what can you expect when being on trt for 10 weeks you know testoster replacement therapy can be life-changing for some but many people ask the question at what point will they start to notice the benefits or the differences what are the expectations or what can you expect at 10 weeks from starting on trt and we'll have more after this so keep watching [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] video because in today's video we are going to be discussing what to expect in the first 10 weeks of trt treatment when you first start and this applies to both creams or injections basically adding in exogenous testosterone replacement therapy what can you expect and I'm with a special guest Dr George toliatos here at the NEC he's an expert in trt a biopathologist author of two books former bodybuilder who's here with us today so hi George good to see you hello Michael glad to see you so this is a question we often get asked is when can I expect when can I expect results well I I ensure my patients are within the four weeks one month as soon as you get optimal levels of both allowing free testosterone uh first of all the self-esteem recognitive function the self-confidence uh the sharp thoughts okay uh will appear and the better sex drive of course and gradually they go to the body composition will improve and will follow up okay so gradually so in about four weeks you see body composition improvements after the first four weeks after the first month but initially sex drive self-esteem cognitive function they do come back more quickly you see absolutely yes those are the questions if you want to break it down you literally resurrect from the death but there are different stages and we know there are certain studies like bone density can take nearly a full year to improve gradually along with the resistance training as the body composition improves you increase muscle mass you lower the adipose tissue and the visceral fat along with training and proper diet of course and if you come to trt and you work low hematocrine hemoglobin then testosterone can be a benefit that will increase within three months it improves stamina and endurance and fatigue of course yes but that level will also rise so we watch for that in blood tests it will rise dependingly some people are not prone to elevated EPO some people are anemic you know as hypergonadic and some people are of normal hemoglobin even hypogonadic so it's up to the person so that's that's something they can consider and watch so the other expectations are now you've got some patience not many but a few who will have an expectation for the libido and their erections to come back overnight and sometimes this happens many times it happens but there are some patients that may take a bit longer what do you say to that yeah they have high expectations and we shouldn't mislead that testosterone is there wonder drug becoming um a four star okay so we need to know that this is 100 or 200 milligrams the most it's not half a gram of What actors are using but like some of our other doctors have said that testosterone or libido or Sex Drive is multifactorials libido is a part is a matter of testosterone which is a cerebral vermonas morgue dollar says meaning the urge you want to have sex and in Intercourse but having sex is a matter also overall dysfunction that is a blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis that directly related with endothelial dysfunction insular resistance and atherosclerosis so somebody who does not have a good blood flow and certainly needs the fifos for this inhibitor drugs that increase the nitric oxide Cialis levita or Viagra they need those drugs because the blood flow is not proper so you may have the earth and the desired to have sex but yet your penis is not responding okay so that's that's once and so it takes a bit of time it takes pd5 Inhibitors to improve yes then there's libido the desire to have yes this is low the lowly be the low sex drive is the lack of testosterone I'm not care about set I don't care about sex it's like what for bodybuilders face right after the cycle yeah but there are some men on testosterone treatment occasionally it's rare who still don't have sex drive sometimes free testosterone which is a real deal is blocked by the by shpg sometimes elevated prolactin can give you an orgasm sometimes uncontrolled estrogen can affect the duration of Direction because many people start having sex and after five minutes they drop this is a problem to maintain you know but maybe sometimes it's not related to testosterone alone there's stress in your life you know there there's what's going on in your mind absolutely yeah you're gonna have sex after working 12 hours like a dog okay you're not machines you know you may you know maybe you've had lots of sex but you think you should have even more and also sex is a matter of sensation you need to smell you need to fantasize you need to taste you need to see it's all the sensation of participating okay yeah that's very true and so I mean I think where we're going with this well I'm trying to go with this is that sometimes there are expectations that are out and killed us so we're not saying trt is going to make your opponent star of worse I have I have few bases out of bodybuilding that I've used half a gram of the sauce and yet they do not have sex right okay so more is no better I'm having a great uh libido and a sex with 100 milligrams of testosterone so yes in the first 10 weeks or three months you should see a gradual Improvement in uh health and wellness and some sometimes they're lifting a brain fog we're going to talk about that some men who are really low and hypogonadal may have night sweats is that not true or hot flushes before they start trt these are normally correct and I've also I've heard of men who have difficulty not falling asleep but staying asleep staying asleep because this link also have a gun on the twinkle resistance every diabetes so you cannot you spike you elevate your glucose levels that cause lethargy how about anxiety now this is a popular and anxiety yes and low testosterone equals higher cortisol that means you cannot manage the stress situation they are antagonistic those people with lotus doors are very easily irritated but they're not aggressive they are very edge edgy and irritated okay touching I would say fair enough all right they respond in uh uncomfortable way to stressful situations fair enough I think one of the things that lets us know in the comments is you know what are your expectations if you're considering trt are there certain expectations that you have you know I think we'll answer those are the comments that people leave those and also to the purpose of the video is to kind of let people know that you know by by month three in the process of trt you'll you'll have a blood test usually between six weeks and three months to see where your levels are right in the first 10 weeks and then by month six which is beyond the ten weeks uh we'll be getting her a full comprehensive blood test so we can look at the blood to see where you are and if need be it's not uncommon to make adjustments after 10 weeks is it of course yes you need to work by evidence by uh thoroughly Brad work but I want to give the message that testosterone is not a villain but it's a friend it's not a monster but it matters how you use it what is your differentiates the drug from a poison is the use the use I want to say that being lean having a six-pack give you more confidence in order to have a good sex drive with your sex partner okay rather than being a lot of low testosterone flabby well that's a good point make sure an alpha male and gives you more confidence as a self-esteem and so we should say that by 10 weeks well according to the diet entity and the training but after the first month you see improvements in body composition fair enough okay again your testosterone is not a drug to be glorified testosterone has many many uses and and having the right mindset and the right expectation of what testosterone can do can lead to a much more successful treatment when you are on testosterone this way you kind of reduces the worry if you know look you know I'm not going to be having sex every single day necessarily I might but I might not and that's okay or you know things take time and some men it could take a whole year to get better so we'll try to do follow-up videos on this topic but um I think that's a good place to leave it for now and for everyone watching you know do consider subscribing and letting us know any comments or thoughts you have about this video or your own experiences or your own uh fears and expectations around trt hi I'm Mike and some of you don't know me I'm the founder of balance my hormones the leading HRT and trt clinic in the UK where we provide a One-Stop shop using evidence-based research for hormone optimization and where we support men and women on their journey to Optimal hormone balance through coaching and other Support Services if you're new to trt or HRT you may want to follow the channel and don't forget to like And subscribe and we'll see you next time