Understanding Circadian Rhythm and Sleep

Sep 17, 2024

Everything You Need to Know About Circadian Rhythm


  • Circadian rhythm: Sleep-wake pattern over a 24-hour day.
  • Responsible for sleep and wakefulness schedules.
  • Present in all living things, affected by light, dark, and environment.
  • Brain releases hormones based on environmental signals; influences metabolism and sleep.
  • Affected circadian rhythm can lead to sleep disorders, which can be countered by healthy habits.

Detailed Look at Circadian Rhythm

Components of Circadian Rhythm

  • Biological Rhythm: One of the four biological rhythms.
  • Cell Response: Body cells respond to light/dark and send signals to the brain.
  • Hormones:
    • Melatonin: Increases sleepiness.
    • Cortisol: Increases alertness.
    • Other hormones: Leptin, insulin, vasopressin, acetylcholine linked to circadian rhythm.
  • Factors Affecting Circadian Rhythm:
    • Metabolism
    • Body temperature

Circadian Rhythm Changes with Age

  • Babies: Lack a stable circadian rhythm; sleep is erratic.
  • Children: Develop stable sleep cycles.
  • Teenagers: Experience sleep phase delay due to hormonal changes from puberty; feel less sleepy at night.
  • Adults: Circadian rhythm stabilizes into adulthood.

Causes of Disturbed Circadian Rhythm

  1. Overworking/stress.
  2. Erratic work shifts.
  3. Jet lag.
  4. Traveling through time zones.
  5. Medication.
  6. Lifestyle (early wake times/late nights).
  7. Mental health conditions.
  8. Head injuries/brain damage/dementia.
  9. Poor sleep habits.

Correcting the Circadian Rhythm

  1. Follow a consistent daily routine.
  2. Sleep in a supportive environment (right lighting, comfortable mattress).
  3. Boost wakefulness by spending time outdoors.
  4. Avoid late afternoon/evening naps.
  5. Avoid nicotine, alcohol, caffeine in the evening.
  6. Exercise regularly.
  7. Turn off devices before sleep.


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