
Jun 10, 2024

Lecture Notes: The Revealed Truth and Historical Proofs of Israelite Identity


  • Main Speaker: Focused on the oppression and hidden truths of the Israelite identity.
  • Main Theme: The systematic oppression detailed through historical events and religious prophecies, aimed at keeping the Israelites ignorant of their true heritage.

Key References

Isaiah 40:46-10

  • Key Point: Emphasizes that God declared the end from the beginning, showcasing the unstoppable prophecies meant for the Israelites.
  • Related Scripture: Malachi 3:6 – Highlights the unchanging nature of God's words and prophecies.

Romans 9 & Revelation 12

  • Main Focus: The two vessels: Esau as the vessel of wrath, and Jacob as the vessel of mercy.

Messages from Various Scriptures


  • Isaiah 46:10: Declaring the end from the beginning, with God's plans unchangeable and centering around his people, the Israelites.
  • Malachi 3:6: Emphasizes God's unchanging nature.
  • Romans 9: Esau was made to be destroyed, showcasing the contrast to Jacob, who represents God's mercy.
  • Revelation 12: Speaks about the downfall of nations and the rise of Israel as foreseen by God.

Historical Atrocities and Endurance

  • Daniel 9:11-12: Reflection on Israel's transgressions leading to their curses and trials on earth, unprecedented atrocities against them as described in the Bible.
  • Slave ships imagery: Detailed descriptions of the horrific conditions and treatment on slave ships that transported millions over centuries.
  • Bartolome De La Casas: The Destruction of the Indies: Exposes the extreme brutalities conducted in the name of colonizing and enslaving native American Indians and Africans.

Systematic Oppression

  • Esther: The context of Haman plotting against the Israelites, paralleling modern-day systematic oppression.
  • Psalms 83: The conspiracies by nations to keep Israelites unaware of their true heritage, the unification against them.

Biblical Prophecies and Modern Implications

Ezekiel 37

  • Description: The vision of dry bones representing the lost tribes of Israel coming back together, exemplifying the spiritual revival and reconnection to their identity.

Scholarly Backings and Observations

James Adair's Observations

  • Content: His 40-year experience and observations affirm that American Indians descended from Jews.

Mysteries from the Past

  • Discovery: Account of Jewish presence and communities in South America, suspected to be descended from the lost tribes of Israel.
  • Lord Kingsborough: His dedicated, life-consuming research and published works affirming the Mexican Indians' descent from the Israelites.

Modern Day Threats and Exploitations

Haman Vocab Malone and Modern Christianity

  • Intent: The mission is to keep Israelites from knowledge of their true identity, presenting a spiritual war against rediscovering their heritage.
  • Video of Vocab Malone: Speaks about the perceived threat Israelites pose to traditional Christianity.


  • Message of Endurance: From Matthew 10:22 - Enduring to the end of trials is key to salvation.
  • Action Point: Recognizing the manipulative systems in place geared to strip away the identity and unity of Israelites is crucial.

Final Note

  • Unity in Identity: Knowing historical truths backed by scholarly evidence reinforces the need for spiritual reconnection and resistances to remain steadfast against systemic oppression and deception.