Transcript for:
Understanding Genes and Evolutionary Biology

today what I want to talk about is genes Darwin  observed variation in natural populations and   he understood that traits could be inherited by  Offspring but he didn't know how this happened   and of course today we know that the reason is  genes genes were discovered in the 1850s by a   man named Gregor Mendel who was an Australian Monk  and a high school teacher and he experimented with   inheritance in pea plants he actually really loved  to garden and he did his experiments between 1856   and 1863 and then he published his results in 1866  but in 1887 he became the Abbot of his Monastery   and he had to quit his biological research so  in essence his his career as a biologist was   relatively short and he published only one paper  during his life so here are Mendel's characters   um he looked at the length of the stem of  the pea plant they could be short plants   or they could be long and viny um he looked  at where the flowers were the flowers could   be distributed all the way along the length of  the plant or they could be just right at the top   he looked at whether the unripe pods were  yellow or green he looked at whether the   pods were inflated or or pinched when they were  ripe he documented the color of the flowers so   he had purple and white pea flowers and he looked  at the seed interior was it yellow was it green   and he looked at whether the peas were round  or wrinkled when they were ripe you know and   some things are more interesting and easier  to understand if you work through them on the   board so now what I'd like to do is is talk about  how Mendel worked out these inheritance systems   so Mendel knew some things as he started his  experiments he knew that each individual pea   had a parent a mother plant and a father plant  that that contributed the Pollock so it's you know   he there's inheritance material coming from two  individuals and he also he would he defined you   know we went through the traits that he defined  so he defined these traits and for each trait um   he felt like there was a dominant and a recessive  version of the trait and the difference is that   the dominant version is whenever that genetic  copy is present it will be expressed the recessive   version of the trait is not expressed if the  dominant version is present but if there are two   copies of the recessive gene then the trait that  is expressed will be the recessive now just for   the purposes of convention a a trait is generally  assigned a letter and if it's a dominant trait we   give it the uppercase letter and if it's the  recessive trait we give it a lowercase letter   now this is a little piece of vocabulary  here and it's kind of difficult because   these are odd funny words but they have  their Greek Roots so the first one is homozygous and homozygous has the Greek  root homo meaning the same and zygous   meaning you know genetic material so if you're  homozygous you have two copies of the same gene   and so you could be homozygous for the dominant  trait in which you would have a double uppercase a   or you could be homozygous for the recessive trait  in which case you would have two lowercase A's   now you can be homozygous but you can also be hetero zygous and this is also from the Greek root so  hetero means different and zygous again refers   to genetic material so this would mean if your  heterozygous you have one copy of the dominant   trait and you have one copy of the resist  recessive trait so a heterozygous organism   would be designated with a  capital A and a lowercase a   and then what Mendel did was he worked  out what proportions of homozygous and   heterozygous individuals and what types of  homozygous individuals you would expect if   you crossed any two different pea  plants and this is how that works so when we're doing this and I'm going to do  a cross between two heterozygous individuals   and the way we're going to do this is  we're going to make ourselves a box and we're going to put one parent on the top  and so this is the dominant copy of the gene   this is the recessive copy of the Gene and  we're going to put the other parent on the   side once again the dominant and the recessive  okay so if you have two heterozygous parents   there's a couple of there's like four ways  you can have offspring so one offspring   or or one group of Offspring or one possible  result of this pairing are individuals who are   homozygous dominant so that's an a here and  an a here both uppercase homozygous dominant   the other thing you can do is you can get  a dominant gene from this parent and a   recessive gene from this parent so this organism  which is an offspring would be heterozygous   same here you can get a dominant gene from  this parent a recessive gene from this parent   and once again heterozygous descendant and finally  you could get two copies of the recessive gene   so the ratio of inheritance would be one quarter  homozygous dominant one-quarter homozygous   recessive and because there's two ways to get  a heterozygous offspring half of The Offspring   would be predicted to be heterozygous  if you start out with two heterozygous   parents and I didn't say this when I defined  heterozygous but what I want is what I want to   remind you now is that because the capital a trait  is the dominant trait even though both of these   individuals have a recessive gene they're going to  look identical to the uh to the to the homozygous   dominant trait so you know if you were just  looking at how these organisms look you would say   that three-quarters of them are going to express  the dominant trait and only a quarter of them   are going to have the recessive trait and you can  work this out yourself for other possible process for instance two homozygous individuals one  dominant one recessive or a heterozygous   individual with a homozygous recessive or a  heterozygous individual with a homo with a   homozygous dominant it's kind of fun so what did  Mendel actually demonstrate well first of all he   did demonstrate that inheritance was a binary  system there was information from the mother   and information from the father however this was  already widely assumed when farmers were doing   breeding experiments and developing new breeds and  new crop plants during the Agricultural Revolution   Mendel also demonstrated that traits could be  dominant or recessive and he demonstrated that the   ratios of inheritance can be predicted if you know  the genetic combinations of both of the parents   then those ideas were convincing because