Transcript for:
Joe Rogan Podcast - Discussing Science, Geometry, and Mathematics

Joe Rogan podcast check it out The Joe Rogan Experience Train by day Joe Rogan podcast by night all day gentlemen here we go Terren thank you for coming back it was a lot of fun having you on the first time obviously a lot of people wanted to talk to you after they heard all these uh ideas of yours and and then my friend Eric reached out and he said he would love to do it Eric one of my most brilliant friends um tell everybody your background like your academic background so people understand what you sure so I'm I'm a PhD in mathematics specifically in mathematical physics uh I've had positions in economics mathematics and physics departments at places like MIT Hebrew University of Jerusalem Harvard after my doctorate uh Oxford um and I'm a podcast in part very good podcast bring it back the portal uh you have a lot to do with all of these things this is my my one of my favorite episodes of any podcast was your interview with Warner Herzog oh man that was a great episode have you had him in here I have not but I would love to because it seems to me like that's the conversation I want to listen to I would like to Corner him because I believe that Grizzly Man was a secret comedy I really do there's something about the way he edited Grizzly Man I'm like this [ __ ] is being funny on purpose I know he is I know he's like editing these like short clips so it's the guy's so ridiculous that you start laughing I didn't see it cuz I for you haven't seen Grizzly Man you have different tastes sir how dare you by the way it's a work of art I need to also just say that I was not uh Terren I think you know I heard him on TMZ um I am not I was not looking for a debate I wanted to make sure that Terrence had his position steel manned so that anything that he didn't know how to do within mathematics that was legit uh gave a chance to put his best foot forward before he got like reviewed and uh I didn't ask to come on you asked to have me on I'm happy to do it because a friend of the show but well you reached out about the episode specifically and I felt like if anybody could talk to Terren and actually understand what they're talking about be yeah and after I watched the interview with you and Brian keading um I realized that you weren't trying to eviscerate me or anything like that you actually wanted to hear um uh a well put together argument concerning these things so I appreciate it you taking the time to come and examine these things and love to hear yourself but I wanted to say thank you to you Joe and for putting me on the show initially and for your audience for the how they responded and you know the support and the people that were against it because it raises the idea of critical thinking because that's what we're we're supposed to be doing at this crucial time is the critical thinking so I I I I thank all the haters and I thank all all the supporters and I thank the people that's on the fence and I'm hoping that today we can move people over to one side or the other well at least we can better inform people and Terren uh it's been really cool to meet you because I heard about you and you're you're an exceptional human being you really are you're very very unusual for a guy to be that good of an actor I almost always dismiss them as being a [ __ ] or at least crazy or at least crazy you know like but in a different kind of crazy like an like you're super friendly and your it's your recall is insane um but I wanted you to talk to someone who's had a deep education in it and uh let's see like what what he believes about these ideas and maybe you guys can collaborate or just like let's start from Eric like what out what out of the podcast that I did with Terren really stood out with you or something that you wanted to well what I thought is I got to I have to be honest I've been listening I was not so happy with certain things that happened in the podcast and then I started hearing the response to it and I was much more infuriated by the response than anything I heard in the podcast because I thought that a lot of people um just use their position of Greater formal education in some of these areas to be jerks and to be really dismissive and pretend that they couldn't understand things that you were saying and I no I'm not kiding heard because I think this thing goes out to millions of people and whatever let me just say something else positive about Terence what he just did was very big he said thank you to the haters I haven't gotten to that plane of existence got stay offline I telling you some people just shouldn't be reading the com it's not it's not the online stuff it's the academic stuff the academic stuff is really psych it's vicious stuff and it's always with like a pretend smile on the face so it's the worst and what I thought um I would do is I I can't critique a man if I haven't built a model of what he's actually saying in my own mind that he agrees with like if in other if I start coming after Terren and saying I think this stuff here is [ __ ] and he's like I didn't say that that's what you inferred from what I wrote then I've just basically insulted a person incorrectly and so and if I praise something I don't know whether I built that in my mind or he built that so the first thing I thought we would do is I would try to recapitulate what I understand of terence's sort of grand Arc and see whether or not I can steal man it and then Terren can say yes and then I can eval it but until we do that I don't know whether I'm actually reacting to the real man I think that's really important and what you said about uh the viciousness of academics I think that's just a human thing that exists at the highest levels where people are doing something very difficult and there's a lot of stress and anxiety involved and you attack even your peers because your biggest fear is your peers attacking you and usually generally it happens with people that are getting more recognition than someone who someone who thinks they should be getting more think deserve like someone thinks they should be getting more recognition they see someone getting recognition especially for something that perhaps could be controversial and then they start attacking them viciously but it's generally people that wish they got more attention it's part of the thing sure if you think about it though if you think about the number of people in podcasting who sort of have tried to lift each other up uh it's pretty good right like like you Lex all Sam Harris all sorts of people have been good to each other and one of the reasons that is is that there's enough money in it what happened in academics is that it went into a contractive state in which you killed or you died right and so basically the ethics of academics plummeted after the early 70s it was always it was always very competitive but the really what it is is it's it's the Hunger Games and um you know in acting for example that if if there's money among the elite set people have trouble with each other same thing in Tech m they kind of fight each other but they all get rich together and then they bury hatchets and things like that you don't see that as much in academics because it's it's uh it's killer be killed and so we've had an implosion ethically and so one of the things that I wanted to do was to try to just Begin by Steel Manning because I've been really disappointed in a lot of the critique that Terrence has experienced the funny thing is the scientists that attacked most of them was upset that I got into their land Lane and climbed into their Lane talking about science but here they're not inside a lab somewhere they're not in in at in Cambridge or Oxford somewhere they're on social media they're on the entertainment world and I've never set up and said oh you're you're full of us because you're you're you you have no business doing this but they got upset that I'm talking about the found foundational problems associated with mathematics that's held us back but I think if you think care about these ideas though what they should do is talk about the ideas it's the personal attacks that are attached to the ideas by people that want to be taken seriously it [ __ ] the whole thing up cuz like either you're correct or you're incorrect tell me what you think is right and then you tell me what you think is right let's work this out but this personal attack [ __ ] if you're talking about something as complex as the things that you discussed on this podcast there's no room for [ __ ] there's no room for [ __ ] you're dealing with such highly complex ideas says that and to his credit you know I found that interview you were doing with that woman where you're you see be wearing a wig I was doing the mov I was in the middle of doing fight night and they had a shooting I had to do the interview in between shots it's amazing it's amazing interview with the wig on it's amazing well I remember that line from high hills put that wig hat on your but bro you could pull that wig off you can just start speaking at Oxford with that wig on [ __ ] it but but anyway so Terrence was there wigged out and he was saying out literally literally wied out and he's saying this thing he said look all I care about is the truth and that freed me up to come on right because I the spectrum of of Terren from the best to the worst is a broad spectrum and he seriously wants to improve what he's doing he cares about it and if I can you know if I can be play a part in that I I think I love I I want to offer to you I want to be able to show you the things that I tried to show Neil degr Tyson that he would not even and really take a look at and to see no he did take a look at it right he responded in a a long video recently yeah but his response was disingenuous guys may I make a recommendation let's start with the ideas because I think we all care about those yes for sure but hold please because this is an important thing he was so disingenuous because I sent him a long email after he sent me back the red line thing thanking him for reviewing it and saying look forward to when we can discuss these things cuz I sent it the treaties to him so we could disc that on the show he his whole point was I'm going to bring you on my show and we're going to talk so here's the stuff we're going to talk about that I would be like to talk about he never followed up from that point forward just sent on line emails any other thing you got you got to go to somebody else so he's pretended like oh I was trying to be you know very helpful but that's not what the email Trails show so he did make this one very large response though right he did he did go over the Trea very like all the red stuff he only has so much time you know he might be in a position to defend him then he might be in a position where he's like look I I just said what I said about all this stuff good luck I don't have the time to like sit here and discuss these things in depth that's that's great but it's like you invited me to come and do your show I put this stuff together to come and talk to you on your show and then there's no followup with the show got it I I where's beer I understand it I mean I understand your perspective for sure it's like come on man let's got to a point where it's like a like a thing where he thinks it's ridiculous and he doesn't want to engage it on show Ridiculous amen and I believe that but if you got 97 98 patents and four super symmetrical systems that you're claiming you have and all you need is someone to R jump in I I don't want to do it this way that' be great we're just having a this isn't abouton this is a this a colleague of mine yeah this isn't about Tyson I love him I love him he I grew up watching him and I appreciated him but what is the problem we're defending him I certainly am because Neil's a complicated guy and part of what's going on is is that there's a problem in general which we scientists do not behave honestly with respect to certain things we'll make these claims but science is about communication and challenging ideas and and all these things and everybody can be a scientist and all these sorts of of things that we say science is interesting science is fun well very often it's not interesting very often it's not fun very often you can't really say that everybody can do science because it's super demanding um we don't welcome people uh you know you're a mathematician too we'll say that to kids and then the kid will say something and then we'll say be quiet yeah and so what this is not about this is not peculiar to Neil it's like science in general has portrayed itself as a place where everyone's welcome we bait out the ideas we have the scientific method to tell us what's true and what isn't and that's disingenuous it's not really how the game works and this is going to involve peer review it's going to involve people who are dual in terms of both doing research and being public figures people who are public figures who we think of as researchers who aren't really doing much research people who are you know pushing crazy agendas in public without a recognition that their colleagues don't think much of what they're doing I mean this is a very complicated story that Terrence has walked into and I have to think about my colleagues and I have to think about how they hear things what they will say and so I am in part speaking to your audience but I'm also partially speaking to a thousand people who are seeing this at a different level so but just for the record like I said I grew up watching Neo and having someone that was lightskinned that looked like me up there making these Grand steps towards helping people to understand I admire him and I still would like the opportunity to sit down and show him these things and have that beer because I think that he will be pleased once he sees the super symmetry associated with it and understand where all of the passion came from and I hope that other scientists will take a look at it but that's the whole point of us doing this I don't know how serious he is about that beer yeah right because I saw him say that right and you know that was a very complicated thing that he did and it had many layers as to whether or not you took it on the surface you took the hidden meaning and you took the meaning below that and so plunging right into that from the beginning in my opinion is not served uh very well by having the three of us here because the first thing is what is the nature of terrence's ideas I don't think Neil actually understood some of your ideas to be entirely honest no and he would he forget is when I say 1 * 1 equals 2 that's a metaphor for challenging the status quo despite the fact that the square root of two has all of its issues when you Cube it or you multiply by two which creates a contradiction def despite the fact that the square root of two has a problem in with the prime numbers the fact that they call number two a prime number when it's clearly a composite number any other prime number and I'll jump into this any prime number that you subtract from another prime number you always get a composite number except with the situation of the number two and there's so many people that and that's why the the prime numbers are unpredictable because of that problem Associated so there's been a problem with two for so long two is different I mean you will find that um mathematicians will often talk about uh proving something for characteristic not equal to two so they'll single out two is being just very very different so look that up when you when we're done I'm why but why what they do because in part of what you're saying the prime two two it does belong as a prime but it is also special and in other words I have the opportunity to straw man you if I want to because what you just said sounded crazy and I also have the pro possibility to steal Manu so all the algebraic topologists who just heard you know for characteristic not equals to to two they're like saying yeah yeah yeah that's fair and so in part by just jumping into the middle of this we don't have the benefit of putting your best foot forward because you know if you say 1 1 * 1 equals 2 everybody knows that that's crazy but what you actually may mean and what the fact that you don't use certain terms or the fact that you use certain pronunciations that communicate to me something very positive which is that you taught yourself you learn the stuff from reading about it because nobody taught you you wouldn't pronounce certain words the way you pronounce them true yeah so you know in part you always have the ability to make fun of somebody who pronounces a word the way it's read on the page and then you also have the opportunity to say holy cow that guy actually taught himself that's more impressive and so so in part what I want to do is I want to start by giving you your best your best foot forward and see if I even understood what you said when you went into this whole Flower of Life riff that becomes your your larger Theory and the only way I know how to do this is to see whether or not I actually grasped it let's go because you know I also had to spend some time I didn't spend a ton of time but you know my time is valuable your time is valuable so let's do this thing yeah so I I'll will follow your lead um what's going on with the number two CIA is in charge of the number what's up with two two's different because of what he said you know the fact that the even odd distinction isn't that odd though two is different thing the problem that assoc that's associated with the number two is because of the identity principle which I call the Jim Crow laws of mathematics that a times one I know you don't want to go it yet as a base just as a base you're going right into his neighborhood just as a you're in the mathematical Hood right now trying to keep the black man down no you got you have you you have um Maron France who argued about the the problems associated with the identity principle you got go Kurt godell who talked about it you talk you got Wells all of them said it made it made everything incommensurable just because they gave that identity principle to the number one and that has been the stumbling block for mathematicians because it it's what's held everybody behind because they keep trying to make that work am I wrong yeah you're wrong if we do it that way I mean in other words I I can take we what is is anything that he's saying correct he's Terren Terren has several influences which again I don't think it's clear to me I have to ask him questions to find out whether I'm even right look one of the problems is is I may be wrong about my model of Terren this the first time I'm meeting him I didn't know who he was before the podcast and um I just I need to know whether or not I'm even building the right model of Terrance because otherwise it's just silly to have me here and I'm going to critique what I built in my own mind from terrence's words right what I would love I what I was hoping is that you would be able to explain um your geometric Unity model that's a different day this about you okay then then all right then you guys definitely get that could be a whole another podcast but um what about what he was saying is incorrect just now he's saying things that are often at a level that are allegorical and you could make them so teren sometimes mentioned something called category Theory right and there's a weird way in which category Theory can take something that seems to be an analogy and make it precise and Powerful right so you can have two systems that don't look the same and you spot an analogy between them and then you say holy cow there's an exact um mapping of one system onto another uh in which uh it was unexpected that those are the same structure so for example we're going to get into something about multiplication where Terrence has an issue with multiplication but to the best of my knowledge you don't have an issue with addition I don't have an issue I don't have an issue with multiplication either I well then one 1 time one is what 1 Time 1 should equal two and action times an action if you can show me one place in the universe you just you just shifted no show me one place in the universe one natural observable phenomenon where 1 * 1 equals 1 where an action times an action doesn't have a reaction so then you just went into some there's a concept called logoi which is arguing over words and what you want is not to be caught if I can beat you in a word game or you can beat me in word you can beat me in a word game I didn't go beat me in a word I heard I I heard I by the way I heard you with BB King where he was having trouble uh improving on on the spot and your mind just rescued him with a partial Ro I really appreciate that cuz he's one of my favorites yeah he invited me to do a show that that was a big deal play with him I was scared to play guitar though with him I should have put out the guitar but I was scared I was scared to get on the stage play what I sang with him but yeah it's BB for appreciating that so let's get to the flower of life because that's sort of the beginning of these this exploration also but can you correct what he said about one time what is like what about an action and a reaction like so I was trying to get I was trying to get to something do you have a problem with the way we do addition I understand the addition is the addition the subtraction and division is all right beyond the only problems I have is dividing by you can't divide by zero but you can multiply by zero and if division is the inverse operation of of multiplication then you should be able to divide by but if you divide by zero you end up with an infinity and there was there was a great system put together by Marco rhen um The Vortex um base math system where they removed the zero but it's able to predict all the things necessary it was 100% precise as a model but it's been abandoned or it's been relegated to to the outskirts don't know that we we do do things where sometimes we can divide by zero um we have Concepts like the pointed Infinity where you can complete a structure that the original structure can't accommodate a problem uh an operation but you can complete it to a larger op larger system in which that that thing does become sensible so as an example of the one time one assume that Terren doesn't have a big problem with addition because addition doesn't have the division by zero problem okay it is the case that um if you take any two numbers A and B two real numbers right or make them positive M and take the natural logs of those two numbers and add those together then you take the exponent of that so we haven't done a times operation at all right right the exponential of the Ln of a plus Ln of B that is equal to the a to a Time B in other words addition and multiplication are what we would say is isomorphic or an ordinary person would say exactly the same thing so in other words if you don't allow me multiplication but you allow me because you you like waves so with waves you need exponentials and you need natural logarithms there's no way of changing the law of multiplication and accepting the law of addition because they're the same system the multiplication should initially started as exaggerated addition that was the whole point of it well the the real the the precise statement with would be that the positive real numbers under multiplication with the identity element being the multiplicative identity being one are isomorphic to the total real numbers under addition with the additive identity being zero and the natural logarithm and exponential are group homomorphisms that connect the two with one being the other's inverse so be by the principle of explosion the reason that people are in park going to freak out about your stuff is that we have a vulnerability and that vulnerability says that from a single contradiction if you can sneak one contradiction through TSA the entire airport collapses everything that we do just is destroyed and so the idea is that the security on mathematics and physics and physical sciences is extraordinary for outside ideas because the first contradiction in the unity of know destroys all of it if you've ever seen one of these Warehouse racking collapses where some forklift guy hits some strut and the entire Warehouse goes that's what you're dealing with with the principle of explosion and that's what that's the problems with the identity principle that they've been trying to work on for years for years it's Norman J wildberger talks about it it's it is what's because you have to cancel um conserv ation of energy and you have to cancel the the action and reactionary laws in order for one times one now I understand you're seeing one one time but because of the associative law the associative law that says if a and b are both positive integers then a is to be added to itself in multiplication a a is to be added to itself as many units as is indicated by being well hang on there if I change the word itself to the word zero which you're going to say there is no zero why do I say there's no zero because you have well this this why I keep trying to get back to what I understand terance is underlying metaph saying that there to to say zero zero is supposed to represent no thing nothing whatsoever but they have zero as a number set up as a number but to say no thing your brain creates a chemical structure even in saying nothing so there is what I'm saying philosophically differ there's a difference between the empty set and empty set that's the difference right so if I say to you Terrence what what is the collection of kittens that you have sold to North Korea to be used for spare parts you would say it's the empty set I've never I've never sold a kitten I say hey Terrence what is the number of kittens that you've sold for the internal organs to North Korea you would say zero so zero is the say none yes that's right so there is a zero but to multiply something by the nothing to multiply something by nothing don't they have to be dimensionally equal to in order to multiply like you can't multiply a human by an ant because they're not dimensionally equal well if if there was a thing called a human ant no that was your point about dollars right what dollar time Dollar times a dollar that was a a problem Decimal System that's no the problem comes up with the Dey Decimal System why a dollartimes a dollar can be different values based on different currencies