[Music] [Music] shabbat shalom let's turn to ephesians chapter 2. i pray yahuwah that i would have the capacity to deliver this message today because truly brothers and sisters ephesians 2 i pray that will be our go-to scriptures when people say hey i don't understand why you were keeping the feast and the shabbat didn't isn't the law done away with and then others say hey we should be doing all of the levitical torah and we can say look let's listen let's review ephesians chapter 2 because i pray i can do this justice because this should be our go-to foundational text for the malkie zeddick priesthood because ephesians chapter 2 in my opinion is one of the most important bible chapters for understanding paul's theology on the restoration of israel and the outworking of the law in light of yahushua what do we do with the law now that we have yahushua this is the question that people have been asking for millennia and paul has already given us the answer in ephesians chapter two if we will just do the text the justice that it so deserves is the law done away with well is it is the law done away with well maybe the laws nailed to the cross i think i've heard that somewhere else before as many a 20th century theologian would have had me believe for year in and year out in yesteryear but maybe there's something greater there's something greater going on here that is supposed to connect us back remember the prophet isaiah says what he will declare the end from the very beginning that's a foundational bible study principle that we must not neglect in our studies so let's go back to the beginning because i think we don't go back to the 20th century just a few years ago to find that the law was erroneously nailed to the cross no let's go back to the 18th century before the common era a long long time ago and find the the key to the law is the connection to abraham in the 18th century before the common era so we've got to get our centuries correct so that we can get our theology correct so that we can connect everything back to the beginning because that's what isaiah admonishes us to do that the end is declared from the very beginning ephesians 2 it describes the relationship of non-jewish believers to the commonwealth of israel and it also goes into great detail great detail explaining the removal of the dividing wall that removal of the dividing wall is the key work of yahushua the messiah and our job our job is to determine what that dividing wall is and what that dividing wall is not that is our responsibility as believers in yahusha not on the evidence of religious commentaries not on the evidence of religious dogma and doctrine not on positional doctrinal statements but on the evidence of scripture culture and language detailed within the text themselves we will find out what that dividing wall is that has been removed so ephesians chapter 2 without further ado the ecclesia or the ecclesia united remember the church was born in genesis chapter 28 and verse 3. kahal in the hebrew assembly in the english or ekklesia the first mention of the church of course is genesis chapter 28 verse 3 again the end declared from the very beginning ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 says thus and you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins wherein in past times ye walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience death was a result of disobedience the disobedience to yahuwah understood from time immemorial the creation the rebellion at creation through adam the harvard death came in a day did it not because a day is but a thousand years and we know that adam died in that first thousand years but the death was more than physical it was more than physical yes that physical death did result in exile and the cutting off in the elder realm but there was the spiritual death the life given and that intimate fellowship with elohim died from that point on too so in our opening text we see those who are disobedient to yahuwah as well as all who once walked following the course of this world are actually under the influence of evil spirits so don't forget that when you're out in the world and you come up against something you come up against some person they are under the influence of evil spirits if they have not been regenerated recreated by the indwelling of the ruach kakudesh because our war is not just against the natural carnal realm but the principalities that empower these people look at the governments of this world look at the new world order look at the illuminati we are seeing that this is a spiritual force of darkness that is coming it got up against the believers of light and we're to be light and salt and in those times we need to be so salty that they're like slugs that just shrivel up to nothing right so that's when you become really really salty and caustic so there's a time and a season for that and there's a time to be a little sweeter but we know that death came in a day and that these people that are in rebellion are actually under the influence of evil spirits and there's a tremendous demonic activity that leads men into a debased mind and reasoning that's ultimately expressed in their outward body and we see that now today in our culture so sadly don't we affecting our youth and the upcoming generation and the biblical maxim is this without law listen without law man is nothing but a natural idolater that's it that's a biblical maxim without law man is nothing is nothing but a natural idolater meaning what is man gonna do he's gonna fall into idolatry because that is the biblical maxim and that is what we find today so by removing the law from our biblical worldview is it any wonder the idolatry is rampant within the church is it any wonder it's no different it's no different than the same old plague that has always hounded and riddled israel from the time of samuel the great judge and prophet same old plague idolatry idolatry look at verse three among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh fulfilling the desires of our flesh and of the mind and were by nature the children of wrath even as others so the spiritual formula that seems to escape all secular therapists is this i just don't understand it seems to escape these secular therapists and the spiritual formula is this a man who pursued fulfilling the desires of the flesh in turn leaves the man an empty vessel that holds only anger and self-loathing as he has turned his body soul and spirit over to be weapons of destruction against himself and his loving creator and we have a culture of self-hatred and self-loathing because men defile their minds they defile their bodies they feel convicted and condemned they get into self-hatred and self-loathing and it's expressed in the culture and that is