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Which tool is used for API testing in this course?
Press to flip
Postman is used for testing API endpoints.
Which tool ensures responsive design and proper display on multiple devices?
CSS, along with media queries, ensures responsive design and proper display across different devices.
Which React component is used for styling and displaying the Hero section of the application?
Material UI is used to create and style the movie carousel in the Hero section.
What is the role of React Bootstrap in this course's frontend development?
React Bootstrap is used to implement responsive UI components such as the navigation bar (Header).
What additional topic areas does the course encourage exploring after completion?
The course encourages learning about authentication, complex relationships, and larger API designs.
Which tools are required for backend development in this course?
Java Development Kit (JDK), IntelliJ IDEA, and a MongoDB Atlas account.
How is Axios configured for HTTP requests in a React application?
Axios is configured by setting up a base URL and defining any necessary headers for HTTP requests.
What React library is used for navigation within the application, and how is it utilized?
React Router is used for navigation, and it's utilized by defining paths and components for routing inside the app.
For the frontend setup, which command creates a new React application?
The command 'npx create-react-app' is used to set up a new React application.
What Java version is recommended for use in this course, and how do you verify its installation?
JDK 17 (latest LTS version) is recommended; installation can be verified using 'java -version' and 'javac -version'.
What class annotations might be used to define a 'Movie' model in Spring Boot?
Typical annotations might include @Entity, @Id, and other JPA or Lombok annotations for field mappings.
In Spring Boot, where is business logic typically placed?
Business logic is placed in the Services, which access and manipulate data.
What is the significance of using Spring Initializr in this course?
Spring Initializr is used for project initialization, helping to set up the base Spring Boot application with necessary dependencies.
What is the primary objective of the Full Stack Application course?
To learn to create a full stack application using MongoDB for the database, Java and Spring Boot for the backend, and React for the frontend.
How does the course demonstrate the separation of concerns in application architecture?
By encouraging a loosely coupled architecture, allowing independent evolution of client and server code.