Transcript for:
Limitless Life vs Life of Limitations

have you ever wondered why some people live a seemingly Limitless life while other people seem to live a life filled with limitations well I submit to you that Limitless life or life of limitations is a choice that you get to make in fact it's a decision you get to make you're going to find out why there's a difference between a choice and a decision but you're also going to find out why the people who live a seemingly Limitless life live a seemingly Limitless Limitless life it seems like the people who are the best of the best are so far in a way ahead of everybody else that people feel like they're never going to catch up so you think about somebody like Tiger Woods in his Heyday right when he went to a golf tournament everybody expected him to win he was number one in the world for I don't remember 150 something weeks in a row which is more than three years in a row he was number one in the world nobody else has ever even come close to that but he was so far and away people just decided his his opposition his competition decided if he was playing that he was going to win which means he decided that for them when Michael Jordan was in the league like like he did stuff that nobody ever thought about doing before and so the question is like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna play basketball like Michael Jordan I'm not going to play golf like Tiger Woods but I wasn't put here to play basketball like Michael Jordan and I wasn't put here to play golf like Tiger Woods but I was put here to be the king of my thing and and you were put here to be the king of your thing or ladies you were put here to be the queen of your scene and you can be the best of the best forget about the rest there's no such thing as competition you can live a limitless life if you learn to believe more in your leverage than you do in your limitations and most people believe more in their limitations than they do in their leverage and so what they do is they go around proving to themselves that all the stuff they thought they couldn't do they were right about it there's a different way to live your life now I I when I think of what's possible for me I pretty much think everything that's a part of my thing it's possible for me and the only thing that's impossible for me is that something that I'm supposed to do would be impossible for me and if you'd learned that's a disciplined way of thinking that most people don't have like the the biggest key to success is not a morning routine the biggest key to success is not well you have to wake up at 5 30 every morning well I don't wake up at 5 30 every morning now and in fact in fact there are some mornings when I wake up at 5 30 but for the most part that's not most mornings right you know when I wake up usually when I'm done sleeping right so that like you well you have to do this and you have to exercise in the morning and you have to drink a cup of coffee in the morning and you got to work out and you can't look at your cell phone like all that's great I mean you can set your environment up in a way that you're more likely to win but the reality is you have to make a decision and then you have to learn how to understand the difference between a choice and a decision because here's what's not going to happen you're not going to achieve anything in your life without confidence what is confidence well the word confidence the root word of the word confidence is what confide and what does the word confide mean it means to trust and so when a person doesn't have confidence what it means is they don't trust themselves why don't you trust yourself like why don't you have confidence why do you believe that if somebody else did it would work but if you did it's not going to work is that a good question my people talk to me in my page talk to me so that's a good question so so we don't want to like I don't want to go through life looking well yeah of course they can do it but not me no but of course I now I don't know if anybody else can do it or not but I know I can get the deal done right put me in the arena where the where the battles are being fought where the where the where the where the awards are being won it's so interesting like I talked about David a couple of weeks ago right David um to talk about the story of David and Goliath and one of the things I didn't cover in the story was like when David came down and uh Goliath gave David came down to bring food to his brothers and he came down to uh he came down and he heard the Giant and then David before he decided to fight Goliath he negotiated renegotiated and renegotiated again his contract because he said what shall be done to the man the slayeth the the killeth this Philistine well he's going to get the King's Daughter as his wife I'm gonna be the son-in-law to the king okay that's a good start what else well he's also going to he's going to be son-in-law uh to the king he's also going to King's gonna enrich him with great riches and then his family will be tax-free in Israel just give me the last one I don't I don't I don't need the King's Daughter I'll need yes the tax-free one that's the one I'm looking for right there right and so and so so after Dave they told him that he literally turned to somebody else said what's going to be done and then somebody else answered him after the same man then he turned somebody else said now I always I want to make sure before I go fight this guy I want to know how much my check is going to be and see one of the problems is one of the problems we think we think that not charging for the results that we produce in our environment is somehow being humble it's not being humble it's just not being very smart David said I want to know yeah I'm going to kill the giant anyway but since I'm gonna kill him anyway I want to know how much I'm going to get paid and he confirmed it twice after he heard it why because in the in the Hebrew culture at the mouth of two or three Witnesses let everything be established so now he's like okay I got my contract now I got my marching orders and see one of the problems like you don't people people talk about count the costs yeah count the cost but also count the commissions like how much am I going to get paid people ask me all the time like how do I know how much to charge for producing