why you have so many broken individuals out there broken broken families and this is just seems to be something that escapes our secular therapists yet we know that the counselor is the ruach hakodesh the holy spirit and if we seek the holy spirit the holy spirit will steer us and guide us to make a covenant with our eyes to renew our mind daily so that we can bring forth life and fruit and abundance into our families and our community look at verse 4 but elohim who is rich in mercy for this great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in our sins just sell our doesn't that astound you i think of the things that i used to do the things that i used to think about what i used to do with my body and that he would love me and love you and be so patient and long suffering and there's people that go through their whole life never experiencing that kind of love that kind of love and that's what sustains me that is the love of yahuwah for his people what a loving creator he hath quickened us together in messiah and by grace ye are saved grace is the empowerment to keep the commandments of yahuwah in a sick and twisted world mercy is the withholding of yahuwah's just judgment deserved so the christian church and you've heard me say it many times they are not under yahweh's grace because if they were under yahuwah's grace they would be empowered to keep the commandments of yahuwah they are in fact under yahweh's mercy the withholding of just judgment deserved and when the great tribulation comes he with with will withdraw his mercy and judgment will prevail first on the household of elohim and then out to the nations so now is the time when we need to be under his grace and be empowered to keep the commandments the sabbath the feasts the festivals and to walk a holy kosher life in a sick and twisted world you do need yahuwah's grace you are under his grace be encouraged therefore bear fruits of righteousness and keep the commandments of yahuwah no longer hiding under the twisting and re-engineering of the english language and redefining biblical terms because if you use grace as a license to sin then you are lawless a without nomia torah so we have got to just get back into some basic english and some basic basic biblical understanding to see that our culture tries to redefine language so that we can escape accountability right it's amazing to me those words grace and mercy we really have to make sure that we do not let tradition and religion re constitute those words so that people can excuse a life that really yahuwah is calling us to righteousness so again we need to be careful look at verse six and he hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in messiah yahushua that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness towards us through yahusha what we're going to look now is at the language linkage back into the torah we're going to look at a greek word that appears in the septuagint that is going to define what paul is talking to us about i love to do that because you're not relying on me i'm not relying on you we're going into the bible and we are saying paul uses this particular word he's speaking to an audience that understands and now we can go back and track this word and find the context or go back what to what's called the torah of first mention where is this word appear first in the scriptures and let's look at its usage throughout the scriptures and that will give us the context of what paul's talking about so in verse six and seven we're going to find this greek word and it is shiro or in the hebrew it's ola raised up raised up what does he say he hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places where in the bible did we find yahuwah raise up a group of men to stand in heavenly places where do we find that we're gonna look at the word in the greek track it right back to the septuagint and we're gonna find that paul is talking exactly what we hope and pray that he should be talking about the book of the covenant reality to believers in yahushua and we will find of course that this word comes from exodus chapter 24 and verse nine and its usage is in regard to the malkit zeddick priesthood and i couldn't make this stuff up even if i wanted to which of course i wouldn't because why would you want to make up something when you have the scriptures why would you want to make up a scary story and frighten your children when you can turn to the last few chapters of the book of judges and terrify your kids before bedtime i mean i have got so much material in here for my kids it's amazing you want to watch a movie i'll tell you something i got something way better so again let's look at this again exodus 24 verse 9. they went up the hebrew word la that connects into our greek in the septuagint sunejero the very same word that appears in ephesians chapter 2 verse 6. they went up sinagerio moshe aaron nadab and avihu and the 70 of the elders of israel and they saw the elohim of israel and there was under his feet as it were of paved work of sapphire stone and it were the body of the heaven in its clearness now does that match identically ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 does it not only does it in the context it does in the language so now we can clearly stand that this is how we study the bible this is irrefutable this is not my opinion this isn't a man's doctrine this is safe biblical exegesis we are extracting from the text we're not putting our thoughts into the text and the bible is supporting the bible this is how we know that we are not following the doctrines of men which end up being the doctrines of demons so again now let's continue on i love this paul is talking to the mount keith zedek priesthood he's saying hey just as you were in exodus 19 to 24 when the book of the covenant was ratified you are now in that right standing because of yahushua and you are now able to come and sit together in heavenly places and be bestowed with the blessings that israel was once bestowed off before they sinned because they got their mind into idolatry which is the baseness of humankind which is how he's already started the second chapter do you see how it's building i mean it's absolutely amazing when we look at the bible this way verse 8 for by grace are ye saved through faith and not of ourselves not of yourselves is the gift of elohim not of works lest any man should boast salvation is not by works but it is for works don salvation is not by works but it is four works which is concurrent with the original call of yahuwah upon ancient israel is it not which was to obey him as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation they were saved from mitzrayim so that they could do the good works of being a priesthood to the nations you are