Transcript for:
The Invisible Seal: Understanding Seals in Biblical Context

the invisible seal now let's talk about seals just a moment it would seem that some people have a great deal of difficulty so let's just go back to the beginning take the etymology of the word actually let's define it first the word seal actually has two meanings and originally it was uh created basically by stone masons and in other words they cut the design now a seal having the two meanings the object that makes the impression or inscription is called by the same name as the impression it leaves in the wax or whatever all right kind of unique there and I really want you to grab onto that and think about it probably as far back as you can take the word it had to do with a hook or something that you would lock something with much like the hook of a Shepherd staff that would secure something just as a Shepherd would secure his sheep that passed under the staff or the rod and good people always respect that seal of property now seals also I'm going to talk about physical seals and then we're going to go to the invisible seal Jezebel probably was one of the first in First Kings chapter 21. that utilized the seal maybe for wrong purposes because she took Ahab seal to show you who was boss and the family and Jezebel stamped out some orders and I mean that was the king's law many of you go to court at different times and perhaps you've seen a seal you thought was used in a diverse way or an unfair way well that's the way people are not perfect all right so you might bear in mind Jezebel's Escapade there in uh First Kings chapter 19 beginning with about the eighth verse and make a side study now to the invisible seal God and I intend to document this in this lecture sealed his elect in the first Earth age can you see it no you cannot see that seal unless you wear it now if you wear it and you go into a group it doesn't take long though it's invisible you go into a group and listen to someone talk or discuss with something it doesn't take you too long to know that person has the seal so let's go to the Great Book of Isaiah and let's discover what God has to say about the seal and the gentle way that he brought it forth that we might better understand Isaiah chapter 29 Isaiah chapter 29 a seal that can't be read a seal that not too many see a seal that only Gods elect are aware of and God brings this seal forth in the 29th chapter I want you to note and catch verse 1 woe to Ariel I want you to know what that word means in the Hebrew it means the Hearth of God but it also means the lion of God I want you to make a mental note of that I'm going to be calling on that knowledge before we finish and almost at the end called also the lion of God all right so the Hearth of God symbolic of Jerusalem that City and events that would transpire there in a city that has a great deal to do with the seal that is to say those that wear the seal or have the seal have acquired the seal understand many things that are written about Jerusalem that perhaps not everyone does let's find out why not everyone does we'll begin if we may in verse 7 for the sake of time the discussion Ariel The Hearth of God or the lion of God who is the lion of God the lion of the tribe of Judah it's Jesus Christ of course all right so that you understand that and of course that city is the city that David founded by his name yaroshalan all right verse 7. of Isaiah 29 and he reads and the multitude of all the nations that fight against Ariel The Hearth or the of God or the lion of God even all that fight against her and her Munitions and that distress her shall be as a dream of a night vision that's about what they amount to just a bad dream they kind of by the time they wake up in the morning that being the Lord's day it's going to seem like a bad dream to them all right a very bad dream I want you to see in the next few verses the people of today as you look around you people that have no seal that are not aware of the seal verse 8 it shall even be as when an hungry man dreameth and behold he eateth big steak man I mean we got a rib eye here that's Fit For A King okay but he awaketh and his soul is empty or as when a thirsty man dreameth and beholdeth he drinketh but he awaketh and behold he is faint he's weak and his soul hath appetite so shall the multitude of all the nations be that fight against Mount Zion now to fight against Mount Zion is to fight against God's word The Hearth of God understand in a spiritual sense and people want to strive they want to think and dream to do good for God and they many of them go to churches a church perhaps where the seal is not present that is taught that is to say all of God's word but basically traditions of men are precepts of men rather than from this word and they go away they feel maybe like they're fed they dream they had really an emotional gig there but when they come out and go back to Monday they don't have the strength this is talking about spiritual food understand they're still running on empty though they just filled up at the station that's what it's like without the seal no peace of mind no understanding simply in wonderment what in the world is going on what's Happening verse 9. say yourself stop and wonder you meditate think for a moment cry you out and cry they are drunken but not with wine they stagger but not with strong drink what did God say in Romans chapter 11 he was going to send on all but the election he said I will sin the Spirit of Slumber which in the Greek is stupa they're in a stupa stop at a busy airport someday and just watch for a moment just look observe don't say anything just take it in and if you find a one happy person out of a thousand after the greetings are said you're going to be lucky I'm talking about Spirit field seal filled individual can do person of God you know stop and think about it that's