why so if I'm a man and I'm delusional and I think I'm a 10 and I step to a girl who's a 10 I'm getting rejected every single time if I step to a girl like the way men get rejected is upfront immediately I can't like if I step to a girl who's frankly out of my league I'm cut off of everything I can't get anything from her I can't get a date I can't get a conversation I certainly can't get casual sex now with bringing up casual sex I think you might know where I'm about to lead to you as women can secure casual sex for men who are outside of your league whether that's status whether that's looks whether that's personality you guys can sleep with men who are outside of your league they'll never give you commitment and that's precisely why it's more important for women to be based in reality when it comes to their looks than men although it ultimately doesn't matter cuz even if a man is delusional he's just going to get curved and rejected by girls who are out of his lead so what ends up happening is you think your league is the men you sleep with that's actually not true your league as women is the men that you can get commitment from and that you can get a ring from that's your league so an average 19-year-old chick who's just good-look can [ __ ] a famous rapper an athlete doesn't mean you can get commitment doesn't mean you can get commitment the difference here is is that as a man if I can sleep with a girl there's a very good chance I can get her in a relationship I can't say the same thing about women just because you can sleep with a guy doesn't mean you can get him into a relationship so that's why I think it's important to be like H am I [ __ ] with a guy outside my league if I think I'm a 10 cuz you'll think you're entitled to a relationship with a guy who's out of your league but really he's just using you which I object to I don't think that's right you got to move in the world how it is and the way it is is you're going to have hyper attractive guys who just want sex from you and if that's the the current dating meta and you think you're hot [ __ ] you think you're a 10 you think you're a baddy but you can't get commitment from all these dudes could be that you're shooting outside of your league and you're curving the dudes who are actually on your level who'd be prepared to give you commitment who'd be loyal who would treat you well and that's why you end up up hearing all these women complaining about all these [ __ ] boys they just want to [ __ ] they don't want commitment there's plenty of there's probably dudes who'd be prepared to commit to you you just think you're just curving them because you think I'm [ __ ] this guy who's this attractive this other guy over here wants to give me commitment but I'm not attracted to him because I can [ __ ] this guy who's really attractive give don't ever bring no sewer at Arabs on here again a bro I got this skip bro come on come on uh Mike Davis you can't can't say that bro uh okay thank you Mike Davis appreciate the pr uh that was a good call there Nick to uh um might might I extend to Mr Davis though that I do appreciate the $200 Dono and completely agree with you but I you know you can't play the Super Chat to okay um burmes Mountain tiger thank you for the gifted 20 Subs uh appreciate it though I mean Mike Davis I appreciate your patronage just we got to be careful with uh TOs here man um Okay cool so where was I I think I pretty much made my point but um yeah I guess just news flash really attractive [ __ ] boys will sleep with average mid girls and average mid girls think that's my league think I can get that guy and they'll just keep falling from dick to dick to dick thinking they can get that guy in relationship but they can't and then the guys who are actually in their league in their level yall just curving the these dudes who like are in your league and who are prepared to commit to you give you Etc so burmes mountains and tiger thank you for the gifted 20 Subs appreciate it bro do you guys disagree I don't know maybe so you guys disagree no women don't [ __ ] dudes outside of their league never happens no women no average mid girls don't have access to like famous rappers and musicians like famous I'm telling you famous women don't ever [ __ ] with like I mean it happens rarely but like they're usually dealing with like guys on their level but like who what makes you feel so confident like who are you to say that to a woman like what do you mean you're you're going based off of physicality again what he's saying is facts like women can always get sex it doesn't matter yeah that's yeah that part is correct but not the part that actually has to do with physicality he's saying oh a handsome guy is not going to get with a girl that's physically ugly I see so many Rich handsome men end up marrying a woman that's not even as physically attractive to him she's like not even at that level she's just like a cute normal regular girl so are you advocating that should you're advertising that women should you're advertising that women should just stay in their place and not go for the man that they want and if you have someone that you want and that they are righteous man they're a righteous leader to you go for it no matter what he looks like okay so this is what happens this is what happens typically so you have like huge huge swats of women who throughout throughout their 20s are chasing after these hyper