Transcript for:
Podcast with Mes & Indu Khatri on the Law of Attraction

his wife is divorcing him his children hate him he had decided to commit suicide and he clearly told me you are my last chance but today this guy's a millionaire he makes a CR a month has more than 100 employees and when they attract more problems in their life they call it intuition and say and my father just came one day this is 2020 and he saw me do that and he's like why are you doing all this just focus on electrical engineering degree I had already gone through three breakups so I decided I don't want to get into any other relationship every time she asked me for marriage I said no I said no I'm not ready for it making money is easy after I started this whole process within 2 weeks I was sitting in Ban's house you met amab ban I met amab ban at this distance the first time I applied it in 25 days I had my first job this podcast was insane hi everyone I'm isan Sharma and with me today I have mes katri mes and indu katri are India's most trusted Law of Attraction coaches and this podcast we talked so much in depth about how does Law of Attraction work and how you can employ it in your own life to make more money to get better jobs to get rich and ultimately to Achieve Financial Independence in your life they also have a national bestselling book called as the Law of Attraction and they've helped millions of people practice Loa and get true success in their own life now for the viewers of this podcast he has a daily magic practice Workshop that you can join for completely free with the link in the description and they also have a wealth Mastery course this lesson is completely free for all of you people who are watching Limitless with thean so go check it out with the link in the description and now let's hear it from mes mes thank you so much for taking out the time and coming on the show I am super excited about learning about Law of Attraction from you I have seen the secret documentary I have read the book but I was always really curious to learn about how can I use it in my own life and I think I have used some elements of it not exactly called it Loa but I want to understand from you what is la of Attraction and how does this concept really work in lives of people perfect so firstly isan thank you for allowing me to be part of your podcast it's a wonderful experience to be here I think you are one of the examples of Law of Attraction for me as a case study and I think we're going to invite you very soon on our channel to make sure that we use your case study to show to the world that this is what's possible in law attration thank you thank you so much and and I really mean that because for me law of attration is the science of what helps people to manifest their goals a lot of people believe that law raction is only about affirmations or visualization and most people are just stuck with those those two or three techniques and also because the book that made it famous the secret uh the power of subconscious mind talks only about one or two of these things which is either affirmations or visualization but a lot of people for them it works sometimes sometimes it doesn't work because there are two levels of law traction one is the basic law traction but what we teach is the advanced law fraction where we which means that you go a little deeper into what law fraction really is but let's understand first when the answer of your question that what really is law of traction it's not about positive thinking only it's first about understanding it's a science let's see how in sth standard physics we learned that everything in the universe is made of energy right we this bottle is matter but through a microscope if you look at it there is molecules sub molecules atoms neutrons protons everything in our body in everything that is matter around us but at the end when you see really deep within with a microscope you'll find nothing but energy interestingly you'll never see hear the word energies have you ever thought of that it's never energies it's only energy energy why is that because there are laws of physics that defines that for an example one of the laws of physics that we speak of in 7th Standard literally is that the total amount of energy in the universe is always what constant constant there you go right that energy cannot be created energy cannot be destroyed it can only be transformed from one form to another form right that's law of traction a third principle that many people don't remember is that energy with the same frequency will always attract each other now how did these principles really transform into science let's look at how the radio was invented when scientists understood that energy with the same frequency will attract each other that's how radio waves got into play so now when we take a radio and we tune the radio into 93.5 what will we attract 93.5 that frequency that's the only frequency that you'll attract is it possible that you take a phone and you dial your mom's number and you connect to your father is that possible why not because I'm calling that particular number that line so you're not calling that number you're calling a frequency right and that we call it a number obviously but for the scientist it's a frequency and when you call that frequency there is no other possibility but to only connect to that frequency because law of physics says that energy when vibrates at a certain frequency will attract only that frequency you'll never attract anything else so TV channels work on that radio waves work work on that the mobile phone works on that almost all the technology that you see around you including right now the internet that we see works on frequency now just like that our body is also made of water frequency exactly because we are also made of energy right now in bhagat Gita it is called something else so if you see my book The Law of attration I explained in the book line by line comparison between what bhagat Gita says and what law of traction says in quantum physics is not similar it is exactly the same so for an example in bhagat Gita it says that in the entire world there is only one God which actually in English means that the total amount of energy in the universe is always constant and there is only one energy it's not like that is the interpretation that's the interpretation in bhagat Gita that energy is only one God is only one and if you go to any scriptures of any religion they'll say God is always one Krishna says to Krishna says I'm only Krishna but if you go to the other Sciences let's say you go to Christians they'll say it's only Jesus some will say it's only vuru some will say it's only U only Allah but everybody's saying the same language there is only one God which means there is only one energy another thing also say in that is if you really want to find God where do you find God in any of these books if you read where do they say find God everywhere another thing they always say is find God where if you really want to find God inside exactly within you so a lot of people go into meditation right now how does that relate to law attraction this energy that we talk about which many people call God we in law of attraction in the world we call it as Universe instead of using the word God because otherwise we're getting into the relig I domain but if you get into the Law of Attraction science domain we call it Universe now where is this universe it's inside me because I am also made of energy every cell of our body is connected to everything in the universe every energy is connected to everything in the universe it is just a matter of frequency connection so for an example uh let's say you think of a friend sometimes and sometimes a friend just calls you back has that ever happened to you it has yes it has but has something like this happened only once in the entire lifetime or multiple [Music] times exactly you think of a friend and the friend calls you because you vibrate at the frequency of the Friend by thinking about the friend it's not a coincidence it's not a coincidence yes I agree we've not been able to perfect the science yet but imagine if it happens uncontrollably that means it can happen and we just need to learn the science to make it happen more consciously it's already happening unconsciously EX example right the more we think negative how come suddenly starts negative things starts happening around us why that's law of traction but how do you explain it in a little scientific understanding coming back to what I was saying everything in the world is made of energy my body is also made of energy now I am not a radio but do I also have frequency yes what are those layers of frequency like a radio has 93.5 or 101.1 or mobile has numbers radio waves our body has four layers of frequency which I like to call it as ftba feelings thoughts beliefs and actions so let's take feelings first when you're feeling something there are only two kind of feelings either a positive frequency or a negative frequency which means let's say you're feeling happy what would you call that a positive frequency or a negative frequency positive frequency positive and when you're feeling positive do you feel a high or do you feel low feel a high exactly that's why people say when I'm happy I feel high and when people are sad what do they say they feel high or low they feel low yeah because it's a lower frequency it's a negative frequency so they start feeling low now the moment I start feeling happy I'm vibrating at that feeling I'm vibrating at that energy everything around me is also made of what energy and all energy has what frequency correct so the moment I am happy anything around me which