a result for a client my answer is always the same you always start with this is it a price that makes you smile if it's not a price that makes you smile it's too low yeah now see here's what your problem is you thought it was supposed to be a price to make your customer smile they can smile don't smile [Laughter] they should be smiling because I'm getting ready to help you right right but but if you're gonna if I'm gonna do it you don't have to make it worth my while otherwise I ain't interested I got a call from a guy recently and he wanted me to speak virtually or live at a conference with thousands of people he says so how can we make this work I said well you pay for if you want me to be there like physically you pay for my air travel it's 11 000 an hour um and I know oh that's crazy yeah you're just whatever okay do you okay that's mine and I'm okay not speaking too okay so let's start there I'm okay with that's too much for us I'm okay with that it's 11 000 an hour for me to get there it was in Las Vegas from Tampa to Las Vegas 11 000 an hour there and back whatever that is let's call it five hours there five hours back so that's 110 Grand just for travel that doesn't include my room because you're gonna need to get me a room and my speaking fee is 250 000 an hour so I'll come speak you pay me 250 you pay for my travel I'll happily come speak on your stage oh well it's a big stage we just wanted to give somebody exposure well you can give somebody else exposure I'm good I'm good I got all the exposure I need I'm good now I'm not saying everybody's prices need to be that high but see what a lot of people don't realize like people think oh your price is just that high because you think you're all that in a bag of chips no no because time is something that I have less and less of every day and I value my time whether you value it or not and by the way you're never going to value my time if I don't value my time right so so a lot of you are frustrated because you want your clients to put a higher value on your time than you do can I get a witness but I'm not doing that okay it is what it is it costs what it costs right so what does that mean well um like I set my prices I remember when I used to do coaching for five thousand dollars an hour and I was coaching this guy really high level entrepreneur like really high level entrepreneur um in fact well just really high like tens of millions of dollars a year got kind of a person and I was coaching him he's like and he made a lot of money based on some coaching I gave he's like okay I want to pay you to teach me how to tell stories how much you charge per hour for coaching I said five thousand dollars an hour he said good I just sent you forty thousand dollars I want eight hours eight hours so and he's a good dude I mean I like him but I didn't want eight hours now forty thousand dollars eight hours I'm like now I gotta do do this talk to him for an hour every week now I know I know I know I know Tim this this sounds crazy but I'm just I'm just telling you my time is more and more limited as I get older I'm 61 years old that means like if I'm gonna live for 20 more years and I go on three vacations a year like I don't have 20 more years of vacation I only have 60 more vacations right like so like I look at everything based on the diminishing return so I'm like and literally as soon as we got off that Zoom I raised my speaking feed I mean my coaching fee to 25 000 an hour and then like doing coach 25 000 an hour sold a bunch of VIP days eight hours 200 Grand like no it's too much right and so by the way I I'm I'm showing you my thought process watch this Tony Robbins said and I think he's right I don't think he's right about everything I think he's right about this he said if you want to if you want to um duplicate any form of Human Excellence you need to find somebody who's performing at a high level in that discipline and model three things he said number one you want to model their belief systems I submit to you that the life you're living right now is a direct result of the beliefs that you hold right now beliefs that you hold about the past and beliefs that you hold about the future so he said the second thing you need to firstly model their belief system second thing you model their physiology you carry yourself the way they carry themselves like if I came in here and I was like this you would assume something about me I talk like this you would assume something about me if I was shifty-eyed this is my physiology I never looked at anybody if I never looked anybody in the face you would think this person can't be trusted right so you model their physiology and then you model their mental syntax and the mental syntax is the order in which they fire up messages in their brain for instance if you say the dog bit Johnny that has meaning right the dog bit Johnny but if you say Johnny bit the dog that has a different meaning even though both sentences have the exact same words in them so what like like the order that you do a thing oftentimes is as important as the thing you're doing oh y'all tracking okay so so you have to have confidence why don't people have confidence people don't have confidence because they don't trust themselves why don't people trust themselves because the only person who's heard every lie you've ever told is you watch this here's the main reason you told yourself I'm going to do XYZ like this is why this is why New Year's resolutions are a bad idea you say this year I'm gonna blah blah blah and then three weeks in you stop doing it right because and the reason you stop doing it is because you made a choice you didn't make a decision I'm going to show you what that means in a minute and so what happened is you you have this you have this wishy-washy way of being and so you don't have confidence because you've broken your word to yourself so many times in the past you can't believe a word you say I mean I'll track him and so confidence comes from the root word confide what if what if confidence was you just learned how to confide and you had you confide in self you have confidence in yourself because you trust yourself because you know your word is your bond how are y'all tracking here's what happens like if you don't trust yourself because you've broken your word to yourself so many times in the past you can't