Transcript for:
Exploring Static Electricity Experiments

We will perform a series of experiments with static electricity with a paper napkin or tissue, better than normal writing paper, since it is much thinner and lighter. Let's cut pieces and put them on the table. On the table I have two types of materials: on this side, materials which tend to lose electrons and acquire a positive charge, as this sweater, in this case an acrylic sweater with some cotton, but it might work even better with a wool sweater, wool garment or with a rabbit fur, for example. A bottle, a glass rod. Instead, on this side I have a PET bottle, PVC pipe, thereof used in plumbing or electricity.. Cellophane and bubble wrap, plastic bubble wrap. Then we will take the PVC pipe and we will rub it with this garment. Now the tube will have a net negative charge and the sweater a more positive one, this is, electrons have passed from the sweater to the tube. We see how it attracts the pieces of paper. The same could be done by rubbing the bottle. Now let's try with this glass rod, that I will rub with this bubble wrap. The rod will transfer electrons to the plastic so that the plastic will now be more negative and the rod more positive . We see how it attracts the pieces of paper, not as hard as plastic, like PVC, but it attracts them. The same could be done with a bottle if we do not have a glass rod. We will use the neck, I rub it ... Now I will bring different materials near a fine water jet. I rub the PVC pipe with cotton fabric. This balloon with a glass source. We note that glass, albeit mild, also diverts the water. The PET bottle with a nylon cover. The other balloon with a nylon bag. The plastic wrap roll also with the nylon bag. Electrostatic phenomena are made more patent the smaller the relative humidity since the humid air conducts better electricity and helps charged objects to discharge. That's why on winter dry days is more frequent to receive a small electric shock when leaving of the car or the hair curls. We have here this porex or expanded polystyrene ball, you can buy in any dollar or handwork store and let's rub it... It acquires a negative charge, the same as the PVC pipe. We see how are they repelled each other.