Transcript for:
Overview of Oil and Gas Equipment

in this video we're going to follow the pipes on an oil and gas well site and explain how each piece of equipment works [Music] the rod pump is positioned in the well bore where it brings the resource to the wellhead and into the flow line this emulsion of oil water and gas is brought to the surface through the flowline tubing the production equipment could be near the equipment or in some cases over a mile away before it gets to the process equipment the first vessel the flowline reaches is a two-phase vertical separator this separates gas from the water oil emulsion natural gas being lighter than liquid rises to the top of the vessel where it begins to separate from the well stream the natural gas flows through the outlet on the top of the vessel and into a kimray back pressure regulator the back pressure regulator holds constant pressure on the vessel to allow it to move liquids to the next destination any gas over the set point will be sent to the meter run to be measured recorded and sold typically to a midstream company the meter run allows the producer to make money from the resources brought to the surface another valve related to the sales line is the flare valve this back pressure regulator is installed in case there is maintenance on the sales line or if in the future they tie in a new well and pressure backs up on the existing location the flare valve is set at a higher set point than the sales valve if that pressure set point is met the valve opens sending the gas to a combustor or flare to be incinerated until the condition changes the fluid that was brought into the two-phase separator from the flow line is a mix of oil and water this emulsion drops to the bottom of the vertical separator and is controlled by a liquid level controller in this setup a float ball is connected to a dump valve with a mechanical link as the fluid rises it lifts the float ball in the vessel pushing down on the mechanical linkage which then in turn opens the mechanical dump valve this allows the oil water and any solids in the liquid to flow out of the pipe this dump line could go directly to a storage tank but in this case the producer needs to further process the emulsion to make it sellable it is sent downstream for further processing at the next vessel a heater treater the emulsion flows through the inlet on the top of the heater treater where it hits a baffle natural gas still in the fluid begins to separate and flow out of the pipe at the top of the vessel and down to one of two valves like in the two phase separator the valves and piping will send the gas either to sails or flare the emulsion in the heater treater is funneled through a downcomer pipe to the bottom of the vessel surrounding the fire tube because of the heat from the fire tube the processed fluid molecules relax allowing the oil and water to separate oil is lighter in gravity than water and will float on top of the water as it reaches the set point oil comes down the oil outlet pipe to a kimray weight operated dump valve or treater valve this valve only controls the liquid in the downcomer pipe it does not control the liquid inside the vessel as the height in the pipe meets the desired level the valve will open sending the oil into the storage tank a midstream company will purchase this crude oil from the producer and transport it to a refinery for further processing salt water is produced when the emulsion is processed with heat from the fire tube a water siphon is used to control the level of salt water in the vessel this produced water goes up a pipe into the siphon box sometimes called a weir box as the water reaches the siphon nipple the water spills over and goes down the pipe to another weight operated dump valve or treater valve again this valve only controls the level in this downcomer pipe when the valve opens the water goes to either a fiberglass storage tank or on this location a water treatment plant for further processing this is a recirculating line which goes into the recirculating pump it then goes back into the inlet of the treater to run through the whole process again for more processing there are many other pipelines on location many of them are bypass lines some bypass the separator others bypass the heater treater there is also a pipeline to bypass both the purpose to all of these vessels and kimray components is to take the raw and usable products and turn them into important and profitable resources you