believe a word you say when you're talking to people what you don't realize is people don't see you through their eyes they see you through your eyes and you're literally causing people to doubt you because you doubt yourself I'm y'all tracking wave at me my peeps right and so so what happens is the word the word confide the root the prefix con confide um means with right so with Fidelity by Fidel with Fidelity with with his what with Fidelity what's Fidelity it's just like truth like you're you're doing the thing you take the word you take the word decide there side what's beside me there of or from side to cut when you make a decision you cut yourself off from any other possibility somebody said so yeah and they thought they were being clever but they were actually being clueless they said they said got three birds sitting on the fence two to five two decide to fly away how many are left and somebody said well one's left and he said no three are left because they other two decided they didn't fly away no if they actually decided they would have flown away because they cut themselves off from not flying away now if you said two three birds are sitting on a fence and two choose to fly away how many are left well now three are left because a choice mean the word choose just means pick one if I'm picking one today I can pick a different tomorrow and what happens is people go around picking one that feels the most comfortable in the moment that feels the easiest path in the moment you can't you can't live a limitless life like that people who go out and change the world they literally have a reality Distortion field that is so big that it doesn't matter that other people tell them it's impossible Damon David's brother said oh what are you doing down here you just came down to see the battle we know your pride in the naughtiness of your heart David said what have I now done is there not a Cause like y'all are hiding I'm gonna go fight this dude why are you fussing at me I ain't the problem he's the problem y'all the problem I ain't the problem but see what happens for people who are unwilling to change a situation the people who are willing to change the situation are the problem to those people because now you got to live with yourself after you see that your next door neighbor go do the thing that you've been talking about doing for the last 10 years can I get a witness so and most people don't make decisions they make choices but you if you're going to be a person of Honor you need to learn to make make decisions because to decide is to make a covenant with yourself remember the word covenant right so two people come together they would kill an animal they would walk in a circle they would cut their they would take a knife in their left hand cut their right hand put their hands together bind together with the Rope the word covenant means to cut and they would make a promise on their life saying if I don't keep my word to you may what happens this animal happened to me what if your word the things you say became a covenant that you make with yourself so now you can trust yourself because you'd rather die and honor keeping your word than live in dishonor and not keep your word I mean like the game would change for you forever because now you don't go through life sticking your toe in the water that could elevate your ship and take you to a place you've only dreamed of in the past you don't stick your toe in that water anymore you dive in the water and then you start building your ship after you're in the water you figure it out on the way and so if you're gonna have a limitless Limitless life the first thing you need to do is you need to have like you need to have a very determined and clear Focus now by the way everybody focuses so here's the difference between people who succeed in people who fail people who succeed so success goes on this path people who succeed they focus on intention which means I me I decided in my autonomy what I'm going to focus on I didn't have somebody else decide that for me I didn't have like I don't go to the restaurant I say hey they say what would you like to order I don't know tell me what's good no I already know when I go to the restaurant I bring my appetite with me and I know what I want to eat and I don't want the server telling me what they like because I might not like this I mean there are people like stuff I don't like they're people who like lima beans she might like lima beans and then she might say the lima beans are great there's no I don't care how great the lima beans are I don't want the lime beans so but people who fail they're focused but guess what they focus on they focus on distractions literally literally the difference between success and failure is people who succeed focus on intention people who fail focus on distraction and what's really interesting is it doesn't matter in which direction they look they're still focused on the same thing a person who succeeds they look back to the past guess what they see they see intention oh that thing happened to me to get me ready for the thing I'm now doing that thing happened to me to get me ready for the thing I'm going to do so I'm not a victim I'm not a victim of the thing that happened in the past I'm a product of the thing that happened in the past so now so so I just I just uh finished this book yesterday I've been like going so I was at this Mastermind in my in Mexico and a guy speaking there his name is Dr Benjamin Hardy and he's the co-author of who not how um with Dan Sullivan and so who not how is a book that basically the premise of that book is like if you're focused on if you're if you're focused on trying to figure out how to do the thing that's missing in your business in your life and your whatever you're focused on the wrong thing you shouldn't be focused on the how you should be focused on The Who so so a lot of people are focusing on how do I sell more of my stuff before you do that as an entrepreneur like time out why don't you figure out who you should be selling to in the first place like the who for like who should I be selling to is way more important than how do I sell because the who you're selling to is going to determine how you sell right but most people never like and and believe it or not coaching thousands entrepreneurs the hardest thing for them to decide is who