match which is my frequency as per the law of science what will happen law of physics the law of physics I'll repeat is when energy vibrates at the same frequency it attracts each other just like the radio explained so if I am happy what will I attract in my environment High emotions high frequencies people who have positive frequency positive frequency see think about it right now when we say we dial a radio frequency do we create radio frequency or is it already in the room when you tune into let's say a radio channel right is it in the room or do you create it it's already in the room it's already in the room you're just tuning into it right so just like that I like to say that in any point of time in the universe at every single moment we are always surrounded by two kind of people and two kind of situations simple positive and negative negative so there are positive people around us there are negative people around us there are good people there are bad people there are good situations there are bad situations there are problems there are opportun unities now what will we attract depends on what the frequency that we put out that I am tuned into so if I'm tuned into Happy frequency what are the chances that I'll attract people who help me versus cheat me chances are higher that I'll attract people who will help me right but if I'm constantly doubting myself if I'm lowc confident if I'm sad if I'm worried then what kind of people will I attract right negative people exactly so you'll see a lot of people who are constantly worried they attract more problems in their life and when they attract more problems in their life they call it intuition and say I called you so I called you so I told you so but they are just validating the science that if I'm low I'm going to attract negative things so that's the feelings part of it now the thoughts and beliefs are when we say I believe in something so if I say that I believe I will never be able to grow in my life until I finish a graduation degree and I don't do a job and I don't struggle for the first 5 years I can never be rich until I do all that isn't that a belief yeah now you are a classic example of someone who has become very successful at an early age you said you're 22 yet 22 and you're not even completed 23 I will be 23 on 30 you will be yes and just by 22 you have millions of subscribers you have met some of the most successful people in the country already you're interviewing people you're probably getting paid for these podcast the best part is you're doing brand endorsements you've written two books if I ask generally a 20-year-old boy that this is what you will achieve in the next two years what will they say it's wild it's wild they say not possible doesn't make sense doesn't make sense yeah but the fact a degree first exactly I need a degree first yeah but the fact that you've achieved it it means that first you must have had that belief it it's possible if you don't believe in it how will you attract the right people the right opportunities right like if you look into your own Journey couple of years before or four years before now that you're successful everybody wants to know your journey and if but if they ask you today that isan can you draw me a map of what exactly made you who you are today you will be a you won't be able to make that map because even you don't know what happened yeah like such I can vaguely tell made videos yeah but can you really create a map and tell people okay follow this map and you'll be where I am in four years very difficult yeah some people have all the resources that you do they have all the opportunities that you do but they are not as successful sometimes than you are why because they lack the frequency in my language they lack the belief but because you had that belief four years ago once you vibrate at that belief that this is possible that I can be an influencer now suddenly the right people start showing up the right opportunities start showing up yeah uh I would even say the right failures happen because I believe even failure teaches you something I'm sure you must have gone through some failures with which if you look back today you'll realize thank God that happened one too many right like thank God I learned from that that's law of attaction and then the final layer is what I call as action frequency but I never attracted the failure right like I was just working I got the failure in my way you cannot have anything in your way or on your way unless you're vibrating at it because technically speaking how can you get something towards you if that is not your frequency so 100% anything that's happening in your life good or bad positive or negative is your frequency is my frequency yes there is a debate about 10 to 20% of our life is not chosen by us it's Destiny hence astrology comes into play numerology comes into play yeah it works I do believe that about 20% of our life is Destiny but 80% of our life is our choice yeah chion yeah I was watching the movie and I started just crying yeah so the guy mle p perar is is the name right so he goes through so many struggles right in the starting he's like and everyone laughs at him and he's like right and he's super agitated by that and in his village no one like takes him seriously and then he goes through time and time again to get to play in the Olympics and get the gold medal but there was some War because of which he loses his legs so he's not able to walk now then he goes for Paro Olympics which there's some shootout some terrorist attack Olympics are cancelled so every single time he's trying to get there but something or the other happens and he's not able to achieve it and then finally at the very end he goes all he goes all in right he's like I want to get this done he goes from wrestling to swimming and at the end he wins the gold medal defeating all the C the countries people India at that time was struggling after after the war right so they the officials said that we don't want to invest into Paralympics right now and then he says that you think that I am not capable to win a medal for the country and because of that you not putting in the effort you're not giving me the chance to get there but he believed he could do it he believed he could do it before anyone else believed in him and then he made it happen what you said is very interesting I remember my mentor once told me his name is Tony Robbins he said when you achieve your goals first there has to be only one person in the world who has to believe in you more than you more than anybody believes in you and that has to be yeah and in this story as you classically said he believed in himself now probably there are other people who in the same environment were available who had more opportunity more resources more potential than he did but what he had along with the resources and probably some amount of potential was his belief and that's what played 80% of his life will that will I like to call it belief because a lot of times Willow is what we have on 31st of December and he say I want to do this and on 1st of January we all know what happens to that willpower resolutions resolutions break but when you truly believe in something that I can do this a belief is not something you think of something today and then you don't think of something tomorrow that's a thought thoughts can come and go but belief doesn't come and go it stays with you like you said in chandu champ if believed that he can bring that gold medal nothing around him was able to waver that belief for him so beliefs are not easily shaken by other people right I'm sure when you were going through your journey of four years of coming where you are today many people must have told you don't waste your time I had do a job this is the time to work hard yeah I remember I started my first Venture which was basically offering podcast mentorship to people image Consultants so I would basically call up people cold calling people and my father just came one day This Is 2020 and he saw me do that and he's like not a to provide for you why are you doing all this just focus on electrical engineering degree and uh he was right in his own perspective but I was just trying to do something really crazy I was like I want to try out I want to speak I want to pitch I want to learn to sell and so that was like and and that desire of yours was also part of your belief you believed you could do that yeah and that's what kept you going but but because of that you started attracting the right people and right opportunities if you wouldn't have had that belief you wouldn't have been able to attract all that you have today so yes your hard work played a lot role in that but that's the fourth layer actions frequency but haven't you met people who worked very hard but still not got what they wanted many of them absolutely why because they have the action frequency without being backed by the feelings thoughts and beliefs but if somebody's backing their actions a lot of hard work with a right feelings the right thoughts and the right beliefs when this is aligned together now they start attracting their goals so look at it as my frequency my ftba has to match my goals now my goal may be to be an influencer my goal may be to make uh money my goal may be to get a job my goal may be to start a business to have a startup to create a new product to get married it can be really anything or to get a gold medal yeah but my ftba has to perfectly match with my goals and when that matches the attraction starts happening and the journey between me here and my goal here becomes a little more effortless faster which is what happened with you so for an example we have a