Quiz for:
Lecture on Binary Search Trees and AVL Trees

Question 1

Which abstract data type (ADT) operations are typically supported by AVL trees?

Question 2

How do AVL trees compare with heaps in terms of supported operations?

Question 3

What property must a node in a Binary Search Tree (BST) satisfy?

Question 4

What is the time complexity for basic operations like insertion, deletion, and searching in a BST?

Question 5

How does the height of a balanced BST compare to a completely unbalanced BST?

Question 6

In AVL tree terminology, what is a 'single rotation' used for?

Question 7

What happens during an insertion operation in an AVL tree?

Question 8

What is the definition of a balanced tree?

Question 9

What is an example scenario requiring a double rotation in an AVL tree?

Question 10

After inserting a new node in an AVL tree, how should the tree be balanced?

Question 11

What kinds of rotations are used to maintain an AVL tree balanced?

Question 12

Which traversal method of a BST produces keys in sorted order?

Question 13

What key feature differentiates AVL trees from regular BSTs?

Question 14

When sorting using an AVL tree, what is the time complexity?

Question 15

Why is maintaining the AVL property crucial while performing operations in an AVL tree?