Lecture on Personal Development and Social Media Use

May 29, 2024

Lecture Notes


  • Lecturer was not available today
  • Miscellaneous details about schedules

Class Logistics

  • Some people working different jobs
  • Miscellaneous conversations among the group

Instructor's Background

  • Instructor talked about their age and life experiences
  • Mentioned work outside the current field
  • Discussed personal details about social media usage

Social Media

  • Limited usage of Facebook
  • Mostly uses Instagram
  • Mentioned details about Instagram usage and privacy settings

Personal Development

  • Highlighted the importance of hard work and perseverance
  • Character traits: honest, hardworking, sociable
  • Emphasized the importance of staying productive and committed to their career

Personal Preferences

  • Favorite activities: watching YouTube, writing, reading, social interaction
  • Described routines and habits related to work-life balance

Interpersonal Skills

  • Strong interpersonal skills: friendly, approachable, problem-solving
  • Described self as resilient and adaptable


  • Encouragement for continuous learning and improvement
  • Importance of enjoying one's personal and professional journey