one of our levels of programs we call it Platinum that's the highest level we have now in Platinum we say 10 years of success in one year and a lot of people tell me how is that possible and I always tell people the belief that most people have which is a limiting belief is that success equals time but that's not true and again I'll come back to your journey 22 years what success you've got if this is true then that is a lie that Success is Not equals time yeah yeah people can achieve success faster and I don't think you and I are probably the only examples here there are so many people in the world who have achieved so much in so little time Amani's tatas took years to be where they are today Elon Musk did it in the last two decades and surpassed them so is Success equals time not really success is more about your frequency and what you attract right and if you're in the right frequency where you want to go instead of making that Journey full of struggle we can make it more effortless what you work on is more important than how hard you work exactly Nal ravikant exactly and I like to say focus on the end result not too much on the process of how you'll get there then automatically the right results will come into picture that as for me is law of traction yeah vibrating at the right ftba feelings thoughts beliefs and actions with your goals and then law of attaction works for youh I want to understand from your journey like how has Law of Attraction helped you and uh for the people who are watching this right like I like to go in the detail in the depth of how can people actually apply things in their own life with examples so we will go on that as well but first want to understand from you your journey of how did you start how did you get to where you are today in terms of your success monetarily and relationship wise as well in life okay so uh crazy Journey um I'm I come from a marwadi family stay in Pune as a child very lazy not very hardworking obviously and not very interested in studies so I was not having a very high level of Acumen to be someone who's like a scholar and as a child always had these movies which I was fantasized by Marvel Cinemas Spider-Man Superman Iron Man Iron Man and all of these characters had one common thing superpowers so I don't know about everybody but I definitely had this idea that I wish I had superpowers which would make my life a little faster a little easier and I remember when I was thinking about this colge law of traction maybe in Pune there's a lane called Hong Kong Lane I don't know if you know about it it's somewhere in GM Road and in those days I don't know if they still have it but in those days there were two book book stores in it in that lane uh I was walking in that lane for some reason and while walking I saw this bookstore and this one particular book caught my attention it was called as the Silva mind control guess what word caught my attention mind control mind control so I thought this is something to do with superpowers yeah so I CAU on to that book and that was my first introduction to law of attration and that book book actually explained how law of attration works and how I can really start vibrating the right frequency to attract what I want I started reading from there and I think I must have read since then more than 300 books on how law of traction works I have all those books at home and I started mastering what it really means to apply that for the first few years I was only reading reading reading reading reading not applying got into too much knowledge uh because I was reading I started sharing people started liking it so they said okay tell us more so a Time came and I started teaching it a little more professionally started charging small money for it what year is this this was I think 22 years ago what and that time I remember I was charging about 500 rupees for this how old were you I'm 45 now so about my age yeah about your age at that time and at that time I remember when I was teaching not professionally not very successful and I was trying to learn from many mentors and that's when uh I had already gone through three breakups so I decided I don't want to get into any other relationship but because of learning law of traction I realized that I was going through my own limiting beliefs in my relationships so I Chang my limiting beliefs and one fine day I remember I did this visualization in my house that okay Universe now I'm ready for a relationship limiting beliefs in relationships so when I believe that relationships are not meant for me this is a belief so you thought that you're not worthy of I thought I was not worth it I thought I'm not good enough people uh I'm not I'm not lovable enough but you know this is a very common theme I I meet a lot of people my age and even younger than me and they all think like that that I'll be I'm not there yet where I can have a partner with me or to marry for that example that the reason people are marrying later now is because of that the think that they are not capable to have a child right so that happens a lot today yeah so I had that belief because of which I had decided I don't want to get into a relationship but then when I learned law of attaction I realized oh that's a limiting belief I can change that so I tried it on myself I changed that belief and one find day I did this visualization that okay Universe I'm ready for a new relationship because I was at a stage where I was missing something I was missing that companionship because I was working alone in my life and I felt it would be nice to have a partner to whom I can talk to every day and after I did that manifestation of law fraction as a technique which we'll talk about in sometime some techniques also when I applied it in I think 48 hours after that 2 days after that I was walking by the road and I saw this huge Hing holding in Pune which said Dr sudhir Aurora mind control Workshop now again same words came into my face like mind control mind control Workshop I like okay let's go for it what is mind control but so it's just basically understanding how to control your emotions because our emotions are generally not controlled by us always we allow us to be controlled by our emotions we allow us to be controll by our thoughts by our beliefs so when we say mind control we're basically just saying let's take control of our emotions our thoughts our beliefs our actions so when I saw this hoding I went for it and uh the second day I met indu over there who's my my wife today and when I saw her first I didn't think of her much she didn't think much of me uh but then there was this one particular occasion where we were called with formal suits and formal dressing Indian dressing she came in aari obviously that's where my attention went on to her called her out for a date that night and believe it or not the next day I proposed her and we were already in a relationship as a girlfriend boyfriend oh wow how did you know that she was the one I had no idea it was I guess law of attaction right you feel it sometimes and and the weird part is even though I got into the relationship with her for one year we were just as girlfriend boyfriends is a proper relationship but every time she asked me for marriage I said no I said no I'm not ready for it again coming from limiting beliefs that if I'm not financially successful yet I don't want to be married yet to some extent that's right also it's practical and that's when I remember uh by the way that time I was making zero money I was I was struggling even in that time and Indus indu at that time was making a lot of money she was coming from it with 15 years of experience engineer and at that time 22 years ago she was making 1.25 lakhs a month which was huge in that time crazy she was a project manager handling 125 people in her group so it was a big deal so I remember when I told my dad about this girl and I said I want to marry her the first thing my dad told her told me was capacity don't try it out of your league out of your league man don't even try it you won't yeah exactly he said you won't be able to handle her yeah true story and I said well Dad if the universe has given it to me I probably deserve it now but that relationship went on and she was the one who then finally questioned me one day and I hope a lot of people get this message she was the one who first time asked me that mes if you know so much about Law of Attraction why aren't you successful and nobody had asked me that question any time before that it hit me too hard and I realized that I had acquired a lot of knowledge but not applying and that's when I started applying it first time believe it or not the first time I applied it in 25 days I had my first job 25 days in 25 days after I started applying law of attaction for getting a job I just got a job most people were struggling at that time for getting a job and what were you doing before that wasn't allowing you to get the job before what I wouldn't even say something was allowing me because the moment I started using law of traction the right coincidences started happening I saw an ad about Vio Spectra mind those days was coming up with a new call center and coincidently I saw the ad I went for the interview there was some 500 people standing in a line and if you remember those days call centers were the thing yeah so there were too many people in the line there I looked at the line I said I'm not doing this I called up indu and I said I'm coming back and she said use your L traction I said okay so in La traction we have a rule that says don't ask how don't ask when just use it which means that don't get too logical about it about about will it work because my mind was