attractive men they'll spend their 20s [ __ ] attractive dudes never getting commitment once once they're 30 oh okay let me settle down and it makes for a terrible marriage because she she thinks she's settling but it's actually a dude in her League she's going to treat that guy like [ __ ] she's going to resent him she wasn't able how it's her karma to ruin a d life because she couldn't get the [ __ ] hyper successful dudes who she could [ __ ] in her Prim who the leader in the relationship what does that to do with God that has nothing to do with anything can you finish your thoughts I want to see where you're going with it well I sort of got cut off here but I was basically just responding to her like that's what's happening y'all how is it false knowledge because you're you're using like you're not even using like a statistical basis you're using your opinionated to say that women should only talk to these certain men if you're going to sleep around then do this like you're going to get you're going to use and abuse if you're going to go for a hyper attractive male and I just think that's not a positive thing to say or a factual evident thing to say because there's no evidence B there's no evidence that [ __ ] boys exist but that doesn't mean he's hyper attractive hold on who wants a [ __ ] boy it's all about energy it's all about all everything not just all girls complain about [ __ ] boys after they get [ __ ] by them are you there's some girls like if she thinks oh he's hot and I'm like that guy is so ugly we don't have the same hyper attractive of whatc yes sure people have differences but like there are some men that like vast swaths of women will tend to agree that those men are really physically attractive in fact you're saying this is just opinion dating apps have released this data women swipe on only like the top 10% of men on those dating apps so these dating apps where women are basically essentially making assessments almost near exclusively or purely just on looks and it seems to be the case that so do you guys agree with let me shut up shut the [ __ ] up and let me finish my point God damn you keep [ __ ] interrupting holy [ __ ] dude okay so how could it be the case then hey what's his side combo back there they're still Whispering behind your back that's mean yeah in any case you've been interrupting all night and it's just you got to let people finish their point so okay how could it be the case then that there's a cohort of men on dating apps that get almost all of the attention on the dating apps and they're running through chicks this is just a whatever podcast like you're not saying anything like I'm you're saying whatever all I hear is whatever whatever whatever like it's nothing good it's just all this bullshit's hurting my brain it's just like G yeah you're high vibrational brain that can't understand facts andic speak High vibration you're speaking low vibration you're [ __ ] low vibration I what you're speaking is low vibrational you just cursed at me I never even cursed at nobody up in here so I know there's more than one way to be rude to somebody and you're constant interrupting there was no curse it's like it's like aru like that's the thing that's getting frustrating I think we're all tired none of us have energy because you literally argue to just [ __ ] argue like the answer is simple yes or [ __ ] no and then you want to argue and it's like getting tiring CU I don't even have the energy to interject cuz I'm [ __ ] over it because like he asks you literally a question and you're like but this is it's like oh my God you areal for [ __ ] sake just answer yes or no let's keep it on topic and let's [ __ ] have great conversations cuz none of us want to get involved anymore youit talk you are you literally AR aru my point of view yeah but here's the thing you don't let you don't let them finish everyone's been respectful you don't let them finish and you just want to like literally respond to respond it's like combative it's I hate to say this some like Middle Eastern women our women are like so combative that it's like you have to prove your point you don't have to prove your point it's a conversation listen to what's saying half of the time Andrew is saying exactly what you're [ __ ] saying but you're not even listening to him you're just like literally just just talking to talk a lot of times that's not true you're talking I'm still talking you listen that's what the [ __ ] you've been doing all night just learn to listen for a second as a woman it's nice to shut the [ __ ] up sometimes and listen you aren't even understanding what the heck God come on let's go literally sometimes it's the power huh no it's okay I just not going to hear you talk about fine it's exhausting my God you can do what you want that's why you're [ __ ] it's exhausting to listen to the same [ __ ] well he was calling on her multiple times you kept saying the girl with the Italia whatever because she just wants to argue overing communicate with them nobody else was speaking up that's our own fault it's cuz it's exhausting when it's like the same they want to argue I'm not going to leave anywhere then fine then leave it alone then just leave leave it alone leave what they can't have actual conversation we haven't had a new conversation the whole night cuz they want to have we we were trying to but they want they want to run out so it's literally simple if you