that was that was the point of that I was pointing out hey the Dey decimal system is is Right Terence makes Terence makes a correct point that we say 1 Time 1 equals 1 but if you say a dollar time A dollar is not a sensible thing unless a dollar squared is a unit that you can interpret right that was your point about dimensionality right now the moment what is a dollar squ what does a dollar s becomes but since the dollar is no longer based on a hard asset it's no longer gold it's just an integer it's just an integer in the computer being multiplied it's a unit of account it's a unit of account but it's an integer that still a now you're able to multiply it under different currencies states are not allowed to print dollars but states are allowed to print as much change so who's to say that the state isn't saying okay we're going to make we're going to print we can get into senior which is the concept of theft that it occurs when either the fed or a counterfeit creates more script thereby devaluing the increasing the unit um the number of units that are in circulation decreases the value per unit right but my claim is you're going to do a series of things like I've watched how you deal with people in interaction and one of you know you've created an incredible effect Rick Rubin the hipop producer he he he did my album he he uh okay well that makes some sense because the first thing that happens is I'm awakened by a message from Rick rubben he's like how come you can't explain physics the way Terrence Howard explain that's not a way to get on my good side at 8:00 in the morning yeah but he's probably baiting you what he's always he's always B he's the best he's the best I'm trying to explain physics the way you explain it well okay I'm looking for a partnership at the end of this that's what I'm hoping to to win you over as a proel that's information does that there's at least one area that you have won me over in which I'm very excited about but I'd like to get back what is that area don't leave us hanging the the Lynch pin we'll get to it yeah but you can't leave us hanging well I'm trying to get back look I'm trying to do a service to this let me let me let you talk you just can't talk stop trying to control everything you freak he's got a plan I know he's got a very plan have a good time can I get an Iowas ccino actually is there a way to bring the temperature uh yeah we can lower the temperature in here yeah cuz I'm shitzen well you are wearing a jacket sir well because I'm trying to be professional that's hilarious isn't that adorable like I like how you dress man I do pictures that cold beautiful geometric pattern on your hoodie looks much more comfortable this thing you're doing everybody does that smart as you are you can wear a [ __ ] dirty Nirvana T-shirt you don't you come in you don't need this nonsense suit okay although I do enjoy a good suit but most of most of the stuff that I've been pointing out don't try to control everything the stuff I've been pointing out has been the blaring inconsistencies that they shove down and tell you just accept and I and if I hadn't have if I didn't come up with a separate Cosmo I didn't come up with it if a separate cosmogony hadn't been handed to me given to me ter that's why I explain that thing you you okay I'm going to be quiet cuz I I'll let's start with the of life you're wearing it on your shirt wear some aition of the flower that's right so I think the way I came to understand what you're doing because it's it's confusing right and the one thing I can't go with you on is I can't go on the Nantucket slay ride where we're talking about the Bose Einstein condens it and then we're talking about the I'm going to show you that we can do that but he wants to stick to specific topics one at a time because otherwise it's just I'll be chasing I'll be chasing after you and you'll get nothing yeah that was part of the plan today I just wanted to kind of let some of you want to start with the Flower of Life can Jamie can you pull that up from please from uh my book it's on page 12 134 uh TC or it should be in the regular thing and also that that blender thing is very cool yeah which for rebuilding of Saturn or no the one that you were talking to this other guy where he's asking you questions about the five forums and you have I I found that through sleuthy on the internet where it was it was doable and because it you know in particular when you when you do them opaque it's very hard to see sometimes when you let it become translucent it's easier to see well that's why while he's getting that I'm going to got it it's on your want no no no I don't I'm on your website I don't know exactly where the book would be oh um so one of these links just go down um you I think it'll be little more square root two no no no no no no um yeah if you just type into my book TCO that's what I'm look where's the book it's you could also Google OT o oot o t will will take you to that yeah 1 Time 1 equals 2 is acronym if you go to just go to TC and it'll be a pull up I'll TCO yep right below there teren Howard yep tap yep flower life let see if you just open up the book you got to open it though download yeah right there that's I don't know if that's what downloads the book don't let's see open I'm clicking that and that just takes me to this and then it's not doing anything it's not doing it let's try searching Google oot o e t and then several all right so if you go and then put in Howard um no or put in PDF should be able to pick yeah okay that's probably right yeah there you go okay and then go to page 134 on the right hand side you do have several additions yeah I didn't even that other one somebody else set up there to proba distract and keep people from being able to find it it's probably the government yeah we're going to do that later you're going to love that they're coming that just tap on the just tap on that that um Jewel right there okay okay so this is and we can rotate that with the cursor and get a oh what's great about this I'll be able to pull pieces out of it yes so just tap onto that drill that so we can start with this we can start with so the way I understand it cuz I didn't know anything I've seen this pattern before didn't know its history uh I know you can sort of construct it with ruler en Compass which is sort of a mathematical thing about what you can and can't construct with two simple instruments but what these overlapping circles are is a question and the way in which I got to understand how Taran sees the world as he says look there's this very old pattern that's distributed all over the world and there isn't a great explanation for why it's found in so many different places at least as far as I'm aware and part part of point and so I think you took a sort of straussian approach to this by saying I bet that this thing is hiding a secret and that the reason that this is widely distributed is that it's cryptic there's something that has to be understood that is not on the surface and then you said something that's very reminiscent of Plato's Cave which is that maybe this is like a shadow on a flat wall and that those two things are exploitable and so the idea that this is occurring in a surface is first of all suspicious to you because of that curved linear triangle that you see in black and so you said I wonder if you know people always say As Above So Below but what if you said as below so above and you imagine that there was a three-dimensional structure floating Above This that actually projects down to this and distorts down to this so that's the first idea first idea is it's not this it's the thing that projected to this and that's what you mean when you say opening the flower cuz the flower of when I was researching where the platonic solids came from this is the oldest version that I got from all the all the all of antiquity it came back to them well there are no there are no plutonic sols because you're in dimension two except for what you built which is the thing above in black but what they did years ago 6,000 years ago was draw straight Lin where the circles overlapped and I thought in in what I was reasoning with regard to all energy being expressed in motion all motion being expressed in waves all waves being curved and that there were no straight lines in the universe so I was like there's several errors in what you just said if I stop there we'll get off track again yeah but you should you should correct those errors while we're there okay it is not true that all energy is expressed in motion what energy is not expressed in motion potential energy is not expressed in motion if I have a weight on a spring which is sort of the quintessential people don't know this but most of physics comes out of the system represented by a weight on a spring so the simple harmonic oscillator is the heart of of all physics even the most theoretical physics it's very very strange thing hooks law when that weight is going up and down if the spring is frictionless energy is conserved now at the top and at the bottom that weight is not moving because all of the energy is in the potential of the spring it's in the stress of the the crystallization that has occurred with within that that system and then you will say something like the moment that but that energy is still being held together there is still energy there and it's still moving at at a microscopic level it's still spinning centr so we have to get into what you will make a point for example is that true what he's saying that it's still in motion it's just in motion a lower frequency no there's nothing moving at the the it let me let me get show you what goes wrong in the interaction okay teren says show me in nature a single straight line okay and I liked your point about ukian women that was awesome that was that was from Alan wat all right so if I if I show this to Terrence because I just bought this from the end of the seventh Ray lot straight lines lot of straight lines now teren or it's you would think is a straight line when you look at it under an electron microscope you're going to see the crystallin structure so again this configuration is an illus you're just saying it's not perfect it's an optical illusion because crystals form in symmetrical yeah very often like a lot of straight lines a lot of straight lines perceived straight lines but in but every atom is filled with empty space I mean we could take this down to like there is no matter that is we could get crazy well we we're about to well you've seen that Mexican cave it's the best example of it ever that Mexican cave is amazing it's insane best example I've ever seen of crystals yeah where you've seen it no oh my God it's insane just for a little Sidetrack let's take a look at it because this uh Mexican cave is probably one of the most spectacular things that exists on Earth by the way the spaceship behind you is supposed to be a mushroom Joe no it's a spaceship that's the classic UFO sh and that's me with the headphones um look at that how how is how insane is that this was created on Earth by just by Nature it's so different than anything else we see that it makes our mind go what the [ __ ] yeah like those are crystals how what happened okay wild so in this beautiful thing I would say there a lot of straight lines but I've also studied Terren enough to know that he's going to say they're not perfectly straight they're not perfectly they're not straight at all the moment you look at them through through electron microscope this is part of where we get into right so they're not precisely straight is your point and in in fact let's imagine that I but the Earth isn't precisely circular right no no five miles very far away we use this thing called the geoid which is not circular either but at least it's smooth we have many different geoids let's not get does seem odd though the Earth isn't round totally no it's well the Earth is aging it's being it's on its way out it's on its way out it it it used to be drink here we're falling apart we need some Botox we don't we're the earth needs Botox Earth you want to drink we can drink early not this early this early what does that mean American man you should be able to do whatever the [ __ ] you want godamn it I'm in swed and you're in Texas you're American man in Texas this is this is a free state sir what do you have we have whiskey oh I would love one that's what we need we need whiskey let's get some whiskey and some ice yes and then we're going to get into the wave conations I want to show you something and I wanted to ask your opinion before I forget there was a a recently well I recently found it online um of these two photons that were entangled and it looks like a yin and a Yang have you seen this no uh yes no I it's not true I have seen it out of the corner of my eye I did not study what caused this um I had to run it by you cuz you're probably the only one that I know other than maybe Terren that could understand what the [ __ ] they're saying I have a model of it okay I do I believe I believe you so what are they saying how did they see this like this Boton digital holography can someone explain that I maybe but I have I don't know what those words mean yet okay do you know what it means Terren like how they could see this a by Photon by always meaning to but soone got did they did they smash them are they smashing them together what's process of looking at it I that's a very good question and they using the same interferometer that that Michaelson Morley experiment which turned out to be it turned out that it actually proved there was an ether they just there's a paper there's a way in which you're right about The Ether to be blunt that's what I've listen to this statement in the beginning look you know put the bong down and listen to this High dimensional Boton states are promising resources for Quantum applications ranging from High dimensional Quantum Communications to Quantum Imaging just that phrase what [ __ ] percentage of human beings breathing on Earth right now have any idea what any of that means I imagine that you have a state in a um bosonic Fox space which is multi particle so you've got something in the degree to um level of a bosonic fox space where the two photons were created together and that's going to be where the entanglement comes from high dimensional I don't know what it means because I know too many different I assume it's a term of Art in this area and what they're saying is if I can create something that is geographically distributed but also linked at the point of uh creation like if a photon decays into a an electron positron pair those two are going to be entangled and if you make a measurement in a Quantum sense of of one you seal the fate of the entire system and so what they're trying to say is if you know if you want to get jiggy people always want to talk about faster than light Communications by taking an entangled pair and saying that if I do something in one place I know what happens outside of my light so we can give meaning to these things and then you have to say well it doesn't allow you to create information transfer faster than the speed of light you have to be very careful and precise about it but if you just start getting jiggy then you start thinking you introduce the thanks sir so The Ether so you know in part when I've been here on previous versions uh of J I talk TR there about Vector bundles and in a certain sense how do you have a wave without a medium the medium was supposed to be this ether but the medium is actually something called a vector bundle it's a little bit weird that you're a No it's it's perfect cuz the vector bum go go ahead I'm not going to you're a wave in a medium and you as a wave don't know that you're a wave and you don't know what medium you live in and it's it's funny that you go through life not understanding what you are no but the that Medium that that luminiferous Medium ether that Maxwell wrote all of his equations off of Newton believed that light was propagated on that same medium the only reason that special relativity came along was because they couldn't they had misread the results from the Michaelson Morley experiment because it did show a slight change or some drag but they from that point on because Einstein's theory of relativity was so easy and it predicted all of the movements of things it did they allow they they abandon they had a bad idea of what the ether was going to be and special relativity yeah in a certain sense and what you were trying to say the way I interpret it again and I don't know what if I'm right if we don't do the work is hey the spiritual successor to the idea of The Ether exists and that thing has properties and if you say if I put a vector bundle on top of a lorenzian manifold then you don't have a contradiction and if you call that The Ether that's more or less we what we work with and then we do this weird thing where we say well they used to think the ether existed and it didn't hahaa and that's not really cuz that's when they said that space was a vacuum and they realized that space vacuum it's not a vacuum not a vacuum you know how much is going on in that vacuum it's all going yes that all of this stuff I understand so this is the thing which is if you step on this thing the wrong way everybody laughs and says ha haa he doesn't understand the Michaelson Mor experiment he doesn't understand why there's no ether and then we secretly sneak it back in in this thank you thank you Joe Cheers Cheers Joe Cheers Cheers look at these professional spherical cubes yeah they're cool right round ice cream now I can have a conversation oh yeah no Freedom mental freedom in the glass so so or prison if you're careful about it it makes sense if you're not careful about it the whole thing blows up in your face and the reason that I speak about The Ether all of the wave conjugations all of my patents have been defining different aspects of The Ether I believe that I've defined the electric side the plas the plasmic the plasmoid side and I believe that I've defined the magnetic side and the Constitution between them I mean I that's what I want to show I want to get to that let's go back to the flower flower before you go from that other spot if you look at that picture again of those two photons interacting it looks like it's at the center of of what would typically be a Whirlpool this is like the very center of a Whirlpool so they've got them moving right in by each other or in creating that vorticy that natural vorticy that's what they took the picture of of they look directly down at something being uh at two lights moving a fluid and they described how they take the picture it's so complicated Jamie go back to where it was where they were explaining the um what they Ed here here it is here we introduced Boton digital holography in Ana in analogy to off access digital holography where we coin coincidence Imaging of the superposition of an unknown state with a reference state is used to perform form Quantum State tomography what the [ __ ] see but that's because of that's because of the uncertainty and schinger all of that but if you were able because they started off trying to predict an electron cloud if and and find a little particle inside of it and couldn't predict it so all these uncertainties and probabilities came out but they were doing things on a two-dimensional basis that's what I believe that I've figured out with the wave conjugations because they talk about the hyper that they show the pieces of hyperbolic space to where you don't have to go through all these unnecessary steps to reach it I am just so happy that someone's doing something like this I'm so happy that we can talk about it I I don't think most people have any understanding of what's going on at the highest levels of this kind of science because it's so damn fascinating these people are finding the the very building blocks of the universe and studying them it's fascinating but this is a bit up from that I mean the tomography is like how we assemble a picture of you and we do a NMR or a a CAT scan uh we have this thing called the radon transform where we send um you know waves through your body and then we assemble a picture of what's inside your body uh reconstructing it based on sending probes in and and measuring uh how the system responds we could get through this but I can tell you that I can't read this instantly it's going to you know that would take me 15 minutes with looking things up see and the thing that I wanted I I was just going to say it's just an unbelievably fascinating time that we can actually look at these Quantum entangled photons like that and just see it but we we need to do a better job look right now we're in a crisis where no one knows what's true nobody knows who's full of [ __ ] nobody knows where they can you know what they can trust who they can trust and one of the things that actually you know moved me to come and to reach out to Joe is is that by default um I think you know I've been I've I've addressed the National Academy of Sciences four times I think um because they were lying and I caught them and so they wanted to know how much I knew about their lie it's weird to think that this little studio in a weird way is one of the rivals of universities when we don't know what going on at Harvard uh as you you know have recently seen we we we we don't kick out plagiarists we we don't check what's going on at the National Institute of Health and so it's very strange that this table is one of the last things that is trusted by many people and that's one of the reasons I'm here which is people have a chance to see people in conversation about things and you know you screw up but the conversation's recorded and we all go on and people have a chance to see what's coming out now if we can go back to the Flower of Life I can try to I love that but like with the flower all of these things I took I went up to Oxford eight years ago and tried to present them there to be examined they didn't want to take me seriously because you keep coming out the one times one when I said the one times one but like I said that was a metaphor to say something's wrong something's wrong but they know something's wrong with the math it's not it's not so you you bring up renormalization Theory a lot renormalization theory is a way of saying we know that we're working with math that's wrong and on the other hand we have a way of working with math that's wrong even though we know it's wrong if you have an error of a particular kind and you can find an expression with the same error that's different in the denominator sometimes you can cancel the part that's wrong because you introduced it twice so introducing two problems is better than having only one problem because you have the opportunity to have one problem kill another so in this is is there a potential future where human beings through whatever means develop a superior method of mathematics that doesn't have a problem with the number two that doesn't have all these issues that we're talking about well that's what I think I've done with my wave conjugations it solves all of those problems that's what I I can't wait to talk about it okay it solves all the problem so this is like we said we start with the now I believe no no no we haven't gotten to the tetrion oh you're just talking about look you have a story yes and by doing the Nantucket slay ride you lose everybody like me CU nobody nobody thinks it's real and what parts of it are real what parts of it are wrong and what parts can be improved and what parts should be improved and how important it is is is never going to get adjudicated beautiful so you start off with the flower of life it's a very coherent story that this thing is found all over the world I learned from this I didn't understand how widespread it was uh I didn't know that there was a mystery of it I know something about sacred geometry is a kind of spiritual geometric thing we can talk about it later Terrence has a couple of ideas maybe three one of which is maybe it's not about that flower of life because that's in a two-dimensional plane maybe that is a shadow cast by something in higher dimensions and it's a cryptic message from an advanced Consciousness that will open its um Secrets when we finally understand it now there was something for example called the anti the mechanism which is a bunch of Gears found by this Greek island of anti Thea and famously it was just in the Athens Museum it predicts the constellation we didn't know that there were two cats who really focused on it one was named Derek DOA price and the other was Richard Fineman and they were obsessed with it and it turned out that that thing completely rewrote our understanding of how much ancient wisdom knowledge there was because this was a mechanical calculator for understanding the positions of celestial objects far more advanced than we had any idea idea was possible yeah so if you want an analogy in part I'm trying to steal man you I'm we have a situation in which the anti the mechanism gives you a possible example of what the Flower of Life might be it might be a cryptic instruction and a different version of this the carola school of astronomy which was a Rel ious School in the south of India in the west coast of India um more or less worked out look at that beautiful thing well that's a that's a reconstruction yeah yeah that thing yeah that's the real one but I mean what when you look at the actual reconstruction what they think it actually look oh if fascinating can we get the video for the reconstru it's mind blowing what year was this that they believe it was constructed 2,000 years ago this is when they still belied in t you know example of the world but this doesn't seem to follow talic um equations those 39 equations from there well it's you know because of so many different factors War natural disasters there's been a lot of moments in history where [ __ ] got lost just the the SP this the pyramids are the best example that right like what the [ __ ] did they do we don't really know you know we don't really know how they did it well another we're just talking about verer Herzog verer Herzog created an entire film Fitz galdo just to test his theory about how to move heavy objects over a mountain right so he wrote he wrote a an entertainment to test an engineering Theory and this idea about entertainers um not being scientists or Engineers is just total bunk like verer Herzog is an engineer and he's