like there are 500 people standing here even if I use law of attration how is it going to Fast Track My Success right now she said use your own principle don't ask how I said okay see only your girlfriend can do that to you right so at that time did she believe in law of attraction or was she she did because somewhere she had realized from my conversations that it was scientific being an engineer logically she understood all this frequency science she understood everything she could even understand how in her life it had played a role but she understood I was not using it so she pushed me for that and I remember in Vio when during those 500 people standing in that line I was in the front of that first cabin where the interviews were happening and there was an empty bench there nobody was using the bench because everybody wanted to stand in the line so I sat on that bench true story I closed my eyes and I did a little bit of law of traction and I said I have already got my job and my salary slipers in my my hands what do what do you mean by doing Law of Attraction okay so you do affirmations you do visualization practices there are certain techniques that you practice and you feel it you've heard of the statement that says fake it till you make it yeah actually that doesn't work the real statement in advanced law traction is feel it till you make it so you got to feel it believe it till you make it it's not really fake it because if you fake it your brain says not true but then you don't really Attract it so I sat on that bench I did some affirmations in my mind and I visualized it and then what you're really supposed to do after that is let go and just relax and let the frequency work to come to you so I just sat at that place doing something on my mobile and I still remember there was this cabin open the interviewer walked out he was probably going somewhere he looked at me very weirdly because he thought like who's this strange guy sitting on this bench while all these guys are standing here he looked at me like this he said why are you stand why are you sitting here I said I'm here for an interview he I don't know what he thought he said okay come I was about to ask why and my mind said shut up and go it's an opportunity don't ask I went in half an hour later I had a salary slip in my hands 10,500 rupees a month those days got my first job 500 people still standing in the line fair not fair I don't know but I got the job this is how law traction Works coincidences you and I have experienced many such coincidences but because we don't realize that is law action we don't try to learn how to make those coincidences happen more consciously once I learned how to make it happen 9 months after that I quit my job started a company for teaching law of traction corporate training workshops from then there was no looking back we started with I remember the first client in corporate workshops that I did as a leadership trainer was 5,000 rupees per day many years ago in Pune um from there till today now I think we've trained almost all the corporates in India most of their top management are trained by us we've written two national bestselling books the first one being awaken the leader in you and now the second which we are here for the law of traction yeah and for I think 17 years we did this uh during the journey I and indu got married so what I'd love to say is law of attaction is about if you use it consciously you could create success in all four areas of life Health relationships career and money we like to call it as hrcm a lot of people are not succeeding because they're working only behind one area and they get obsessed like you'll see some people obsessed behind money but then suddenly it's too late for a relationship so now they run behind relationship and now they're obsessed with that and in the meantime this is taking a toll balance balance so in our workshops also we teach people saying please balance your health relationships career and money so for 17 years we did that leadership Workshop and then Co hit uh I think the whole world got impacted by that and we love to say in law of attaction that doesn't matter what's happening around you what is inside you is what you will attract so when Co hit my income went down to zero like any other trainer because corporate workshops were not happening hotels were not open physically you couldn't meet people but for some weird reason isan a month before that I attended a workshop and in that Workshop I was going through my own learning as a student and I learned that for 17 years I've done only corporate work but not individual work and I said Hindu maybe it's time to do some individual work now it's like let's start helping individuals she said okay and we started and at that time we were making 5 lakhs a day in corporate workshops so imagine that Journey from 5,000 a day in 17 years to 5 l a day and even before that you were making 10,500 rupees a month that was when I got the job yes that's true now when we stopped all that income suddenly after 17 years during covid a month ago we had decided to go one individual workshops so he said what do we teach so the second book which we had already written the law of traction we started teaching law of traction already for the last 17 years at home for free on Sundays but then we said let's teach it formally making it more Advan what we have applied in our life so we declared our first online Workshop I I remember on a particular date and covid hit and lockdown happened now because lockdown happened guess where everybody was in their homes and my workshop was on Zoom yeah so it was a full house perfect timing perfect timing the month when my business stopped is the month when this business started and the income which we were making from corporates got replaced by this business in just 3 months after that so if you really see it how would I have strategically designed this but something in the grand universe made this happen why because my frequency was to attract that you created your own luck you created our own luck let me explain it a different way uh let's say a person has when I say the word frequency let's use another word for it Benchmark let's say a person has a benchmark of making 10,000 rupees per month or a frequency of making 10,000 rupees per month he suddenly gets an opportunity to make 1 lak rupees a month so his frequency is here that means he's comfortable making 10,000 rupes a month luckily he gets an opportunity to make one lak a month so obviously he's very happy but meet anybody who suddenly gets a bigger opportunity while they're happy they also feel what there is this fear of loss there's this nervousness why anything you're not comfortable with that means that's not your frequency so a lot of people ask me what is my frequency other than the word ftba I use the word Comfort what you're comfortable with is your frequency yeah now with this guy his comfort is 10,000 so if he gets an opportunity to make one lakh he will make it for some time but internally his mind will say I hope this remains forever unconsciously he'll make some mistake and he himself or she himself will herself will sabotage their own life and that one lak will come down guess what 10,000 again and when they make 10,000 again their mind says I Told You So and they come back here right but you know it works positively let's say this person is going through a crisis and instead of 10,000 he starts making 2,000 is he comfortable here again not comfortable just like one L this is the lower one so now his mind motivates him okay come on dude you're not meant for this you're better than this right you can do better than this he motivates himself works hard has the right thoughts has the right positivity and as you say luckily he'll attract the right opportunities he'll come back to 10,000 and he'll say right so if I really want to increase my income what do I have to increase first my environment I have to change first or my internal frequency I have to upgrade first what would you say your internal belief and your frequency but what if a person is stuck at the internal belief then you have to get into a better environment sometimes even that environment may not be able to support your belief if you're too strong about yeah so that's what law of attration is about it's about learning the principles to take control of what I believe and if my goal is here elevate my ftba here first and then you know that you deserve it and then you start feeling comfortable about it so what happened with me right March of 2022 is when I made for the very first time in my life 15 lakhs wow and that was also the time March 2022 wow and that was a time where I took out a time to go and meet people and there was this 3month period where I had the opportunity to meet people who I only used to look up to on video on YouTube I met amandal who I used to look up to when I was learning about IJ I met rashani I met ran aladia I met so many of these people and what it did was it basically made me convince my own mind that there are bigger levels to conquer there are so many more things that I can accomplish and my age and my inexperience is not a hurdle to it what is a hurdle is my own mind bitching about what I canot cannot do so that was also the reason why 2022 I just made up a story saying that I want to do College events invite me for College events the idea of me the people who are inviting me were my own batchmates like they were in my own ear so the idea of me my the same age going on a stage and talking about what I've accomplished and how can people get to that same level was crazy the people who were listening to me were amazed to hear what I