what's in this world today why the seal isn't broken that much and those people go hungry all they can do is dream about heaven and forever and ever and by and by and Pie in the Sky and they could have it today Peace of Mind contentment understanding when the seal is lifted and the scales fall from their eyes spiritualized and they see God's plan of the ages the simplicity in which he teaches didn't need a seal at all a child can understand but yet when God puts his mighty hand of Stu in places that Spirit of stupa on them you can't remove it I can't unless God deems it fit and man when those scales stop fall start falling away and with some people get out of the way get out of the way they're going to be excited when they begin to see what this is all about today and that they can have a place in it that God can use even then sinner that they are sinner that we all fall short but some people get on this kick about oh no I had a dream last night Lord couldn't use me but after that dream whoa but you can't help what you dream that's the dumb flesh dreaming all right wake up grow up all right now verse 10. for the Lord has poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep and hath closed your eyes your spiritual eyes your other eyes can there's a tree I better step around it okay the prophets and your rulers the seers the seers is a Greek word for prophets okay hath he covered I mean they can't see nada nothing zip zero they try they really do and I think their hearts many of them mean well and they want to help people but hey no seal no see them okay no seal no seeing I know one thing that might be an education is sometime in this summer or spring I forget which spring and summer I think take a float trip down the Colorado River and you'll know what noseeum means that's a little bug that will bite thee and you no see them okay oh they're bad but there's a lot of things going on and if you in this world and if you can't see you already have the bite and it's too late all right so God himself it's important that you log that in your mind it wasn't Satan that sent the spirit of stupor upon them and did God do this because he thinks less of some people no it's just that they don't have the guts or the courage to stand against the Antichrist and it's better for them to be sleeping in innocence that is to say ignorance than to be accountable for there's one price that comes with the seal which is excellent you're accountable you could even commit the unpardonable sin whoa that's deep no it isn't it just means that you go with Antichrist after you know better and you're not about to do that I know most of you I've heard it I'm ready I wish Satan would get here I'm ready to be delivered up and let the Holy Spirit speak to me and kick Dragon I'm ready okay I know you okay you're not going to commit it that's impossible but God I have digression perhaps God does it from love that he sends this sleep upon them it will be morning soon enough it's just possible that you might have something to do with the rebelie call all right think about it okay God sent the Spirit of Slumber again I would remind you if you want to know when he declared that for absolute in the New Testament Romans chapter 11 okay verse 11. and not Romans chapter 11 11. it would be Romans chapter 11 about verse seven or eight somewhere along there now let's go to verse 11 in Isaiah 29 and the vision of all is becoming unto you as the words of a book that is sealed which men deliver to one that is learned I want you to know we got us a scholar here I mean he is educated he knows the languages he knows what those languages say he knows what in Hebrew means which the son all right or or if it were to be Olga Mack son okay so uh Point mate all right he can read the languages he's educated but see after you have eyes to see you forget about parables proverbs and many things that Christ did hide from certain eyes but is so very simple think about it a moment words of a book that is sealed which men deliver to one that is learned saying read this I pray thee I mean they're looking for truth they're trying okay and he saith I cannot for it is sealed can't understand it how many have you ever known that picked this word up in your childhood perhaps or in later years picked it up and what they pulled from it was so foreign to you that you wonder where it came from or they would simply tell you we're not supposed to understand that yet how many of you have heard someone say Revelations is not supposed to be understood at this time you talk about El demo just making friends influencing people okay but it's true nevertheless they can't hip it okay can't help it a bit because it's sealed to them try as they might they don't understand that there are three World ages that there was an age before this and that's why the scientific Community can go out and find a remains of a mammoth or a dinosaur that's millions of years old just shakes their credentials and they have to say there's a quick aging process you know oh it happens quick but it didn't okay so they fall totally out of Step why it sealed my friend and not all eyes can see it nor understand that seal is invisible because you have it in here and when you wear that seal of God do you know what that says to Satan hands off hands off do you know why you can't deceive a sealed in God person they're too intelligent for that because the book has been open to them and they have eyes to see so what I want you to know don't take any credit away from this old boy he was educated he was smart he was called a scholar but he could no more crack that word then he could fly to the moon without a shuttle okay and it was just simply sealed to him as many things are to people today verse 12. and the book is delivered to him that is not learned saying read this I pray thee and he saith I am not learned and then there are