Transcript for:
Gracie B's Presentation Controversy

again yes there's more meet Gracie b or shall I say Gracie Gracie another allnatural Super Organic Raw unprocessed pilo beauty queen that makes Shasha suu look Shasha so so so natural Shasha so so basic Shasha so so boring Shasha so so done with you out with the old in with the new she's just that girl she's just an ordinary girl like you just like you we know when you walk down you know a beautiful panan cascoo how the whole world warps around you so hot you're melting the bricks as you walk they just can't stay they just can't hold out their positions this the entire city is [ __ ] shaking even the bricks are bending backwards trying to take a look at that booty no no no they're not what breaks what bending what bending there is something going on here there is something fake about Grace but it's not her [Music] [Applause] butt it's not her butt yes I know what you're thinking oh my God how is that even real must have been like some kind of procedure but you know I don't think so she's assured us time and time and time and time again god-given she said she's assured us that her figure is all natural and who are we to say otherwise who are we to say otherwise she's telling you she didn't get any procedures she's telling you it's god-given it's all natural beauty and you don't listen yeah sometimes you know she tweaks a little bit here and there maybe she edits a little bit yeah you know this picture looks very sus to me but that's just our judgmental disgusting eyes that cannot see the beauty the natural beauty before us what do you mean the washing machine looks weird way too large what do you mean the lifting equipment is is warping towards her as she moves you're so hateful you're hallucinating you're hallucinating but yes there is something fake about Gracie and it's not her butt you see she can't choose a brand she just can't decide whether she loves the attention that she's getting on on the one hand she started an entire career out of it on the platform that Shall Not Be Named It makes good bank you know I checked I dabbled no I didn't I mean I checked the numbers the stats the numbers are great I'll have you know there's a nice amount of subscribers a good amount of cont content money's good great there's her Instagram as well 6 million followers all there to you know just hang out with her I guess maybe it's her travel content or her gym content bottom line she has capitalized on that attention so she's not going to tell you to look away no she's gone to Europe POV just the Latina in [Music] Europe and people losing their minds everyone was sightseeing that day somebody's Grand is about to broadcast that [ __ ] on WhatsApp to everybody she knows man's mouth gaping pictures after pictures I mean when you think about it how weird is that there's people taking pictures of a random stranger in the street good God but she's not bothered by it no she's literally standing in the middle of the place for people to do this right that's the point of her content someone said you're not just a Latina you're a person with a clear physical disorder this is not sexy sorry not sorry I agree with the whole just the Latina thing because you know that's a stereotype like the whole overly sexualized thing that you know the Latin Community is trying to move past from and she's just like you know reinforcing it here but then she goes again she says which means Europe was not ready for all this natural beauty you know how here in Europe people are just not ready for natur natural beauty they've never seen it before until Gracie showed up and she walked these streets right and oh my God look at that something about the proportions something about the proportions is off and I'm not talking about her body proportions I'm talking about the video proportions I'm talking about the editing right but we'll we'll dive into that later on the point is on the one hand she's out here loving that attention right and on the other hand she's a victim the victim of your attention it's time to stop body shaming other people love that all right great I was at Disneyland today I wanted to have fun with my siblings but but sorry I had to they kept taking photos of me they gave me bad looks all the time or just kept laughing at me I know you may think that I am exaggerated and that is my fault for being a big girl but this is literally what God gave me and I have have to embrace every single part of me even if you have a condition or you look different this should be a safe place where everyone feels comfortable and I wasn't doing anything just existing at the end of the day I just wanted to have fun like everyone else if you don't like something stop hating and keep it for yourself she's offended that everybody's looking at her in Disneyland she was fine when they were looking at her in Europe though I resonate with that that's a beautiful message you know she's just in Disneyland trying to have fun the other day she was just filming a travel Vlog going to [Music] France why are you looking at my butt why where are you looking where are you looking you sick of look at the Eiffel to this is a travel Vlog okay crazy man this world's nuts the way some people are am I right I'm a little confused Gracie almost about as confused as you are you know your offended people are looking at you but your entire content is look at my body you literally film people looking at your body like I believe this might be Milan you wore this beautiful bodysuit in Milan which is seethrough around the butt conveniently and now we're wondering why people are looking well I don't know I would look and not out of not out of like you know no I