have achieved and how did I get there and so the biggest thing that was holding them back was also their belief system that absolutely I cannot get there that I cannot achieve what isan has achieved because I don't have a degree or oh isan has a rich background or whatever excuse that they put in the comment section correct correct very true yeah very true and that's and for me that is law of attaction and being able to consciously now take control of that because you were in the right environment somewhere the right upbringing somewhere you met the right people somewhere around you with somewhere ended up giving you the right feelings thoughts beliefs and actions somewhere your frequency was already tuned to that but what do we do if our frequency is not tuned to that that's where we learn rather than believing thatc create one right to give you a very good example of one of our students uh because a lot of people would feel that we are only talking about our story where okay we've become successful but let's look at people who were in complete pits to give you an example in my book I talk about a guy called Manoj when he met me first he had gone through some losses of 30 lakhs completely bankrupt and all the money in his bank was gone because his partner had cheated him about something when he came to me he said he has monthly 2 lakh expenses zero money in his bank account three banks are behind his life for the money every day giving him calls his wife is divorcing him his children hate him he had decided to commit suicide and and he clearly told me you are my last chance and when he told me you are my last chance I first felt more as if I'm in the examination room now where I have to pass as a law traction coach so I told him okay let's work on this and I have only one request I told him whatever I tell you you've tried your way before this postpone your suicide for 30 days and for 30 days just do what I'm saying and this is where we taught him this practice called daily magic practice which is also what we giving free to your audience as part of the workshop now this daily magic practice he started doing every day he started practicing law of attaction where we kind of almost guide people what to do every day believe it in 30 days his frequency went up so much his confidence went up so much his belief in himself went up so much one because his belief went up he said okay now I'm going to make it happen the three Banks who were not believing in him got convinced to give him a one-year extension one of those Banks said if you want more money for business I will give you more loan also it's been many years to that story because it's part of the book now but today this guy's a millionaire he makes a COR a month has more than 100 employees the best part is during covid he did not fire a single employee that's the kind of money he mate today he's happily successful in his marriage he's divorced with the earlier wife but he's now happily married with another woman he still connects with his children has gone to vashna three times but this is the kind of turnaround that can happen in a person's life if they take control of their mindset rather than only believing that just because I've lost all the money in the world now I'm not worth living make sense so that's one of the examples of how law traction can help people but like go in more depth and tell me what did he really do exactly after he met you that allowed him to get in that state in life correct so now let's talk about application right like how do you really apply law of attaction Imagine let's we doing a complete Workshop here something that people can apply from today onwards and start manifesting what they want in their life very first step is work on unconditional happiness what is unconditional happiness most of us believe that we got to be happy only when we achieve our goals right so until then what are we feeling make a guess what a person is feeling until they don't achieve their goals unaccomplished a failure failure unaccomplished another word is desperation constant feeling of would you say this feeling is POS positive or negative it's a negative negative feeling negative feeling yeah and if people are vibrating at this feeling at least half a day does it impact how they relate to their relationships absolutely they're not going to be in the abundance mindset correct they get irritated at their family members they don't connect with their friends properly they doubt themselves because of all these feelings that's because we believe that we'll only be happy when we achieve that goal so one of the first practices which we do in DMP which I made Manoj do is unconditional happiness first start feeling happy for no reason dance every day celebrate as every day as if you are already successful now the reason I use the word dance is because feelings live in our body they don't just live in our heart a lot of people say I'm feeling something in my heart but does your heart really have feelings not really your entire body has feelings when you use certain expressions in a certain way that's when the feelings are generated that's how actors use it actors understand that if they use their body in the right fashion they can make themselves cry in 30 seconds but if there are Bad actors they are crying and you're laughing right yeah I don't want to name any right now but I'm sure you've met actors where they are crying on the screen and you're laughing out on in the seat the reason is because they don't know how to use their body language so first let's use the right body language use the right music elevate your mood elevate your frequency of feeling happy every day for at least 10 minutes during the day I'm not saying you get happy the whole day maybe it's difficult to do that while you're struggling okay but can you do it 10 minutes start with that one practice second start feeling comfortable about the whole idea of money A lot of people are their relationship with money is very bad I'll give you an example of that uh like a lot of people say yeah I don't want to do it for money now imagine there is a person called isan okay he comes inside the room and I look at ishan and I say you know isan I don't want to work for you I want to work for myself I don't how will isan feel if I say that on his face it feel bad it'll feel bad yeah money is a energy like this which is alive and you're constantly saying to money I don't want to work for you so money says okay start being comfortable about two simple things selling and buying selling and buying people are very awkward about selling right learn to say I'm comfortable with selling create that comfort zone that's law traction part maybe they're not confident in what they are selling or what they don't believe in what they are selling sometimes people really have a good product they believe they are good at what they do like you'll see in your field you'll meet people who are really good editors really good cameramen really good speakers but they don't know how to ask money because relationship with money is guilt [Music] based get comfortable with asking money for selling something and to do that get comfortable giving money when somebody's selling you something now right the mentor I was telling you about that I have taught me this big lesson like you said is to be a capitalist ah beautiful be a capitalist be a capitalist did you read iron Rand did he tell you about that he must have that's where it comes from so that feeling of comfort is very very necessary that's what I made Manoj do he had become so uncomfortable about money and it's natural right because he had lost everything at that point of time but to start feeling Comfort requires a little effort but it's possible so start feeling comfortable with money start feeling unconditionally happy right now to do that one of the actions that I say to people remember ftba so action frequency is also very important so from now onwards every time you're giving money to anybody whether you're spending something on Amazon or you're doing some PTM money transfer to anybody riaa taxi Wala anything most people immediately after they spend money you know what they feel yeah like something went come yeah so I said develop a new practice the practice of saying wherever you spend this money say go with love grow with love so literally in my notes when I do a GP or I do a p I always there's a note option there I say go with love grow with love go with love grow with love grow with love where I'm saying to the money you go with love and you grow with love wherever you go so that you help the other person grow right so I'm not feeling bad for my money going and I'm not feeling bad for the money who receive the person who received the money as a result my relationship with money is improving this is called upgrading my feelings about how I feel about money yeah this is one of the practices another practice we says change your beliefs about money like to give you a very simple example of a belief about money that most people have is making money is difficult basically difficult now if you keep thinking that basically making money is difficult the opportunity may be right in front of you you may not be able to see it like if you really think about it right now India as a country is probably the highest potential opportunity for making money true right you say see that's the problem here's another belief people love big money not small money they respect big money but not small money but you'll see people who have become big loved the money when it was small and hence they became big yeah true so I would say another belief that is very important to cultivate is I love