some in that category that say but stick around a minute the holy spirit will give me all I need to know I don't need the word of God you know that's the unlearned if you want to know who the unlearned are that's the unlearned it is true if God wanted to he could do it but God doesn't do business that way he does it the way this book States and no other way so that's why you want to stick to the book for as Jesus would tell you it is written have you never read many people think they have but they read without possessing the seal or having the seal broken whereby they could open the pages and just slip into the Wonder and the Majesty of God's flowing truth so the old boy was honest he said hey I can't handle it okay verse 13. wherefore the Lord said for as much as this people draw near me well they're trying with their mouth and with their lips do honor me but have removed their heart that's to say their mind far from me and their fear that's to say their reverence to Revere properly translated from the Hebrew and far from me Their Fear to Ward me is taught by the precept of men not God men boy dear brother you ought to talk to my preacher okay if you if you want to really learn something just put that book down and go talk to my preacher well maybe you'll go talk to his preacher this is the way it would be sometimes and that preacher might read one verse out of here and then he's going to pop hot air for an hour okay you're not going to learn anything you're going to be like that old boy dreamed he had an apple pie and when it comes out to where the rubber hits the road to to give you peace of mind to learn how to be successful to be somebody you're not going to know come sick them come here from Sikkim whether to come or to go because the only road to Lasting success is written here God will give you everything you can take care of all right God will give you everything that you can take care of if you seek it the precepts of men old traditions of men just like the word rapture not in God's word and yet they make an entire religion out of it and with that excuse with that excuse of so-called Rapture then comes the saying you don't have to understand God's word because you're going to be gone do you see what a difference the seal makes and you see the Folly and you see the false teachings that don't worry they can't help it don't be too hard on them be hard enough that those that have eyes to see and ears to hear will come out and then the rest let them sleep on sweet Charlotte okay they'll be fine we'll get there God it took God seven days to get this old Earth shaped up he didn't do it all in one day and don't forget how many uh years there are to a day of the Lord a thousand of them okay so don't get in too big a hurry it doesn't hurt to feel anxious in this generation because you're in the generation of the fig tree that's the last one so you can't afford to make many mistakes okay without repentance of course then he'll always pick you back up so precepts of men will lead you down Primrose Lane they will deceive you if it isn't written you better be real careful about what you believe verse 14 therefore behold that behold means you look here I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people even a marvelous work and a Wonder for the wisdom of their wise men Shall Perish and you know wisdom without the seal does there's really no wisdom to it though they are very wise in ways of the world and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid they're going to deceived fooled it's easy to be fooled if you don't know God's plan then you're in a guessing business and I'm going to tell you what I've never known anyone yet to this day that was in the guessing business that weren't wrong 50 percent of the time well you know if they're really a wise person playing the odds maybe 40 60 verse 15 woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord and their works are in the dark and they say who seeth us and who knoweth us you know it's real easy to say well our organization is kind of a God in a way as long as we go by it 'll be okay well that's according to whether it aligns with God's work or not okay precepts will get you in trouble deep stuff all right deep stuff 16. surely you're turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as The Potters play when you try to make right wrong and wrong right it's going to be like The Potter's clay for shall the work say to him that made it he made me not or shall the thing form say of him that formed it framed it rather he had no understanding I'm an ugly pot because he didn't know what he was doing well God is the Potter and if I were you if you think he made you an ugly pot I'd be careful if I were you okay because it doesn't pay to hanky with God you may not know what he's doing but I assure you you should strive to find out because he does know what he's doing he said somebody that's playing Church like that is like some clay pot saying to the claymaker you didn't do it right Jake clay breaks too easy my friend when you anger the Potter be careful be very careful for these bodies of ours are clay and do you know the same thing you may have never been broken you're heartbroken but you can break a heart pretty easy all right especially some of you handsome ladies you just don't know the power of heartbreak I'm checking again all right 17 right it is not yet a little while I'm sorry is it not yet a little while and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field you know what that means the the cedar trees Forest okay Lebanon mountains and forests rough all right and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest in other words I'm going to change it cultivated land's going to be forests and so forth does that make sense to you well God is saying that makes as much sense as you turn it upside down with everything else and