Introduction to Graph Theory in Computer Science

Jun 22, 2024

Introduction to Graph Theory in Computer Science

What is a Graph?

  • Simplest definition: A network that defines and visualizes relationships between components.
  • Components -> circles called vertices or nodes.
  • Relationships -> lines called edges.

Why Study Graphs?

  • Graphs are prevalent in various fields:
    • Mapping and Navigation: Model roads (edges) and intersections (vertices).
    • Social Networks: Model friendships (edges) between people (vertices).
    • Sudoku: Solving puzzles by mapping numbers to graph colorings.

Core Terminology

  • Vertices (or Nodes): Fundamental components of a graph.
  • Edges: Connections between vertices.
  • Neighbors: Two vertices connected by an edge.
  • Degree of a Vertex: Number of edges connected to a vertex (number of neighbors).
  • Paths: Sequence of vertices connected by edges. Length is the number of edges in the path.
  • Cycle: A path that starts and ends at the same vertex. All cycles are paths but not all paths are cycles.
  • Connectivity: Two vertices are connected if a path exists. A graph is connected if all vertices are pairwise connected.
  • Connected Component: Subset of vertices that is connected.

Types of Graphs

  • Undirected Graph: Edges imply bidirectional relationships.
  • Directed Graph: Edges are unidirectional.
    • Directed Cyclic Graph: Contains cycles.
    • Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG): Contains no cycles.
  • Weighted Graph: Edges have weights, modeling metrics like traffic or distances.
  • Tree: A connected, acyclic graph. Removing an edge disconnects it; adding one creates a cycle.

Graph Representations

  • Adjacency Matrix: Matrix representation where if there's an edge between node i and j, entry is 1; otherwise, 0.
  • Edge Set: Set of edges for the graph.
  • Adjacency List: Maps each vertex to a list of its neighbors. Preferred for sparse graphs (large vertices, few edges per vertex).

Interesting Problems in Graph Theory

  • Connectivity: Are two vertices connected? Is the graph connected?
  • Shortest Path: Path of least length between two vertices.
  • Cycle Detection: Detecting cycles in a graph.
  • Vertex Coloring: Assign colors to vertices ensuring no two neighbors share the same color.
  • Eulerian Path: Path that uses every edge exactly once.
  • Hamiltonian Path: Path that uses every vertex exactly once. No efficient algorithm exists.


  • Graph theory has numerous applications and is pivotal in understanding relationships and solving complex problems.
  • Important concepts: terminology, types of graphs, representations, and key problems.
  • Future content will dive deeper into graph algorithms for these problems.

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