also actor in a cheeseball movie he was in Reacher with Tom Cruz he was the bad guy it was yeah that guy had an opportunity to cut off his finger or something hilarious hilarious he's good though um Heddy Lamar famous for spectrum technology so I Wii essentially that's one of the reasons I just I believe that we listen to people who have have things to say so if we go back to the flower of life so Terrence has a couple of ideas one of which is this is the shadow another of which is that um once you go into higher dimension you should be thinking in um so you should be thinking uh of these curve linear structures and then instead of focusing on the Spheres you should focus on the areas in between the voids and in crystallography you might call this the interstitial the interstitial voids um so there's several ideas that this confused by the way Neil degrass Tyson because he said I don't know where these shapes come from but they are beautiful that was like the faint praise that he ends his critique with so what Terren is doing here is he's saying look this the circles are are cross-sections of spheres and the Spheres have to be placed in very precise places to generate what Terren is going to start talking about as wave conjugations and he has different ways that spheres run into each other then he says something very cryptic where he says say if you drop a pebble in the center of a spherical Lake circular circularly symmetric Lake the wave will radiate out until it hits the wall the shore and then it will radiate back and so he's talking about this he says wave conjugations and wave conjugation didn't call up anything directly when I heard him say it they would call it a phase conjugation well or they would talk about you know the conjugate wave coming back if you know if if you do something uh yes like a garden hose that's affixed to the wall the wall it'll hit the wall and come back or something so what Terren is talking about is the idea and you could do this where we could drop like let's say six stones in precise places in water and then you know using super slow-mo Watch What Happens as these waves in precisely placed places run into each other because really what physics is is waves in collision and they're going to create a particular simatics which is going to show the harmonic points where matter and all of those things occur that's the predict I'm not going there yet okay okay so then what Terrence does is he has in blender um some means of bringing up platonic solids that are not the usual so I bought some of these platonic solids uh from Amazon on and you see that they're all uh extremely cartisian they're made up of flat faces our best attempt to do flat faces teren says I don't think that that has to be the case if you generate these things from this pattern um and he focuses on the tetrahedron and an octahedral structure can you go up Jamie please so we can see it as um from that that side perspective of it yeah go around okay so what that is is a curve linear tetrahedron with spherical and it's not actually hyperbolic those are going to be um positive curvature not negative curv no it's like that's going to be positive curvature compressing in yeah I think it's positive curvature because those are going to be parts of spheres the Spheres are interacting pushing negative curvature would be more like a Pringles trip chip where the principal axis of curvature went in different directions so I think it's not negative curvature so this isn't the negative space between four bubbles no what you mean by negative space negative curvature and negative space are different concept so the word negative is appearing twice and that's why we're confused again you know there are a million of these gotas where you're can you uh describe the difference between the two sure if I take the tip of my nose that's going to be positive curvature because I've got one uh extending out one curve going One Direction the other is going in they're curved in the same direction on the other hand if you look at like the crease of my nose um that's going to be negative curvature because I've got one that's going like this and another that's going like that Jamie is it possible to take a look at a monkey saddle so that would be negatively curved right because you'd have you'd have things going in opposite directions that looks like a cool seat yeah that look a little comfortable Okay so netive curv yeah so negative curvature would be what we would be talking about with like um hyperbolic space and spherical curvature would be what we're talking about with the inside of those curv linear triangles on his so he's making again I don't see this as this isn't where I think it's worth you know saying he's wrong he's just doesn't know the language and doesn't know that there's a a formalization of it now if you take um so the other structure that he keeps running across is an octahedral curve linear um I don't know what it's not really a platonic solid because it's not flat it's if you go and push you have to push on the um Jewel on the side Jamie if you go to the side of the thing press on that Jewel and then go to the perp to that blue on that right that blue yep and then you get where eight bubbles went so now what he's doing is he's saying if I had have eight Bubbles and these bubbles all each face of this object this octahedral object um he's taking a a sort of curv linear triangle on a sphere and he's imagining that these things are all sort of racing towards each other um and how would you gener no no no don't if you put those two in is going to go into a different world so if we take you can just tap on each one of those tetrion just tap it it'll go away tap it it'll go away now how would you generate so Neil doesn't know where this comes from right now the way in which uh you would do this I believe is that you would take a let me think about how you do this um you take the eight tetri eight no no no you take the eight vertices of a cube and you'd put a sphere at each one small sphere so imagine that you had a Vertex uh at one one one in three-dimensional space and then you had another vertex where all of the vertices are going to have either ones or negative 1es so you have eight possibilities so you could have negative 1 one one or one negative 1 NE 1 Etc you allow those spheres to increase to a size of square < TK of two radius and that will close off all of the means of Escape leaving a cavity in the center of your Cube and that Cube will have an octahedral cavity that looks like this that's how I think you generated the sucker I actually generated this by putting eight of the pieces together I took eight of those triangular pieces together and I put them together they basically became the bases of two tetrion yeah you know which this would be seen as a neutron and the interesting thing about this piece right here is nature always makes things in in pairs and they're always balanced this doesn't exist this exists only as a result of a pressure condition a higher pressure condition Jamie if you go to that last blue P tap that last blue on yeah pass the the not the last blue the go around one more time that one right there that tet that huntan only exists as a result of the four of the eight pressure conditions created from hold on you you'll appreciate this tap now tap on that tet the hunti in in the middle no no no not that one damn it you got to start it again you can yeah hit that one again and then tap on them on to yeah tap that make that go away that right there is the pressure condition created from eight tetrion interacting and they create that other greater pressure condition that's the negative space that they generate but it doesn't it's a massless area because the moment that the tetan disappear that space goes away and the energy generated disappears but it's a part of every thing in the in in my you're putting a lot of words like first of all let's just ad admit that this looks gorgeous it's incredibly cool turn it around Jamie so they can see it please so you know the problem teren is is that you have a desire to go immediately towards what this means right and before you get to what it means people don't even know what it is true right so what I'm going to claim is I've got these eight rambutans here what's a rambutan it's like a gorilla testicle you never had these no what are they is that fruit it's like Lee oh lee I've had Lee but this is I think rambut is the Indonesian word for hair where'd you pick those up uh Ranch 99 Market he would have got you some flowers but the light changed if I take eight of these suckers okay and I arrange them in a cubicle formation there's going to be one of terrence's things in the center in the center except they're going to be they're going to be six holes uh for the sides of the cube where you can get in now what Terrence is saying is imagine that these are special magical rambutans I can't even hold this thing and that you allow them to grow a little bit bigger so that those holes CL close off by moving through each other imagine that they're made of magical substances in the center you're going to get one of his curv linear octahedral structures which is the thing that he just subtracted off he calls it the Hun if you tap on the pink right there you'll be back to that um oh the next one next to it I don't wow that shouldn't have done that okay so what's what's going on is that for example is that thank you Neil can't figure out well where did this come from so what it is is uh spheres of radius run2 at the 8 vertices of a cube uh passing through each other but closing off an octahedral cavity with positively curved triangles inside that's what I needed you for well that's what I just when I needed you most thank you pretty glamorous okay well can I ask you Terence before we go any further what was the inspiration for diving into this like what Revelation did you have that caused you to start looking at this as a 3D structure in the space inside of it I'm they're going to call me crazy again but it when I was 42 and had been kicked out of the world as a result of the allegations I to I had another dream and that same being woke me up and took me back to where I was when I when I was a child and I saw the I started putting the pieces together the all shapes in your dream in in the dream together and then I was like oh so it it's where four forces meet that makes a difference so when I put four spheres four circles I cut four circles out and I made the all shape and then when I started adding them together then I saw the Flower of Life I didn't see the Flower of Life initially I saw that after when I'll show you the piece the all shape is a different thing because in this case in order to do this what he did is he said I'm going to make mathematical spheres they're going to start to intersect each other right and the intersections uh are going to be ignored because it's made out of fictitious math material until they close off the holes in the cubical lce structure leaving octahedral voids with this kind of curvature to make what he calls the all shape you do something very different you start off with a tetrahedron which is distinguished among the five platonic solids as being selfdual that is there are four vertices and there are four faces and you can interchange faces with vertices and in fact I don't know if you guys have these things you have this no what is it so this is an engineering feed so if you think platonic solids are old a guy named Chuck hberman figured out how to take the self-duality of a tetrahedron and you can change the color of the sphere by throwing it up and effec ly if you think about the four dots on the surface of one of these in between them are four triangles and he figured out a mechanism we can cut one of these open there's a gearing mechanism inside that's hidden from the P public where you get a do you hold that up so they could see it so the audien could see it so as you pull this thing apart it can change colors yeah if you spin it spin it ever so slightly Joe oh wow yeah all right that's for you guys it's cool right yeah that's very bizarre all right now my point is that one of the things that Terrence has going against him is people are saying oh you know he's just playing with stuff people have played with since Antiquity there's nothing new and then I would say Well then why did CH Charles hberman create a mechanism realizing the self-duality of the tetrahedon nobody even talks about it that way and by way here's something that people you know play Dungeons and Dragons they don't really even have any idea of is if you take the five platonic solids here and you put the tetrahedron in the middle and you put the Triangular structures of the octahedron and the icosahedron off to the sides there's a duality that interchanges the pairs with the center being self-d in other words the cube has six faces and eight vertices the octahedron has eight faces and six vertices the dodecahedron 12 faces 20 vertices the icosahedron 20 Faces 12 vertices they all have all these pairs have the same number of sides because the number of vertices plus the number of faces minus the number of edges has to equal two for anything that is spherical in nature now if all of my things when when they come together if they create a natural dodecahedron and they create a natural icosahedron what does that say they do and they don't they do no I'm going to show you I no I'm saying you haven't seen yet I haven't shown you yet but they they will when you see it so T why don't you show it to them right now we're on it right now show it to them right now shout out to all the homies right now trying to figure out what the [ __ ] going on like what are these guys talking about holy [ __ ] legalize schedule one and then I'll have to explain so we can't we can't hear you Terence you're not on camera right now unfortunately I'm speaking to myself right now right speaking to myself the problem is it's in the middle of a podcast how's the family he everything's great man how you doing good saw your dog liked I met Marshall for the first time oh that's right you'd never met him before he's the best he's he's a lovable guy him and uh Carl they were getting after it is Carl worn out oh yeah oh he's done yeah I wore Carl out everybody wore Carl out so so here we are I'm going to first got Terence no one can hear you I know you can I know but we we have a podcast going on right now yes we're about to put the headphones back on right here next to it the problem is you were talking off in the distance I can't even hear you and I'm right here so so this is where if you'll go to where the 12 bubbles meet yeah on the thing so these Joe okay can I finish my may I finish my Riff on those toys before we get to these toys sure my point was that I cry I call [ __ ] on the idea that because Terren is playing with stuff that people have been playing with since Antiquity that you can't come up that there's nothing new Under the Sun because if there's nothing new Under the Sun first of all how Charles hberman come up with something so cool second of all that means that there's an object that hasn't been invented I give this to high school kids you should be able to throw one of these up as a cube and have it come back as an octahedron you should come up with a gearing mechanism and you should be able to throw up a doca hedrin and have it come back in your hand as a differently colored icosahedron and I've never seen those toys just the way the rubic's cube came out of nowhere uh or hungry and uh that thing took over the world by storm so to claim that a guy can't do engineering on platonic solids and come up with something new the Rubik's Cube the hberman switch pitch uh these things prove that that's not true I think it's a foolish thing almost always to pretend there's nothing new Under the Sun you should always consider it well the difference it might not be correct but there's only one way to find out well there's a difference between you see Terren has much greater odds of contributing to the world of engineering than he does to the world of mathematics I mean the odds that he's doing something new in mathematics I'll be blunt are very very small even though I have patents on it that shows that all of this is I don't want to go there the patents do not speak to what you think that they speak to that's okay and look you you you can see into my heart I'm not trying to no no no no no no no but we were talking I I told you that they produce a super symmetrical structure when you say super symmetry I don't know that you know what a super symmetry is what does Super symmetry mean to you Terrence super symmetry means that all things come together fit together relate to each other they they come they're self-re referential and they are from a fractal that comes back to that same fractal space that's super symmetry so what you mean is a symmetry that is amped up but super symmetry is a reserved term that means something hyper particular and that's what between bans and Fir on that's what this is this is the the bans the for the Layman out there the Boon the cloud that the whole boson thing is the force field or the energy field that the firion is considered the matter aspects of it so if we can go into his he's got five of these patterns one of which he calls the what is wrong with the term super symmetry then I want to see an Al an algebra which is a linear Vector space which has a an object called a bracket and I want to see that that bracket obeys a super jacobe identity and otherwise there's no super symmetry so it's a specifically used scientific term Reser term of art yeah but it's it's geometry is its own proof super Symmetry and geometry allows you to to visualize like you look at the ocean and you see the super symmetry associated with it I think what he's saying is you're talking about a thing and you're using the term super Symmetry and he's saying that super symmetry only applies to a very specific thing because in their mathed no in their math the platonic solids like I said before have a discrete symmetry you can only line up the blocks and all of those things you can't put all of them together and tell a full story to where they fold into each other I I I don't think he's disagreeing with you with that I think he's disagreeing the term you're using a reserve term of Art and you're using it incorrectly and you're going to pay a penalty in which okay I don't want to pay no this is a thing where like if I'm watching an MMA fight and someone's doing commentary and they call it kick wrong I'm why are you doing this you don't even know you don't even know what that is like you you incorrectly reference something that's very specific that we've been talking about for a long time if if if you're getting intimate with your lady and you're into rough play and she's not wearing any clothes is it a rear naked choke if she grabs you from behind no a rear naked choke is a particular move yes doesn't have anything to do with what she did right so is there unless she gets the hooks in question in in in the world of in the world of physics in the world of mathematics is there a super symmetrical system geometric system ever been produced in mathematics yes in mathematics yes we've never seen super what what super ponre algebra yeah but that that that's not that that's on the plane that's not that doesn't that's not volumetrically that doesn't scale up Terrence you have an entire way of thinking that is completely foreign to everyone that I know and I've tried to understand what it is oh I'm sorry no it's not a question I don't think he's saying this is a negative no no no I didn't see it as a negative but what I'm trying to say is if the reason that science works as well as it does is that up until very recently there were clear rules cultures we agreed to leave certain things that are at the door like our religious beliefs we agreed to submit to certain sorts of things we were decent to each other and that system isn't a process of collapse at the moment all right now what well Terrance comes from an earlier way of thinking when things were much more wide open you don't find many polymaths anywhere in a respectable position anymore um Terren is coming from a polymathic perspective he's all over the map in terms of the quality of his thinking as as far as I understand some of his stuff is really really good some of his stuff is offensive and it's everything in between now I'm not gunning for you no no no that I don't take that offensively I I take it in I'm the fact that you're here but let's get back to what I was saying about having if my pieces naturally come together and form those same structure well here here we have how do they not Eric here's well I'm going show them here's where 12 bubbles meet if you go to the yellow one right there um Jamie please tap on that this is where the negative space where 12 bubbles meet I call this the auban I named it after my oldest daughter okay you can take a look at it at how it behaves here Joe okay so you can have it and you can have a larger one or smaller one by the way I would be honored to have I'm give you some of these anything that you make of this type in my home very very cool I'm about so when I put 10 of them together they look like this yeah I put 20 of them together they make a natural icosahedron yeah without without breaking any rules I'm saying that the the I believe in this this I don't I don't disbelieve I haven't gone through the math but I don't disbelieve this I'm not I'm not I want to I said the same thing about one other thing so here's the light unit if you'll go back to the green Jamie please this is the light unit now now now we're going to get into some stuff that's not going to be so much fun but it is going to be you you are going to get what you want no you're going to love this you're going to love this CU what I'm going to show you as I said whoa and what you said concerning here now look at that that's pretty dope put that down and it'll show you this is where 20 where I've put 20 of them together the same way I put 20 of these together and it makes a natural do decahedron but what it's showing you is where electricity is being pushed into the center and you'll see these magnetic waves coming out it's showing you the magnetic field so these predict and create create a natural doca hedrin whereas these come together and create a natural iicasa hedrin that's not something that just happens by accident no this isn't an accident you this is I'll put it what's going on Terrence for me um can you connect all these together in one big ball of Fury yes they just keep getting because it's super symmetry they all fit together see these and these together it ain't super symmetry but it's freaking cool right I know what you're saying the problem is that term right keeps using term my my my my point is that you can run into all kinds of terms of Art in a field that you don't know well right and Terren is like I come on your show and I do this thing which I've never really discussed why I do it I have this feeling that somehow Sean Caroll 15 years ago started talking about a suite of ideas like entanglement the Multiverse um these boltzman brains whatever and people have been talking about them ever since because it was a very successful tour much of the coolest stuff in mathematics and physics that's completely established that's non-speculative is not discussed and I don't know why and one of the things that I tried to do was I tried to show you the Hop vibration I tried to do the thing about the direct string trick um Terren is bringing cool stuff from the world of geometry um it's a proof effectively that people don't know where it's coming from a lot of this is real as geometry he if you look at the thing that he calls the tantin or tetri what the tetrion is a the tetrion the tetrion is just so the tetrion that is the thing that is closest to us the black thing that is closest to us tap yeah that one so he then starts to make noises about it and he says things that I don't love which are that those faces he Associates with the electric field and the vertices which sometimes he calls vortices and sometimes ver I I'm not quite sure he Associates with the magnetic field yes now I don't have a clue why he says the next thing which is and because the number of magnetic and the number of uh electric things are balanced they cancel out and therefore it's the weak Force and to me it's just like super cool stuff and then suddenly turns into horseshit but listen why here we have this those two tetran on the end they share they both have equal poles four electric poles and four magnetic poles according to how I see it that where magnetism is spinning off of the tips the vortices because it's no longer able to maintain that Center space of s spinning C I don't know what the hell you're talking about yeah what what brought you to that conclusion with what the way you're describing the energy involved in this well anytime you look at electricity that was one of the things that that Victor Shaw Berger was talking about electricity is it's when water starts to spin to the right it cools down that's the natural nature of electricity electricity is colder it it flows better in the coldest environment so those as it's cooling down as it's spinning down to a higher point trying to get to that higher Point that's the highest point there it's looking for the highest density that's the north north is always the highest density South no matter where you are South is always away from the higher point when you're talking about universally not talking about geographically on the earth North is always seeking a higher position South is always seeking a lower position that's based upon stuff that Walter Russell talked about based upon the stuff that that Victor Shaw Berger talked about but it's a problem with the the definition of the words the terms right but your description of electromagnetic force and magnetism like what what or what what is happening that it's bringing you to this conclusion that you're so specifically saying that something that you literally can't even see with the human eye is happening very clearly I'm saying four magnetic fields right are pushing in on that area I don't see magnetic fields I see those spheres would be magnetism what does magnetism do it expands out what what brings you to the that well I say radiative field let me use the term radiative do you know what we think electricity