small money and big money both there's a story that I went to Kaba in Mumbai and we were staying in maker Towers it's like a apartment that my friend my co-founder had to my friend just asked me what color Ferrari there was a red Ferrari wow in Kaba in Mumbai and my friend asked that by who do you think is the owner of it and what do you think he does to my first reaction was you know Venture back and like they basically provide security guards in all the apartment Societies in Kaba that's it Kaba not even like Mumbai crazy just kava security guards there security guard that's it and the guy has a Ferrari now when he started he must have started to supplying one security guard but because he respected and loved that money there is why he made it big so the first Bel is respect F no first belief making money is easy opportunity second belief respect small money and big money both a lot of people told me that sir mes I'm not attracting a job for the last one year I'm doing affirmations I said okay in the last one year have you got even one job opportunity they said no I've got more than one said then why didn't you take it the salary was not enough I said what other reason it was not the work that I love to do and I tell them take your right hand and give yourself a thank you love to do the things first which you don't like to do respect it respect the small money that will make it big money that's the second belief now the third belief is very critical here which is where I believe is the difference between people who make money and people who make wealth because type 80% but then there are some people who become wealthy who have now gone beyond that stage of yeah there was a stat which said that Jeff BOS in 2020 every second what he made money was equivalent to the yearly average earning of a American citizen to Beyond a certain point he's not even bothered about how much money he's making and believe it it doesn't take to become Jeff Bezos to have that feeling if you're making in India at least about 10 lakhs a month you have already surpassed that level true and people think that even that is like unreasonable right yeah so the first Bel money is difficult yeah it's achievable it's very easy and once you reach 10 lakhs it's nothing like then after that you feel now work is work after that whatever money you make is just a number it's a game after that so the third belief is very critical and that belief is don't work only for monthly work for scalable business a lot of people don't become wealthy because they are constantly creating strategies to make monthly income short-term thinking short-term thinking chy thinking let's have big thinking which means that don't apply any strategy in your business which will not be scaled to th000 crores which will not be scaled to 10,000 crores I remember somebody that day came to me and said uh mes I'll give you 10 lakhs do my one-on-one coaching and I said no he said but why I'm giving you the money I said because it's not scalable it's it's it's I'm still going to sell time but if I create a system where my education continues growing my company starts growing and it can be scalable to 1,000 CR 10,000 CR if it's that kind of a system then I'll do it then I don't mind selling a course for th Rupees to a million people because at least it's a scalable system start thinking like that have that belief that I want to make it big now the best part is beyond a certain point now you're making that just for time pass it's not even about money anymore it is just it's a game now where you're just happy doing more and more and more not because you're chasing money like I'll tell you something very crazy a lot of people say mes what's your purpose and what is the purpose of life like this is a one big question you'll see in many podcasts or many spiritual conversations like what is the purpose of life the ultimate answer I got was from my mentor he said the most ultimate closest to truth answer is that the ultimate purpose of life is time pass you're born you're going to die you're going to pass this time that's the ultimate purpose now the option you have is quality time pass yeah bad quality time pass so the reason now I want to grow a company from 1,000 cres to 10,000 gr is no more anymore for just money but that that money is about a quality of life where now when I help more people and I serve more people my quality of life grows other people's quality of life grows that is the purpose of life when people cultivate this kind of a belief making money becomes easy being wealthy becomes easy that is what shifted in Manoj to answer that question for you again make sense yeah yeah makes sense so I wanted to ask you this question that my a lot of my people were watching lot of the viewers are students right and there's a very big self-doubt people have and I'll give you an example of a TV series called Factory that was the main focus of the whole show jya teacher and who is the main student he is just crying he doesn't know what to do he has so much self-doubt because that is how the you know ised so that is a very common thing which even I faced I could not qualify J advance so I'm I'm I'm like a web as well well interesting that's and uh and that day I remember right now as well I was living in Mumbai and the result came by the evening and I realized that I'm not qualified to get into an it and my dreams were shattered I didn't even know what bits Goa was I later got to know because I was so hellbent of getting into an i the point I'm getting to add is so many students go through this problem how can they change their mindset and how can they change their beliefs to make sure that and then they're like they're not worthy of anything else anything greater in life what I did was the day when I gave my IJ advance I think you get this IDE like you can get that that instinct right I it was not the best experience but I realized that that is the end that's it I'm not going to think again about J advance that was 27th May 2019 I came back to my house and I forgot about everything I could have taken a drop year to focus on i j advance but I was like no this part of my life ends here what starts now is me focusing on my skills is me learning to code is me learning about marketing about how does the world really work and I downloaded I got this UDA course and I started learning about programming python so that was my story but then what can students do to have a better belief system and to not Bel themselves correct I'll give you a beautiful example you've heard about this concept this game called dominoes where uh there are these chips that are kept in a line and if you flip the right Domino once it flips one it flips all of them right that's called a domino effect so just like this in our mind there are some buttons If you hit the right button the right thought the right belief it starts collapsing the other negative beliefs so I'll give you an affirmation which our audience can start working on from today onwards the affirmation is what I call a self-esteem affirmation see most people don't have self-esteem they have money esteem let's look at the difference in the word huh so self and esteem esteem means importance self is self so self importance money esteem is money importance so most people have money importance okay I am only as important as money that means the level of my importance depends on the level of income I make is what people feel about themselves so their self-esteem has now dependent on a job dependent on a degree dependent on income dependent on salary dependent on having a girlfriend right there are people who would literally commit suicide because they're not in the the right relationship or because they broke up in the right relationship but if you really think of it is this person defined by his girlfriend or the boyfriend it's a part of their life it's a part of their life so the affirmation that they really need to use which creates a domino effect in their subconscious mind the self-esteem affirmation is I love myself the way I am irrelevant of who loves me or not that's the first part of it where it doesn't matter you love me or not it doesn't matter whether you like me or not I love myself even if something doesn't happen I'll be happy so that's the second part so first part is irrelevant of who loves me or not and irrelevant of what I have or not what I have achieved or not now when we repeat this affirmation again and again that I love myself the way I am irrelevant of whether you love me or not or whether what I have or not I give myself permission to love myself to be happy without this goal right now without this failure if I may put it as a word whether I've not achieved a job or a promotion or a business or a startup or an investment doesn't really matter I love myself even though I failed at this so now I have not made this goal my dependency of my happiness I've taken this goal and I've said irrelevant of whether I achieve this goal or not irrelevant of whether I achieve this relationship or not I love myself very stoic way to think about life the more I do this in my mind as a subconscious and the more I consciously repeat it it becomes part of me and as a result of that that emotion will come up they will not feel that low anymore they will not feel that self-doubt after a few days will it work after saying it once no but will it take a year no it'll just take a few days right a few days of practice multiple times in a day can Elevate their emotions and give them that self-confidence and self love again that I'm worthy of living with or without this thing to give you a simple example there was this one girl um who when she came to me and she was