template and I have already filled it with my GL account so here we have how many one two three four five six accounts now let's get back to our project so here I have already downloaded a template for foigl accounts the second step is upload file so it took me to this screen where I can upload my files and then click on upload so any files that are already uploaded you will be able to see here I will click on upload and then this is our file search data for fijl account no this is not the one so this is our file search data for if igla comes here and once we upload the file sap starts validating so here we have status validation scheduled if you want to see or monitor this activity we can always go back to the project and click on monitoring and here we can see the status so we have validate file scheduled if igl account and it has been running now for four minutes now the validation is done and we have the status field so something is wrong with the file so we can go click on show messages and here we can see in sheet company could record 14301 doesn't exist in a high level of hierarchy in the hierarchy and also so this is the only one that has an issue so this account doesn't exist in some of the sheets this error means that the account is filled in some of the sheets and is missing from other mandatory sheets that should also be filled so let's go back to our Excel file and check this account so as you see for example here we have the account we don't have the account mentioned so this is the error now let's go to company code data so as you see here we have this account 14001 that's filled in company good data but in general data we don't have it so something is wrong because it must be also in general data so let's see which account this is so this is the Recon solution account here we have 1402 so I would actually like to keep this one the one ending with two so I will go to campaign data and I will change this with the one ending with two and also I need to be sure that it is filled in account names so even in account names is filled with the wrong value so let's make it two yeah well now we have this account in all the sheets so I will save this account is not in the controlling area data because it's a balance sheet account so I will save here and let's go back to sap to sap Fury go back again go to fygl accounts upload file so first I'm going to delete this file because it's wrong it has some issues so delete and then I will upload the file again so now again sap will do the validation so let's go back to monitoring now after six minutes the file has been validated and also sap did another step called import file that was done in zero minutes very quick step and we don't have any errors completed if we want to see the details we can click on show messages so file name is done and here we don't have any other messages now let's get back to our projects and check now for fijl accounts so now we have some updates here so data we have five tables and instances six so six is the number of jail accounts we are uploading and then here we have in the mapping tasks we have zero and one open and we don't have anything else in migration we have node 36. now the next step is to do preparation so I will click on prepare here before we do if we want to see the instances included in that are already included now in the staging tables so this has been already added to the staging tables we can click on instances on six and sap will show the different records so these are the differential accounts that we have in our sheet and we have the gel account type and we can click on display all to see the other values we can also see more details by going here and here we have the different tables for this record and we can check the different details filled for this jail account in the different tables so now we can see all the details that we included in our Excel sheet let's go back and go to the next step prepare so click here and click on prepare prepare staging tables and again sap has started an activity let's go to monitoring and we have prepared staging tables started now the activity is completed prepare staging tables it took only one minute and you can also see the messages if you want we don't have any errors let's go back and now let's see what we have here so in the mapping tasks we have errors one we have open 12. so now this is new this wasn't here so we have some mapping activities to do and we still have the tables and instances so next we will do the mapping tasks so here we have the different steps the different mapping activities that must be done and what is this so now we have added some values in our Excel sheet and we are asking sap to upload them to the system so sap will validate the values that we inserted and then it will recommend some mappings that should happen so for example the GL account that I inserted only has six digits like one for 140 000 but this if the jail account and scep in the database is created with more digits than six so sap will fail the rest with the with zeros let me show you this so if I click here on mapping of GL accounts and then we have nine instances so click here so as you see for example the jail account 410 001 so these are six digits and this is the value I have in my Excel sheet sap will convert it to S400 Target value and will add four zeros to match the field settings and saps for Hana so here this will be four zeros and then 410 0 0 1 and the same for all the GL accounts and even their group jail accounts so now I can go through them one by one and click on confirm or I can click here to select all the lines and click on confirm and confirm here we can also change the target value if you want if you find anything that's wrong now let's go back and check the other activities so here we have selected this one already so we can go to the rest we can also ask sap to confirm everything if we are sure that there's nothing to be checked we can select all and click on confirm and this AP will confirm all the values in this list we can also click on download values and sap will download different Excel sheets so for every for every one or for every line here we will have a different Excel file where we can check the value mappings that sap did before we confirm so now if we do this sap is going to schedule another job to do the confirmation so I went ahead and confirmed all the values except the one that has an error so I can show you what is this so if I click on this line with an error here the source value for the Sorting according to assignment number so mapping of key for sorting so this one I inserted triple zero one and sapu is not able to recommend that value for this mapping