they're going to help and how they're going to help them how do you have a business like you have to know that you have to know who you can help you have to know how you can help them you don't know those two things like you're just you're a wandering generality thank you Trudy you're funny so so so you need to have Focus so you need to focus on figuring out how to turn everything in your past into a positive Catalyst for your current life for your current experience of life so what does that mean that means you have to look at everything that's happened in the past and realize that none of it happened to you and all of it happened for you so fascinating to me when I read the story of Joseph because the story of Joseph affected Joseph negatively it affected his father negatively and the same experience when Pharaoh asked Joe asked Israel he said so how old are you or Jacob ask Jacob how old are you he said um um few and not he didn't use the word terrible he said few and miserable or something like that have been the days of my life really really that's few and miserable really have been the days of your life you got a beautiful family yeah I I get it you your your boys your brother tried to kill you I get all that but like you're you're putting the wrong frame around it frames create Focus do you understand you can't change what happened to you in the past but you have every ability whatsoever to change what it means to you you can decide right now I used to think well I'm gonna use myself as an example not that I really thought this but I'm gonna use it as an example so you can understand it like I've got six brothers they can all run I had Polio I've got this brace on my leg I can't run I used to think I didn't think this but I'm just using it as an example I used to think well God doesn't love me as much as he loved them because they could run and I couldn't run or I could think well God loved me more than he loved them that's a joke because he made it so I couldn't run so I learned how to fight right right I could that I mean that could be it right or I could just say watch this right like I'm deciding the frame I could say look God ordained in his Sovereign I'm not saying God did this to me but he ordained this for my life and his Sovereign will before eternity ever began because God knew in order for my brain to speed up as fast as it needed to speed up for my assignment my body needed to slow down right like where do the meanings come from that you have on the situations in your life you know where they come from like well you decide you decide where they come from Joseph said about the very same things the very same things except maybe the stuff that happened to Joseph was worse than the stuff that happened to Jacob because his brothers his own Brothers Oh his big brothers they wanted to kill him they threw him in a pit and left him there and then some media Knights came and took him out and then they sold him into slavery like and then he's doing a good job at Potter's House part of his wife lies on him he goes to prison for a crime he didn't commit like like what would your attitude be when I get out of here I'm going to show everybody right not him Joseph just made sure wherever he was he honored God to the best of his ability and did the best he could with every situation and guess what happened here's Joseph's testimony of those that's those same experiences God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction do you understand if there is no Affliction there can be no fruitfulness there is no strength without struggle there's no there's no advancement without adversity there's no Destiny without difficulty we got to go through something to get to something but in order for us to go through what we were designed to get through we have to look at the past and assign a different meaning to it we have to focus on how it helped us yes it was painful but it helped us it set us up for where we are right now and where we're headed in the future so when I look at the past I use it as a catalyst to to compete to propel me into my bright future as the reason as instead of the reasons why I'm stuck in this terrible present first of all the president isn't terrible why because unto him that is joined to all living there is hope and a living dog is better than a deadline that's what the scripture says a deadline can't even Roar so so we have to have Focus we have to have Focus but focus by itself is not enough we by the way let me talk about let me let me say this about Focus what our focus on the future our focus on the future determines our actions in the present so I'm going to tell you something now I'm going to tell you something if you live mostly focused on the past and trying to keep things the way they were you are you are literally performing an exercise in futility because the only constant in life is change so how can my life get better because of the change and how can I take advantage of the change instead of me fighting to try to keep things from changing are y'all tracking now when I look to the future I have to make sure that like first of all when I look at the future am I seeing something that's real or am I just like do I get to see something that's there or am I just seeing it in the eyes of my imagination where am I looking at the future I'm looking at it in my mind which means I'm the only person who determines what the future looks like to me are y'all tracking because I made it up I made it up anything I tell myself about a future outcome I made it up well if I'm going to make up outcomes about the future stands the reason that I might as well make up outcomes that serve me and Empower me instead of making up outcomes that disempower me and don't serve me because I'm making it up I'm making it up I mean I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna build a 100 million dollar business okay but I made that up I could never make a hundred million dollars that's a I made that up do you understand we're making it up as we go you might as well make up something that inspires you that challenges you that charges you that energizes you so that you can move in that direction it's so fascinating it's so fascinating by the way this is a this is this is biblical mind psychology like I'm not I'm not like that's it's in the Bible rejoice in the Lord alway