he could  predict the probability of different numbers of   homozygous and heterozygous individuals in  genetic crosses however I have to say we now   know that Mendel cooked the books by ignoring  data points that didn't fit his ideal ratios   we learned this when when evolutionary biologists  attempted to go back and use Mendel's pea plants   um and and basically to reconstruct Mendel's  experiments we never get data as good as   the data that Mendel reported however in  Mendel's defense I would say that today we   have a much better understanding of how to use  statistics to test hypotheses than Mendel did   now I want to talk a little bit about genes and  evolution and I'd like to just introduce two   useful terms these are genotype which is the genes  that an organism possesses and phenotype which is   how an organism looks and what its physiology is  basically phenotype is the expression of genotype   and the point I want to make is that sexual  reproduction and genetic mutation are sources   of variation for evolutionary change and of  the two I am going to really stress sexual   reproduction what sexual reproduction does is  it puts together new Gene combinations within   organisms and it's it's it's possible that genes  may not have much effect on reproductive Fitness   until they are paired with other genes so it's  sort of and this is a way of saying that Evolution   works on the phenotype and the phenotype is the  expression of all of the genes of an organism so   just by putting together new Gene combinations um  sexual reproduction will drive evolutionary change   the other thing that drives evolutionary change  are mistakes in copying DNA or mistakes in the   timing of gene expression which cause mutations  now most mutations are harmful but every once in a   while you get helpful mutations and every once in  a while you get a single mutation that that makes   a new species an example of this is the Coke's  gray tree frog and the gray tree frog species pair   now these species were only discovered when we  began to do chromosome studies and it turns out   that Cope's gray tree frog which was probably  the original first species has 24 chromosomes   and Gray's tree frog has 48 chromosomes the reason  we had to discover these species with chromosome   account counts is because to the human eye these  frogs look identical and actually if you look   around they both both the Cope's great tree frog  and the gray tree frog live in College Station   um they look identical the only way you can  tell them apart is if you record their songs   however because they are tree frogs they have  songs that human voices can't hear so it's a   kind of an interesting thing but in a reproductive  event the hypothesis is that there was a there was   there was a mistake um during reproduction for a  copes gray tree frog that resulted in a new set of   tree frogs that has 48 chromosomes instead of the  original 24 and you know once this happens they   can never back cross you know you cannot mate  a Coke's gray tree frog with a gray tree frog   because of the mismatch in chromosome numbers  and right now you know the only morphological   difference that we can distinguish between these  two species is the difference in their songs but   because they can never cross back with each  other in time they may evolve and different   and an additional morphological differences  to distinguish the two species may develop so let's just step back and  think of some of the key points   one key point is that Darwin's theory of natural  selection reveals how evolutionary change occurs   different traits lead to different amounts  of reproduction and when those traits can be   inherited the population changes to look like  the organisms that have the most offspring   the other key point is that Darwin did not know  that genes were the mechanism of inheritance   uh he he he knew that there must be some mechanism  of inheritance but he didn't know what that was   and Mendel who was a contemporary  of Darwin's discovered genes but the   importance of Mendel's Discovery wasn't  recognized until the early 20th century   so far as we know Darwin did not know of  the existence of Mendel during his lifetime   the other thing to sort of think about and it's  kind of a fun idea is that natural selection   works on biological entities like populations and  species but it may also work on cultural entities   and when you're thinking about so what do  you need to make natural selection work   you need variability so there has  to be variation among the organs   or the individuals or the things that you're  selecting the variation has to be heritable   and the variation has to be able to influence  the ability of organisms or entities to reproduce   and one of the things that's sort of an  interesting thought experiment is to is   to sort of think about natural selection in  the context of businesses for instance you   know pizza restaurant franchises business models  and economic systems okay now that we know about   um genes and we have the basics for natural  selection I want to step back and think a   little bit about different types of genes  and how major evolutionary change can occur   and right now I hope everybody is thinking  what do you mean by Major evolutionary change   and by Major evolutionary change I'm thinking  of the types of changes that lead to whole new   groups of organisms like vertebrate animals when  before there were no vertebrates or dinosaurs   when previously there were not dinosaurs in the  world or pterodactyls or mammals just a brand   new types of organisms that can radiate and  become really really important in ecosystems so the first thing to realize is there are  two types of genes there are structural genes   sometimes these are nicknamed housekeeping genes  these are genes that code for proteins and enzymes   and basic cell functions changes in the frequency  of structural genes can drive evolutionary change   within populations and changes in structural  genes can sometimes drive speciation events but   the thing about a structural gene is because these  genes are so essential to the working of the cell   that it's hard to to accumulate enough changes  in structural genes to drive evolutionary change   above the species level because if you change  too many components of your structural genes   the result is an organism that doesn't function  you know individuals that can't even live to   reproduce the other type of gene is  a regulatory or an informational Gene   and in animals these are the Hox genes and hoxes  Hox and