saved not by works but now you can go and produce the good works of being the malkie zedek priesthood to the nations that's the calling on all of you and all of us today and people are heeding it from all over the globe all over the globe and finally the scales are falling off and there is the awakening of israel our works are a sign of us receiving the gift and an expression of our gratitude not the way of salvation but the evidence of it matthew chapter 5 verse 16 says thus let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven and you can meet him through the redemptive work of yahushua and you can go stand and sit in heavenly places but the only access you get is through the new book of the covenant verse 16 of matthew of course sets the context good works i.e torah before he explains what fulfilled is filled up with meaning in verses 17 to 20. let's look at ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 for we are again we're going to connect this word back into the torah through the septuagint for we are his workmanship the greek word for workman's ship is poama puama we are his puama created in messiah yahushua unto good works which elohim hath before ordained that we should walk in them one in messiah our workmanship again is rooted and grounded in the priesthood and the tabernacle exodus chapter 31 verse 2 it says this see i have called by name bezial the son of uri the son of her and that of the tribe of judah and i have filled him with the spirit of el the ruach and in understanding i have given him and knowledge and in all a manner of workmanship the hebrew word there is melakor melakor which again we see the connection to the greek and the septuagint brought forth into the new testament in verse 10 of our text in ephesians this to me is freedom so many years i wanted to understand the things of yahuwah but i couldn't understand pastors that wouldn't connect us and teach us how the bible works but when you understand how it works free of commentaries free of dogma and doctrine that it is a dictionary for the dictionary the words mean things it's powerful connect the dots let's go on now verse 11 wherefore remember that ye being in times past gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision of the flesh made by hands the greek word here made by human hands is clero pieltos and that is used in the septuagint in relation to idol making so paul right here views those holding to outward forms of doctrine and dogma as those in rebellion as akin to making idols and that's what we have today those that are using grace as an excuse for not keeping the commandments of yahuwah are actually into idol making and they'll be cutting them down here shortly and dragging them into their houses and they may be making all kinds of excuses but excuses of fig leaves it's the same word in the hebrew and that is what adam and eve covered themselves with they covered themselves with excuses so that they wouldn't have to keep the commandments of yahuwah see there's nothing new under the sun and now this isn't a lambast verse 11. this isn't a lambast against circumcision it's just that at the time circumcision had become the premier sign the premier sign of covenant membership to the detriment of women and to those in the nations if you're a woman or if you were in the nations then you weren't in the covenant community well heaven forbid no it had become such a a badge of pride to the jewish people that paul was tearing it down because he was tearing down the pride of the nation that had in fact rejected the messiah so now we see that it had become such a symbol of pride and identity that those limiting the return of the nations due to not having the outward sign of circumcision paul was saying you're just like idol makers you're just like idol makers it's become an idol to you it's your badge of idolatry and that's what we see today with all the rabbinic judaism verse 12 that at that time ye were without mushy up being aliens from the commonwealth of israel and strangers from the covenants of promise there's a dedicated phrase having no hope and without elohim in the world so we know that in genesis 11 the table of nations were truly alienated weren't they they were truly alienated from the promises of elohim just as they had built a wall of separation due to their rebellion what did the nations build what was their wall of separation boom the tower of babel so the nations built a wall of separation that caused that very wall then caused them to be alienated from the creator it was called the tower of babel then israel delivered out of egypt they built a wall of separation that caused them to be alienated from the covenants of promise also and what was that wall that they constructed the golden calf so now yahushua's job is to not only return the nation of israel back to the covenants of promise but actually to to return the nations back to the covenants of promise do you see what he's doing he is restoring the end at the end and he's returning you all the way back prior to genesis 11. the even if you are an uncircumcised gentile out in the nations if you come in to the covenant through yahushua you bypass the mountain you bypass genesis 11 and you come back pre the tower of babel to right standing in the covenants of promise the dedicated phrase wow and how come the jews couldn't understand this how come they couldn't grasp this simple thing because they were so entrenched in doctrine and dogma that they couldn't track it back prior to when moses because it was all about moses and there's nothing wrong with moses moshe rabena is righteous but moshe rabbano is just a piece of the journey back to abraham and that's what yahushua was always talking to them about abraham's your father yet you produce these works it's always going to connect us back to abraham because that's where the covenants of promise originate it's amazing to me so by removing the wall of partition that wall of partition was the book of the law that was constructed after the golden calf breach yahushua has not only removed the obstacle to the unity in israel he has in fact removed the obstacle to unity in the nations and that's what you and i are recipients of and now we're the ones that have the understanding and are hearkening from the west all the way back to the east whereas usually the voice came from the east and it blew westward but now it's returning back to the beginning just as the prophet said the salvation covenants of promise ephesians 2 12 are not part of the book of the law galatians 3 18 not in any bible christian jewish or messianic let me be so clear on that the salvation covenants of promise ephesians 2 12 are not part of the book of the law torah law in any bible galatians 3 18 doesn't matter jewish christian