naturally if you have the seal broken you know what Earth age is coming and you know what will happen to Lebanon it's going to be a fruitful feel and what is that Forest the trees the people that feed and are nourished on a perfect Earth all right in the third Earth age wisdom you bet 18. and in that day shall the death hear the words of the book what day in that day when I make things right and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity and out of Darkness what a wonderful time that's going to be do you know why God has opened their eyes at that time and you have work to do that's why God has election that's why God has people that bear the seal 19 the meek also shall increase that's the oppressed you feel oppressed at times they try don't let them see you sweat on your first cruise all right the oppressed shall increase their joy in the Lord in the poor The Humble among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel hey good times coming but never just because you read a verse like that think well I gotta wait till then to Rejoice no you don't if you don't Rejoice because you have the seal I dare say maybe you don't have the real seal yet all right because it is something really special in this generation 20. for the terrible one is brought to not who is the terrible one well let's see you know how many guesses do I get the Antichrist Satan Dragon devil whatever name you want to call him and the scorner is consumed in all that watch for iniquity that's to say crime or cut off they can't keep awake to preserve it all right because their eyes are opened and he's in the pit 21 that make a man an offender for a word and lay a snare for him that reproveth that tries to judge or do what's right counsel right in the gate judgment seat and turn aside the just for a thing of not that's just to say into confusion there's going to be an end to that kind of stuff you see a lot of it today I mean I'd really hate to admit it to you but there's even some of it in politics today you know things going around like that confusion he said and she said all right that sort of thing okay 22 therefore thus saith the Lord who redeemed Abraham he could cut that concerning the house of Jacob Jacob shall not now be ashamed neither shall his faith not now wax pale that means embarrassed hungry the countenance is going to be on that face the countenance of What happiness joy why and you don't waste a day without enjoying it now and just make room and let God know you love him and make room for blessings they're going to come it's going to happen to you 23 but when he seeth his children the work of mine hands in the midst of him they shall sanctify my name and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob and shall fear that is to say love Revere the god of Israel not the evil one any longer not the Antichrist claiming to be Jesus claiming to be God but the true father they also that aired in spirit shall come to understanding and they that murmured shall learn Doctrine there's a Time coming beloved when every seed you planted they're going to admit hey that friend of mine was a friend indeed because they were right wonder why I didn't listen but you see that very truth might save them at the end of the millennium that seed you planted may not do that much good here because of the seal but like I said be patient it takes time and we have the Millennium before us that doesn't mean be lazy now you understand the value that I place upon that word or the power strength don't be impatient if a seed doesn't take if it isn't time they can't help it it doesn't mean you're a poor teacher I would hate to think of all the homes that we go into and some of the letters I received for ministers that I judged my ability to teach by their judgment all right you may not believe this but some of them think I'm not so hot okay yeah they do they don't some of them do some of them never miss a lecture you know it's easy to drum up a sermon when somebody's teaching from here and you know instead of a a rerun or something hey it's all right no problem I could care less if it helps good well I better not go into stories no I will not go on stories because we're on National Television right now and and if the individual could be listening that I would be talking about otherwise I would share it with you so see you're just out of luck sorry but people do learn from the word be patient with them it may take them a while to come around but believe me they will come around in time because it states right there they're going to learn doctorate and that's God's Doctrine doctrine that drops like the Dew I want you to open your Bibles now to the New Testament to the book of Ephesians book of Ephesians and we're going to see what Paul has to say here concerning the seal kind of like who is it that wears this seal okay and there's a lot of places we could go I choose this one Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 and it reads blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us he did what he blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Heavenly places in Christ boy that's a load if you collected yours you should because it's written right here and it's yours just proclaiming it you are an inheritor of the father if you're if he's your father hey that's what he did it for was his children verse 4 listen carefully according as he hath chosen us to him he did what he has chosen us to him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and Without Blame before him in love why how could that possibly be is the seal removed that you're familiar with the first Earth age of course what happened in the first Earth age the verb to Foundation is katabu which means the overthrow what overthrow Satan's overthrow well why would God choose you at Satan's overthrow boy you know you'd really be a dingbat if you couldn't figure