The Power of the Human Voice

Jul 28, 2024

The Power of the Human Voice


  • The human voice: a powerful tool capable of great impact (e.g., starting wars, expressing love).
  • Many people feel unheard when they speak.
  • Aim: to speak powerfully and induce change.

Seven Deadly Sins of Speaking

  1. Gossip: Speaking ill of someone not present.
  2. Judging: Creates barriers; people don’t listen if they feel judged.
  3. Negativity: Hard to listen to; spreads misery.
    • Includes complaining (a common habit, especially in the UK).
  4. Excuses: Avoiding responsibility; off-putting.
  5. Exaggeration/Embroidery: Demeans language and can lead to lying.
  6. Dogmatism: Presenting opinions as facts.
  7. Complaining: Viral misery; spreads dissatisfaction.

Four Cornerstones of Powerful Speaking (


  • Honesty: Being true, straightforward, and clear.
  • Authenticity: Being oneself; standing in one’s truth.
  • Integrity: Being trustworthy and reliable.
  • Love: Wishing others well; adds kindness to honesty.

The Toolbox: Enhancing Your Speaking

  • Register: Using different pitches (e.g., chest voice for weight).
  • Timbre: Quality of the voice; preferred qualities are rich, smooth, and warm.
  • Prosody: Sing-song quality; essential for conveying meaning.
  • Pace: Speed of speaking; can be varied for effect.
  • Pitch: Can vary to convey different meanings.
  • Volume: Loudness; can emphasize points.

Preparing Your Voice

  • Importance of warming up the voice.
  • Exercises:
    1. Arms up, deep breath, and sigh out.
    2. Lip warm-up: “Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba.”
    3. Lip vibration: “Brrrrr.”
    4. Tongue exercise: “La, La, La, La.”
    5. Rolling an R: “Rrrrrr.”
    6. The Siren: “Weeeaawww.”


  • Current state: poor speaking habits in noisy environments.
  • Ideal: conscious speaking and listening in conducive environments.
  • Result: Enhanced understanding and a more beautiful sounding world.