messianic the term the covenants of promise is a dedicated phrase it has to do with those covenants that can be directly attached back to abraham in genesis 12 and 15. there has to be a proposal an acceptance a blood ratification and a covenant confirming meal connecting to abraham these are the covenants of promise which of course yahushua has reinstituted by his redemptive work verse 13 but now in messiah yahushua who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of messiah of course the biblical context of verse 13 made nigh is being brought near you're being brought near and what's the biblical context of being brought near turn with me isaiah 56 verse 3 this is the context neither let the son of the stranger that hath joined himself to yahweh or speak saying yahuwah had utterly separated me from his people neither let the eunuch say behold i am but a dry tree for thus saith yahuwah unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths that's always the first brick in the wall if you put that bit brick back in the wall then you start to raise up the tabernacle of david in your life that's the calling that was the first thing for me okay i need to look at the sabbath oh matthew you don't want to look at the sabbath didn't you know the commandment got turned into a principle the sabbath is a principle we keep it on sunday or monday or tuesday it's a principle it's a principle thing i'm like okay i hear what you're saying and i respect you could you show me the verse in scripture preferably to which says a commandment is now changed into a principle now if you can show me that verse preferably too i'd go with one though because i respect you you are my pastor then i'll sign on to it but you know i got saved by the messiah and i know that he's the living word and i really appreciate what you're saying and i am on church so it i could be making a mistake but i'm going to have to see it to believe it i want to see his words say that the commandments have been turned into principles well you're just being argumentative no no i i just really i just really want to see it and i know whatever you have to show me it's going to be housed within this scriptures i don't want to watch this i don't want to read that i want it right here and they out of here matthew so that's my whole purpose in this ministry and i hope you guys appreciate that's what we're all about because i've seen it the other way and everything that we need to know let's just go here it's here and now i've refined it even further down than that you need to show me what you believe and if you want me to sign on to it i i will but show me from genesis 1 to exodus 24 11 within the book of the covenant and then let it be confirmed by the new testament but first of all it has to be within the covenant parameters for me to now take it on into my life because i know that yahushua has returned me as a priest to the maokie zedek covenant and therefore i know that all truth is found from genesis 1 to exodus 24 11 and then expanded on out and confirm through the rest of scripture but it must be demonstrated to me not here not there not in a paper don't send me a 600 page pdf just take me to the chapter and verse then take me to another chapter and verse and then take me to another chapter and verse and it's got to be between genesis 1 1 and exodus 24 11. i'm with you but very few people will be willing to do that because we live in a world where it's all phones computers pdfs this that other right i'm a simple man i do it with my kids let's just open the pages of this thing i love the smell of the word i do i mean it just i mean i love a bible with a good hand you know you just worn those pages down i just met yeah sorry focus but you know what i'm saying it's comforting isn't it huh bread of heaven thank you the bread of heaven let's go on because look what isaiah says unto the units that keep my sabbath and choose the things that please me and take hold of my covenant even unto them will i give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of the sons of the daughters i will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off also the sons of the stranger that join themselves to yahuwah to serve him and to love the name of yahuwah to be his servants everyone that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it and taking hold of my covenant that's the context of what paul is talking about now the promise of isaiah has gone out to the nations and they can be a recipient of it a recipient of it whereas the jews said that yes you were only a recipient of it if you circumcise your member he's even saying hey you that are a dry tree that can't even you know even you can come wow and they weren't even allowed in the very presence what about restoration psalms psalm chapter 148 verse 14 says thus he also exalteth the horn of his people the praise of all his saints even the children of israel a people near unto him praise yahuwah and deuteronomy 4 7 for what nation is there so great who has yahuwah so near unto them as yahuwah our elohim is in all things that we call upon him so if you're brought near that means you are part of israel and of one of yahuwah's own that's what you are if you're brought near you're part of israel you're the israel galatians 6 16 of elohim a full partaker of the covenants of promise a full partaker of the covenants of biblical israel never ever to be a separate entity there never has been and never will be in the biblical worldview as separate people of god outside the restoration of israel it simply does not exist you can't read the bible anywhere and find a separated church entity you simply can't especially when you realize the word church was born in genesis chapter 28 verse 3 and in revelation the end declares the beginning chapter 21 verse 12 it says thus and they had a wall great and high and 12 gates and the gates there were 12 malachim angels and the names written thereon which were the names of the 12 tribes of the children of israel seamless flawless perfect harmony as covenant members with a newfound citizenship we then have to behave in accordance to the standards of our covenant community in the natural realm we expect this therefore we should follow the same standard in the spiritual one too right exactly look at verse 14 for he is our peace who hath made both one and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us having abolished in his flesh the anonymity even the law of commandments contained in ordinances that is a dedicated phrase that is the law of commandments contained in ordinances notice it does not say the law of commandments contained in covenant so there is a torah of commandments contained in ordinances that is the book of the law and then there is a torah of