Transcript for:
Mastering Headshot Mechanics in Valorant

making head shots in valerant when you must this skill when done correctly it gives you the most efficient and satisfying kills in the game one enemy there's only one problem and that's that you suck at making head shot oh shots fired sorry my friends I take my words back but let's be real making head shots in fent is a very hard thing to do but no worries in this video I'll go through a few mistakes that a lot of players are making so that you don't make the same mistake in future games we're going back to the basics in this video sometimes it's good to look back even if you're High ranked player and for all the newer players after this video you'll be able to hit those easy one tappes also we're still trying to reach more subscribers than little love men ohen those Cat channels are getting bigger each day we need your help so if you want to support this channel feel free to subscribe and now let's dive into the video the first reason why a lot of players have a hard time making head shots is because they are holding their angles wrong what do I mean well imagine you're holding Garage on Haven you think that the enemies are going to push through the doors so what a lot of people will do they will hold their angle like this on first glance this doesn't look like a bad way to hold an angle the Crosshair is nicely on head level so let the enemies push come at me however if the enemies are pushing garage you have to keep in mind that they will probably not go for a slow push but more for like a rush this means that if they Peak the garage door they will walk a bit more to the right and this means that you have to swing more with your cross Shire and this is not good my friends so the first tip I give to everyone is that if you are holding an angle aim not directly next to the wall but aim a little bit away from the wall so that the enemies will walk into your Crosshair and you just have to go for an easy tap in the background you see a perfect example because my Crosshair was was a little bit to the right of the wall the enemy fate walked right into it and I just had to tap I didn't have to adjust my aim one enemy remaining let's go to the next mistake now what do these two clips have in common last player what if you've said in both Clips you're whipping Mr lowlander then you're right but there's a certain mistake I make in both clips and that's that I start spraying way too early I don't take time to aim for the head I see enemy I shoot and this is something that a lot of players are doing a lot of players don't like to aim for the heads but they like to spray as soon as they see an enemy and that's not good my friends so a big tip instead of blindly spraying just take your time to aim for the head usually it's way more effective take this round for example since I know that I don't have the skill to make an insane flick like t i instead opted for a slow approach and slowly went to the head of sage so I could secure that insta kill fight planted what the and yes if you have the skill then definitely flicking quick to the Target is the best option but most of you guys don't have that skill yet and especially if you platinum or lower taking your time to be more accurate is the way to go and the next point is also about flicking a lot of players don't know how to properly flick to the Target uh what do you mean Mr lowlander clicking is easy right you just see the head of the target so you move your mouse towards the head and you get it one ta what the heck was that well my friends even though this sounds logical this is not the best way to flick mistake that a lot of people are making is using one Mouse motion toward watch the head of the enemy and this is not good because when you do this you need to be way more precise because the area your mouse needs to travel over your mouse mat is very long and by doing this sometimes your hand will be in strange positions just don't flick in one motion but instead do this flicking to a Target consists of two motions first you use your arm to go towards the head of the enemy and then you use your hand or your fingers for some micro adjustments to get onto the head and then you shoot this is actually a tactic that a lot of fell Pros are using only then extremely fast and that's why it looks like one motion but in fact they'll take a small break to make those micro adjustments you can see that in this slow-mo honestly big shout out to coach Ki I never knew this was a thing until I saw this video over here if you're interested I've linked it in the description so you can watch that after this video for the next thing I want you to look at this round to dust it's a nice head shot right well no it isn't here's why when you're peing something the most ideal way to get a kill is if your first bullet hit it's the head of the enemy and in this round my first bullet went all the way at the top left what why didn't the bullet go to where my Crosshair was this game is rig my friends Rick whoo whoo wo calm down there Mr lowlander let me explain you something when you peeking something and then you want to shoot usually your first bullet will be inaccurate the reason for this is that when you're peeking and you shoot your first shot you're still moving a little bit and because the game thinks that you're moving your bullet will be not hitting your Crosshair I know I know it's a bit unfair but no worries there's a mechanic that you can and should learn so your first bullet will always be accurate and this mechanic is called counter strafing sounds complicated but it's actually very simple here's what you got to do when you strafe to the left press D for a split second before you shoot your first