want to have a conversation you listen you reciprocate you understand each other's points it's like just to say to cuz you want to voice out what you want to say it's like to want to be heard that's just ridiculous [ __ ] that over there yeah weren't those chicks your ride bro no first of all I drove them here we slip from Los Angeles La Hollywood California no are they really leaving though cuz then I no they can't leave yeah dude they walked out bro they walked out Peres thank you for the gifted 10 Subs what they Rage Quit yeah it was a rage quit see that's a thing like that's literally the childish [ __ ] if you're going to run your mouth all day and then somebody checks you you're going to run out that's [ __ ] move sit down and take it you want to keep talking and talking and talking didn't they call Andrew D it's ridiculous like I honestly I've been folling sleep just listening CU I'm like my brain hurt like no you're the power you have all the leverage and all the power yo Burmese mountain tiger thank you for the gift 50 sub you got all the feel like I just got they children bro they went to go they went to go get the smoothie I literally feel like I just got my energy back I know I'm like [ __ ] no seriously here's the thing like I'm all for debate's in the chat oh sorry sorry sorry I didn't mean to interrupt I didn't know who I'm saying like I'm all for like I I mean I love watching this show and it's like a debate back and forth but like even the ones I've watched people like women just listen they don't listen to anything that You' say they just want to talk it's like I just want you literally have asked I get it but when somebody asked you you answered like a normal person he's like hey rate yourself or it's a yes or no question you simple say yes or no well I don't know the [ __ ] sky is blue so I think my answer might be no that's what makes it special special but here's the thing there's topics to be passionate about and there's you just want to [ __ ] argue about everything that's exhausting they were just passionate about yeah and that's okay you should be passionate more I'm passionate about it but I'm not ignorant to just [ __ ] want to talk out of nothing like literally you I don't need to prove my point it's okay it's whatever it's whatever whatever yeah it's whatever yo w w for you though for uh coming to my uh my defense granted probably shouldn't have told her to shut the [ __ ] up but she was [ __ ] interrupting I mean you said it for all of us I feel like here's the thing you very patient everybody oh I did I thought that was a bad guy maybe a little bit just you us I mean it's not but here's the thing you have been very patient I feel like you you don't lose your temper if you were losing your temper like I think we all were making eye contact we were all exhausted like Andrew is just the only one that has the energy to go back and forth we're just literally tired cuz we're like I don't want to I don't want to even interject and talk to anyone because it's like the same conversation same thing going back and forth it's like I I I want to leave can we have our new guests introduce themselves I'm Madison I'm Morgan the faces of what sweet okay cool wow that was a good time uh Rage Quit major rage quit the vibration just raised in this cor the vibrations have have have uh yeah but I I still don't understand um perhaps you can enlighten me why exactly did did did they did they go I IAL had really contentious felt Str that was not one of them just Gerald well okay I said the words shut the [ __ ] up and then I said shut I said what did I say hold on what I shut the [ __ ] up okay shut the [ __ ] up yeah he said like that like that was kind of crazy yo and she said it too I didn't tell her I said as a woman there's a time that you need to learn to shut the [ __ ] up and listen that is very true a lot of come on picnic dress you've been a Savage the whole night you don't give a [ __ ] about somebody saying some [ __ ] you don't care I do that's what I've been trying because you're having a good combo so what actually led up to this that I don't really understand we have had way more brutal combos with people on whatever I mean way more I just feel I'm actually surprised drop the mic babe hit me up I get another pearl necklace for you dribble dribble even a decent man he's a Pioneer dude Nickelodeon you're a legend really good to see you back in the chat man thank you for your patronage thank you for the uh Dono TTS appreciate it man thank you thank you dribble dribble dribble is that like drizzle drizzle or some [ __ ] but okay well I should leave is it is it because of the no you should because I brought them here me here let mess you up had a great drove them here because they invited should should we try to get them back yeah that's what I'm saying like I like we all I got an idea stay there hold on I think I know where they are one sec hang on hang on now picnic dress okay I I get it all of you all of you have been chilling together the entire evening but there was nothing there that warranted a rage quit his ve no like you've been having fun most of the night we've been having a good Spar back and forth no I feel like everyone like was attacking into the mic or I can't hear I feel like everyone was attacking the fact that they were defending their points of views I mean if nobody else is going to say anything then why tell someone else to