commandments contained in covenant which are diametrically opposed and that is the book of the covenant but here he's talking about he has abolished in his flesh the anonymity clause what does that mean that means you did something that really upset yahuwah and therefore he put in the anemity clause so that he wouldn't kill you commit genocide on you and that was only because moshe rabbanu pleaded in intercess so much he's like all right i won't wipe israel out and make a nation out of you i'll spare them but i'm putting them under the anonymity clause they are now going to be not in the covenant commandments contained in covenant but now they're going to be put under commandments contained in ordinances managed under a tutor in a schoolhouse they're going to be put under a levitical priesthood and they are going to be slaying blood and animals spilling all over the place to remind them of their sin until i can figure out a righteous way of equity to return them back into my full restorative way but it's gonna cost somebody's gonna have to die and it's gonna have to be my son and that is the history of the bible in under a minute but as we can see this is powerful stuff having abolished verse 15 in his flesh yahushua's flesh the anonymity even the law of commandments contained in ordinances yes that book of the law is what it is abolished by yahushua's flesh for to make himself of twain one new man there is neither male or female slave or free but you are one new man in yahushua so making peace that he might reconcile both unto elohim in one body by the tree having slain the anonymity clause thereby that's some powerful stuff let's look at these terms let's look at these biblical terms in ephesians chapter 2 verse 14 15 and 16. we've got both one we've got the middle wall broken we've got abolished the eminent the anemity clause write these down we've got both one we've got the middle wall broken abolished the anemity clause which is the law of commandments contained in ordinances you've got one new man reconcile the two the two houses of israel slaying the anemity clause the book of the law is that the whole biblical doctrine of restoration and reformation and how we're to walk out the law in light of yahushua within three verses if you have the eyes to see you and i can see it all within three verses because we have the history now of being in the word and that history is now available on line through this ministry it just takes some time but it's all right there it's all right there israel was taken out of egypt they were brought to the mountain given the book of the covenant exodus 19 4-24-11 given all the promises they were given the covenant commandments commandments of torah contained in covenant but then they sinned under the golden calf and therefore they broke the covenant therefore the anonymity clause was put into place the book of the law was placed over israel no longer were they in blood ratified covenant but now they were placed under commandments in ordinances and instead of being a nation of priests they were given a nation with a priest and they were put under not the leading of yahuwah but the leading of akron and therefore the slaying of bulls and goats for hundreds and hundreds of years and israel constantly went to its base level of idolatry the judges came the prophets came calling israel back to the book of the law come back within the parameters of the ordinances come back within the parameters of the ordinances of law until yahushua came he paid the death penalty position of genesis chapter 15 where yahuwah flayed open the animals and he walked between those pieces as a burning oven and a flaming torch and yahushua paid that death penalty therefore establishing israel's right standing again and the nation's genesis 11 right standing he now breaks down that wall of separation which was the book of the law contained in ordinances and restores us back to the book of the covenant commandments contained in covenant and now that's open to all the sabbaths the feasts the festivals and we can rightly discern rightly divide the word of truth the word of torah it's so powerful ephesians chapter 2 verse 15 and 16 is in direct contrast to ephesians 1 chapter 2 verse 12 promise is it not it's a direct contrast you have to understand that ephesians chapter 2 verse 15 and 16 is in direct contrast to ephesians chapter 2 verse 12 those covenants of promise one has been abolished so that the other the covenants of promise are now back on the table through the blood of yahushua available not only to the nation of israel but genesis 11 the table of nations the law of commandments contained in ordinances is not as some of our fellows would say a record of sin debt of course not notice that the law of commandments which was contained in covenant the book of the covenant is very different than the law of commandments contained in ordinances have to make that distinction because we know that the law of commandments contained in covenant is the malchetic covenants of promises which are very much still with us today those covenants of promise so yahushua did in fact set aside the levitical book of the law hebrews chapter 7 verse 11. the book of the law mentioned in galatians chapter 3 verse 10 we know from galatians 3 17 colossians 2 14 ephesians 2 verse 15 and hebrews 10 verse 9 that he took away our debt of sin yes but he also brought broke down that middle wall of separation which was the book of the law so again unlike the levitical book of the law the maokitic book of the covenant could not be against us because it is for us it is in fact the marriage katuba that was offered to israel at the mountain it is how yahuwah married abraham's descendants to become yahuwah's family katuba means that binding marriage contract in hebrew and that's exactly what yahushua has done whereas in contrast the levitical book of the law is the law that was against us that law that of course kept israel from the covenants of promise and we know now there has been a transference of priesthood from levi to malkie zedek this further seals the deal with the destruction of the temple coming along just a few years later in 70 of the common era but i think it's important that i do take a few moments to contrast four different world views so that we understand the different thoughts that are out there there are four different world views of the dedicated phrase the law of commandments contained in ordinances so number one let's look at what does evangelical christianity think when they see the phrase the law of commandments contained in ordinances well they would say this this is the law this law is the totality of the law of moses it's the torah now the problem with that if this worldview is correct then ephesians chapter 