Next.js Course in 100 Seconds: A Transcript

Jul 3, 2024

Next.js: Create Fast, SEO-Optimized React Apps


  • Next.js helps build React apps with server-side rendering for optimized performance and SEO.
  • Traditional React apps are rendered client-side, which has drawbacks:
    • Content might not be indexed by search engines/social media bots.
    • Longer time to first contentful paint (FCP).
  • Next.js renders content server-side first, then switches to client-side rendering.

Key Features

Pages Directory

  • Contains JavaScript files exporting React components representing routes.
  • File structure mirrors actual URLs for seamless navigation.
  • Next.js provides its own router.

Data Fetching Strategies

  1. Static Generation (Pre-Rendering):
    • Render pages at build time using getStaticProps.
    • Suitable for data that doesn't change often.
    • Pages can be cached by a CDN.
  2. Server-Side Rendering (SSR):
    • Pages are rendered on each request using getServerSideProps.
    • Ensures data is always up-to-date.
    • Suitable for dynamic data.
  3. Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR):
    • Combines static generation with revalidation using getStaticProps with revalidate.
    • Regenerates pages based on a defined interval.

Setting Up a Next.js Project

  • Use npx create-next-app <app-name> to generate a project.
  • Run the project in development mode with npm run dev on localhost:3000.

Styles in Next.js

  • Supports CSS modules for scoped styling.
  • Define global styles in styles/globals.css.
  • Import styles in JavaScript files and use them as JavaScript objects.

Creating Pages and Routes

  • Define main entry point in pages/_app.js.
  • Create a new route by creating a new file in the pages directory and exporting a default React component.
  • For dynamic routes, use brackets in the filename (e.g., [param].js).

Example Routes

  • Static Route: Create pages/hello.js and export a component.
  • Dynamic Route:
    • Create pages/cars/index.js for a list of cars.
    • Create pages/cars/[id].js for dynamic car pages. Fetch parameters using useRouter from next/router.

API Routes

  • Define server-side routes in the api directory.
  • Reduces client-side JavaScript bundle size.

Data Fetching Examples

Static Generation

  • Fetch data at build time with getStaticProps.
  • Use getStaticPaths to define dynamic routes.
  • Example: Fetch car data from JSON files placed in public directory.

Server-Side Rendering

  • Fetch data on each request with getServerSideProps.
  • Appropriate for frequently changing data.
  • Copy getStaticProps logic to getServerSideProps in dynamic component files.

SEO Considerations

  • Add SEO-friendly titles and meta tags using the Head component from Next.js.


  • Next.js balances server-side and client-side rendering for better performance and SEO.
  • Flexible data fetching strategies allow for optimized and dynamic data handling as needed.
  • Full Next.js course in development, to be completed by end of January.

Commands and Tips

  • Initialize project: npx create-next-app <app-name>.
  • Start development server: npm run dev.
  • Create new routes by adding components in pages.
  • Use getStaticProps, getServerSideProps, and getStaticPaths for data fetching based on needs.