that one out huh I mean really you know I'm a pretty direct person but I mean you just stop and think about that question at Satan's overthrow why would God choose you it's obvious you weren't riding his back unless it was was deep Spurs with big Wows you know kicking it in all right no I think not because you stood against him of course you proved yourself you were tested he didn't pick you because you're the prettiest or the sweetest are just really the best person he chose you because of what you could do at the katabo the overthrow God is always Fair he chose you because you're a can-do type person you could dig the Spurs in when you have to and you can love when you have to at the same time that's why he chose you now do you know something that would sound like a lot of mishmash the words I just spoke if you did not have the seal number one you wouldn't know about the first Earth age because you got blinders on that you can't see past 6 000 years this Bible says that this Earth is 6 000 years old and it doesn't this herb Bible says it's millions of years old see unlearned as they are they try they try see I just may I use that point to show you what a difference the seal makes now what is it God expects out of you now that he has chosen you if you wear that seal Without Blame before him in what battle no in love okay verse 5. having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ boy that's a heavy wind before the foundations think about that one for a moment all right to himself according to the good pleasure of his will you know what it's always going to be exactly the way God wields it that's why the word is so precious that's the way it's going to happen Okay you can count on it six to the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he hath made us accepted in the Beloved he did what he made us accepted I know you've got false I know you mess up at times but God made you accepted that's why you wear the seal because you've got courage to stand against Satan and to hold the fort to hold the line to do battle he knows he can count on you that you're not some hot house Lily that's going to wilt the first time something happens to you or the first time you have to make a decision it's going to crack and you're going to be able to perform because God negotiates this his troops that's why he chose you not a good reason you betcha seven always beware a man that answers his own questions okay verse seven if I weren't a good friend of yours and know you all pretty good I wouldn't have taken that Liberty okay verse 7 reads in whom we have Redemption through his blood all those little Hang-Ups you've got friend there it is Redemption through his blood the Forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace he loves you so much that he's willing when you say father forgive me it's gone he blots it out he said hey don't ever bring it up to me again I forgave you and I don't want to hear about it it's gone hey we're in he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom where are that good now in all wisdom and prudence think about it 9 having made no one unto us I repeat having made no one unto us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which he has proposed in himself whatever he proposes honey that's what it's going to be but he has shown you the mystery what does that mean the Seal's gone the seal is broken if he shows you the mystery therefore you can rest assured that if you are elect if you were chosen before the foundations of this Earth you wear the Seal of God you have eyes to see you're not wearing that sleep that Slumber you've got a lot to be thankful for it's Precious Precious that you are the mystery of God's will is his plan his purpose the Simplicity of it that flows verse 10 and indeed this is the object okay you want to know God's object listen to it that in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ both which are in heaven and which are on earth even in him where are you now but you're sure not in heaven you're on Earth well who is he going to use on Earth to do that don't look behind you you that's why he gives you the seal is to do something so that he can use you in his word to witness against the evil one to help friends to do that that he has obligated us to the object in the fullness of time whoa whoa what's the fullness of time the generation of the Fig Tree it began in the year of Our Lord 1948. I can remember real well some of you weren't born yet but that's fine that generation verse 11 in whom also we have obtained an inheritance oh man I love it I love it God owns everything and you're inheriting from him that's always exciting is it not obtained an inheritance being predestined according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the Council of his own will he doesn't play guessing games he knows exactly what he's doing that's why it is written and that's why it will come to pass exactly as it is written and that should be Assurance to you that are able to crack open the book and read that plan with wisdom and understanding to know what tomorrow brings to know where you should be what frame of mind you should be in to bring about the object that God has in store for you to complete it verse 12 that we should be to the praise of his glory who first trusted in Christ who wonder what that first trusted mean well that stood by him at the Catapult the overthrow 13 in whom ye also trusted others that came in after that you heard the word of truth that's to say the good news the seal the gospel of your salvation in whom also after that you believed and listen carefully ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise for field with the Holy Spirit of promise what promise the will The Inheritance it's yours if you wear the seal if you care if you want to serve him this is heavy stuff to him it really is simple nothing really