automatic somebody foreign [Music] okay organization lower level in the higher level of organisms local first one is levels of organization the levels of organizations cellular level of organization cellular level of organizations nutrition digestion circulation excretion is okay foreign foreign foreign [Music] on the left foreign [Music] sponges foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] Canada foreign okay foreign foreign this is very very important foreign foreign numerous small small openings foreign [Music] that is called as sponjo seal okay okay this is called as spongios specials literature foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign okay foreign foreign [Music] X actually and Medusa police is Korea that is um [Music] [Music] it is foreign another okay foreign next computer foreign foreign segments [Music] examples okay this is foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign Canal system number two cucumber foreign foreign recorded foreign [Music] so classification foreign foreign [Music] thank you foreign this is okay there is um fish foreign foreign foreign air bladder foreign foreign foreign so this is an important question repeated question the three in one chamber [Music] that is foreign okay [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign crocodile this is okay foreign because they have to fly okay foreign [Music] foreign foreign animals [Music] this is the external year that is foreign particular foreign foreign