and magnetism are you think that it's the same thing no part of the same Force you have them coupl together Jamie could I ask you to find a ferad a tensor yeah what I was trying to get to the conclusion like magnetism and electricity like what brings you to this definitive conclusion that you can so clearly state that this is what's happening there well based upon anytime there's an electric force acting on something it causes a cavity electricity is always pulling in from the inside it's always trying to tighten the density and you assume this energy exists in the hour of Life why because that's where all those all those circles the overlapping circles they represent the magnetic field they represent the radiative field that's coming out and coming back well how why does a bubble take the shape of a ball why not a square or a triangle what's the per what why does it expand into a sphere bu a sphere is an abstraction that it's going to be the solution to many different problems if I ask you to give me the maximum possible volume with the minimum possible area I'm going to get a sphere if I ask you what what is the best thing to launch out of a an old style Cannon and to stack next to it you're going to say a sphere then you have a question about is that the same concept of a sphere you know if I take the three-dimensional sphere of unit querian uh is is that the same concept of a sphere you are in part freely associating repeatedly between things that remind you of other things now you have an incredible Storehouse of things between your ears that you know to associate with and your brain is like I mean in part it's like if you think about the totality of your brain it's like a Ferrari engine and a Volkswagen the Volkswagen chassis is not capable of supporting something else that you're doing really well and so what you're constantly doing as far as I can tell so the chassis being education formal education it's not just that I mean it's in part people who see many connections are often bad at cleaning up their own stuff and people who don't see connections are often very rigorous and they don't do [ __ ] for their entire life right see that's why I like I love the geometry because the geometry demonstrates even though I've been autodidactic and have learned these things on my own the geometry is its own proof like even in showing that these become do that these create an icosahedron let if you move those just for a second Eric you pulled this up though before we get any further away from the explain this please electromagnetic tens what you see that F super muu is an anti-symmetric 4x4 Matrix that is there are only six independent um components because if you if you flip that Matrix from the Northeast to the s from the Northwest to the southeast as the line of which you flip over with the zeros the things above the zeros determine the things below so there's six independent entries in the top triangle now the top three are the electric components in a cartisian coordinate system of the of the tensor and the B fields are the magnetic okay Terrence could say something closer to what we understand reality to be he could for example hold up a cube and say you know the six faces of the cube remind me of the six independent entries in the electromagnetic field strength and then the idea is there's a duality and The Duality relates the electric field to the magnetic field and then he might invent something called uh all of Monon in electromagnetic Duality right so in other words if I took the top three um if I hold the cube up like this and I put electric above and uh magnetic below and then I did a transformation that took top faces to bottom faces he would be doing something that might bring him to recent research on electromagnetic Duality but instead what's happening is is that the Spheres are reminding him of waves like you know wavefronts that are expanding spherically and he's got super cool geometry that the reason that this is so cool is that we haven't seen much of it it's not saying that it doesn't exist I'm not saying he's the inventor well I am the inventor cuz I own the patents to it okay but you can find out that there's prior art later look everybody everybody's been love to see that like I said though I think ter I have no desire to take this way so far as I know you're the first person to do this okay now with that said you're taking something where he's saying real stuff about geometrical understanding based on a a spiritual undertaking and it used to be that spirituality and science were hand inand that's what I was trying to say about the carola school that figured out almost got calculus coming out of religious verse like stuff that rhymed it's crazy Terrence is coming from an older perspective where he's drawing tons of inspiration from all these different sources I can track it but like good luck finding people who can track this because the number of people who can do this is very very small but that's the problem okay go I agreed now then every time he steps on a landmine my colleagues just start laughing and that makes me crazy because they could help him figure out what actually he is trying to say so if we go back to his this electromagnetic tensor how does this apply to these these patterns and the void in between these patters that thing we did not understand until the mid1 1970s remember I tried to tell you to get Jim Simons on this podcast and he just died Jim Simons and Cen Yang figured out and this is going to figure into what Terren is saying that everything all forces are curvature it's not just gravity which we've known has been curvature since 1915 actually 1913 for Einstein grman it's actually the case that electromagnetism the weak force and the strong force are a different form of curvature which might be called osmanian curvature or Fiber bundle curvature which is not necessarily ranian intrinsic curvature this object encodes the curvature encodes electromagnetism as the components of curvature to your point about nothing is nothing is a straight line but that's this is where I have issues you're talking about this is in cartisian space and in cartisian space curvature is not allowed there's no curvature that's allowed in cartisian space so that's wrong really yeah because what you have and by the way this is super subtle thing we've only really known this for 5050 years thereabouts there is a weird mysterious Circle that none of us can see at every point in space and time that we can't derive from space okay you can have space time and something else put a circle at every point that we that is obscured from us and that thing has a curvature even if space and time is flat so we call the idealization of flat SpaceTime in kovsky space you can slap a curvature tensor of a circle on top of it generate this and it wasn't until and this is mindblowing can we get the aerono bone effect up here see but that's where I I'm my biggest issue is why go through all of those steps to Define curved space with flat plain Matrix when you have the definition of it right in front of you that's why when you you get a chance I'd love for you to lay these out so you can see it predicts every distribution every wave form there's nothing that this doesn't I want you to think about you ever played blackjack I've never been good at Blackjack okay well that's never been good because you're sitting over you're sitting always over over and you're sitting there on 19 and you say hit me and all I hear is hit me on 19 and you keep going over okay all right now this thing here here is a proof this this is a gift for you this says we did not understand classical electromagnetism until the late 1950s well after Mr Maxwell now what happened is we thought electromagnetism was that thing with the electri magnetic field components that we just saw if you put a a a a wire coming out of this plane of the screen and you insulate it where it says solenoid can we just isolate that mhm we can see it yeah okay now you have this crazy thing which is like you have a cathode ray tube at a let's imagine and you shoot it through a double slit and you want to know whether or not there's current flowing in this insulated thing that you can't see now you think that the insulation is going to keep you from being able to tell whether there's current flowing turns out that the interference pattern um changes whether there's current even though there's no e andb Fields outside of that insulated structure and that proves that it cannot be the electromagnetic field strength that actually determines electromagnetic phenomena what's really going on can we can we call up the electromagnetic four potential so one of the things is if you want to if you want to hang with the cool kids on any of this stuff you don't try to map electromagnetic fields because it's the electromagnetic for for potential that's got it going on let's that thing um thats cool I'm looking for something that looks like a equals and then four components Well's let's hit that thing what you just had that that's good that that a where you see partial derivative of a that thing is called the gauge potential and the gauge potential the force potential the gauge potential is really where the electromagnetism is happening this thing over here on the right the the Faraday tensor is a consequence of the real star of the show a is the thing that matters and we thought that a was a convenience product that constructed the electromagnetic field strength until the late 1950s I think one of these guys who developed this his name is Yakir aronov who's a Chapman University I think he's still alive so in other words we fooled ourselves into thinking we understood electrom magnetism until the late 1950s which is one of the reasons that you listen to your heterodox colleagues as opposed to making fun of them mercilessly because you're not nearly as smart as you think you are now most of the time what Neil says is oh yes one in 10,000 uh heterodox people have a point and Neil bet bets on the 99,999 who don't and so he doesn't listen this thing here is a proof that you can find Elementary omissions very late in the game that change everything and everybody who who pretends that peerreview works and that we've known this since Antiquity all this stuff they need to understand the exceptions we've already found if Terrence wants to do good he would take that a with the new uh at the beginning and he would say Okay electromagnetism isn't about the electric and magnetic fields it's about four of these suckers rather than six of those on a simple level how would you describe electricity well I wouldn't know how to do it at simply electricity is really electromagnetism is really about rock paper scissors in other words is Rock better than paper no it's worse then you do it around that thing the failure of these things to knit together if if I had Terence give me your hands uh I want to I want to put my hand over yours and then you put under go your right hand under it's like Jiu-Jitsu go right hand under under and your hand and I'll grab his wrist there you go that thing who's who's on top all of us okay the electromagnetic field strength so now make your hand into like a plane measures the the the degree of the eer staircase the userness in that Penrose staircase is measured by that e andb stuff okay that a basically measure is is the the collection of hands that we had the planes right show Jimmy show Jamie show the uh pen R staircase just so people know what the [ __ ] we're talking about because it's a very bizarre optical illusion there all right so the the key point is the pen Rose staircase is not just an optical illusion It's actually an effect called homi and those things are called horizontal subspaces and the electromagnetic po potential which gives rise to the photon actually is a series of stairs that appears to be in some kind of a contradiction the curvature that he keeps talking about is the thing that actually resolves that contradiction and in a weird way the photon is a function sorry the F the photon is a derivative and the electron is its function and you use that derivative to differentiate the function that's a crazy way of saying it but it is deepest level that's really what we are we're in a geometry in which those flat planes say derivative equals zero and you're trying to take the derivative of an electron based on this stuff and geometrically this only got worked out in Stony Brook Massachusetts in the mid 1970s except for a guy named Robert Herman who nobody listened to in Boston who was off self-published well let's consider one of the things that this is talking about again this this is where I have issues because we're talking about two-dimensional or three-dimensional space that does not exist we're still talking about imaginary things instead of talking about real things like Math's departure from where numbers started representing actual things math departed from that to where now math doesn't represent actual things the numbers don't represent any true things and so anything can happen inside the math ma matics that they build from but when you have the actual stuff like when like what I wanted you to do if you could lay these out just for I'm so worried I'm going to break these no you're not I made these over the last few days just lay them out if you you have to move those other things so you could see and what I'm talking about the interesting I want to see a YouTube video of you and your lab putting these things together if you shine a light on these yeah they end up creating all of the simatic no not don't even stack them up I don't even want you to stack them all right I just want you to align them here put a light to like I'm saying if you move this one out of that out of the way all right and some of those this will continually predict every harmonic node every wave function it will continue on they overlap on each other to where any size any crystallin configuration that somebody could hope for occurs this is the super symmetry that I'm talking about that defines the entire wavefield this is one part of this is the Crystal and electric wavefield that's not even just one how cool is this the problem that you're in right now is um everything that you touch in this space made of spheres and platonic solids and whatever you could spend your entire life and I've seen people do it staring into this and just finding cool thing after cool thing thinking that you're seeing Jesus I promise you okay I want you to hold this in your hand this is made by a woman named Beth Sheba grman pleasure to shout her out she is a mathematical artist par excellent that shout out to Beth that is an eight-dimensional lattice called E8 projected into three dimensions which is one of the craziest sort of sphere packing gadgets this is ultimately maybe the weirdest object in the universe it's a it comes from a 248 dimensional group wow let me show you this in real life no no no wait you're GNA you're gonna you're gonna Bob and riff and and all this Stu let them keep going and what I'm trying to get at is look I want you to think about this legitimately as a drug okay and if you're not very careful with the mathematics that you're playing with you are going to get so high you were going to see everything connect to everything and there's a reason that this stuff takes place in Islamic Art there's a reason you know if I if I bring up this is another version of the uh self-duality of the tetrahedron and I believe in spiritual sacred geometry they call this the am which is like Hebrew for Chariot everything connects to everything else in this unbelievably beautiful way and the the the concern that I have Terence to be entirely honest is you have to get disciplined about this as a drug because otherwise you're going to see everything in everything all the time and you're going to have the same repetitive conversation where people don't take you seriously because you're going to keep hitting on 19 but do do if these if the if light passing through these show the same simatics that we look at when we're looking at natural occurrences of of individual frequencies doesn't that become its own a secondary proof beyond the Symmetry that of what it does you say geometry is a proof and one of the things is you are at your weakest when you have an when I say when you have an equal sign no no no you're your strongest geometrically you're your weakest when you have an equal sign you say the dumbest stuff about equalities and you say the coolest stuff about geometries and I wonder whether you mean something like it took me a long time to figure out what I think you mean when you do this Riff on the square root of two Jamie could I trouble you for that portal group SL uh th okay if you do the square root of two challenge right you say Howard's un balanced equation you say okay take the square < TK of two you Cube it that's equal to 2 * the square < TK of two that is illogical it is unb balanced it is unnatural now first I had no idea what the hell you were doing so I came up with something to prove to you that I'm trying to understand you and I said take the number of Magi at Jesus's birth he was born in the 25th day of the 12th month if I raise the 12 root of 3 to the 25th power and I take the fact that Jesus died in the 9th hour according to the Bible I see the same Trinity rooted by the number of Apostles now that seems to be like a profound statement but the fact is I all I really did is I created uh an equation based on two numbers X and Y and your version of it I put in one and square root of two and in mine I used 12 and three and the reason I got 1225 was is that 25 is just 2 * 12 + 1 so in in other words the danger of this stuff right is is that when you start to see patterns and you start to see stuff that looks crazy you don't realize what you're actually doing what you're really saying is you're coming from a perspective that is philosophical before it's scientific or mathematical and you have a statement which says everything is in motion and then you go into a riff about loops and you say take out your calculator turn it to the side take the square otk of two Cube it take that divide it by two and you do this thing where you happen to know the large decimal expansion up to a point which is increases people's confidence you got to be worried because that's like the confidence in con man too but you make a point we have a name for the thing you call a loop we call it a fixed point a fixed point a fixed point now a fixed point you have something called a transformation the transformation let me see if if J uh Jamie if we can bring that back so I'm just trying to standardize your can we go below that let me see okay Terrance Loop you have a mapping t for Terrance from the real numbers to the real numbers given by X Cub / 2 if you take the polinomial y cubus 2 yal 0 that factors as y - < TK of2 * y + < TK of 2 time Yus 0 you claim that there's only one number that satisfies a fixed Point relationship according to that mapping which you call a loop they're actually three 0 negative square < TK of two and square and two you make the correct point that if you iterate that for numbers above the square root of two it's going to go off to Infinity if you were to go below numbers of square root of two but above zero it'll go towards zero zero will go to zero MH and then you'll have the same thing below negative squ otk of two it'll go off to negative infinity and above squ < of two but below zero I think it'll go off to zero okay that thing is studied under fixo Theory and you can look up the left shett fixo theorem the kakutani fixo theorem the Brower fix Point theorem all of these are proofs that you have to have fixed points now I thought why does he keep doing this riff and then I realized that he's got a thing but everything is in motion so for him it's unnatural and illogical you use both words that the square root of two would be fixed under this iterated experiment now that is not unnatural there is something I hate to say it it's called The Harry ball theorem can we bring up the hairy ball theorem before you put your hairy balls on my [Laughter] pieces that was good okay the Harry ball theorem say says that you cannot comb the hair on a rhutan without creating a colic so let's see if we have any cool images of it in other words if you have a map of the wind that is going along the surface of a sphere there has to be some point which is perfectly still if you have a map of a sphere to a sphere there has to be some point that doesn't move in other words what you're saying about things can't be still is not only incorrect it is impossible to avoid Stillness and this is in part what John Nash got his uh Nobel award in economics for because he took work of Von nman and Morganstern on twers games turned them into multi-person games with a higher dimensional fixo theorem and said a multi person game is more interesting because that's a market therefore markets have equilibria So you you're saying real stuff in a way that fundamentally just doesn't we don't know how to talk your talk then teach me yeah I know teach me I'm learning I'm learning right now but Jamie do me a favor pull up the calculator I want you to pull up the calculator we're going to look at this Loop and you tell me that this Loop isn't a contradiction and and and says that the math scientific calcul there we go yep okay yep hit hit two square root it'll be over one more I think that may be it yeah yep um Cub it hit x to the 3 up no no no no go back go back yeah hit two square root Cube it up right up there yep now divide by two hit equal Cube it again X the 3 divide by two that is a loop Cube it again hit x to the third that's an unnatural it's a it's a loop it's a it's a tuck inside of the Matrix it does not allow for math to make sense because of the square because of the identity principle okay Eric you're trying to say us something what you're saying is wrong but what I'm seeing no no no no no you're saying what you're saying is fine I agreed that you have a transformation that I called T you can put those two steps together which is Cube and divide by two that thing is going to be dead still till the end of time that that's your point and then you pass judgment on it and you say that is not logical and it's irrational and I don't know what you mean well because here we're multiplying something basically three times and it's coming up to the same value as if we multiplied it by two and you keep doing that yeah well I did that with the 12th root of three and I have a transform just like you but that that 12th root of three that H that that hypothetical situation you put up there does not affect the rest of mathematics sure it does that Loop right there that if oh is your point that there's something special about the square root of two I'm saying that the square root of two is a manufactured number because of the identity principle if the identity principle was not involved then they wouldn't have a problem with 1 Time 1 equaling two or why are you offended by 1 Time 1 equaling one just because action and reaction the universe it's it's the separation of math from science when math was supposed to Define physical things so when they have things that doesn't align we can't make sense the rest of the audience don't understand they're like wait a minute well well okay objects in motion tend to remain in motion right that was his first law but what's what do objects at rest do there's no object at rest ah so you have a problem with Mr Newton there no no there are no objects at rest because everything is sitting on something that's in motion everything is in motion within this is like there's no straight lines in nature so the idea is you're saying at some level that you don't believe I mean anything steal a subatomic level that nothing steal because everything in the universe is connected so if you have one steel thing then everything connected to it also has to be steel if I understand what you're doing and I try to steal man it you're trying to say look first of all the vacuum isn't a vacuum it's roiling with activity right the the void isn't a void stuff is happening virtual particles are coming in and out of existence there is no vacuum right you're very much in tune with modern physics on that you really are okay then you have this idea of math is supposed to be about the physical world it's not supposed to be unto itself and if there is no vacuum then there is nothing at rest because the vacuum is going to be in constant Quantum tumult and then you get to the point which is something that is rest therefore is UN physical that therefore it is unnatural took me a long time figure what the hell no I'm literally saying there is nothing in the universe that is at rest because everything is moving and communicating through vibration and vibration requires oscillation and oscillation requires motion so what you're trying to say is that if the if the universe at its deepest level is a quantum mechanical system in which there is no ability to create vacuum in a naive sense that the vacuum that we talk about is not the VAC vacuum that people naively think therefore any mathematics that references anything that is zero or still or whatever is invalid is it imaginary it's talking about an imaginary space okay I don't I don't know what to tell you about this because if it's like if I say something about a sphere you might say hey Eric what is the thickness of your sphere all the points unit distance away from the origin and I'd say it has no thickness and you'd say show me one thing in the universe that doesn't have thickness and then I'd say well wait a second I'm I'm talking to you about a mathematical structure that exists as math you're like I don't want it to hear about math that isn't immediately referenced to physics first of all that's not how this game goes how when did physics when did math separate from accounting for physical things was the beginning of imaginary numbers try the beginning of imagination I mean you know if if if I have a picture from AI of a woman that doesn't exist but no you can't tell the fact that that was generated by an AI are you going to say that that Graphics file doesn't exist no the graphics file exists mathematics has an a physically independent structure it is a system of logic then you have this very weird thing which is you know Eugene vigner famously talked about the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics and the physical