would look out of you know like a normal natural human reaction you you're not allowed to be human anymore don't look at my buddy stop looking at my butt please stop you don't understand he just turned into a victim right no no stop it please stop this I beg you now here's the thing I don't think Gracie's butt is fake you know a lot of you might be looking at this and thinking oh my God how many surgeries did she undergo to get that booty I think that's her real booty now what it might be is a condition called lipedema which is like an abnormal sort of disproportionate allocation of fat towards the lower body and she said condition herself right even if you have a condition so that might be what she's going through having a condition definitely changes perspective completely I think Gracie doesn't want to embrace the fact that it's a condition because that's just unsexy you know she wants to be super sexy I think that's what it is which is unfortunate because yeah people shouldn't judge her especially because she has a condition but she's in an awkward position now where she's capitalized on her booty she's just an ordinary girl with a really big butt condition no it's all natural baby all right that's the thing so um that's why people are just not really vibing here buying two airplane seats don't fix my problem I won't lose my to fit in a plane I'm not going to lose my butt to fit in a plane my greatest ass sick so give me another solution or just make the six bigger listen if it's a condition no one's allowed to talk about her butt she's allowed to exist and do what she wants without judgment all right like come on especially if she didn't choose to be that way I feel okay however however let's talk edits let's talk edits here's Gracie learning [Music] salsa did you see it his proportions first of all man's proportions are F let's not talk about that those chairs the legs on those chairs please elaborate why are they curving around the curve of your booty cheeks the gravitational pole around her booty cheeks so powerful the chair is just there's a whole electromagnetic field around that butt or or this other time she went to Europe she wanted people to look at her don't look at me though again P you're just a Latina in Europe I'm so confused about this video she's the only one in the entire Square in the shade the entire Square she's the only one in the shade and look at the proportions when this lady walks by [Music] her why does it look like Miss m'am was just cut and pasted into that video it looks like she was clipped into it you know she goes to the gym often obviously we only see her from the back when she's a gym you never see her from the front by the way I wonder why though it's always like day and back here's the gym equipment having a hard time staying away from her I love how it's it cinches up her waist you know to really accentuate the figure the edits Shasha suu Shasha suoo or another [Music] time girl what are we even lifting there's no weight on that machine I'm sorry what you forgot to put the weights on the machine oh is it because we're not actually working out we just wanted [Music] to why are you looking at my b why are you why are you looking at my but though she's just an ordinary gym goer okay she's cursed with this [Music] magnificent This Magnificent dump truck there's nothing she can do all right there's nothing she can do she didn't put it in your face she was just filming an innocent workout video and you're the sicko that just can't stop looking at her and judging and having thoughts I feel like she's really trying hard to hide what she's really doing you know it's really not working Miss ma'am that's fake I like to think that the people I Vibe with the best are the most genuine people got to be you one trillion thousand kazillion percent and if I sense a little bit of fakeness a little bit of different intentions you know you you say one thing you present one way but then everything else kind of points a different direction like here she's just working out she's just a victim of the attention all right she's working out you can tell how hard she's working out look at all the weight she's lifting how dumb do you think we are you know at least Shasha suu didn't think we're dumb right well that was pretty much it for today guys let me know what your thoughts are down in the comments below do you think Gracie's booty is legit I'm going to take her word for it it is I do think she accentuates it a little though with the electromagnetic field she's got going on but the butt is definitely not the fake part here is how she victimizes herself or the attention she's capitalized on oh she's like please stop it I beg you you have to stop you have to stop it I was just trying to just trying to like stretch my legs and all you see is just you're just sick you're sick that's just the vibe I get from yeah that's my opinion that's just my opinion that was pretty much it guys let me know what your thoughts are down in the comments below and keep sending them my way cuz W y'all find these people every other DM I get is another Shasha suu it's insane the pandemic is all over the place you know um the big butt is a very sensitive insecurity for me so I do feel for for Gracie for sure you know I was in Thailand I was trying to live my best life but my butt kept getting in the way swim shorts were hugging my cheeks I was I was really embarrassed as a kid 13 14 I had the curviest figure in my school all right boys and girls I was the curviest [ __ ] in town that wasn't fun for being H definitely gave me a lot of insecurities about my butt but you know what but you know you grow up and you stop caring yeah cool good talk [Music]