actually the value should be two zero one no three zeros I added one zero by mistake so now I have added the correct value we can also see the available values here so here we have 0 0 1 posting date so I'll select this we have the status revised and confirm so now we don't have any errors everything is okay let's close this and the mapping is done everything is confirmed let's go back so now if we check here for fijl accounts we have error 0 open 0 and done 13. and then we have the simulation so in the next step after we do the mapping is to simulate the data upload so click on simulate now sap will check the different lines and we'll try to create them on a cep and see if this will show any errors without actually creating any records it's only a simulation so we can either choose all instance and click on simulate and then sap will create an activity or schedule an activity to simulate all the lines or we can say I want to do only 10 so this will be some kind of sampling sap will only do press to do 10 of the lines or random 500 or we can choose custom selection and then click on start simulation so here we are going to select the lines that we want to simulate step two so here we can insert in selection criteria we want and then click on step three and this is what sap is going to simulate here they all have the states initial they have not been simulated before and then sap will simulate them if I click on review sap will simulate everything now I don't want to simulate this way I can also go back I want to select line by line which are what are the lines I want to simulate for example to do this we can go here and then go to instances so inside the object and from here we can collect all the lines we want and click on simulate and that same can happen with migration so now I want to simulate so I will select this line this line and this line for example and I don't want to simulate the rest so these are the different ways we can simulate the data the data upload now I'm going to choose all of them and click on simulate simulation started now let's go back again to our monitoring screen so here we have scheduled schedule scheduled simulation scheduled and this is scheduled runtime one minute so let's see how long this will take it only took two minutes and now the simulation is done and we have the status completed with errors so click on show messages so you can see the errors here we have a lot of messages if you click if you check here at top we have four errors we have 28 warning messages 35 success ordering messages can be something that we did not fill because we don't want to fail so for example the the keywords values that we did not fail because we don't want them this will show as a warning so there is nothing we don't have to do anything about them but if you want you can check to see if there is anything important there errors we have to solve so now if I check errors message for Source record 15002 we have to make an entry in the field relevant to cash flow so this field is marked as mandatory in scps4hana for this type of GL accounts and we did not check the field so sap throw an error this is just a simulation so sap didn't actually create anything so now I have two options either I will go back to my upload file to my Excel sheet and I will correct it and then repeat everything so do the upload again and then do again the preparation check the mapping but the mapping is already done so normally there will be nothing to be done there and then simulate again or I can decide to proceed with the records that are correct and then this one will say in the status error and then I can correct it in the future and this is what I will do now so I this way I can so is I can show you how to do the correction for any uh for any errors after we do the migration so now I will proceed with my migration so let's go back back and now again for fijl accounts here we have the status simulation completed with errors but still I can decide to proceed so that's what I will do if you check here in simulation we have errors one and we have successful five so we have one record with error and if we click here sap will show us which record has the error now let's go back and I would proceed with migration so again go here and the migrate so now I can cite to migrate all instances again or only migrate selected instances or I can go inside the object click on instances and select the instance I want to migrate as I showed you with the simulation so I will just choose all instances here and click on the start migration you are going to migrate data which is not successfully simulated do you want to continue yes so now I'm just you're going to migrate data the migration cannot be undone or you should want to continue yes so notice if you will migrate all the instances inside the this object even the ones that has errors sap will try to migrate again and then if they still have the error we it will throw out an error message for this record only so the rest of the records will be created fine so we have six real accounts five of them would be created without issues and one of them will fail or maybe if there is an error in our production system or in our system when sap tries to create for example the user is locked other GL accounts can also show errors so let's see what will happen now I will go back to monitoring and here we have my great data is already done impressive and completed with errors so the data has already been migrated now if I want to see the errors again I can click on show messages and here we have success and we have errors so the errors as the jail account 15002 was not created because it doesn't have that relevant to cash flow field now before we proceed let's confirm that the jail accounts have actually been created in our sap so let's go back to sap GUI and here I will go to se16h there are reports in sap Fury that can show us the jail accounts but I just I like using a ce16h and here I will insert the table as the kb1 and it will choose the outer join definition that are created with sck A1 so this is the table for company code data and ska1 is the table for the chart of account data I already explained in detail whether demo how to create this outer join with an sa16h which is very useful to generate any report you want so I will leave you a link to the video here or here so check it to learn how to do this so now this query that I'm running will give me all the details from sckb1 and scke1 and the company codes ag00 and execute so now this article accounts that we have created if I check my project so if igl accounts instances so here these are the gel accounts so 14002 three one two four twenty four thousand one so