hi Patrick Fulop here at effective martial art HQ in this lesson an introduction to grappling how to improve faster by understanding the hierarchy of the four basic positions as well as your basic offensive and defensive strategy in each situation all right so the four main situations we will explore in this video are the guard thigh control full mount as well as back control now we're going to look at what to do in each situation offensively and defensively or the main attacks that you can do and the main escapes and we're gonna have a more detailed video coming up with more detailed techniques and strategies in each one of those situations so make sure to stay tuned for that and if you haven't already subscribe to our Channel right now now in terms of prerequisites you should already be comfortable with the white belt grappling basics that we explored in a playlist on our channel already so make sure you're comfortable with those basic body movements and that will make the application of these techniques and your transitions between those positions much more efficient and effective so without further ado let's get right into it first situation is gonna explore is the guard alright so the guard refers to the general situation where I have my legs in between her and I so when you have your legs to protect yourself there's many different types of guards they can be classified in these general categories which are open guard when there's little to no contact between us I can have some form of grips as well and opens our grips on their lace here you can have the leg wrapped on one side here on the other side this would be tail or Eva guards we could also be in a form of half guard as well if she's on her knees and I have one of her legs control again there's many different variations of half guard when we have one leg control that's half guard and there's also closed guard when I have both my legs wrapped around her waist and I'm controlling her body like so these are generally I would be in the defensive position in this situation so it's generally preferable to be on top in the guard situation but on the bottom you can still get a lot of good offensive movements going as well the last category of guards will be the turtle position or turtle right now this is a little bit more advanced but if I can be here on my knees sometimes I'll control of one of your legs I can get some attacks going from here but she can also attack me here from the fun headlocks different situations will play out in the turtle position or that more detail in a future video now as I said it's generally preferable in grappling in general is preferable to be on top and in the garden particular as well as specially when strikes are involved and this is what we do here at effective martial arts one curriculum for striking wrestling and grappling and in each situation we strive to consider all the eventualities that can happen in hand-to-hand combat basically we create a curriculum and a belt system for MMA so in the guard situation I add a man as a disadvantage especially when shrikes are involved because I have to boot them and she has gravity on her side so if she attacks with strikes I am an addition batter in this case now I can also attack with strikes here specifically with my feet by included grips here I can go up kicks over here if I'm in a seated position I can attack your leg with kicks over here and so in general might being strategy from the bottom guard situation will be to escape and get up to my feet so I can use the up kick to create space here and get up using as technical stand up which we saw in detail in previous videos if we have more of a close contact situation the more screen case would be the closed guard situation I'm gonna have to disengage from here and create space here she'll keep on applying the pressure I want to keep space keeping having my frames here and eventually getting to my standing position so that'll be my primary objective from bottom guard getting up but as you get more comfortable in the grappling range you also want to give an offensive strategy going on from the bottom so your offense from the bottom can be striking base like we've said tom can't up kick will be the main ones but it can also be grappling base and that always starts with grips so I can start grabbing here her hands if I can get control of her upper body and get some submissions going I can grab her feet with my head I can hook her legs with my feet so any types of that I forget believe me either to me sweet where I can start making her fall over here or a submission which would be getting control of one of her limbs or her neck to get a submission which would be either a jump lock or a strangler from the top my main strategy also I can use strikes to my advantage especially in this case since I have gravity on my side so I want to get some form of control protect myself and strike here to the body or to the face and I want to prevent the attacks coming at the same time this will also be possible in the half guard situation over here I can get control of her wrist also start doing my attacks that are striking base and in the closed guard that's possible as well chest control on me here over the hips or protect against no submission because she will be attacking me but I can also attack with elbows or punches to the body or to the face now she can also attack me in this situation so it's yet eventually closed guard I'm gonna want to disengage from this situation here it has some frames in place and the other thing that you wanna do from top guard combined with the strikes is to go for an eight pass so if she's on top now the past will always happened the same way it'll start most likely with grips and with distance and angles I could be seated over here she could go to the side either side and it's like getting an angle on me here obviously I don't want to let that happen so as she's going to the side here sorry to get an angle I'm gonna follow her keep her in front of me fight her grips as well so I want to let her control me I want to get an offensive game going as well in the control of her leg eventually she clues that frame you can start getting around it and I'll get to a more dominant position so once she clears the legs now we get into another situation which is the side control situation so psychic usage there's many variations of it once you have the full chest-to-chest connection over here and she's cleared my heart that's a full side control situation but there's also variation that is the knee on belly situation where he has a shin across my hips over here and this would be a knee on belly position says the control here are my hips and it's hard for me to move so she has a more dominant position in this case it could also be a north-south situation where we inverted like so and now again I'm control controls my hips controls my posture with the head so I'm gonna fight I have to fight my way out of this when the most common variation is this I control or she is perpendicular to me now here it's not time for me to attack I'm in a very defensive position in this case and she is the offensive grappler in this case as well so again my only goal will be to escape there are some attacks I can do from here they're very limited so my goal will be to create space with my hips and start getting my legs back