Hypothesis Space and Inductive Bias in Machine Learning
Jul 4, 2024
Machine Learning Part C - Hypothesis Space and Inductive Bias
Inductive learning/prediction: given examples of data (x, y).
x = input feature values, y = output attribute.
Aim: learn function f(x) mapping input vector to output.
Types of Supervised Learning
Classification: f(x) is discrete.
Regression: f(x) is continuous.
Probability Estimation: f(x) is the probability of x.
Inductive Learning
Given data, identify a function explaining the data.
Unlike deduction, induction is not well-defined without restrictive assumptions.
Features and Feature Space
Features: properties describing each instance quantitatively.
Feature Vector: a vector of multiple features.
Example: if describing with 10 features, a feature vector of size 10.
Feature Space: n-dimensional space defined by features. Example:
Two features x1 and x2 defining a 2D space.
Instances as points/vectors in this space.
Classification Problem Illustration
Two-class problem: Instances of class 1 (positive) and class 2 (negative).
Training set: subset of instances marked as class 1 or class 2.
Goal: learn function to predict class of new instance based on training data.
Visualization: function (e.g., line) separating positive and negative instances.
Hypothesis Space
Set of all possible legal functions from which a learning algorithm picks the best hypothesis.
Need to define the hypothesis space before learning.
Function Representation
Function in terms of features and language/class of function.
Examples: linear functions, decision trees, neural networks, etc.
Hypothesis Space and Hypothesis
Hypothesis Space (H): Set of all possible legal hypotheses.
Learning Algorithm Output: a hypothesis (h) from H, based on data and constraints/bias.
Example with Boolean Features
For N Boolean features:
Possible instances: 2^N.
Possible functions: 2^(2^N).
Large hypothesis space necessitates restrictions.
Bias in Machine Learning
Language Bias: restrictions on the type of functions (e.g., linear functions).
Preference Bias: preferences within a chosen hypothesis language (e.g., simpler functions).
Inductive Bias
Choosing a hypothesis space involves assumptions/biases.
Bias can help restrict hypothesis space and improve learning efficacy.
Inductive Learning Hypothesis
Hypothesis h approximates target function c well over a large training set.
Learning as Hypothesis Space Search
Finding a hypothesis involves searching through the hypothesis space guided by bias and training data.
Errors in Machine Learning
Bias Error: Incorrect assumptions/restrictions on hypothesis space.
Variance Error: Differences in model estimation across different training sets.
Overfitting and Underfitting
Overfitting: Model does well on training data but poorly on test data (often due to too few training examples or overly complex function).
Underfitting: Model too simple to capture data nuances.
Machine learning involves finding a function that generalizes well and managing errors (bias and variance) and fitting issues (overfitting/underfitting).
Important Concepts to Explore Further
Different learning algorithms and how they handle bias and hypothesis space.