shot by doing this you will lose your momentum and your first shot will be accurate and the same of course for the other side if you strave to the left then you got to press a for a split second this mechanic is especially important for those moments when you only are able to see the head of the enemy like in this round in this round I was peing mid on Ice books I was only able to see the head so the first bullet had to be accurate and luckily I count the straight for that easy one tappy oh in theory this mechanic is very simple to use but I completely understand that a lot of newer players might find it hard to use this tactic every time in game so here's a way to practice it my friends what I would recommend is to hop into a death match and during the death match focus on this mechanic as much as possible by focusing on this mechanic there's a chance that it will beon habit and slowly over time you will pick it up in real games the next point something that you guys have to realize is that the warm-up is not the same as a training when you just wake up and you want to play a game in the morning a lot of people will play a death match or two or shoot some bots in the range as a way to warm up for their competitive games and even though this is a very good thing to do it's not the same as really training your aim what do I mean well with a warm-up the only goal is to get into the flow of fent a little bit so you don't suck in the first round but with aim training your approach should be completely different not only should you analyze how you aim after each session but you also need to be consistent with your aiming routines give yourself tasks each time and in an ideal situation even consider getting a coach that helps you aim better is it possible to combine warm-up with aim training yes my friends and I would highly recommend that so for next time instead of warming up with one or two death matches try to create an Aiming routine with like 10 tasks these could be things like jiggle peaking next to a sage ball flicking with an operator or using a guardian in Deathmatch totaling a little more than 30 minutes and voila now you not only got a warm-up but you also train your aim each day and if you write down the scores you could also see if you are improving or not the next reason why a lot of players have a hard time making head shots brings to the first rule we ever learn in feren and that's that your Crosshair should always be at head level oh wo whoo wo stop over there I bet a lot of people are thinking to themselves like oh my God Mr lowlander I already know that I should aim at head level I've been doing this since the first day I started playing fent well my friends there's a thing that a lot of people get wrong about this and that's this we all know that we should aim at head level but once we're in game we're not thinking about it and those are the moments that you get sloppy and your aim is way off look at this round for example last player stand I've been playing fan for over 3 years so by now you should think that my Crosshair should always be at head level but no in this clip my Crosshair was nowhere near Brimstone and that was because I didn't think about it so I got sloppy so here's the tip to everyone it doesn't matter what rank you are you could be silver you could be diam but take some competitive games where you fully focus on your Crosshair placement and when you do that you suddenly realize oh damn making head shots is a lot easier let's go to the next reason why your bullets might not connect to the enemies this one is actually not your bat it's the game's bat my friend friend but it's important for you that you know this mechanic take a look at this clip some of you might remember this clip from a short I posted a while ago what what did you see that huh Spike down a what yep those bullets should have definitely hit the head of the enemies but most of them missed and that's because every gun in ferent has a first bullet spread and the classic has one of the worst first bullet spreads in the whole game this means that the the first shot with the classic isn't always very accurate on short range this doesn't really matter but on long range it could be very annoying sometimes but now the question what can you do about this and my answer to that is basically nothing I know it's a bit of a weak answer just know that guns like the frenzy classic and even the sheriff aren't very good on very long range and guns like the Phantom and vendal are the best on long range I thought that this was cool to add into the video because not everybody knows about this mechanic and in the end it's a reason why you won't connect your head shots so now you know that sometimes you can actually blame it on the game it's not always your fault I guess take that game I can finally blame you instead of me next thing this one might be one of the most important things and that's that developing your aim takes time A lot of people think oh I can do aim training for a week and then my aim will be Pro but it doesn't happen like that my friends it takes hours and hours and practice not just aim training practice but also just a lot of competitive games to get to a good aim level I think watching videos like this one is important for your game knowledge but for your skill and aiming game time is actually way more important so so now after seeing this video it's up to you try out an aim training routine take a game and focus fully on crossair placement or try practicing those counter stravs and believe me within no time you'll develop your aim and get the rank that you always desired thank you so much for watching I hope you learned something in this fit and I see you guys in the next one peace