in Platinum and we do a program in Pune once in a year called One Day miracle meet I remember we were having lunch with me and indu and everybody and she just fell on the ground and she just started crying drastically like what happened and she said she's going through a very bad situation in her house where she's got zero income her husband has just told her that he's having an extra marital affair with somebody he wants to leave the house she doesn't have any other income right now she has two children she doesn't know what to do and I said the first thing you need to do is take responsibility for what you've attracted this cannot happen in your life without your own frequency but if you keep feeling bad that the environment has made me this then you'll keep feeling sad so instead of feeling bad and sad stand up take responsibility for your manifestation she did that she practiced the self-esteem affirmation one of these things today it's been more than a year believe it or not her husband's back with her she herself has become a coach she's making 2 laks a month she's personally independent financially and emotionally today and the weirdest part of the story is after one year now couple of days ago she was talking to her husband and generally they were talking about what would be the biggest regret of your life if you die just a general conversation between two people and the man ends up saying I think I'll always regret not having a relationship with that girl whom I broke up with so believe it or not this girl tells her in that case you should go she happily told him go with love grow with love she let him go why didn't she let him go before because at that time her entire identity dependent on whom on the relationship on the person on the relationship but as she developed her own identity and she realized that she's worthy of who she is irrelevant of whether he loves her or not is when she started building herself up and now one year later when she's back into that same situation her reaction to the same situation is very different she's not breaking down she's not falling down on the ground and crying and saying my life is destroyed now she's taking control and she's saying the man okay go if if you really believe you can be happy with her then you should go there and I believe I can be happy with myself I may be alone M but I'm not lonely is what she said now this is the kind of power that's possible when people call consciously take control of their mindset and that's possible to start with an affirmation of self-esteem affirmation of I love myself the way I am irrelevant of who loves me or not irrelevant of what I have or not that's one step towards that frequency very interesting what type of programs do you have and why are they important for someone in their life like to focus on their career on their health on their money part of their life so very simple there are two ways of learning anything in life one is trial and error second is education directly learn it from somewhere where it has already been tried and tested if you go through medical degree I mean you could try and do it yourself but 100 100 Years of research has already been done might as well go through 5 years of degree and become a doctor in a proper way faster rather than doing it trial and error most of us take the trial and error method in upgrading our mindset for going through engineering we go through a degree for MBA we go through a degree for doctory we go through a degree education basically but when it comes to mindset we believe this has to be learned by experience and trial and error can be but it may take too much time for you the reason it is important is you can do it faster when you learn it in an educated manner in a format where it is already tried and tested example in our wealth Mastery course which is focused completely on money on law of attration uh so by the way I I hope I'm sure you must have already told people at the beginning that we are also giving the first lesson of wealth Mastery course free to your audience other than the 30 days daily magic practice we'll give them the money affirmations ready made template and we'll give them the vision board of money which I personally use that is also available so in this first lesson which people are anyways getting free one of the things we do is we give people a systematic strategy kind of an assessment test of identifying what in their feelings is blocking their money what in their beliefs is blocking their money what in their actions is blocking their money and it's a proper Excel sheet assessment they do that assessment and for the first time in their life this whole game of law of attaction which is very subjective otherwise has become objective on Excel they'll be able to see oh now I know why I'm not making money like this is where I'm stuck now imagine being able to do this yourself it could take years of research but I've already done that research why not just apply it it's free anyway is what you get systems is what you get yes so they go through that exercise at the end of that exercise they have two things very clear this is where I'm stuck the second thing this should be my new frequency on Excel like this is how it should look this should be my new beliefs my new feelings my new actions in order to attract my money goals giving people readymade emotional frequencies which already millionaires have let's apply that right like what I told you about the belief of anytime you get an idea if it's going to increase your income but it is not going to be scalable don't apply that idea because you'll get addicted to small money small money is very dangerous because you get addicted to it very fast and now stopping that is more dangerous how much do you make today okay so last month we made about 3.8 crores now it's only because it's a scalable system which means can we keep scaling it now this belief is not mine I also learned it from my Mentor who's bigger than me so learning these principles in this course is a little faster compared to just going through life and researching and trial and erroring yourself that's one of the workshops of Health Mastery tell me about your Mentor Tony Robbins that you mentioned have do you know Tony Robbins I I've seen him seen have you met him I've not have you gone through his workshops I love his electrifying energy yes so I met Tony Robbins I think 25 years ago not met but uh a friend of mine gifted me his book and and I remember reading his first chapter unlimited power and in the chapter this is how he starts he says I was going by my helicopter and I was looking down from my helicopter and I see thousands of people on the road traveling towards a particular conference Hall where I need to go and I started wishing to God that God for whatever reason this traffic has been generated please clear this traffic so that my students can reach my conference Hall fast he lands to his conference Hall in his helicopter and he says I realized this entire crowd is coming to my cont that picture blew my mind and somewhere I think that book and that chapter was responsible for me having that seed in my thought that this is what I want to do in my life that this is where I want to be in my life and then since then I don't think there been a day or time when I've not read about him I've not heard about him even now in my mobile on the way I was listening to his video so now I have done all his workshops um I've I've been to us to attend him multiple times he also has a program called Platinum partnership I enrolled for aren those very expensive very expensive why do you like invest so much how how I think it's like thousands of dollars I so Platinum partnership overall comes to about $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 which is about 75 lakhs yeah some of money but 75 lakhs other than travel yeah other than the time we invest in so the whole investment for at least us goes about one and a half cror or so in one year right but it's worth it because what I learned from there one it upgrades my frequency it elevates who I am as a person because when you go to a Tony Robins event you're not doing a workshop like what you see in India sometimes for 500 people a th000 people there are 15,000 people in a stadium and you're dancing with them and you're doing a workshop and it starts at 9:00 in the morning and finishes at 12:00 at night and this man is able to make people stand stand for 12 hours inan I mean it's difficult to keep people engaged in an Amit ban movie for 3 hours with millions of dollars invested into the right music in the right setup and the right light and the right conversations and here is the man keeping you engaged for 12 hours in a day 15,000 people not blinking people not going to the washroom because they don't want to miss out on what he's going to say when you go and learn there you realize that what you can get from him as an energy is far beyond the content the content I have it on my mobile it's not a big deal but I go there for the energy the same reason I ask people to join my workshops is not just the content it's the energy is what I get from him and every time I upgrade myself with him I get somewhere that energy of not only helping myself but helping my own students That's Tony Robins you must meet him must go through his workshops like if you've not invested in at least one of his workshops you're missing out on a rockstar experience of your life yeah that's a lot of foro yeah Rockstar experience I am going to the US next month so I'd love to connect with him shoot him a cold email done amazing this was really insightful learning about Law of Attraction and how it can help people