sciences but you know David Tong I think talked about the unreasonable effectiveness of physics and the mathematical Sciences that's many of us have have had that since for the last 50 years since uh Simons and and yang and then there's also this thing which people associate with ma tegar Max tegmark which is older which is the mathematical universe that the math is the basis that there is a point at which the map becomes the territory to borrow from our friends friends in the Psychedelic Community now I can hear you I can understand you I can track you but what you were doing when you were lecturing is terrible it's really really bad because you have points and by going over them and saying the super dramatic thing you are in fact causing people to who don't trust Tony fouchy let's say because Tony fouchy shouldn't be trusted to say maybe we can't trust mathematics now I have a lot of competitors enemies people I really don't like I have stalkers who actually stalk my family and interfere our my personal life who have phds okay my level of disagreement with them about the physical universe and the mathematical universe is essentially zero up to 1973 we don't really start to see a breakdown in the in the in the community of science I think until the 1980s and why is that well money money and power money and power Ronald Reagan brought in a guy named Eric house to the NSF and the university stopped expanding and they started playing games we had a thing called the Mansfield Amendment which got the military out of science which was a disaster there's a lot of things that happened but imagine if science yeah took a wrong turn when it walked down the road of Relativity if in abandoning The Ether and now they've walked down this road and now they realize that it's a potential dead end but instead of turning around and saying okay well let's use The luminiferous Ether that all of these equations were built off of and here a young man that's outside of the world has come in and said okay I have the wave conjugations that make up and prove the etheric the etheric nature the etheric S substance that's what I want to got to walk bring back the the portal group page I can sort of show what Terren is talking about what his um geometries how he relates them to the physical world so if we could go up to Howard's unifications claim okay so you say um you've come up with the grand unified field equation first of all he's doing something very unusual he's saying Grand unified which actually is less than unified because unified would include gravity but he's also drawing from a group I think called the electric Universe no okay no no no I'm drawing from um Laurent and Hines work when they were deciding they were trying to was electricity and magnetism they could derive all of the effects of nature that we see from electricity and magnetism all right so if we go down here hopefully because we just prepared this uh by the way shout out to Dr Brooke Dallas who put this together and just got her PhD from Caltech congratulations yeah congratulations Brook okay so all of this these four things are how the community that you're trying to unseat thinks about nature at its deepest level now let me see if is there anything under there maybe not so go go up to let's do um David tongs because you brought up David Tong okay I think I understand this and I'm able to talk to you about it is this something so this is my community and how it thinks of everything in the world all right right do you have a way of relating what you think about in terms of what my community has wrong does this mean anything to you if if you remove gravity outside of the equation you take gravity out because gravity is affected the gravity is actually covered by that strong electrical force ter Terence one second without this is not a gotcha and it's not I know I'm I'm just saying do you know how to read this as best as we're talking about um ex um I as as as imaginary yeah you know D to the four I don't know what the D represents that's the that's the volume element saying that you're in four-dimensional space you're going to take an integral and Y to a negative g y to a negative gravity it's the determinant of the space-time metric with which you might have an issue okay so in other words you're normalizing you're saying that if if the rulers look one way or the rulers look another way according to Einstein you have to put more weight or less weight on a region of space do you know what that R is that that that that's the that's the foreplay and then in the parentheses is where the stuff gets crazy explain it that's what's called the scalar curvature so after Einstein did his big General relativistic field equations um that was like Einstein scaling the sheer face of halone and Hilbert walked up the backside like a week later and said you know you you can derive your super complicated field equations from the simplest thing in the world which is the scalar curvature So when you say everything is curved that R is the scalar curvature of Einstein's pseudo Romanian metric and then remember fmu that's what we were just riffing on before that's saying we don't know what to do with the electromagnetic stuff so we're going to do the stupidest thing possible and we're going to figure out how big it is and square that and we're going to shove that into this thing to be minimized which means make this as small as possible so give me the the configuration that gives me the least electromagnetic size then because of 1950 4 guy named cyang and his sidekick Mills who didn't do nearly as much afterwards said you know what the strong and the weak Force are exactly the same structure as electromagnetism and we didn't know that so nature in that first line from the r to the W takes curvature four times and three of those are doubled like FF GG ww but one of them is singly in there and that is really sort of the sole of the incompatibility not what Ed Whitten says about um you can't quantize gravity that's not the discrepancy we've been lied to for a long time in my opinion what it is is that the curvature that enters as gravitational and the curvature that enters as the internal forces the nuclear forces in electromagnetism occurs differently one is Romanian one is osmanian the line below that dck in that term bar DSi is telling us the kinetics and the interaction through minimal coupling of the matter with the force that's in the line above right and then the last three terms are the fudge Factor due to Peter higs because when we found out in the late 50s uh a gal named Madame woo the Dragon Lady of physics told us that if you put Cobalt 60 and let it beta decay in a strong magnetic field all the particles come out spun one way and that left right asymmetry meant that you couldn't put in masses in a standard way for the matter which is showing up as sigh so instead what we do is we have this thing which is a field called the higs boson Sai is the wave function s is the is the fermionic wave function of the matter that's the quirks that's the electron and that's all the neutrinos that are penetrating us all the time that kinetic term the dh's tells us how this pgs field will move but mostly you see in this imagine that in this room it's 69° uh fit okay you think that it's the same everywhere but maybe where Joe is is actually like 68.7 and over there it's 701 a different frequency a different and so that that H thing is said to have a vev that varies slightly in the world value uh vacuum expectation value because the vacuum isn't boring right now that V of H that is the potential term that you neglect every time you say that all energy in the world comes from Kinetics that's not true and that V and it there's a portion hidden in those F FFG wws which is pure potential that last thing which is not comment upon here is called the yukawa coupling and that last term is how the higs field gives the illusion of Mass to the matter which was prohibited from having a naked Mass because of the efforts of Madam woo and and yang and Lee which is the same Yang of Y and Mills that thing that we just went through which may have been boring to people no is the source of everything we know about the world at its deepest level right this thing right here which might be called the partition function is a finan path integral of this and if you could understand what this is we don't know of anything that isn't in what you're seeing it's a wo can I get a wo whoo can can I get I live for those well now now this is the difference between having you know this has been they've been working on this for damn near 60 70 years but they don't have any physical models that represent any of these things and if if my physical models describe the electric the electric force and the magnetic force and is able to account for all of the actions that takes place or the effects that we see then it should be a better replacement instead of having to go through you didn't do that I did do that let me show you let me show you show now it's time to show okay here we go I really want a YouTube video of him creating these things I would love that so just you with an acetylene torch I want them in glass I I want them in glass brother yeah somebody needs to make these yeah well I tried to do that before well you knows like we have a community of mathematical artists I want to hook you up I would love that so this tetrion as I say Begins the entire dance it's the I would call that that would be plunk to me that would be the proton that would be the beginning of everything you map four different things to this you say one it's dark matter I said because it's interstitial wait wait one second okay you say one it's dark matter because it's interstitial two you say it's hydrogen it becomes it it it takes three you say well look it's got four electric and four magnetic because you associate the faces with electric and you associate with the vertices with the magnetic you say you go back to Walter Russell who has this whole thing about exhaling and inhaling expanding and contraction you know it's a lot like Ecclesiastes there's a time and purpose to everything under heaven and then you say because it's balanced as four and four it must be the weak Force because there's no net voodoo on it okay then when you get to your if you can bring up what you call the Hun hold on let me let's let's stay on this one all right I say that this right here like nothing in the universe the universe does nothing for a single motive everything has multiple purposes and accomplishes multiple things this becoming the the geometry of hydrogen or the very first visible element is as a result of all of those forces pushing on it but the f um no yeah I can use another here yeah I can use another it's called explainer juice yes all yeah so thank you thank you thank both of you so if we start with this as as electricity then we want to go to the very first phase from it the first thing that happens to it is it decays the first line of Decay and that first line of Decay is literally just putting on two magnetic fields if you'll hold that for a second um I've got to get something else out I gotta say go I love these things they're really they're really dope yeah you need a shelf in your office uh for sure I put this in my house but Taran I just don't see we're not done all right we're not done all right so when you put didn't you see the Box you came in with bro what kind of that no box of stuff so when you now when they line up yeah then they begin to create and if you lay it down on your um thing you can lay them down and you'll see them align if you can I want to design a skate park around these lot sharp surfaces these are going to get [ __ ] up any anytime you're urinating a man is urinating he sees this pattern where it's expanding and Contracting expanding Contracting that braiding behind the boat this describes that motion from from that but then let's add let's go to the next stage of Decay the next stage of Decay would be it would be four four sides now what these are responsible for boom boom how you doing Eric all right Joe yeah here we go and this is this is the hard part for me that's the fun part okay this is the part I've been waiting for this is the part I've been waiting for now let's put this this is an elaborate hoax yes my whole now I should be putting the patents up so that everybody isn't out there saying you know this isn't his [ __ ] but so when you get to this level of Decay they start to come together and they create this natural is that look at that but do me a favor they also create these spaces and if you lay them out one on top of well I'm still riffing on this one well you're about to see that interact with the other side like we we came to play today boy nothing like these conversations make me understand how different people's brains work there's is different humans out there here we go so all right let's if I can move some of your stuff by the way I just didn't know what I was brought like some weird Tools in case you were going to make weird points so if you're laying these out you're starting to see this pattern but what's interesting these have chirality these spin in opposite directions from each other but they ultimately they ultimately reform together to make to fully tell that story so this is why category Theory and is so powerful because you're analogizing brain I mean let's be honest I want everybody to form without saying anything to each other what is this most similar to the DNA I was going to say the same right and if it was DNA what would be the interstitial between these two things that would be the that ladder each line it would be the TCG the hydrogen that would be the hydrogen bond it would be um phosphorus phosphorus oxygen oxygen now if I was a protein scientist what would I say this was you would say it it's a riosol I would say it's an alpha alpha helix oh right I would say this was secondary structure in protein so my claim is is that one of the reasons that rosn Franklin didn't actually get uh to the double helix is that she was a really good scientist and Watson and Crick were not good scientists she said look I can see I can see right through you you just found out that lonus Pauling figured out the alpha Helix and protein and you wannab bees Who Don't Know Jack [ __ ] about biochemistry want an alpha Helix and you want to do nucleic acid as an alpha Helix and look based on the X-ray crystallography of the malt's Cross you're going to try to shove DNA into something so you get to be Linus Pauling all over again I don't want any part of it and the problem for her was yeah heles are ubiquitous at all different levels right so in other words Watson and Crick didn't own the double helix what happened is is that a very common structure that's going to come up over and over again it's going to come up in viruses where you have helical viruses you have it in protein you have it in nucleic acid that structure is because there's a platonic form which you're finding here you're going to find huses over and over and over again because you can't really have nature stop finding the structure it doesn't belong to any instantiation of the system and so everything is going to Rhyme now your big problem is that everything Rhymes to you because you know a lot of stuff and you know a lot of similarties your brain is very good at that and what your brain is not very good at is pruning the amount of Rhymes that it sees well what I'm what I'm saying is this is defining all motion we just Define the motion behind a boat we just Define that other aspect and remember I was saying about the tetri about the huntan being being a massless particle it only exists as a result of these four to eight tetrion pushing down because of pressure the moment that these atrians disappear that interior space it's no longer there the moment that that disappears I don't know how to stop you from doing this because I hate doing that I hate you stopping me from doing what I'm not supposed to be doing no no I don't ter I'm so far out over my skis I I promise you what the internet is going to say the next day about me it's haha Eric Weinstein blah blah blah don't read the stop reading the damn okay what trying to tell you is you're taking all the good stuff that you're doing and you get into 19 and you're and you're saying hit me and each time you do that I want to I want to slap you and say don't do that because what you're even if what you're saying is true let's imagine that we find some structures like the ones you're talking about in wave fronts right I think what you're doing is totally canonical and it's very very natural and I think you're building models and you don't know how to do the algebra problem probably and you probably don't know how to do the differential equations all that fine I can point you to books I can try to help you these I'm a geometer I like doing geometry I would love to work with a mathematician that can Define and redefine these bases based and write new axioms if there's real axioms to be made from it or postulates to be made from it that's what I wanted to do with Mr Mr Ty with Dr Tyson okay but what part of what you're doing is you're coming into another community like what you said about David Tong it's so unfair to David Tong what did I say David Tong okay first of all do you know who David Tong is I I know him on the internet I know but I've watched a few of his things I was very impressed with it that's why I reached out to him he's he's amazing and I have my difference he's an acquaintance of mine I haven't seen him since 2011 okay he's an amazing treasure because that guy has a gift for explanation in our community and in a world where a lot of people in string theory have no have lost complete touch with reality right this guy knows every aspect of physics so well that he can explain it with razor sharp Clarity so he's an absolute he's a national treasur of the UK and I reached out and I said to him look dude you're talking about these 16 Fields I said I have the models for your 16 fields which was in you're teaching yeah that's okay if you want to say I don't understand this you get a positive reaction from us if you say I have something and I'm not quite sure what it is can I get it an evaluation because I think I might have something you should be able to get something from a guy like me and that's what I did I went to Oxford didn't get that I'm trying to say something okay then you do this other thing which is you teach and you're teaching is not good you tell us stuff that's not true that we can tell is not true and then we say Okay I I can throw out the entirety of what he's saying what did I say that wasn't true though that's what I'm that's that's that's I mean one times one is not equal to two let's start there you that in fact I'm I'm angry at Joe because Joe should have pushed back on that Joe is in awe of the calculator says 1 Time 1 doesn't equal one because of that square two can we pull the portal group back up there's a lot of wild [ __ ] I don't push back on if I'm not sure no [ __ ] that person saying understand that's why but also because I know that people are going to eventually respond to it right now we've got a crisis where nobody knows what to believe and unfortunately for you you were in a bad spot because you wanted to have fun you had a show and then it got really big that's why Big Daddy okay wait wait I'm saying people have can we go to the Terren product maybe below that that uh I think you were I think you in the right place yeah okay here here's how we would do this in in mathematics assume you were a colleague right and I wasn't trying to get rid of you and get you out of my office I'd say okay let no I'm not I'm I'm not kidding that's I know you're interested and want to have further conversation so go okay standard thing what we would do is we'd say okay wait a second I don't really buy your claim that one * 1 equals 2 but let's try to evaluate what you're saying then I'd create something called the Teran time binary operation star subt and I'd say that provisionally I Define a star subt time time B to be equal to a * 1 + B because your rule says that you should add a to itself B number of times so that is the formula in standard mathematics for what you are introducing as times then I come up with the Terren root of C equaling D if D terance producted with itself um equals c so now I have Terren binary operation Terren root and the Terren Square operation and I say now okay now that's a totally legitimate object until you try to blow away times or multiplication in the normal sense now what I've got is I've got a new operation and I want to know its properties is it communative no a * a Terren time B is not B Terren time a those are two different numbers then I ask is it associative yes it it's associative so now I'm trying to make standard math out of the crazy ass [ __ ] that you say when you go to Oxford and this is how I would start to understand it I would say Terrence do we get anything new out of Terren times Terren root Terren square and I would I would therefore not incur the the penalty that you're incurring the penalty that you're incurring is when the rest of us work our effing asses off and you come in and you say I developed like imagine if I got on this program and I said is Jon Jones out there he's a huge [ __ ] he doesn't know how to fight I have a OneTouch technique and if I lay a pinky on Jon Jones he's you're gonna see a quivering little Pat of butter Sean Strickland has no disciplines guy guy's a big fatty it's not going to go well no okay so what I'm trying to get at is that's what you're doing to I didn't mean to that's not what I meant to do but in me saying one time one um equals two like I said that's a metaphor that there's something very wrong with the math because math should not be wrong with the math I'm saying the math that we are doing is still based on linear projections even though we are in a multidimensional space and if and if the square root of two didn't have that problem listen to me very carefully assume you have the most beautiful curv linear object my wife yeah can we can we do a for I don't want I don't want to talk about I don't want I don't want my words about I saw what happened to Will Smith I want to keep my your wife's name out of my mouth um you'll meet my wife she's she's very I'm sure she's dope okay if you take the most beautiful ski slope you've ever been on and you imagine it was perfectly groomed so that there's just all it is is smooth you cannot create nonlinear smoothness without giving rise to something called the tangent bundle and the tangent bundle has made up of linear objects the nonlinear includes the linear and it actually goes with your philosophy which is that everything is an action and a reaction the nonlinear creates the linear but the linear encodes the nonlinearity so if you actually wanted to practice if you wanted to get as high as you could on Walter Russell you would not try to deny the linear you would say that the nonlinear is part and parcel with the linear and that creating the nonlinear requires creating the linear the differential operators at a point on a nonlinear structure form a linear space and that's how we encode the tangent bundle when something doesn't sit inside of something else because you hear that the universe is expanding you say say well what's it expanding into well what we do is we encode that expansion without having a structure around it no ambient Space by saying that the differential operators at a point are linear so we've got an entire language that you don't know about but let's let's unpack that sure for something to be linear something to be straight yeah that means that it is it is no longer having to deal with the equal and opposite forces that nature puts on everything because the greater the the greater the the action the greater the reaction greater the reaction greater the resistance greater the resistance greater the curvature everything in this universe has the resistance and that's where the curvature come from so when they talk about I I don't mind them trying to go in a straight line or try and but the curvature of the universe is literally is that fee at 1 Point 618 that expansion aspect of it that's the only consistent thing that you see in everything in the universe all right if you take the concept of why is the cosmological constant almost zero I have no idea well nobody really knows so you're you're not alone I mean and them saying that the cosmological constant is zero which means do you know what Jim Gates is no can you explain what the cosmological constant meanings can we bring up the Einstein field equations with cosmological constant is that the the the um the dark energy that's that dark that that um the the the quantum field that they not the quantum field the what do they call it the um the the vacuum all right is that the vacuum so yeah let's pull that one no no yeah I like that one okay so that arm you knew is the reachi curvature that is a Sub sub sort of a sub packaging of the full curvature so you throw away a piece like filing it of the and you throw away the vile curvature plus a VI Vector well these are symmetric two tensors sometimes people call BI Vector I find that terminology confusing but yeah okay you're in the right neighborhood that Lambda is What's called the cosmological constant and there's a raging controversy as to whether that thing is a number or whether that thing is like the temperature which might vary subtly and this was this thing that where Einstein supposedly said his greatest blunder was to put this in he then found that you need this because Hubble shows that the universe is expanding and then very recently in the end of the Millennium they said not only is it expanding but it's expanding at an accelerating rate and that's when this whole Dark Energy thing really took took shape that thing and where was I going with with this oh yeah Jim Gates who's probably the finest African-American physicist we have brilliant brilliant guy at the University of Maryland College Park uh he's a string the so he and I are naturally like monteu and capules but he's a lovely guy very very brilliant he says look we need Super symmetry because that thing should blow up and it's almost zero and the only way that it's almost zero is because the bans and the fermion have super symmetry is true have to be balanced right so imagine that you had two Gods pushing on a door uh