6 verse 2 poses quite an embarrassment doesn't it because if paul has done away with the law then why on earth in ephesians chapter 6 verse 2 would he quote the very law that he has just done away with it's so utterly ridiculous to consider that paul would consider quoting the torah honour your mother and father if it's been abolished why would he do such a thing that is utterly ridiculous to make that statement it makes no sense in the light of the text of course if the torah as a whole has been abolished and then you go on to appeal to it for instruction just a few paragraphs later then you would be an idiot is that what you're saying of paul surely not because that's your beloved paul right no so that that world view is wrong number two what is christian reformed theology's worldview of this dedicated phrase the law of commandments contained in ordinances and what do i mean when i say christian reformed theology that's kind of my tradition back in the words the church of england you've got the westminster confession which was of course 1643 to 1647 you had the westminster confession of faith which is really the roots of christian reformed theology and it was the mainstay of protestantism up until the 19th century and their view and you may have heard it is this this law composes they divide it this law composes of the ceremonial commandments of the law particularly in relation to the priestly rights the regulations of clean and unclean and the death penalty for high crimes in the law this law doesn't eradicate the ethical and moral precepts of the law you've heard this of course this is high brow christian reformation reform theology but you cannot find this division in the bible this is man sitting down with man and reasoning to come up with a theory on why we don't keep the commandments but we shouldn't steal murder and do incest either though so we've got to kind of you know some of it's good but it's not really a commandment it's a principle it's uh ethical values right this is a big problem because they did not know 200 years later because of these statements our culture would be in the state that it is in today with transgender and all kinds of things that they would couldn't even imagine couldn't even imagine that people would do the things that they do to themselves today my goodness so because we've adopted number one evangelical christianity's worldview and number two christian reformed theology's worldview making the new testament the only guide in ethics and morality of course the fruits of that was roe versus wade that was sanctioned in 1973 a ruling that would have been struck down before it ever reached the courts had we maintained a biblical worldview based upon law and covenant you see what it did do you see what it did not to mention all the more recent legislation that is coming in with family marriage transgender and all of these other things the third view is the 20th century messianic judaism's worldview quote this law is a reference to what caused the dividing wall seen in jerusalem's temple a construct of rabbinic oral law not of mosaic origin okay that's the messianic worldview this is a construct reflected in the temple period of judaism when messiah was and it is in regards to the oral law not the mosaic written law and i espoused that for nearly a decade i know that doctrine inside and out and it does not hold water in the maturity that yahuwah has now called me to in looking in the scriptures the scriptures the scriptures only because this interpretation has become very popular within the hebrew roots movement today but it falls flat on its face matthew it falls flat on its face matthew convicted to the very soul that i can now stand before you and say please forgive me i was wrong why is that so hard for people because then yahuwah will restore you give you an opportunity to make it right by saying things like this it falls flat on its face when you take it's quite simple into account that paul makes no reference whatsoever within these passages of the temple in bloody jerusalem does he does he no reference whatsoever so that is called isa jesus i'm inserting my own ideas into the text to justify my doctrine and my long seat seats you see pride intellectualism logic and then you just go back to the simple things and it's all right there it falls flat on its face when you take into account that paul makes no reference whatsoever to the temple in jerusalem and it's highly doubtful that the gentiles in asia minor would have even recognized such an illusion to the partition wall of the temple because they had never gone there right they would have never gone there they would have no idea what he was alluding to so it's not in the text they've never gone there does that hold water no it doesn't it falls flat on it set its face but in my thirties that's what i was espousing because i was looking up to messianic as the way but it's not the way it's not the truth and it's not the light it's a counterfeit it's full of magic the fourth view which is truth which is righteousness is the maokitzedic worldview the law of commandments contained in ordinances ephesians chapter 2 verse 15 is distinct from the commandment laws contained in covenant ephesians chapter 2 verse 12. it identifies the book of the law galatians 3 10 as being the law the law instituted as the golden calf anonymity clause that anonymity from the golden calf covenant breach is now reconciled thus abolished as the book of the covenant torah is now fully inaugurated for all believers not only in the nation of israel but out in the nations by yahushua's inauguration of the new covenant a return to covenant torah in messiah the book of the law is the middle wall that is now struck down simple concise and supported by verse upon verse verse upon verse line upon line preceptor prompt precept here a little there a little hebrews chapter 7 verse 11 if therefore perfection were by the levitical priesthood for under it the people received the law what did they receive under the lit of levitical priesthood did the levitical priesthood stand at the mountain exodus 19 to exodus 24. no so they did not receive the book of the covenant so what did they receive the only other option is that they received the book of the law and that happened at the golden calf breach you see how it all starts to unravel the lies and the magic start to unravel all in the truth of yahushua our cohen haggadah our high priest after the order of melkit said if therefore perfection were by the levitical priesthood for under it the people received the book of the law the law what further need was there that another priest should arise after the order of malkie zedek and not be called after the order of around hebrews 7 verse 12 for the priesthood being