in place and eventually be guarding me my life back in between her and I obviously she doesn't let that happen so she wants to stay in the side control position and negate my attempts and escaping so stabilizing will be her first objective as she can also get her attacks going as well from here when she stabilized the position so striking base to beat down position I want to protect myself free my arm eventually get it back in front of me if my frames back in front of me here so I can defend with my arms she can also get submissions going from this position as well typically on the forearm does it'll be the most common one so Mary camera here getting a shoulder lock and she can also transition to more dominant positions namely this full mount transition will be the most common getting need across the belly and getting not fully across my body so this would be the full mount position in this case I am a little bit more trouble involved than previously mainly because for strikes now have more potential power than before because she has elevation she can come down with her whole body weight and strike me here so I want to be mindful of that and really protect myself from those strikes of keeping my head off the ground chin tuck and my hands protecting myself and I also need to goaltend the possibility of submissions at the same time so that's why it's very important to have my elbows tight and again my main in this situation we'll really be to escape as soon as possible in order to do that again it's all in the hips using the bridge and the shrimp that we've seen before and trying to regain that elbow to knee connection here by putting my body in the ball and from there I can regain the position of the variations of the guard and start escaping the position from here so from the full mount position again I wanna roll 10 strikes strikes are coming or a perfect myself here I can also gain control of your body to take myself looking strikes from here so you can break that by doing a cross face on me and yeah you're not gonna be offensive or protecting these the strikes and particularly the submissions as well but the moment my elbow starts opening up she can start a packing down arm and now I need to my way out of the bar bar so we're gonna see that more in detail all the layers of attack and defense of the armbar so stay tuned and subscribe to our channel if you're not already you don't want to miss that video moving on the last situation we explore is the back control situation my god that can happen many ways you can get the back control from any one of the other positions but the simplest illustration would be if I stood make the mistake of started posing my back she can transition behind me start getting of just the back connection and then start taking control of my back over here facing the camera so know if she has the back control she wants her chest connected to my back she wants control of my upper body by having one call a seatbelt with her arms over here she has my bottom shoulder control her head is very close to my head as well so it's controlling the position of my head and she wants lower body control at the same time as well so she's controlling my hips and this is a great illustration of the concept of access and a principle of access meaning that all my escapes will have to do with resetting my access to her so I basically want a face for it so we've seen this this before I'm gonna see in more detail and the back control escape video but if I can't free my head somehow and start turning and facing her this will be ameliorate my position I can also do so by sliding out over here getting my head free here so I gave my head to the mat and start facing her over here so she's gonna need to prevent that eventually transition she can get back to the full mount which is also for her so in terms of fighting when she fights on fall back and full mount are really on par in terms of the offensive opportunities but the back control offers a unique opportunity to execute the most high percentage submission in all of martial arts which is the rear naked strangle so she can isolate an arm perhaps and start getting under my chin over here and then eventually lucky on in the figure-four this is a very high percentage shot that's hard to defend from here because I am purely defensive in this situation so again my main objective is just to escape her objective will be to stabilize this position and go on the offense with the choke she can also strike in this situation she has a good lower body control here and she has the hands under control she can eventually strike on this side here so I need to protect myself and the other submission that's pretty high percentage as well from the back is transitioning to an armbar so she goes on the other side my head here I can lay across breaking my head you can break my arm from there so this is a quick overview of the four main positions now how to navigate from each definitely starts from the guard then you are worst off when you're in bottom side control and then bottom full mount and bottom back control are pretty much equally as bad in the bottom position from the top perspective when you are in the top guard you definitely have a lot of offensive opportunities but you have to be careful because persona bottom can still attack you and then when you get to side control you're in a better position and full mount back control you have a lot more offensive opportunities you definitely want to be able to maintain those positions if you have gotten there now stay tuned because we will have a detailed tutorial coming up for each one of those situations so the guard basic guard passing and retention as well as the offense and defense in that situation side control full mount back control we're gonna study the most high percentage escapes in each one of those situations as well as the most import offensive movements for stabilization as well as attacks striking and grappling based now more importantly we're also going to expand on the little wound concept of using progressive resistance in order to help you acquire the skills of making those techniques work in a real situation so more on this later as well as we're going to expand on the five basic principles of fighting applied not only to grappling but also to our other ranges of on combat which are wrestling and striking so once again this is what we do here at effective martial arts in our school and on our channel we study all aspects of hand-to-hand combat we basically created a curriculum and belt system for MMA that encompasses striking wrestling and grappling so if you haven't already subscribe right now and if you are a returning subscriber good job for doing your study time staying tuned to our videos and acquiring the knowledge that will help you improve faster and lastly if you've enjoyed this video click the like button right now if there's any particular aspect of this lesson that you've enjoyed or found particularly helpful let us know in the comments below if you have any questions let us know as well we'll be happy to help so as always it's been a real pleasure doing this video for you excited about the next ones coming soon signing off Patrick Fulop here at effective martial arts HQ in Point Claire Westland o Montreal Quebec Canada thank you very much for watching practice well [Music] you