okay let's go [Music] letters and their sounds letters and their sounds okay sounds characters base B Gina versus hello okay um hello hello okay what's your name what's your name what's your name only I am for example what's your name Outlook I am Amira so tell me in the comments what's your name what's your name okay okay we took before we took before letters and their sounds okay only with the sound of H H okay H says excellent her hello hello honey hand excellent first do you remember numbers okay numbers one two three four five okay in that bees make honey bees make honey okay repeat after me honey number two B number three flower flower okay lesson five and then I'll be like a let's make friends let's make friends let's make friends yes repeat after me friends friends friends friends friends friends friends okay number one hello hello number two play play play play play play play play all kids love to play play play okay ball ball ball build build build ride ride ride I can't say I love riding a bike