and they're of exactly equal uh strength the door doesn't move practically at all not because they're not powerful but because they're perfectly balanced like unnaturally balanced and what happens when an irresistible Force hits an immovable object well but these are two irresistible forces pushing in different directions and creating the immovable object between them to to carry through the analogy so that thing has to do with a balancing um between two incredibly powerful but opposite structures and I think that you're negating the idea very often that you can have perfectly balanced things through fine-tuning issues now one of the fine-tuning issues that we don't talk about we usually talk about them in physics but the most famous one should be the one in biology which is before we had DNA there there was a guy named Irwin charf and he gave Watson and Crick the worst peer review in human history he said that these are two idiots that they were pitchmen in search of a helix they didn't know anything about chemistry and he totally dismissed them he is the guy who figured out that the amount of a was equal to the amount of c and the amount of T was equal to the amount of G and the only reason that that's true is because of hydrogen bonding that fixed the amount of a to be the amount of C the cine that's right andine and so the idea is that that was the fine tuning solution why did you always have equal amounts of these things oh because you didn't see that they'd been paired in a helix you just saw it once it was broken but the actual nucleotides had been paired and so they're always the hydrogen bond enforced that one was a double bond one was a triple bond this is like this we're trying to figure out why Lambda we would understand better if it were zero or we would understand better if it was enormous the fact that it is almost zero in a world where the vacuum is filled with crazy stuff to your point this is one of the greatest reasons for this probably the greatest I I agree with Jim this is the reason for super symmetry without super symmetry we don't have an explanation for why that thing doesn't blow up so if you have if you saw a s a a geometric structure that defined and work together completely would that be would this qualify as a super symmetrical system and we haven't even got to the magnetic field yet but you see how these things fit together and what they might do in replacing see you have a you have a metaphor and you have a metaphorical mind so you have this thing that you call the what's the tetrahedron one the tetran tetari you got one called the hunon the Hunan that's my son okay and then you havean you have a different one where the hunon is flanked by two tetar which you call a Transformer because it's I call it a light unit i c that a photon yes it's a it's a step up and step down and then here's how your unification scheme goes you say look I don't need gravity because I simulated Saturn without Gravity by the way electromagnetism looks very similar to gravity which causes all older electrical engineer electricity is is the cause of gravity gravity is an effect it's a draft like the thermos like the thermos stop teaching man you got to stop teaching because you're saying interesting stuff and then you just always go over look you want to know what the DMT of this stuff is I'll hand I'll hand you the stuff that'll blow your mind right now where this is is something called the double copy the double copy is a relation it was totally unexpected between the amplitudes associated with gravity and the amplitudes associate with the Yang Mills stuff and I just met with a guy uh z v burn at UCLA who's one of the guys who brought us this double copy and it's a great mystery it's like looking directly into the equimolar relations before you have the double helix so there is a relationship that is much deeper than the superficial relationship between you know can we bring up the Newtonian force of gravitation yeah and then let's do a bathroom break sure we could do one right now we can do it right now do a bathroom break right now yeah we'll be right back you don't know who he is now the last three weeks all I've been doing is watching your [ __ ] I'm like I'm like let me see what man Bob Lazar was a guy who you TMZ suddenly talking about me it was like what is my what do my name do it in terence's mouth that's hilarious TMZ asked you a question about they said um do I have anything going on and I was like yeah me and um Eric WI I said Weinstein Stein I said Weinstein cuz Brian Keaton said Weinstein he said Weinstein Stein not Weinstein yeah so it's Weinstein so keing said Weinstein is that what you're saying he said no he said Weinstein so I thought I said Weinstein but I didn't know if that was just a joke or a play on things they got super sensitive after Harvey yeah shoot I don't so what we were talking about was Bob Lazar who was a guy who claimed to be back engineering uh UFOs for the government back in the late 80s that's what we were just talking about I did see something about him yeah he was on the podcast many years ago it's a fascinating story that I hope is real and that's what we're disgusting like whether or not Eric could make sense of it so that's what we were talking about we walked in here what were we talking about right before we went for our bathroom bre we went he threw up an equation not threw up the neonian and then what was after that we're about to we're about to do the the analogy between uh electromagnetism and gravitation neonian gravitational force law so we have these inverse Square laws and because of the similarity can we do the electromagnetic force law with two charges separated by a distance of r Jo who smoked weed in this while we're we're waiting for it okay nobody okay just Elon he's the only one who okay so if you look at let's do the um electromagnetic the Fe equals K QQ over R 2 this one yeah okay so fix that in your mind and imagine that I turn the q1 and the Q2 into masses and the r is the dist between them and that K becomes a different constant so now let's do Newtonian gravitational force okay you go above yeah let's do the one with the two big spheres right there so you see that it's like very very similar formally right there's a constant in front there're two different objects and there's a distance so one of the reasons that I wasn't I have the same feeling you do about that Saturn hexagon like what the hell is that it's unexpected and I've never understood this Great Red Spot on Jupiter being a if it's a gas giant it just it's so stable for Millennia the whole thing doesn't super make sense to me it's going to give birth to a moon okay so partially what happens with when electrical engineers get older they start to have this idea about electricity and gravitation and you get this stuff about Electric gravitics sometimes people call it GED Dynamics and the formal similarities between these things appeal to people and they want to see one as the other right and of course the Kusa Klein Theory tried to connect gravitation and uh electromagnetism super early on so part of what happens is that Terren tries to say look I keep coming up with these ideas of somehow wavefronts the wavefronts create these shapes that are related to the platonic solids but curved linear versions of them he Associates the tetrahedron with the weak Force he Associates the octahedron with the strong force he Associates a an octahedron flanked by two tetrahedron all curved linear on opposite faces with the photon I.E electromagnetism he replaces gravitation then he says weirdly that he has a grand unified theory because he doesn't have gr gravity so he doesn't need to put gravity in because of the similarity and then he's got these shapes and the disconnect is between the shapes and invoking forces right in other words there's a moment in the story in which it's just this massive leap that from the shapes create creating Force well it was it was the issue in which I tried to show you the lonian inside of a partition function for encoding everything and in order to unseat like let me just give an advertisement for the establishment the lran most of the time when people hear lran I'm just saying as for the lran points are those points in space where the the magnetic fields meet up into where there's a feel almost a balance same cat different issue okay like when zezy top is singing about lra when no that's what I was saying when most people hear lran that's what they're thinking is lran but I'm sure you're thinking about something else no I'm think I'm thinking about an objective function I'm thinking about something to be minimized in in effect normal human beings think about physics and equations like Einstein's equation or the Schrodinger equation or all this kind of stuff physicists don't think in that way and if you permit me an analogy imagine you have four forces and the four forces are analogized to the four different configurations of The Beatles When Ringo is singing Octopus's Garden he's in front everybody else's supporting right so when it's uh well Mighty Guitar Gently Weeps George George is out front Penny Lane is going to be uh Paul and Strawberry Fields is going to be John those four different configurations of The Beatles are all the Beatles but they're different configurations right yeah and the equations are like the different configurations of one person in front and everybody else supporting that person but the Beatles is like the lran right okay so the lran is a machine for creating those four configurations now in the case of um physics right you have these different equations for the different fields uh the gravitational field equation has gravity and the metric out front the Yang Mills equation has the photon the gluons the wz particles out front the darac equation has the matter out front and the Klein Gordon equation with potential has the higs field out front and those are the basic fields of reality so far as we understand it but the higs field is responsible for like 1% of the force applied upon them right it's so that I understand the h field higs field has to do with the fact like none of us are zipping off at the speed of light yet we're all made of matter that has an asymmetry due to the weak Force if the weak force was not around we would not need the higs force and the higs field rather the higs field to generate uh an as if Mass but because of the asymmetry built into the weak Force which is the only thing that has this Left Right asymmetry we can't have normal Mass there's a place to put a normal mass in the equation that's forbidden if the universe is Left Right asymmetric this has to do with this thing called the TOA Theta puzzle from the 1950s we were freaked out can we get a picture of uh Cindy Crawford that's a good transition well no it's important like it so by the way I'm dating myself because okay how old are you what how old are you 58 okay you got me by three years well you said you were a young man I was FL good now let's notice how beautiful this woman is and the fact that she's asymmetric right and the asymmetry has to do with a mold that she didn't remove from her face so we can tell when you have an image of her like if if she wasn't holding a can of Pepsi and she wasn't next to a Pepsi machine you wouldn't be able to tell but for the mole whether you were looking at a her or a reversed image of her down the center line so Marilyn Monroe Sydney Sydney Crawford have this Left Right asymmetry to them that thing is like the weak Force it's the only thing that can detect this difference between left and right and the weak force is the thing that prohibits a normal mass that forces us into a higs mass through something called a yukawa couling so that's the whole reason that it's in that thing is is it's a crazy Hail Mary to save all of physics because normally if if the world were left right asymmetric to a de beta Decay the thing that causes a neutron to Decay into a proton and emit an electron and an anti-electron neutr in the process that process is the thing that denies us mass and we would be at the speed of light and we would all zip off in opposite direction but for the Hicks field and that process is the radiative process that's the process I call magnetism that D de that tears apart that rarify that which was consent Cally drawn together through electricity that weak Force is is an equal force to electricity Terence let me ask you a question that's what I feel I'm taller than Joe right imagine I challenge Joe to a fight what do you think happens next I get my ass kicked well Joe Knows some [ __ ] that you Joe Knows some serious [ __ ] I have an advantage on in terms of weight I I have an advantage on in terms of height he's in great condition the guy knows how to fight and he's got a spinning back kick to die for okay what happens is I get my ass kicked you do not know when you're going to get your ass kicked and it's a big problem that you're going to keep courting because I watch you you keep finding the space where we could come together and you insist on teaching into it and it's like I'm trying to be nice as pie because I'm inspired by what you're trying to do but you have no idea like when you're [ __ ] with a guy with an Italian last name and a shiny suit with a a funny collar that you don't recognize you just you got to stop yeah and I I I I see the metaphor in it um and can I ask you before you we go on further you feel that the theory of gravity is incorrect and there's something else that accounts for all of the effects that we call gravity yes I feel and what do you think that is I feel that's electricity I feel that gravity is the draft Left Behind from the electric force as the electricity moves through there's a draft that's generated because it creates whirlpools each of those whirlpools is the gravity or the cosmic foam or um I forget there's another term that they were using for um this foam but it's a flowing in it the same way that thermos are are effective by electri by magnetism or radiation creates these thermos that you're able to fly on the opposite of those thermos I believe that gravity is the opposite of those thermos in the electric force it's the pulling down the same way the thermos push up what do you think about that I don't even want to touch it well because I'm going to get into the same thing I'm trying to say to you I know and I'm just saying and I I could be wrong because based upon what I am putting together is taking common sensical geometries and taking definitions of words and putting them together in a manner by which the the Layman sees it because the whole point is for everyone to understand science but you're teaching repeatedly and that is going to be your downfall no I'm listening right now I'm a student right now I I I swear to you right now I am a student right now I don't know how you generate all that stuff like I I've I've tried to understand your mind I try to do this to by the way this isn't peculiar to you so far as I know I'm the only person who's tried to understand Peter White's theory of the universe Garrett Le's the theory of the Universe Steven Wolf's theory of the universe your theory of the universe my colleagues don't do this see I thought I was and you just made me feel not special anymore brother you are certainly special that's not what I'm trying to say what I'm trying to say is that physics and science has broken down I will steal man you I will try to put your best foot forward I'm not out to get you where we are right now is is that the Brian greens of the universe will not look at anything that isn't String Theory they're they're really like that so whether it's Ed Whitten or Shan Carroll or Neil degrass Tyson this generosity of spirit Spirit of collegiality it's dead okay and what you get is gotcha artists right and that's all they do they're just trying there's also something called gripe and swipe where they try to find any flaw in what you do so they can throw you aside and then they can take every right thing that you did and put it under their own name that's why I patented that's why I patented everything before doing it because I thought that might be the case cuz I went to somebody at MIT and I showed him the wave conjugations um um I can't remember his name um cuz it's a small we all know each other um I I I will remember his name by the time I'm done but he but he said oh I've seen these before and I was like no you would no you haven't because if you had seen them I wouldn't have the patents so this is part of the problem is is that what you need this is a very important digression you need help from the community yes but the commun Community also sees you as a 17-year-old blonde girl from Minnesota getting off the bus in the Sunset Strip having no idea where she is even though I've got the 97 patent Alles matter first of all you cannot patent science they took away our ability to earn a living from doing science right you can do technology and patent it but you can't P you cannot patent fundamental mathematics and physics well see that's what I'm hoping hoping that they ultimately take the P from me because they become basic General let me tell you something it is more important that you get a small number of us to say he did something then you fool some patent examiner who has no idea what the hell is going on and can't actually earn a living the way he dreamed of being an engineer and so you know at some level the the most important thing that you've done is weirdly based on an error so far as I can tell so can can you bring us a Lynch pin bing bing bing bing bing okay and Jamie could I trouble you for um bringing up that same page over and over again I'm sorry about that brother just bring one but we we're dead air here okay okay Howard's Lynch pin Howard's extraordinary claims for the Lynch pin appear to mirror green means extraordinary claims for the string so let's let's look at Terrence Howard filling up the dead air here talking about the Lynch pin okay the Lynch pin is the lowest common denominator of all matter either seen or unseen the Lynch pin is the internal dimensions of a Taurus the Lynch pin is the universal wave conjugator for all things matter it is the true currency of the universal flow because of it is the common factor of all things it is the smallest it is the measurable constitution of a Quantum or Quant the smallest reflection UL in Collective potential of all things which equals the Multiverse blah blah blah let's now just watch our friend Brian Green do the same thing it's a great expression on Brian's face String Theory comes along and suggests that inside these particles there is something else so if I take a little Cork and I magnify it conventional idea says there's nothing inside but String Theory says I'll find a little tiny filament a little filament of energy a little string like filament and just like the string on a violin I pluck it and it vibrates creates a little musical note that I can hear the little strings in string theory when they vibrate they don't produce musical notes they produce the particles themselves so a cork is nothing but a string vibrating in one pattern an electron is nothing but a string vibrating in a different pattern a neutrino nothing but a string vibrating in a different pattern still so if I take all of this back together I have my ordinary orange and if these ideas are right they are speculative but if they are right deep inside the orange or any other piece of matter is nothing but a dancing vibrating Cosmic Symphony of strings okay now if you like take what he just said this is entirely respectable this is a Colombia Professor lecturing me for 40 [ __ ] years about what they're going to do one day when they grow up that everything is just a string and just the way a violin can vibrate in different modes all of the particles come from this ex excitation of the stram it's exactly how you sound with the Lynch pin now String Theory string theory is not a terrible idea initially it becomes a terrible idea when the string theorists suggest that nothing else has happened for 40 years and they've sought to kill off every single person who has pointed out that there are other ideas and that they don't listen to their colleagues and so in part you're going to incur an emotional penalty from me with the Lynch pin which is a terrible thing because the Lynch pin is actually incredibly cool so the same basic pattern which is one thing Explains It All uh has a terrible kind of I'm about to get you I got I'm about to get you I got my point my point is this thing that you created is based on an error and it's a beautiful error and I think people are just not going to grasp it what's the error the error is is that the arc cosine of minus 1/3 is not equal to 3 fifths Pi garlic makes my feet stink okay that was perfect okay Terrence with the timing today I didn't I'm sorry it may be the whiskey it is the whiskey certainly no but I I'm not mad about it at all no it's hilarious so what's going on is is that inside of a tetrahedron if I understand you correctly I've got these vectors that point out towards the vertices and between any two vertices any of the four vertices there's one of the six edges right what's the angle between those two vertices as measured from the center of mass inside of a tetrahedron still be at 120° no it's the arc cosine of minus 1/3 that's what you're talking about that's what I'm talking about okay now you say this is an Undiscovered geometry now why is that an Undiscovered geometry well because they gave me the patents no no no you got to stop that with the patn I don't give a [ __ ] I did the patn because they I have watched so many people come and take somebody's work so it it was just it was a protection okay we we've covered the patents my my claim is that what you discovered is a little bit like even temperament now even temperament is a lie right do you know about even temperament yes okay yes the going up to 440 instead of 432 and keep rcking it keep ret tucking it back together they keep it's an attempt to modulate or keep keep everything start right back at the beginning and avoid the Pythagorean comma avoid the necessary expansion okay now now we're talking the Pythagorean comma the difference all right Jamie can we get can we get the 12th root of two raised to the 19th power good luck with that Jamie come on Jamie on a I'm do I'm going to do this Terence Howard style there's a flaw in all of mathematics and all of musics take out your calculators they won't they won't allow me to project it right so if we take the scientific calculator turn it on its side take the number two okay two now we have an e x root y can we find uh no root the right below that yeah try it again two okay two x root y and then do 12 just type in 12 hold on sorry I was going to show it I'm to show it okay and now raise that to the 19th power that's this one right yeah oh [ __ ] it's almost three the speed of light it's almost three it's 29966 that is if we take the national anthem can can you sing I think you can give me O Say say Okay now take from say and get me to land of the free to the land of the free okay that is supposed to be the ratio of three but if we did it on a harmonica and the harmonica was probably tuned sorry [Music] that's not going to be three it's going to be 29966 because the reason we divided that octave into 12 Parts is that we couldn't figure out how to get three to be perfect because what you said Pythagorean comma which most people don't have any idea of by the way you have to get Jacob Collier on the sh we call it the preran fifth because when you even like when I put these together yeah you'll see that there's points where they will not connect because everything is expanding by fee and that expansion you've got a Pythagorean comma in the middle of your Lynch pin yes I do yeah with 109 109 47 rather than 108 you bastard yes yeah so I caught you okay well you didn't catch me I just I just use a little thing that they they don't know about no I know about and the reason but wait wait wait I ain't going Terence come back come back here Terence back I'm about to bring you something I'm about we're talking about Terence I'm ter I'm coming I'm coming I promise you I'm coming right over to you I just want to have these so when it's time to talk Terence I don't think you understand the dead air principle at the J de air principal I'm here as long as I'm here everything is well and Alive Terrence okay so the reason that you came up with an Undiscovered geometry is that you figured out something that is analogous to even temperament which is if you shove a pentagon which should have three radians distributed around five angles in degree terms that's 108 but the angle between the vertices of a tetrahedron is 10 9.47 change 47 and so effectively the same game that we played when people like started playing with even temperament is where do you pay for even temperament well you end up paying for it in the expansion of the song it does not follow a natural true there's no circle of fifths there's what a spiral f a f and you know what the worst note is the worst note CN between it's CNB and E andf hitting at the same time no no no that you're saying something different I mean that in the D do right do to me is an Abomination right can we do uh we do I can ter yes left a good job in the city let's go left a good job in the city okay working for a man every night and day but I never lost a minute asleep thinking about the way things might have been know wheels keep on turning keep on burning keep on burning now rolling oh Lord rolling oh Lord rolling on the river rolling on the river okay it's basically Mary had a little lamb right but it's much cooler now left a good job in the city city is going to be the third and that third is wildly sharp to the Pythagorean third that's the penalty we pay for dividing the perfect octave right can you give me somewhere in over the rainbow somewhere over the rainbow birds fly way up high let me see what would it be [Music] I feel like I'm in a box car I feel like I'm on the launching pad where the UFO lands on Close Encounters all right somewhere is a doubling of frequency right right the doubling is perfect the fifth is a lie but it's a good lie the third is an Abomination it's not until you get to 53 notes which the Turks use that you get a better Fifth and a better third you get a better fifth at 29 notes per scale yes and you get a worse third so there's no reason to do that 12 