changed there is made a necessity a change also of the law you are no longer under the book of the law there has been a change to the torah you are now under the book of the covenant torah there's been a change in torah a change in torah that was already in torah from the very beginning it is called a transference you are not a nulling one jot or tittle you are literally transferring between covenants of promise and commandments contained in ordinances but it's all within the torah and people say to me matthew you're teaching doing away with the torah no i'm teaching transferring back to the covenants of promises where the commandments of torah were already contained you're not doing away with anything because you're still within the whole torah you're just within covenant now no longer out in ordinances you've been elevated to a higher status but if your flesh is strong and your pride calls you to ordinances you will never receive the melchizedek promises and that's where so many miss the mark hebrews 7 verse 16 who is made not after the law of carnal commandments the book of the law but after the power of an endless life the commandments the levitical ordinances the commandments contained in ordinances were to reign in the carnality and flesh of israel because they were whoring at the golden calf they were carnal commandments contained in ordinances not holy commandments contained in covenant it's a juxtaposition between understanding all of the text of torah as a whole the royal law look at first kings chapter 8 verse 41 melahim olaf 841 says this it gives us the context of the temple in relation to the stranger being joined to israel remember solomon's dedication of the temple moreover concerning a stranger that is not of thy people israel but cometh out of a far country for my name's sake for they shall hear of my great name and of my strong hand and thy stretched out arm when he shall come and pray towards this house hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place and do according to all that the stranger calleth to thee for that all people of the earth may know my name for fear thee as do thy people israel that they might know that this house which i have builded is called by my name and the jews in jerusalem were not keeping the principles that even the temple was built for which was what to express yahuwah's name even to the eunuchs out in the nation they had made it a circumcision club that's what they had made it they didn't even understand the call of first kings chapter eight they weren't even doing that it's always been about the nations yahuwah has always wanted to restore the nation so that that nation could be a kingdom of priests and go out and help restore the nations and that's the healing of the leaves and the end is declared from the powerful we see that in revelation look at verse 17 of our text and came and preached peace to you which were far off and to them that were nigh of course this is the prophetic fulfillment of isaiah 52 verse 10. isaiah 56 verse 3 and isaiah 57 verse 19. look as we finish up in this powerful powerful chapter ephesians chapter 2 verse 18 for through him we both have access by one spirit unto the father now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of elohim maximus israel right maximus israel realized right here is the household of elohim where there is neither jew nor greek neither bond nor free there is neither male or female that is maximus israel verse 20 and you are built upon the foundation of the apostles and the prophets yahushua the messiah himself being the chief cornerstone in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth up unto a holy temple in the curios of course yahushua has built yet we are called are we not he's built yes but we are called to raise up this fallen tabernacle of david and of course let's finish up it goes back to exodus chapter 26 verse 15. remember because they sinned at the golden calf they needed literally a manifestation from heaven and a word picture built for them down on the earth because they couldn't even comprehend what was going on in heaven but now in yahushua what was on earth was destroyed in 70 of the common era because yahushua has now given us the eyes to see what is going on in the heavenlies so we're back to the first principle things standing on the sapphire sea of stone and glass with the elders eating and feasting the feasts of yahweh the sabbaths and the festivals because he wants us to understand it's not about wood it's about you listen make boards for the tabernacle of teamwood standing up gotta raise those boards up because you are the building boards you and me make 40 sockets of silver under the 20 boards they shall be coupled together beneath and they shall be coupled together above the head yahusha of it unto one new man one ring ephesians no shimote oh it's so similar exodus chapter 26 verse 15 they will be coupled together above the head of it unto one ring make bars of shiteem wood overlay the boards with gold and make their rings of gold for places for the bars and thou shalt overlay the bars with gold and thou shalt rear up or raise up the tabernacle according to the fashion thereof which was showed thee on the mount we are bought with the currency of redemption and the currency of mid redemption is the metal of the messiah it is the silver currency of messiah we are these building boards coupled together with the currency of redemption silver the bride is purchased with the silver of yahusha cleansed refined so that you can become that rebuilt tabernacle of david and stand and when there is nothing else more stand as one new man maximus israel verse 22 of ephesians chapter 2 in whom ye also are builded together for a holy habitation unto elohim through the ruach silva is the currency of man and it is what holds the building boards together to construct this holy habitation of yahuwah and right here within one chapter you've got the restoration of israel and how do we walk out the law in light of yahushua's redemption paul tells us the ephesians grasped it can we in this day and age because there's a lot of magic out there and i use that word deliberately conjuring and magic when it comes to doctrines and reasoning of men but we go back to the text and we drill it down even further now because as the days get more perilous and wicked we need to be able to not have to literally scan thousands of pages of scripture but we need to be able to even narrow it down to just genesis 1 to exodus 24 11 foundational covenant torah the royal law as james said show me in there because everything's in there and it will be expanded out through the judges the prophets the kings and then confirmed in the new testament that's how the bible works and that's the safe realm