it is the shorthand for homeobox genes   and in animals homeobox genes are the  major type of regulatory genes although   animals also have mads box genes but they  just don't seem to be as important for   um for for for development in animals but  if you look at plants um you would find a   different set of genes and these are called  the mads box genes and they appear to be more   important in regulating the development of  plants so what do these regulatory genes do   well they turn whole sets of structural genes on  and off and by doing this they control development   and you may remember when we were talking about  evolutionary change I I describe developmental   changes as changes that happen during the  growth and the maturation of organisms so   you know how organisms change through time are  those are developmental changes and you know it's   sort of hard for us to imagine this because our  development is um you know it's it's relatively   slow uh but if you think about it you know we all  have part of our life that we spend in utero and   in utero we need organs and we need physiological  pathways that we don't need as children or adults   at birth we suddenly need to exist on our own  so we need a digestive system we need lungs   um you know we need a working heart we need  kidneys we need all of these things that we   didn't need in utero because in utero we could  depend on the placenta and finally you know when   we pass from childhood into adulthood we develop  sexual organs um and and you know all of the   organs that we need to reproduce that that you may  be present in children in a very very nacent state   but they're but they're not developed because  children don't need them and in our lifetime each   one of these transitions is is is is is uh happens  because of regulatory or informational genes um okay so what do Hox genes do so Hox genes  specify regions of the body so it's it's it's   Hox genes that that that make sure that your  head is at the front of the body and all of   the organs associated with the head or at the  front of the body and the tail is at the back   um they also specify right and left sides  of organisms and they they they specify up   which is dorsal and down which is ventral and  you know the way to think about this is think   about yourself as a fish and if you were a fish  swimming through water your backbone would be on   the top and your stomach would be on the bottom  which is why we call up dorsal and down ventral   so the interesting thing about Hox genes is that  nearly all animals have the same set of Hox genes   particularly vertebrates and arthropods  have all of the same families of Hox genes   and you can see that here the fly Hawks genes  and the parts of the fly body that those genes   are expressed within are on the top and then  you see the little mouse embryo on the bottom   and in both cases you know the Red Hawks genes  are associated with the head of the organism   um now the difference between arthropods and  vertebrates is that vertebrates do have more   copies of each Hox Gene and it does seem as if  the number you know the more copies you have the   Hox genes the more complexity you can have as an  organism um but you know as I said the same Hox   genes determine the position of the head and  tails in both groups and we've done probably   most experiment and we probably you know probably  the organism that is best understood is the fruit   fly particularly in terms of how genes control  development of fruit flies and I think one of   the most interesting demonstrations of Hox  genes is that there is a mutation in normal   flies that causes the antenna to develop as  little legs and what this means is it means   that that evolutionarily the antenna of the  fruit fly is you know is derived from a leg   so here's a picture of um the families of Hox  genes in different groups of animals on the   top is a round worm round worms are really  simple they don't have very many Hox genes   um the next organism down is Drosophila  and you can see they're pretty much   Drosophila has all of the Hox genes that  are present in invertebrates and in mammals   um the uh the organism between the Drosophila  and the mouse and the little man on the bottom   is an early is sort of it's a non-vertebrate  relative of the vertebrates and once again the   theme Here is that you know the more complex  the animal becomes the more copies of the Hox   Gene it has mammals have many many copies of the  Hox genes so this is kind of an interesting thing   and one of the points I want to make is you know  when we're thinking about dinosaurs and mammals   um is that mammals have very very similar  skeletons just about every mammal you look   at has 206 bones and seven cervical  and cervical refers to neck vertebrae   so you know mammals may lose toes and fingers  uh but pretty much the only thing that changes   um you know aside from you know loss of toes  and fingers is that manatees and two-toe sloth   have lost some of their cervical vertebrae and  there's one mammal the three-toed sloth which   is shown here on the left um which actually  has developed or gained cervical vertebrae and   three-toed sloth can have I mean I guess there  was one discovered with 10 cervical vertebrae   but the one shown here only has nine so the idea  here is mammals have very stereotypical skeletons   not so dinosaurs dinosaurs can add bones very  very easily you know compared to our seven   cervical vertebrae sauropods can have up to 19  and maybe even more than 19 cervical vertebrae   um evolutionarily the ceratopsians that's the  group that Triceratops belongs to adds a whole   new bone the rostral bone to the front of its  face and and the ornithischian dinosaurs also   added a bone to the bottom of their jaw the  predentory bone and and I think that the thing   to think about is that the ability of dinosaurs  to shuffle bones in their skeletons you know to   add more vertebrae to brace the pelvic girdle to  add more neck vertebrae to make their necks longer   um to to develop whole new bones  this seems to be a dinosaur   character and and and a lot of the times when we  talk about different dinosaur groups we're going   to be talking about you know different bones  that are specific to to to to a dinosaur group   and I think that this you know this suggests to  me that that the Hox genes that are controlling   dinosaur skeletons and skeletal development in the  dinosaurs um are are much more open to mutation   and to changes than the Hox genes that are  responsible for developing the mammalian skeleton