to 29th 53rd yeah now my claim is is that you pulled off the same thing by finding a cheat inside of the Lynch pin which is why it's genius and I don't even think you know how genius this thing is is my guess I'm about to show you noble gas and I'm going to show you matteru the whole thing up so listen to me the number of edges in a tetrahedron is what in a tetrahedron there six and that's why you have six pentagons but these six pentagons are not either they're not perfect or they're not joined perfectly you put six Motors in these things with propellers and you have six degrees of freedom go you have a an object so we talk about Pitch roll and yaw but those are basically if I understand correctly the basis vectors for the Lee algebra of s SO3 or spin 3 or su2 What's um Lee algebra well so the idea is I have a rotation group of symmetries of this object about its Central vertex okay right and that's one of the things you can put one of these things up and with three degrees of freedom I can spin it right like a like a full-on UFO and just have it moving in crazy ways that nothing else can move because a quadcopter has only four degrees of freedom because got the four Motors this is unlimited okay well but it's going to distract this let's get to that one second cuz that's super cool okay by the way that's a CGI but I've actually seen I've seen guy actually flying this around so I don't want to do we've got like 19 of them that's that's actually so what's going on with this is is that you have three degrees of freedom which is the rotations that I need here but you got three extra degrees of freedom to move in different places now there's something called the apine group which is the semi-direct product of SO3 with the R3 group of translations and SO3 has eight is it introduces the chromatic aspect of don't go chromatic just don't go chromatic you've got something brilliant okay okay I'm listening I'm just trying to understand the best thing that I've seen out of Terrence Howard that I will I will tell people this is why you never throw the baby out with the bath water and I again I don't know that you invented it I think you did I did invent I promise you I think no I I didn't invent it it was given to me an angel gave that to me and I'm sorry that everybody I'm sorry to say this there's a way in which we all feel pressure to give away the genius stuff that we do to some higher power this is why if you ask like kib nurov like how do you do such great things he'll say masah or right alhamdulillah right because Islam is very good about you always give away the complement because you don't you can't hold it because it'll cause you an ego Distortion this thing here has six degrees of freedom based on the relative speeds of the motors that you put into it plus there's an apine group called uh SO3 semi-direct product R3 which has six Lee algebra elements that means that this thing can potentially span the Lee algebra and if you have a track ball over here as a controller and you put like three theramin so that you could control in three-dimensional space you potentially have a drone that can rotate itself in three dimensions and get anywhere based on these six objects now I could be wrong about that no you're right we've actually done that so okay so my claim is if the only thing you done forget the art forget the science forget the this forget the that if the only thing you did was to introduce an error which is 109.5 7 is not exactly 108 but 108 is that key of A which is God damn it you won't stop I'm not stopping I'm just I'm I'm working with you keep going keep going all right all right you talk that is a really cool grade A idea until I hear that somebody else did it or that when you machine this because this is the thing now this is when you put four of them together now the thing is it's very cool if you take what Intel does with with drones where they sort of synchronize these swarms this thing comes together and it forms a stable structure now if you look at it the tolerances that you've built into this thing because these pentagons do not exactly come together 10947 he not 108 that thing um within within engineering is like even temperament even temperament is a lie it's a fraud but all oh my God all the most beautiful music in the world is built on even temperament but look at what it generates that's what I'm talking about you put four now four of these come together and make this four of these come together and they make this larger structure that is the same exact thing so that's not a lie it is a lie you're trying to build the whole universe off of theing something new you are I to the best of my knowledge by the way I looked at this years ago wait wait hold on hold on no no no before you go there this is the other side of it yeah this is this is what what is in what's very interesting like these they'll come together and meet you can see where they meet up yeah they're natural meeting up now this one looks exactly like this one but they don't have the same mixture so what this is creating this is actually showing this is the equal and opposite this is a this is matter this becomes the antimatter can't stop you doing that you can't stop me I'm so sorry I'm I'm I'm My Own Worst Enemy and my own best friend you know what that that was a beautiful statement but the TR what I'm trying to say is the fact that they keep and these four will keep this is just the magnetic what I considered a magnetic field you see you stopped yourself I consider I consider this to be the magnetic field because they're expanding at the center and magnetism to in my language magnetism expands out and becomes greater know you just said in my language langu that's what I just did with the Terren product in other words said in your language I'm trying to get you to stop pissing my community off I don't want to piss them off I want friends I need friends Terence that's why we're here right but this right here when you have a and these will keep bonding with greater ones and keep making the same point is it's good enough within engineering tolerances to be a do decahedron this do decahedrons are I'm not going to teach no if if if you Jamie can we bring up T4 bacteria Fage capsid because I think do you know about what a capir is no all right I know what a paps [Laughter] is it's the second time you did that enjoyed both okay I think you got a bad doctor okay now let's do uh the one um below the cartoon so you see where it says CER and sheath let's do yeah oh these run those are these quick things that run along um they move so very quickly along no you're talking about something else you're talking about a transport thing this is a virus oh this is a virus it looks like the transport thing that this is Fage Lambda and what this thing is that thing is an icosahedral capsid so all of the nucleic acid is upstairs in that compartment but it's not a perfect icosahedron because it has the elongation of some triangles and the truncation of of others now this thing um is an example of imperfection in nature right so nature wanted to do something very rigid to protect the nucleic acid by coming up with a Nikos hedrin but she didn't do a perfect one can we find any other that like you see above that one that's way too perfect it's not true that's a good one so in some sense what you find often enough is that nature actually chooses imperfect Perfection Nest it yeah they're just nesting instead of now what what the way this works can we look up capsomere again I'm way out of my element C A something uh capap o caps omir yeah and then images so the idea is that you have these little units which are very much like your drone units your Lynch pins that come together to form capsids so when you can you hold up a one that in case is a do decahedron oh um like right here right here yeah so that is like a capsid m made from capir so I want you to spend some time on the protein Data Bank maybe let's go to the protein pdb capsomere and you'll get an understanding of all the ways in which Nature has been doing this engineering that we've been learning from um maybe actually just go to the site pdb yeah let's try that uh herpes um basically what these are are little Nature's version of Lynch pins that come together to form platonic solids which are uh the the Triangular platonic solids are valued because the triangle is a stable structure if you think about a a square square can become a a parallelogram very easily so they're not very you know Engineers will will will use triangles over over squares um what you need to do in my opinion is to figure out the Eternal ones understanding of these structures and how he or she creates these things with the stability that actually use the imperfections just the way you you were using the imperfections and by the way I did look at this years ago and totally discarded it because 108 wasn't equal to 109.5 7 right it's close and the fact that you're willing to deal with something doped with imperfection is what actually is the genius akin to even temperament well it's like how do you walk you don't walk by A Perfect gape you walk by moving past the point of equilibrium and catching yourself it's the it's the I don't know I don't know how to think like that I think perfectly not imperfectly and it's to my detriment in many situations well you've got an incredible mind call Stu can we go back to the main page because the another thing that I see you taking a lot of Guff for is the periodic table now I don't like your periodic table but you are also the only person I know who's pushing into the public Consciousness the understanding okay so first of all do you know Stanley Jordan not by name smoke wheat Stanley Jordan is one of I don't even want to call him a guitarist he's uh he's an alien intelligence From Another Universe but if you go up and you click that people have been saying that Terence Howard is making up this thing about the periodic table and the sound of the elements and I want you to hear what he calls sonification the ionization energies of the elements as repres presented here in a periodic table and we are going to produce tones representing those energies the way that this app works is each one of these elements in the table is actually a push button and I can play tones with these push buttons the settings in this control panel here will determine how those energies will be converted into tones that we can hear first of all we're just going to look at a few of the controls for now see we have transpose frequency the frequencies corresponding to these ionization energies are extremely high so we have to transpose them down to a range that as you said so here we're going to transpose it down in this case 42 octaves - 42 so let's start with hydrogen if I transpose it 43 octaves down I get that tone or I can go 44 octaves down I can also transpose it chromatically as you can see here I can go up and up again and up again but normally I set that at zero and just leave it there and I only change the octave let's go back to 42 and I'm going to show you some of the other controls that we have here the duration is in seconds so here we go 1 second long or we could go longer let's say 2 seconds and the damping Factor controls how quickly the tone decays three is kind of like a nice so what he's doing is he's preparing you for the fact that he's going to play the periodic table and by the way I just want to say this thing Stanley Jordan is a freaking Mega genius I see that now and what you're talking about I was talking with him about several years ago and what he was going to do is to mine the periodic table for the music of the elements and also go beyond that for molecules see I tried to do the same thing and I asked I called people treat you like your nuts I called UCLA asking for the prime resonant frequency of the elements and they wouldn't give him to me nobody would give them to me well because in part wait listen to this boron carbon nitrogen oxygen Florine neon now what happens is as you start listening to these you start to notice pattern let me go and go through this second row again but I won't say them I'll just go ahead and play through them kind of a beautiful Melody isn't it now these pitches that we're hearing are determined straight from a calculation based on the actual energy of the element so we are getting tones that you couldn't necessarily play on a piano a lot of them would fall in between the the keys so they don't fit our conventional Shar s system but if you want it to fit we can enable this it says quantize pitch so all these pitches are slid to the nearest note scale the chromatic scale just means all of the notes that we could play on a and I'm talking about 432 when I'm talking about the well you make an error again so you say this thing about hydrogen 40.5 well no I wasn't saying wait a wait a second but I wasn't saying that hydrogen is 40.5 I was saying that the key of E is 40.5 Hertz and doubles to 162 those things but you said it in a very authoritative way and the the 40.5 is not 40.5 Hertz it's 40.5 megahertz Associated not with hydrogen but with Mercury but you have to keep once you keep doubling that wait a ter you activated a bunch of chemists who said I don't know this frequency because they're looking at 440 they're looking at their 440 is concert a in a time when we've decided that that is concert a if if you were to use the Indian the hindustani system let's say instead of D it wasuta no they do they use a different I did the S I did theil skill that's what I but I'm saying this is this is that for North India right it's an irrelevancy because everybody's allowed to tune their saw to a different tone they don't have to tune their T saw around a440 because there's only three instruments there's a a too which doesn't have uh that tone is an important part there's a tanpura which is tuned to The Soloist and The Soloist determines what their s should be so can we do s uh so in that system the absolute value doesn't matter because you can tune it to whatever you want to tune it you're not trying to come up with an orchestra it's only the orchestral aspect of western music and the need for even temperament that forces us all to listen to the concert Master as to what a440 is right okay Joseph gerbos pushed that around the world okay let's not do Joseph geros just keep drinking drinking whiskey um what you have is a situation in which nobody understood what you said about the periodic table except for a tiny number of people now if we go to that page um Jamie that we put up uh go be back below that the sound of hydrogen from uh WSU so this is an academic page dedicated to the idea that you're trying to figure out how to play these things and this is the sonification now you attribute more meaning to this I think but you need to know about guy named Luca Turan who's a buddy of mine in the UK at Buckingham University which is trying to do some wild radical stuff they are working on the idea that smell is not based on shape but is based on frequency of the veence electrons and that particles that vibrate the same way smell the same even if their shapes are different and if their shapes are very similar but their vibrations are very different they don't smell the same so there's an entire book called The Emperor of scent about the academic like all the people who try to push you down they're trying to push Luc aturan down as if he doesn't know what's going on he's he's he's written the Bible of perfume I don't know if you like scent I do he uh he understands the vibratory quality of scent and so trying to sort of synthes these things by saying that everything that has frequency and vibration can be understood in each other's terms as a small freak community of very smart people trying to do what it is you're doing only problem is you gave us you know people ask me for an analog what do you think of Terence Howard that's all I got for like a week can we pull up the the um Terence Howard Joe Rogan Experience yeah no no the we're having right now that Janet it it'll come up as Janet left step periodic table what you did to the periodic table was by the way what a gift that I hate the periodic table can't stand it the problem is I had to analogize when I said when people asked me what I thought of you let's click on that thing that periodic table is one of the alternate periodic tables that's much more in favor with people who are mathematic Al minded like you are rather than the Walter Russell periodic table because what this does is it uses the quantum mechanics uh to stop with those exceptions isn't it weird that there's like a footnote in the middle of the standard periodic table in which you just say well these things are exceptions to the rule this is an attempt to use the electron orbitals in terms of the spherical Harmon ICS uh where you're looking at complex valued functions on the two-dimensional sphere and the sort of albow principle imagine that there was only a kolon potential centered at the origin in in a hydrogen situation you would go along and say hydrogen first helium then lithium then brillium then boron carbon nitrogen Etc and this is the way in which you would build up the outer shells of the electrons in which the um you have this principal quantum number which is basically the energy level but then the L quantum number is what we would call a highest weight for a highest weight representation of su2 or spin 3 which is the double cover of s SO3 that first one is onedimensional um but it's spin up and spin down so you get two elements the next one is going to be three-dimensional but you're going to get six elements and then you're going to get five-dimensional because SP in uh it's SO3 that determines the representation Theory this thing is what I wish you had given us rather than the Walter Russell thing which is sort of a historical artifact now no offense but the big problem is is that if you are trying to talk about like hydrogen and then you imagine carbon is an octave above I think is what you said MH doubling the frequency what is that thing below hydrogen and you say no no no it's it's too dense to be perceived like [ __ ] but there is ultra low frequencies even though we cannot hear it there's ultra low frequencies and that's what I'm saying my problem that's your analogy broke down with no because hydrogen sits in the same exact position as carbon does when you're looking at it no it doesn't it it doesn't come off at the same coloration it doesn't have the same tone Terence you're talking about a periodic table from like 1926 something like that and Walter Russell had some decent intuitions that he instantiated terribly now look at all this [ __ ] that you're doing and look at the fact that he's locked in 1926 darac is not going to come up with the darac equation to supersede the shinger equation for another two years Quantum electrodynamics isn't going to be born the neutron isn't going to be discovered until the early 30s and you're taking the wrong fight you're saying when David Tong here's what I really didn't appreciate about what you did David Tong said this is all a lie and you took the wrong meaning from that what David Tong was saying was different David Tong was saying we teach hard little ball Theory right there's an UPC and two down quirks in every Neutron and two up quirks and one down quk and all little hard little balls stuck together by rubber bands and then we've got one electron going crazy around it he's like that's not what's true and what did he say it wasn't a lie in the sense he said that's the best knowledge that we have he said I don't know how to say the word field to a seven-year-old they're Fields they're not hard little balls but that was my problem with David Tong because here I showed him you don't have a problem with D no no the the problem that I had was with his response to me was here I was showing him these are the way fields that your particles sit every time you teach you incur a pen but see that's the problem how do you not teach when you have something I'll tell you how to do it okay first thing is you try to figure out who's ethical and who isn't I'm not I'm not kidding around with this you got to be Jesus Christ to figure that out because most people they have a good faith Terence let me ask you a question have I been fair to you this time you've been you've been amazingly fair you've been very kind uniformly no I haven't been uniformally kind you have you've been you've been honest well you're talking to me about my heart my heart is my heart is open to you no you've actually talked about the things that I've talked about you've given me criticism on things where I've made mistakes you've told me where this is not available as a service in academics I know academics basically it's a closed little world and if you don't come with protection we stab you in the eye this idea that Neil said about why doesn't he just submit to peer rreview biggest bunch of [ __ ] I've ever heard we've got two papers the geometry of the proton did you get to see can we pull up the Neil stuff on on that I I prepared on that page because I cannot believe how disingenuous this is he calls you the worst insult in academics which is there was a study called called Kroger Krueger is both an effect that is studied and the ultimate insult it's basically your mama right let's just click on that and see what happens I spent a lot of time on it and I thought out of respect for him what I should do is give him my most informed critical analysis that I can in my field we call that a peer review you come up with an idea you present it either at a conference or you first write it up and you send it to your colleagues it is their duty to alert you of things about your ideas that are either misguided or wrong or or there's a Mis the calculation that doesn't work out or the the logic doesn't comport that's their job not all ideas will turn out to be correct most won't be but to get to that point you need to know things like what has everyone else said about this same subject am I repeating someone else's work is this a new insight that no one else has had but has foundations that are authentic or legitimate or objectively true am I making a false assumption am I making an assumption that someone else has already shown to be false all of this goes on on the frontier of science let me make it clear that I'm delighted when I see people with active Minds trying to tackle the great unknowns in the universe it's a beautiful thing that people want to participate on this Frontier what can happen is if you're a fan of a subject let's say a hobbyist let's call it it's possible to know enough about that subject to think you're right but not enough about that subject to know that you're wrong and so there's this sort of Valley in there a valley of false confidence this has been studied by others and it's called the Dunning Krueger effect it's the phenomenon where a little bit of knowledge you over assess how much of that subject you actually know and then when you learn even more you realize no I didn't know as much as I thought I did so then there's a sort of a lull there and then when you learn even more you come back up ultimately learning enough to know whether you were right or wrong to become an expert means you spend all this time it doesn't happen overnight you can't just sit in an armchair and say I'm now an expert it requires years and years of study especially looking through journals where new ideas are published and contested that's what we have learned is the most effective means of establishing that which is objectively true or determining that which is objectively false both of those work hand in hand to move the needle on our understanding of the universe I'm going to read you just my opening line here it's titled 1 * 1 equal 2 okay so I lead off so that was the that was now if we go below that um what do we have is there is that let's try that hi Sir Arthur Edington an astrophysicist provided the first experimental evidence for Einstein's general theory of relativity which by the way was published in a peer-review journal crazy idea the platform to be accepted for the ideas is not social media it is not Joe Rogan it is not my podcast it is re search journals where attention can be given on a level that at the end of the day offers no higher respect for your energy and intellect than by declaring that what's in it is either right or wrong or worthy of publication or not I wanted to post this to my website so you can see my comments mixed in with his treaties but uh you got the sense of it thanks for listening okay um I want to be very careful about my words is there anything below that that we've put together this is uh let's let's go above this is Neil degrass Tyson uh just so you don't feel bad about yourself talking about me and my theories based on that question and then ask me anything will you be able to talk talk about to Eric Weinstein about the new theory of geometric Unity this is from 2013 we are all wondering about that Cosmos is not your normal talking Head documentary in fact it's the feature of the original that enabled the series to live for an entire generation beyond the shelf life of hundreds of other science documentaries that came afterwards so the answer is no let me explain where you are Neil is not unaware that you are never going to get your hearing in a peer reviewed peer-reviewed Journal your ideas are going to come through you're a self-taught autodidactic polymath you haven't been cleaned up you haven't been taught how to speak properly you don't know the fact that when you say Lube we we know fix point I know how to do all this stuff right you're not getting a peer review from me I know a lot more than you do about a lot of this stuff you're getting an Elite review and my Elite review says that a lot of this is bath water but a small amount of this is baby and that's not available anywhere it's not available in a university it's not available in a journey in a journal that's available on The Joe Rogan Experience and you know Neil's right uh if what you want is peerreview you should go to a journal and they will laugh you out they will take one look at your email address and if it doesn't end ined I promise you you're not going to get hurt do me a favor Jamie can you pull hold on but let him finish because this is a sustained let's go let's go below where we just were Jamie I don't think Neil degrass Tyson actually knows the history of peer review this is