difficult about it so don't get the big head just because you could understand it's so simple a child can understand it if the seal is removed so we if we're going to get the big hit about anything and we really shouldn't it's that he's our father and we know it and that we know what tomorrow brings and through that comes peace of mind you don't wake up still hungry you wake up well fed from his word sticks to your ribs makes a can-do type person out of you one more verse which in the earnest of our inheritance that word earnest is a legal term it means your down payment guaranteed lead pipe cinch okay do you understand that lingo I put it in about three or four colloquial terms there okay until the Redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory wherefore I also after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and love unto all the saints the Saints the election the set aside ones sealed in the Holy Spirit of Promise because God promised that seal he promises that truth to you he promises his way he's not going to change it you can count on it it will come to pass exactly as it's happened let's go to the Book of Revelation and just hit a few verses and I'm going to close then okay Revelation chapter 5 okay I ask you to remember the lion of the tribe of Judah the lion of God from Ariel the Egyptians had a word called instead of a r it's h r h which is the lion of the tribe of the Lion of God okay chapter 5 verse 1 the Great Book of Revelation and if some man has ever told you you're not to understand this you tell him to go fly a kite on a still day all right verse 1. and I saw in the right hand of him that said on the throne a book written within and on the backside sealed with Seven Seals now that means it was complete when it says it's written within and without that means it's got everything you need to know okay verse two and I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice he wasn't a gentle little thing a sweet little old cherub flying around not he cried with a loud voice who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof I don't know it was done for you and no man in Heaven Nor in Earth neither under the Earth was able to open the book neither to look there on verse 4 and I went much because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book neither to look their own maybe this is where some of these preachers say you're not supposed to understand this okay scary I mean five and one of the elders said unto me weep not behold the lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David hath prevailed to open the book and to loose the Seven Seals thereof you got them cushy do and of course you know and of course Christ the foundation The Rock on which You Stand The Firm Foundation that never shakes in your life but the solidity of your maturity in Christianity not being a religion but a reality your life whereby you can serve him that's why he opened it therefore in him his Spirit the Holy Spirit you can see too if you have the seal not everybody does I'm sorry but it would be unfair to them if they did I hope you understand but Arya lose those cells that's why I want you to get the tie between Isaiah 29 and this okay and I'll be healthy and low in the midst of the throne and of the four beast and in the midst of the elders stood a lamb as it had been slaying that's a time period for you you got it the Passover Lamb that means after the crucifixion okay having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God sent forth unto all the Earth verse 7. do you know what I was just hit with one of my Passover messages if I look blank there for a minute forgive me but I'm rejoicing in my heart and you're not going to know it'll pass over seven okay and he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that set upon the throne the lamb could take it he could do it and when he had taken the book The Four beasts that's I hate that this word is translated Beast I really do because it's the living beings they're not beasts they were Protectors of the altar they shouldn't be called beast in English it leaves a bad taste soon okay and Four and Twenty Elders that's the Twelve Apostles maybe eleven and one and the 12 Patriarchs all right of the family fell down before the lamb having every one of them Harps and golden vials full of odors which are the prayers of the Saints do you think your prayers aren't heard of course they are they're bottled and they sang a new song saying Thou Art Worthy to take the book to open the seals thereof for thou was slaying and has redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every Kindred and tongue and people and nation and you are you're brought forth in this generation whereby having eyes to see and wearing the Seal of God in your forehead let's turn turn on to chapter seven for me hey there was the Four Winds which is the Four Angels wanted to end that Earth age and somebody told them to stop you know why there were a few Souls hadn't been born in the flesh yet us were one okay uh so what did he say 7 chapter 7 Revelation verse one and after these things I saw four Angels standing on the four corners of the Earth holding the Four Winds of the earth that's the spirits Rock okay and that the wind should not blow on the earth nor on the sea nor on any tree that means bringing diverging um four coming all together bringing destruction okay and I saw another Angel ascending from the East having the seal of the Living God what's that you better not ask me that now not this far into the lecture okay having the Seal of the Living God and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the Sea saying hurt not the Earth neither the scene or the trees till we have sealed the Servants of our God in their foreheads that's important what's in your forehead your brain you're supposed to use it it's not just put up there to