let's see here so here we have fourteen thousand two twenty four thousand one so the jail accounts has have been created and as you see here created with my username everything is nice so far and the glac count fifteen thousand two is not here the one that showed an error so now I want to correct this real account and upload it how can I do this let's go back to our project and here as you see now in migration we have errors one successful five so five GL accounts were created successfully and one has an error and we can also see the migration process progress is 83 we have some red here which means we have some errors and then the next step we have here is create correction file so this is an optional step to correct the the lines that had errors and this is really amazing this is extremely user friendly if you click here or create collection file correction file then we can choose which source file had the issues so now this one this is the file that I uploaded in the beginning of the demo so I will select it and then click on create collection correction file and then if we go back to monitoring we see here generate correction file scheduled now what sap will do is it will create an Excel sheet similar to the one that I uploaded that only includes the lines that had errors which is very user friendly very easy and then I can go to the lines correct the errors that were that we found in the migration run and then re-upload the file and it will we have corrected errors so we don't have to go to our old file and filter on the ones that had errors and do some vlookups to see which errors were success which records have been uploaded and which records have failed then we select the ones that have failed and then we correct them no once you click on create correction file sap will automatically create the file and we can use it now after it means the file is created and here we have generate correction file completed then we can click on download file and the CPU will download a zip file so a compressed file if we open it here is the file as you see it's exactly the same template it even has the introduction field list General data everything but if you go here to General data it only shows the record that has the error very nice so here's our record and then if I go to company code data we can see it created here and then the error was that we need to insert a value in the field relevant for cash flow so here I will insert an X and then save yes then go back to our project and then go here to W upload file so again I will go to the same if igl account object and then click on upload file here we have the file we already uploaded before and as you see we have another here we have another group of files called correction files and sap automatically added the file that it created for us for correction so this way we can always check it in the future if you want and then I will upload the file that I corrected so click on upload and there is our file so this is the file sap created I have corrected the values inside it and then I uploaded it again and now it is invalidation so let's go back to monitoring foreign go so as you see here we don't have the last activity I can click on go to refresh and here we have import file field let's see what errors we have this time so click on show messages into table instance already exists in the table so here we have an error that this account 15002 is already in the staging table now we are trying to modify it to include the relevant to cash flow indicator but the file is already in the subject table so in order to pass this we have to manually tell sap that we want to override the values to do this let's go back go again to upload file and then select the file that has the errors and then in actions click on transfer data to staging table this is very important so once we click on transfer data to staging sap is seeing 1 over 5S we could instances that cannot be inserted and so on and then here we have choose one of the following options either skip files with duplicates or replace duplicates with instances from the file and this software we will do so sap will replace the old record that has the error with the new record and then click on transfer data and now again transfer scheduled let's go back to our monitoring screen and it has import file scheduled and we have to wait until this is done now the activity import file is completed and we can proceed with our migration project so let's go back here we don't have any errors now we have to simulate again or we can just proceed with migration let's do this because the video is getting too long so now we don't have any open mapping tasks because we didn't do anything that should be mapped and then we have we already have the file prepared everything is fine so the staging tables are already prepared so I'll just proceed directly with migration so click on Migrate and then I will keep it to all instances and start migration the migration cannot be undone yes I'm sure and then I will just go to monitoring and see how long it will take a CP to finish this activity now the migration is complete and we don't have any errors so if we go back to our sap here and we refresh we have tangel accounts if I refresh we have 11 and the account 15002 is created and this is the end of the demo so now we have uploaded all the jail accountmaster data we want and now if we go back to our projects we can see if igl account is green 100 completed and looks very nice of course we can proceed and upload other files and do again and upload other files and again and so on as much as we want this video is definitely not easy to record at all especially having to wait for every step with every activity that's scheduled to be done so I had to record it over 10 times and also this is the only demo that you'll find online showing the upload process end to end I have checked YouTube I have checked everywhere there are no demos either there are demos without audio at all or demos with very bad quality of a very old version so I'm very happy that I recorded this video it will take a lot of time in in after recording to process the video and to edit it on Adobe Premiere but it is worth it I'm very happy that I did it and I hope you also appreciate this effort and at least please leave me a comment interact with the video tell me that you found it useful or tell me that it's not useful just tell me anything and of course share it with your connections check the other videos in the playlist check the other playlists in the channel and subscribe to the channel leave me your comments your questions thank you for watching thank you for your time and I'll see you again in the next video