Transcript for:
Understanding Different Leadership Styles

[Music] when we think about the most effective way to lead an organization leadership often comes to mind and I want to talk today about four types of leadership or various um leaders and areas where they're uh strong and yet weaknesses in that type of leadership how they can best be utilized and areas where there may be um a a downside to that type of leadership so the first one we want to talk about today leadership models is the charismatic leader now the upside of the charismatic leader is he is depending upon his personal charm or her personal charm to influence people and the charismatic leader can be very persuasive uh this is good um because they basically get everyone on board the people beneath them become um followers but it has limited Effectiveness because the amount of people that a charismatic leader can reach is limited it's usually only one group and has a hard time reaching out then to the totality of a large organization so when you're looking for leadership of a particular group and you want loyalty to a particular person the charismatic leader using their charm to influence people uh their persuasiveness can be uh very helpful in that regard but it is limited next we want to talk about bureaucratic leadership when we think of bureaucratic leadership here we the bureaucrat is a rule keeper they follow all the rules and they expect everyone beneath them to follow all the rules now in certain situations this is very good it's highly effective the bureaucrat is most effective when handling cash flow and managing work in dangerous environments where rule keeping is the difference between uh life and death or life and injury so the bureaucrat r as a rule follower expects everyone beneath them to follow the rules and in given circumstances the right circumstances governing cash flow uh dangerous work environments this is good because they shine here they're strongest here and they present the best uh leadership for these particular areas now the downside of the bureaucratic leader is that if things need to change the bureaucrats not going to change there's no creativity the're very resistant to change the rules are the rules I follow them you follow that's the way it is so if you need change or creativity the bureaucrat is not your person uh they are the rule Keepers next we need to think of the autocrat autocratic leadership is a oneman show my way or the highway I say it you do it now often there's a great deal of resentment from those under the autocrat because they feel completely left out of the decision-making process they haven't been consulted they're just told to do it and sometimes this can cause interpersonal problems where the autocrat shines though is in emergency situations where a decision needs to be made decisively immediately and carried out for the good of everyone so in emergency situations or types of environments where quick decisive decisions need to be made by one person and followed the autocrat is your person here so charismatic influences through persuasion with their charm and their personality the bureaucrat follows the rules and gets everyone do likewise the autocrat basically says this is the way it's going to be now go do it and each in their own area have strengths but once again there's a downside to each one as well and the last one we want to talk about is the consultant now the consultative uh leader presents a decision to the entire staff and invites feedback and thoughts and do you like it or not like it why why not what do you think this can be good because the whole team then feels a part of the decision-making process they've been brought in they've been asked they get their say so so it does build team cohesiveness and unity of course it's much less efficient than the autocrat it's not rules-based like the bureaucrat and the consultant may not be charismatic at all it's just the idea that the consultant as leader comes in and says here's what I'm thinking what do you think do you agree do you disagree oh that's an interesting insight and so it can build team cohesiveness but it's much slower much less efficient um it can be good though this particular type of leadership is would be absolutely essential if you're wanting to make changes and it's absolutely necessary that everyone on the team agree with those changes to make those changes a success so we're going to change over this whole thing if everyone's not on board it won't work you bring in the consultant who brings everyone in talks them through it and they go yeah that's great let's do it then they're all on board and the change can take place well these are there are four different types of leadership charismatic personality persuasion gets uh followers beneath them but limited to one group bureaucrat rule follower I follow him you follow him that's the way it is not good for change or creativity but very good in dangerous work environments and money flow cash flow areas the autocrat my way or the highway I say you do um May build up resentment from those beneath them but in crisis situations where immediate decisions are necessary uh this is the leadership you want and then finally the consultant who because you want change needs to get everyone on board asks for their input uh they appreciate that agree with that they agree too it's reached collaboratively and groupwise and therefore the change can take place and be a success if you'd like to learn more about leadership and types of leadership click on the link below this video and go to that website where you'll find an ebook ready for immediate download