that i choose to live in and to teach from our main questions comments anyone yes we have two questions i know we're all born again um are we supposed to become the priest could someone clarify that for me are we we are a kingdom of priests and a holy nation yes in yahushua once the redemption has been purchased and you have now grasped hold of that redemption through the regeneration of the ruach hakodesh you are called to be a priest after the order of mount eather and go out now and bear fruit of righteousness to the nations and bring them in and walk out the priesthood the priesthood is for today it's the priesthood of malkit's edict it is the book of the covenant torah could you clarify the greek ordinances uh in the greek the ordinances that you brought up earlier the ordinances so there's a difference between commandments contained in covenant which is of course the book of the covenant going back to exodus 19 through 24 11 and then the commandments contained in ordinances is the book of the law galatians 3 10 which was that middle wall of separation that has now been destroyed abolished and annulled by yahushua restoring us back to the former things book of the covenant torah and our right standing as lively stones lifting stones and a kingdom of priests the second part of that question is um the cross-reference from the septuagint could you re-mention that again the cross-reference for not sure if i have i guess there there might have been about the ordinances there is that cross-reference i think you went all the way back to exodus 24 9 i think that's the one they're talking about in the in the beginning you talked about oh okay let me see if i can find that does anybody remember that if it is it'll be in a note we'll post the notes on online here in a couple of days okay rather than me digging through my notes oh man thank you all blessings yes we have a couple of questions here once again it was so good what you just said what do we say to the church who says the new covenant is because of the messiah so the new covenant is different then they say well as referred to in ezekiel god says i will give you a new covenant correct the new covenant is jeremiah 31 31 where he will write the torah on your heart no longer on stone and it is to israel and judah and then the sojourners that would graft in and join and be part of that one new man so yes but we have to then understand in light of galatians specifically galatians 3 10 the book of the law the distinction between what is the torah as a whole are we talking about law law law that the whole law has been annulled and nailed to the cross or are do we rightly divide as um paul said to timothy do we rightly divide the word of truth it's very important timothy we rightly divide the word of torah between book of the covenant which is for us today and the book of the law which has of course been nailed to the tree so the new covenant as ezekiel says that god said he's not something separate from he the new covenant as jeremiah says is the new book of the covenant because yahushua has restored us back to the book of the covenant of the promises given to abraham it is just new because you cannot renew a covenant you have to make a brand new one but it is all of the promises that were given to abraham all of the promises that were given to israel at the mountain before the golden calf breach we have been restored by yeshua into that new covenant now in right standing as priests under the order of maoki zeddick he is our high priest we are to live as the israel of elohim back at the mountain not under levitical law not under the levitical law because that is all added for transgression those are the book of the lord war that has been cast down and now we're restored and that gives us the parameters of truth understand there have been great denominations that have gone before us that have had truth the seventh-day adventists they had the sabbath the worldwide church of god they had the sabbaths the feasts the festivals but they fell flat on them on their faces when they were challenged later on when people would come and say look why is it that we're keeping these parts of the law but not this part of the law and people would challenge in saying oh we're being too religious we need to go back into the church with more grace and then these these they lost their power because they could not rightly discern whereas we have the keys which are the keys of knowledge understanding that no we don't have to say oh we just keep the moral law of the ceremonial law which are man-made definitions and terms we can literally go to the parameters of scripture and say this is our covenant everything contained from genesis 1 all the way through to the blood ratification of exodus 24 11 is for us and within those texts you will find holy kosher living you will find the sabbath you will find the feasts and festivals of yahuwah you will find the dietary requirements and there will be other things that are expanded upon but it teaches us how to live this is how you shall live so then in a sense it's not new only it's renewed in a sense it is a new covenant but it is this it has got all of the things contained in it from before but it is brought forward it has new blood shed upon it and it is newly ratified but it contains the same promises i think we need to include based on better promises that this new covenant contained a supernatural heart change exactly no longer written on a parchment scroll or tablets of stone but written upon your heart the part that i i got in that covenant part i've never seen anywhere where yahweh has changed his mind or his principles never ever ever but he did change the location of the writing of the covenant it is on our hearts but he did not change the condition of the covenant so i and there's no way that you can make a new covenant or a renew an old covenant that's been broken so it has to be new absolutely new and it's and it's revealed uh when you look at the lxx wording that that word is the same word i believe um that we found in this chapter that kainus or whatever that word is in greek i'll have to look it up but um it is distinctly new fresh brand new new amen yes powerful stuff in the back it's just kind of funny what popped in my mind when you were talking about all this was uh anybody seen federer roof fiddler on the roof tradition tradition and then he goes into that rabbit they ask me why do we do these traditions i'll tell you i don't know [Laughter] i think that's a lot of it i don't know and a lot will be doing that over the next couple of months i don't know but we do know why we do things and that is the freedom that he has given us our main baruch hashem yahuwah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] you