Transcript for:
Exploring Dark Web Dangers and Plans

Donker web hoofstuk 35, plannen in die donker, plans in the dark. Greg is reading all the disturbing things you can buy on the dark web, when Plank is speaking behind him. He tells Greg that he did some sightseeing today, and he chatted to a guy. The guy sells fruit and vegetables.

And he asks about South Africa. Zander hears this and asks what he told him. Wat het je om verteld?

And then he tells him to give him his cell phone. He takes it from him and drops it on the floor. And it breaks.

Zander tells him that he can lose his life. Jij kan jouw leven verloor. And that they are under his roof and...

He can decide what electronics they can use. Plunk is sad that he won't be able to call Lisa. Xander asks who that is and Greg informs him. Xander is surprised that Plunk has a serious girlfriend, but he says, no, the apps track you.

Later that evening, Greg thinks about phoning his mom. I would say Marbel, but he saw how Xander reacted, so he would rather leave it. Later that evening, they go to the terrace to eat.

And Xander says that they should start making plans to find the baker. Greg sees Ayla and he thinks that she's beautiful. Xander takes out his notebook. He says that they should set up a profile, a profile of the baker.

Greg says that he is a chemist, a chemist, probably a doctor or someone with knowledge of viruses. Allah corrects him saying, Vaccines, vaccines. And here's someone prepared to kill people.

Zander asks, What do they think he does nowadays? What do they think? He's probably laying low, they think.

But he might deal drugs or black market medicine. Dwellemsverkoop of zwartmarktmedikatie. definitely has contacts, kontakte, even in jail.

Ayla says many of his contacts probably do business on the dark web. Hulle doen bezigheid op die donkere web. But how will they find him? They have to provoke him from the dark web. Hulle moet om uitlokken, with something that will catch his eye, a new project that they need help with.

But what? They think it should be something like what he has worked on, but not a flu vaccine. However, they should stay with a virus.

Helmut Bley by a virus. They need to think what will get his attention. Later that evening, they start sharing ideas.

Blank and Greg found a futuristic material called graphene. It is thin and it filters viruses and bacteria from liquid and can be used as a type of biohacking. Zander and Ayla also came up with ideas but they decide to work more on it tomorrow.

At the end of the chapter Greg says that if he only knew what would happen the next day. as he just found out what would happen the next day.