and again I say rejoice that's one of the most redundant verses in scripture re means to do again so it says Rejoice again have joy in the Lord when always and again I say rejoice or and again I say again have joy why is he telling us to have joy because the joy of the Lord is our strength when we have joy we have strength when we have sorrow and depression and sadness and we're focused on all the things that are missing in our lives we have discontentment and a lack of gratitude and that discontentment and lack of gratitude it doesn't get us more of what we desire it causes us to lose the things we already have when Adam and Eve focused on what was missing they lost all the abundance that they had the same thing is true today that was true back then well anyway so so here's what it says though here's what it says in so it says uh rejoice in the lord always and again I say rejoice let your moderation be known unto all men for the Lord his hand so it's saying be joyful but then the same be willful let your moderation what's moderation self-control let it be known unto all men so how do I do that well the Lord is at hand the thing that we're supposed to use our willpower for is not to make ourselves do something the thing we should use our willpower for is to remind ourselves that the Lord is present because when I use my willpower to remind myself that the Lord is present then I have joy why and his presence is fullness of joy why now I'm empowered why because I know who I am based on Whose I am because when I'm with him he shows me who I am because my identity comes from him I don't I don't have the identity of the world I don't have the my identity of Myron I have the identity of God I am who he knows I am how are you all track him so what we want to do is we're going to make sure that we're operating from that place where when I'm looking at the future I'm I'm drawing on a future that's empowering me wrap your mind around this focus on the future focus on a future outcome that empowers you and that will give you strength how do you know that focusing on a future outcome that you desire empowers you in the presence because it says it in the Hebrews chapter 12. wherefore seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses by the way that's not talking about people up in heaven watching us let's talk about their testimony to us about of the benefits of having faith whether we experience the benefits of that faith in this life or whether we don't because it says some die having died in faith not having received the promise right so we know that everybody having faith faith does what faith does faith makes my life better it doesn't always make my circumstance better just know that okay and we've all believed for somebody being healed and that person wasn't healed we've all believed somebody was going to like be healed and they died we we've all had that experience why because it is appointed a man wants to die and after this is Judgment God is Sovereign and there's no prayer I'm going to pray opposing the will of God and it's going to be answered with a yes okay so just understand understand that so so when I look to the Future wherefore we're seeing where it comes about what's so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every week guess what that word weight mean it means burden so I'm supposed to put down every burden and what Lay It Outside every weight and the sin that does so easily reset me what's the sentence so he easily beset me the sin of Doubt because the whole chapter leading up to that was talking about faith so the sin that so easily be said to me is the sin of Doubt beset means to stop so the sin that stops me is doubt and then it says so how do I do that how do I put down the weights how do I lay aside the sin that will so easily beset me I do it like this looking under Jesus that's what it says next right the author and finisher of our faith now that's not the key in that passage you want to know the key in that Passage look into Jesus author and finish of our faith here's the key who for the joy that was what set before him uh that gave him the ability to endure the cross of his present despising the shame and is now set down on the right hand of the Throne of God so Jesus himself the scripture says he focused on the joyful anticipation of the outcome he desired more than the current pain of the present circumstances and when I learned to intentionally focus on the joyful anticipation of the outcome I desire instead of the anxious apprehension of the outcome I don't desire then I have the power to endure so Focus I'm going to give you the other two and I don't have time to go into them right now faith and follow through so faith is not see one of one of the reasons your faith is so wavering because you have faith and faith you need to stop having faith and faith and start having faith in the one who is faithful you need to start having faith in The God Who Cannot Lie and then operate as if everything he told you is truth not just true but truth there's a difference between what's true and what's truth what's true is um Myron's in Tampa that's true but it's not truth because later this month I'll be in Orlando I'll no longer be in Tampa which truth cannot change so God cannot lie and if he said something it is what it is and so here's what I'm going to end on here's what God told me in his word he didn't whisper in my ear it was in the book Psalms one blessed is the man that walketh not in the county ungodly nor status see nor stand bless the man that walks him out in the council ungodly nor stands the way of Sinners nor sinneth in the seat of scornful but his Delight is in the law of the Lord in his law and his principles and his promises and his precepts and his practices in his laws that he meditate day and night he should be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters that bringeth forth his fruit in a season his Leaf also shall not wither and what so ever he doeth shall prosper Prosperity is a Bible word it comes straight from God and I love prosperity God is a god of abundance if you want to know God's original design for wealth you need to check out that video I did on why evil people are rich video title God's original design for wealth hope this blesses you stay blessed by the best in the meantime in between time peace out Cub Scouts