was like a experience of your life or like a story in your life that has like completely changed your perception of the world and how the world works I think one of the biggest experiences which we had was when I remember few years ago not even few just about last year we said let's do something which even could challenge our beliefs of law of attration so I and Hindu were talking and we said what can we do something so impossible that it would prove that it has nothing to do with my talent it has nothing to do with my hard work and somewhere the universe made this happen and so we decided that to spread the science of law of attaction let's hire a brand ambassador now when you said hire a brand ambassador who can we go to so he said let's think as big as we can now who's the biggest Indian celebrity in India whom we call the Big B the biggest right amitab ban I said let's try amaban and I I remember the first word indu said is you crazy like that's too big like how will we get there right how will we even get to meet him and why will he even do it and do we even have the resources to hire him and you remember the number one rule of La traction don't think how don't think when just use it there's no har using law action the principles of affirmations visualization the right techniques just use it so I created a vision board where my face is next to amab bachan and he's saying by mesh's law of traction book crazy right and I just put it in my fridge and my bathroom and my bedroom and everywhere like a vision board and I started doing some other techniques with it believe it or not in one week after that I find a friend who says I know amab Ban's manager I said that's crazy let's connect with him I messaged two days after that I get a message back saying come over for a meeting after I started this whole process within two weeks I was sitting in amitab bachan's house you met amitab ban I met amitab bachan at this distance insane I was blown away like this is not possible and if this is possible anything is possible it's a different story that didn't work out as a brand ambassador deal for some reason uh but when we came out of that House of his uh he lives in juu if you know in Mumbai yeah I came out of his house the first five minutes IU were like this happened we met amitab ban and even though he said no for it what was like a striking thing about him when you met him in person oh his humility man a few words very few words but there is a certain stability to his energy uh certain stance which moves you Mystique Mystique you could call it yeah just he being there could move you it was beautiful but I'm pretty sure it has 80% to do with what I have in my mind about him right but once we came out first five minutes was Euphoria and then we realized what we came here for he said no for and we applied the first technique of law attration which we love to every time we fail so this is for you and for your audience and for everybody whenever you fail at something most people say like why did this happen right we practice this technique which we say time for Double Happiness so instead of saying time for crying we said time for Double Happiness so IU gave CH a high five and said time for Double Happiness let's go and celebrate celebrate failure not just success right so we went back to our hotel which was no hotel juu right next to it yeah we said how do we celebrate let's have dinner so indu said I want to meet a friend who stays nearby inju and the name she took she she she not met her physically yet so I mean not in Mumbai I said that's rare you want to meet her like what happened how did you think of her she said I don't know I just feel like meeting her said okay call so she called and I was in a session I had some Zoom meeting in the evening I finished that and I went to the swimming pool indu and this girl she they were chatting together her name is hital very good friend and uh we were telling hatal that we met am bachan she said are you guys crazy you met am ban so we told her the whole story about law attaction and everything and she said so who are you thinking of now and in the meantime we had already thought of somebody and guess who we thought of now Ric rash Ric rashan he said but again the thought is like how right and hital comes and says I know someone who's very close in my family who knows Rik Ross rashan's brand ambassador uh brand manager what are the odds of meeting someone like this who knows exactly the person you want to point to yeah if this this is not law of attaction what is like I have no talent in this so we called up this guy that same night the next day he connects us to this company and believe it or not one week after that we were back in juu sitting in rik's house this distance having with him we had half in our conversation yeah genius man he knew about law of attaction he knew about the secret he knew about NLP some of our techniques that we used he knew almost everything I was talking about he believes in it I was like this is the man to promote this course and he said didn't instantly say yes he said okay let's talk about it took us a month then he said yes and believe it or not today he's our brand ambassador beautiful he's on my website he is promoting our books on my ads it's his video playing but this is something that really changed my perspective towards life that if you truly surrender to the little higher universe and saying you take care of it I am taking the guts to desire it and you allow that game to work with a little bit of belief anything is possible absolutely anything is possible that is one and I think another thing that really changed my perspective in life is once I started doing these workshops in the last 3 years so isan first 17 years when I did corporate workshops made a lot of money um I I'm still happy then satisfied financially free in the first 17 years but when I started doing law action workshops I started meeting people who were depressed and from depression they go to becoming life coaches with me I started me meeting people who felt like this girl I said I am nothing without my husband to somebody who's so emotionally strong today meeting students who are saying I'm not getting a job for 3 years and suddenly they got a job and now they're living in us the more I met these people Beyond a certain point my perspective shifted and For the First Time After experiencing this I realized what Tony Robins says he said it many times I heard it many times but I think my experience really changed my perspective here which is that eventually Beyond a certain point of time what will truly give you satisfaction is serving people and now the joy that I get in doing these workshops that that kick I don't get out of making money anymore yeah I love money I respect money I still Thrive for bigger games for time pass but the joy and the satisfaction that you get when you help these people and when they become extraordinary that changes your perspective of what says in bhagat Gita that you're not born with anything you're not going to die with anything you really feel that when you go through this journey and I remember what my mentor told me he said my spiritual Mentor his name is sahil he said eventually there's only one thing you die with you know what it is what is it no idea wild guess you do die with someone you you do take something with you wishes of all the people that you impacted no so that people call it skas but not really what you truly take away with you and there is scientific research now about this by many scientists in the world and coaches like these what you truly take away with you is your emotional memory the quality of life that you lived nothing else and you remember that as your DNA memory in the next lifetime so if you heard about Deepak Chopra who's written the seven spiritual Laws of Success he says your DNA has a memory from your past life and the last life and the last life for the past seven lives that is why uh at a very young age sometimes people will be able to do things that they can't explain because you're carrying it from your previous memory maybe you are one of them I mean how how otherwise you're too kind how otherwise a 22-year-old gets so successful so fast no I think that point of uh surrendering and just focusing on doing the work is really important rockar there's a song called in which he first of all starts he is and then he goes to the DGA and he just submits himself and he L just looks up and he finds everything that he wanted and then he goes all in so I think it's just about that going all in and surrendering and knowing that your efforts will surmount to something the first six months of me recording videos I made zero money every single day I showed up I did not know about all the affirmations and anything but I just knew that if I will put in everything that I had something good will come out and here we are today four years later amazing in that case I should invite you for something beautiful then to be even more honest with your audience maybe is come and attend our Workshop absolutely and really go through that Journey because I'm thinking if this is what you've done unconsciously what would you do consciously you're already a you're already a l traction magician from my point of view maybe You' become a Myro by learning a little more very interesting absolutely so interesting man beautiful questions thank you so much thank you so much for taking out the time guys that was mes and Law of Attraction the description will have links to learn more and connect with him on social media thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next one thank you guys thank you thank you for having me Shan e