fill out your face so that you look pretty and full and healthy it's put there wired into your central nervous system whereby if your big toe gets stepped on it sends a message up and the mouse says ouch you know it's really a viable piece of equipment you need it all right but he places the seal where right at the root of your thinking right in your mind which means basically you have studied and carried the purpose and the will of God in your forehead do you think that I needed this Bible to preach this today do you think you did you would have understood quite nicely but we've got to do this because that thing sitting over on the wall over there and that went on that wall over there and that one back there there's a few million join us through that okay we did it for them I just wanted you to know that all right and there are a lot out there that didn't need it but this is why you want to make certain you have it there is a Time coming and it's written of in the ninth chapter of this great book there's a war it's already stewing it's already begun between Satan and our father and you've already chosen sides whether you know it or not well you know it okay you know which side you're on you know what you've chosen and that war has begun but there are certain powers and authorities that come with the seal though it be invisible I assure you it is not invisible to Satan I'm not saying he can read your mind but he'd read your actions he knows you what how what to expect who knows you from before chapter 9 verse 1 in conclusion and the fifth angel sounded and I saw a star fall from Heaven onto the Earth and to him was given the keys of the bottomless pit that's to put old Satan in there and but first we're going to let out a little smoke and he opened the bottom of his pit and there are rose smoke out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace and the Sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit I want to give you a clue it doesn't have to be a pit all you got to do is take the lid off of this earth right here the atmosphere and it's their pollution Locust by that I mean this is Satan's Army and his children the canaites and all those that are deceived by him okay just for your thought three and there came out of the smoke locusts out of the earth and upon them was given power as the Scorpions of the earth hath power you've all heard me Teach how the Scorpion why it was chosen here because of its method of taking its prey it doesn't have a stomach it's got a latch on to you and regurgitate inside your body and its juice its digestive juices and it turns your backbone to mush and then it draws that out after it ferments a day or so and it feels good to the Scorpion in other words they draw you out and turn you to Mush that's why God would choose them verse 4 for you and it was commanded then this is from God commanded it's not a maybe commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth that means they're not real locusts okay wake up for me neither any green thing boy are they not locusts that's the only thing a locust cares for cares for neither any tree but only those men which have not the Seal of God in their foreheads in other words take them to the funny form now I probably shouldn't say that but I mean they'll think they're in the funny farm but the time he gets through with them why would he order Satan and his people did not touch his anointed that is to say those with the Seal of God in their forehead the seal given by the Holy Spirit whereby the Holy Spirit could speak through them it is the holy spirit that makes the impression and when you place that seal upon something a word of Truth then it is sealed also for sooner or later and that's none of your business it's God's business so learn to be patient and thank God that you have that seal now inasmuch as the mark of the beast is also in the forehead that's where your brain is what does that mean it means people are deceived by him thinking he's Jesus but if you have God's word saying the Antichrist is coming first claiming to be Jesus you're too smart for that he can't touch you because you know him so you see the simplicity of the seal but yet how precious to own it because in another place that is written where God told Satan and all of his cronies touch not mine anointed and he meant it that's why his anointed are so blessed in this generation that they're given the ability to take that word forth to plant those seeds to the loved ones and to the precious children of God and never never think unkindly of someone that doesn't have eyes to see your ears to hear they can't help it they're blinded does that make them a good person no but don't judge them yet let God do that all right the judging and that's not that you're to party with them and plus plus after having planted the seed then you're through your job is through there go on okay you might have a whole bag of seed and if you waste it all on one guy that's blinded what are you going to do about these out here that we're supposed to hear okay so just plant a seed and pray to God that he will water it and cause it to germinate and then that one comes to you and says oh what do you mean by that okay then you know you got them okay you better know you got them so what a precious thing that you can wear that seal of God by knowing the mystery of the ages of God and what he expects from us so simple so loving and so true father we thank you for the word thank you Father for the breaking of the seals which the lamb accomplished for us that we could take that word and teach it father as of many membered body to take that beautiful truth forth father planting seed for seed person for person covering father that that you would have us cover at this time bless all of these may they be a blessing to all they come in contact with father in yahshua Jesus precious name amen