Google engrams and it tracks how often a phrase is found in the Corpus of English language books published in the world peer review basically begins in the mid 1960s now there were various forms of re editors uh in particular were very distinguished individuals who were chosen to not peer-review things to Simply take a look at things and see who should be published and who should be not can we bring that back up more or less from what I can piece together gilain Maxwell's father who started per pergamon press um destroyed Jeffrey Epstein's G correct he figured out how to destroy science and make a fortune by blowing out the number of journals uh and forcing every University to subscribe to every Journal that he could figure out how to publish because to not subscribe to all of the journals required an admission that you had an incomplete Library so he diluted the quality of the editorship of the leading journals this was a group of very informal highquality Enterprise now most of the destruction of Science in terms of how high quality it used to be has taken place relatively recently post Robert Maxwell because now we have an enormous number of journals staffed by people who can't spot publication cartels where we agree to site each other's work we agree to publish stuff you know pay for play all of the nonsense that you see with irreducible irreproducible research comes after this peer review thing the peerreview thing got woven in so that people think that the scientific method in peerreview are effectively the same thing where one is an unwanted infection from the biological biomedical Universe which had pure riew much longer than everything else Neil is giving you a very cursory back of the hand brush off okay I felt it all right I here because I love this man and this is a higher quality environment we have to sort out what happened with Tony fouchy in the origin of Co I was very distressed when Joe was sort of credulously accepting everything that you were saying at a level where he he did say look I can't evaluate this he was letting you have your peace um Joe has established an extraordinary thing where he can call on a Roger Penrose he can call on all sorts of amazing people he called on you well he has lapses in judgment but he has he has his good quality my point being that this is actually what science was supposed to be we were supposed to listen to each other not go after each other with an ice pick to the eye we were supposed to try to figure out the best vers remember at the beginning of this where I was trying to say look I want to do the best version of your idea and build it up so what you're saying though can I just sure summarize this what you're saying is that Neil deg grass's understanding of peerreview is flawed sure that it is not really available to someone like Terren it really isn't he knows that you see peer review is not one thing one thing peer review is the ability to get rid of the axe murderer who's just wandered into your office with a manuscript in red crayon well while you guys are talking this I've got to run to the bathroom go go ahead go ahead CU just this alone it's an important Point okay so what Joe and I were just talking about yeah we're back from the bathroom break is what is peer review actually and why is it controversial so imagine that you have four types of people right you've got two establishment figures one of whom is screwing up the field who's in a very powerful position and should be removed um from the impediment being the impediment to progress that they are another person is an establishment figure who's killing it they're The Establishment because they're supposed to be the establishment The Establishment has recognized how valuable that person is now you got two other figures you got an Axe Murderer who desperately feels that they've got the secret of the universe and anybody doesn't understand them uh is a horrible person or you have a heterodox person who actually knows what they're talking about and can overturn the established order which is where you get a revolution peer review just sees establishment versus non-establishment it will lock in a terrible idea for 40 years and it will stop somebody coming from outside it will reapportion credit so suddenly you do a lot of work and somebody you know this is this thing I said about gripe and swipe we notice one flaw in your work and we take the entire Corpus that you've produced away from you we publish it under our own name I can tell you a a dozen terrible stories of peer review where people have confessed to using peer review as a weapon against their colleagues particularly younger colleagues and to Simply say peer review it works [ __ ] holy cow how how can this be I thought I was upset with some things that you had said and done no no no they're dwarfed they're dwarfed by this this is so disingenuous basically this is saying please submit your stuff from a address we'll take one look and say doesn't look like doedu to me and we'll throw whatever you do in the trash Heap and we'll say well you got the benefit of my peer review now you look at what Neil said about your stuff and by the way he's right about 1 Time 1 equaling one you're wrong about that that was your opener you you picked a terrible move on the other hand you heard what I said said about the Lynch pin it was a combination of bath water and baby I do not have any economic or uh authoritative interest in taking anything that you've done putting it under my own name I am simply here to help you and when we talked about the angle and all this stuff I can tell you that that's a great idea it may have been had by somebody else because I don't know but I assume it comes from you it may not work in practice I think it's pretty promising and I think if if you don't do anything else and you create one drone that just does that really cool thing it'll all have been worth it no we've got no no no I know tons of this it's now you've already created the you're obviously doing cool stuff what I'm trying to say is we in science have lost the ability to talk to people who do flawed stuff from outside all we want to do is get rid of you and it's because we have this fake openness we have a fake scientific method peer review has nothing to do with the scientific method we got along fine without peerreview isn't even peerreview it's something called peer injunction where your peers can stop you without shorting you I'm happy to bet against you in all sorts of things that you're doing and if you win and I Lose I'm on an unbounded negative experience but if I block you and I won't short you that's saying that I think you're dangerous because it's too dangerous to say to go short and the idea that we're handing old people and established people and and very politically Savvy people the ability to block you without shorting you is unforgivable so what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to offer I'm like I'm not pretending to be your peer I know a lot more than you do I'm giving you an Elite review and you're welcome and they Elite review doesn't find you as baseless as the peer review that supposedly got handed to you does so that's you know in part what I'm trying to get at is in my field that I care about for 40 years we've heard this unbelievable Trope that only the string theory people are doing real work and everybody else isn't and it's total hogwash and there's no way we can get out from under these people in the case of Anthony fouchy and Jay but I was just with Jay bachari in Italy you have this guy who has a PHD in economics and he's a doctor and he's a professor and he becomes a fringe epidemiologist overnight because some bureaucrat who's probably in control of the bioweapons portfolio you know because we signed this these two treaties during the 1970s y the Geneva Convention and the bioweapons convention uh he and uh and Francis Collins suddenly convert a respected colleague into a fringe epidemiologist it's like no we're going to have a mutiny and the Mutiny is going to be based here because this is a place that you'd invite Tony fouchy and J bataria oh for sure yeah we can do any of that I bring garlic yeah we could have meaku here some crosses on the wall let's have meaku and Brian Green Let's have a discussion about strength Theory let's fund fundamentally discuss neoclassical economics shall we discuss whether or not random mutation is the true engine of Neo Darwinism is that reasonable or do some of these crazy people who say um I don't know what it is but random mutation isn't powerful enough to build proteins because stability is too difficult the the sad fact Joe is is that you built something that has some credibility and even though you think of it as I just like having conversations with people and a lot of them are Fighters and I'm just meatball we don't have any other place we can't go to the National Academy of Science it's too politicized we can't go to Harvard you saw what just happened with Claude eay who's still a professor we've lost everything and podcasts as dippy and shitty and as variable in quality as they are Jerry very much included is uh this is all that's left and my claim is is that I'll challenge Neil I actually think that this is a better place to do review because I'm on the hook and by the way some of the [ __ ] that I've said is probably wrong the thing that pisses everybody off is the fact that I have the models behind what I'm talking about when I talk about when we describe the electric field or the plasmic field I've got models that Define every aspect of that motion and I'm waiting for it to be reviewed I will show you I would I would love that I would love that I'll take some of your money I would love that I would I would I would love that but I'll also try to help help make them better but it's having the proof and then mind you like Jamie if you pull up the um but Terence you know what he's saying about like not being an expert and teaching and then coming from the outside and that it's insult it's like it's bad yeah it's insulting it's a bad way to approach a concept because the people that have been studying these concepts for so long instantaneously are told that they don't know but you know and that's a offensive to people that are actual experts in a thing I think the same ideas could be betrayed in a way that does not do that I have to learn that nomenclature it's just you're so much smarter than most of the people you're talking to that's what the problem is and this is one of the failures of of Joe's [ __ ] detector in other words you believe what you're saying and you're obviously very very smart and you obviously have a huge amount of things that you've been introduced to like how many other people bring up Herman grman yeah and geometric algebra and cliffordale I think I'm probably the only other one in the history of this program to do that right when I saw you mention Clifford Algebra I was like okay there's a commonality right now Sean Carroll for sure knows what a Clifford algebra I'm not sure whether Neil degrass Tyson does Brian Green certainly does but in general this stuff doesn't get introduced in places like this and then and you'll watch this in yourself I'll try to put a circuit in your mind so you'll know exactly the point where you start pissing my community off can we bring up the cruel tutelage of Pim what's that uh I'm I I love chick flicks and I think the ultimate chick flick Joe it sounds like my ex I'm seeing you there watching Legally Blonde I'm seeing you right now with your socks on let's go let's let's go earlier than this is that from Kill Bill yeah oh oh okay I can't show this that's why we can't you got to be more specific I can't show this stuff well the bride goes up to the top of these stairs okay and Pim asks her what do you know and she says something like I am acquainted with such and such so and so and I'm more than proficient in the Fine Art of Japanese whatever and Pim completely kicks her ass because she doesn't understand um where she is and M claim is is that you need your ass kicked and you need to Apprentice to some of us who know more than you and believe me let me just tell you this I've had my ass kicked and I will get my ass kicked more because you need some kind of humility you're coming across wrong by the way never pick a fight with Jamie Fox holy [ __ ] is that guy good at everything I learned I learned that the hard way talk if you're out there I totally love you and what you did in Ray is just unbelievable but that guy he does every movie he's just he's so damn good yeah he's an insanely talented he's insanely talented person he's one of the most intelligent people I've met I was sitting on the set of of um Ali with him and I'm playing chess with him and I'm playing a serious game of chess he's having a conversation with two other people while he's playing chess with me as if it's nothing as if it's nothing yeah and I play chess well so for I I was I've never been more impressed with somebody who can compartmentalized and he's an organizational genius he's he's he's whatever he is he is but you know what I had my guy my guy was named gnome elkis I don't know if uh gome El you never heard of gome elks gome Elks I entered Harvard at 19 with a master's degree gnome was 18 he didn't have a master's degree so we were sort of in a weird way neck and neck and everything that I thought I was good at gnome was better gnome I played a little piano gnome could compose anything I mean this guy's just like super genius Beyond genius right and he was he wasn't a bad guy at all but he was so powerful in his mind that uh like he composed I think an 11 by1 crossword with no black squares I don't know stuff that just can't be done um and I thought gez there's just no point in competing with no milis and one Christmas party the professor named rul bot um heard me playing trying trying to play Boogie wogie piano and gnome sat down and like Ralph said well why don't you play us some Boogie wogie and gome started playing what he thought was Boogie wogie was like rock monov and R would say no no no and no would go into showan and then he'd go into list he was playing ever more brilliant things and finally his brain just blew because he couldn't think through Boogie wogie but gnome then became became the youngest professor in the history of Harvard University I realized that I had accidentally entered in the year in which a gome Elks was present and by having my ass kicked repeatedly by this guy I had to ask myself the question well what am I doing on this planet what do I have to contribute and all the things like I see Jamie Fox doing he's not trying to do anything like this right there's a creative spark and a spirit in you that I really see and appreciate it comes from an older era and we don't have people like you in the academy anywhere we used to we used to have lots of these polymaths who would connect fields and right now what we've got is a specialization epidemic and as far as I can tell what you need is some discipline and you need discipline from coming into contact with people who know a lot more than you who can educate you as to what we already understand how to communicate those things and not just shut them down what happened not and the epidemic we have is assassins we have an assassin epidemic because the midwit in the system all they do is see things in terms of like dun and Krueger D and Krueger D and Krueger the funny part about it is is that that's the midwit end point is that they see heterodox thinkers and they can't figure out how to place them and so they just say if I can find one error I can reject everything and you keep triggering that and that's why you one times one but that's why I keep saying the one one is more of a metaphor it's not a metaphor to us it is life and death you try to sneak one time one through airport security it's like it's just a Glock 19 I understand that but it was really to gr to get to gain the attention they never do it to gain the attention you didn't know and now you know well okay there's but there there's one more that's going to keep us from ever getting you through this thing can we pull up the my page again we're going to wrap it up with this one yeah I well I want to do this it be a little bit we didn't even but we didn't even do the Lynch man Terence teren we're so far down the road we this is four and a half hours okay I want you to take a look at the chemical engineering PhD because if we don't do that I can't actually help you oh that that right there let me talk to me let me explain that yeah here I took over to um what was the name of the University um South South Carolina University I was working with with um Apollo diamonds we were growing diamonds and I had developed a way in which to grow diamonds larger than the Two karat diamonds I went over to South Carolina University and I talked to them about introducing the diamond process you know into their University um they were going to give me an honorary degree okay now I'm thinking they're giving me honorary degree in chemical engineering because of what I'm doing and it's just a honorary degree in Humanities that they gave me and so I went on the show and I was like yeah well I got the I got an honorary degree from them but that ended up coming across as if I got an honorary degree in chemical engineering which I don't have an honorary degree in chemical engineering assume you did an honorary degree is worthless it's like would you take if you're if if your child needed brain surgery would you go to Dr Dre no okay here I want you to hold this uh as a guy who had who was 19 with a master's degree Harvard University and I got into a a fight and took me seven years to get that away from it from them and they would have been happy to bury me without it okay that is Blood Sweat and Tears and the work that I actually started doing ended up in somebody else's name because Harvard University in part accredited with them with it that's the P person when you screw around with a PhD like this claudian gay this this this woman needs to be fired okay Harvard University needs to go back to the business of kicking ass and taking names and being the place that is The Shining City on the hill enough with the anti semitism enough with the woke enough with the Dei don't ever let me catch you talking about Jim Crow mathematics you're getting absolutely treated seriously for the serious stuff that you've done you're getting treated properly for the wrong stuff that thing about the PHD it's basically fraud what I'm saying to you is I don't give a [ __ ] Merit is Merit if I can catch you in a fraud if I can catch you in a lie I can H you in an error I don't care my question is what did you do what was the cool stuff you did do I'm not an assassin I don't care if you in part exaggerated your achievements I know how what it feels like to be shat on I know that you have no ability to fight what's being said to you from on high okay what I'm saying is the only thing that matters is what you contribute in the end and imagine that you there was fraud imagine that there were lies imagine that there were errors and imagine that the Lynch pin turns out to be the next level drone that defines everything because accidentally there are six degrees of freedom and there's six dimensions in the semi-direct product of SO3 with R3 whatever it doesn't matter it's that cool Gregor mendle probably faked his peepot experiments and there's a guy named David E Kaplan at John's Hopkins University who said to me something it's so beautiful I can't reproduce it he said physics is based on everything it's the backstabbing it's the frauds it's the Geniuses it's the it's the Craftsmen and the workmen who get the job done the experimentalists who toil on papers with a thousand people and this this community of all of these people have come together to produce something which is something close to the source code of the universe and if you're interested in that Pursuit and you want to get rid of some of the baby fat and and some of the [ __ ] I'm happy to help is a lot of work to do it it happens that I had done a lot of the work over my life so I didn't have to put an infinite amount of energy into this but what happened is is that you created a mass delusion and it was a mass delusion in part because we we're not aware of what Mass delusions actually are they start with a nub of Truth they start with creative Sparks of Genius so we're on the lookout for people who are just frauds who have nothing that they actually can contribute and what we don't realize is that you have these things about kayab which are these manges of reality and fakery right and they're they're interwoven what you've produced is something that is part [ __ ] and part real contribution and we don't have a system to pull it apart and we don't have any experience for how to sense when that's what's going on but they consider the the [ __ ] to be the 1 Time 1 equaling two and the 97 patents the super symmetry it's not the 97 patents it's not the Super symmetry it's simply the residue the reduction of when we get rid of all the stuff that wasn't supposed to be here because you're a self-taught polymath you're obviously incredibly intelligent you're obviously not taught by the system and you can't do that work all on your own no so you got to come in and you got to find somebody who's not looking to kill you and that's been the entire dance what I've tried to do is introduce a new set of tools to the scientific and mathematical community so that they can advance past the platonic solids it's the platonic solids I still see in a two or threedimensional p p um position and since we are living in hyperspace and hyperbolic reality then we need to have tools that Define that that hyperbolic space so we don't have to go through um Loren's Transformations and all of these unnecessary steps in order to get to defining curv space I think that the real story teren is going to be whether you can stop teaching long enough to accept some help I'm I'm here to accept the help and I'm here to learn from you because I'll tell you something the Lynch pin is is a good example of something which I didn't know and to the extent that I did know know it I threw it away and I think it's a great idea and I think that the art and I think that some of the higher dimensional stuff and I think that a lot of this stuff has a kind of beauty that if if if if John Horton Conway were still alive and hadn't been killed by covid I know I know where to send you there's a guy you know there are sphere packing people there are combinat tourist there all sorts of people who play with stuff in this realm but the one thing that you've got to stop doing is is that when you get on a program that has millions of people you can't create one more mass delusion I've got a fouchy mass delusion I've got a string theory Mass delusion I've got a Biden is fine Mass delusion I've got a trump is not a problem Mass delusion all I have morning noon and night is mass delusion on mass delusion but people don't understand that the reason that these Mass delusions get started is that there's a nub of Truth in them qanon is not can't be total [ __ ] because it's got some core in it that's right and some craziness if you think about diticom and volcanoes right so what's going on is is that people are not aware of how kayab works right wrestling is is one of the most dangerous demanding Sports of a certain kind now it happens to be theatrical and pre-programmed but if you've ever dealt with anybody like the wrestling Community suffers a death rate unlike any other sport in the world what you have to understand is is that kayab and I highly recommend you look at my essay from 2011 is about what happens when fantasy and reality intermingle and that's what you did on the last time that you were here and I can talk to you about the fantasy I can talk to you about the fraud and the lies but I'm also going to talk to you about the contributions of the genius and the insight and I I want the world to learn is you're getting sucked into Mass delusions that you're not o properly imagining there's almost always a core of truth and reality that the mainstream won't acknowledge and then there's almost always a [ __ ] payload that gets leavened in because in some sense the mainstream is our official cult and then all of the rest of us produce these other Cults and in my situation I've gone 40 years and I haven't had a really deep conversation about gu you geometric Unity with my own Community where you are is that you're in a world in which the number of people who are both competent and honest and ethical enough to have the conversation with you has dwindling to fewer than 10 it's been a pleasure and an honor to appear with you thanks for being a decent guy I know that not all of this has been welcome this has all been welcome I any truth and like I said I take you up on on exp examining and exploring these into to the areas cuz like I said these are tools I just want to offer a new set of tools to that community so that they can now advance past the points where we are try out offering because the first thing you need to do the first thing you need to do is not necessarily be a student it's not a higher versus lower but just recognize that you're bringing gifts and you're bringing problems and it's very expensive to help you but it doesn't mean it's impossible and one of the great things about this program is that if there is anybody out there they can hear it now I'll be honest with you I've been on this program maybe six times before I am often astounded that I can reach all of planet Earth and there isn't a single soul who can hear me and I think that one of the things you're going to have to reckon with is you're saying certain things and you may get hundreds and hundreds or thousands of responses and there won't be a single meaningful response among them and I don't know what to do about that but um stay off Twitter I did I I yeah I I did my best to give you whatever response I could all I really want is if you saw some benefit in the things that I've displayed and show shared with you I want them in my house then let's have a conversation I've got I've got a set for you we got a gift we're all connected now thank you very much gentlemen it was a lot of fun it very interesting very informative thank you Jamie thank you Jamie very very much all right bye everybody thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music]