Transcript for:
Virtual Performance: War of the Worlds

good evening the show will begin in 10 minutes thank you good evening the show will begin in five minutes thank you good evening and welcome to tonight's performance of war of the worlds brought to you by the cal state los angeles department of theater and dance i would like to first remind you to please turn off all devices that would distract you from this harrowing adventure the performers and production team have worked tirelessly to immerse you into this very live very virtual presentation and the information you find here tonight might just save your life please remember that there is no food or drink allowed in the theater but since we cannot see you we cannot judge you the emergency exits exist exactly where you decide they are have you taken stock of your emergency supplies no this is not a good time to do that we're about to begin i don't make the rules i'm just a voice over in case of alien attack alien abduction or other technical difficulties please remain calm and patient as our technicians are highly trained but don't do well under panicked audience screams for help for further information on the cast and crew you can find the virtual program at the department of theater and dance website and now sit back and enjoy war of the worlds ladies and gentlemen we are coming to you this evening with a special news bulletin shocking news as several major cities along the eastern united states are reporting massive clusters of unidentified debris falling from the sky these clusters seem to be crashing indiscriminately with reports that some have fallen straight through buildings and homes in major cities and surrounding areas officials have reported destruction these crash landings are causing is unprecedented citizens are urged to stay indoors if safe to do so while those near damaged buildings are encouraged to evacuate safely reports of missing and those fear dead are skyrocketing as local authorities and military are mobilizing to begin rescue operations those displaced by the damage of the buildings are asked to find shelter and are reminded to please maintain safety protocols to protect from the spread of coronavirus nasa has just released a statement that no known asteroids had a flight path close enough to cause this kind of phenomenon information about the nature of the falling objects on their origin is still unknown as reports from the crash sites are just now starting to be released much of the information being relayed about these events are coming from social media posts some are claiming that a debris looks mechanical in nature with many noting a possible failed satellite mission by tech giant spacex what the hell are we watching this is what i was telling you about last night this better not be a jump scare we are receiving information that this incident is no longer isolated to the east united states as posters are now claiming the phenomenon is happening on several continents most notably claiming that london's big ben clock tower has been destroyed many are commenting on the destruction and nature of the debris while a growing trend of posts are creating widespread panic as they describe scenes out of a science fiction fantasy with horrific creatures emerging from the wreckage is this independence day two i heard it so yeah will smith's not even in this one will smith is overrated anyway blasphemer chopped up this is live watch while we cannot comment on the validity of these posts we must share that alarming amount of the objects are becoming active rising up and attacking surrounding bystanders many are discrediting these updates as internet trolls noting the lack of video or photo evidence and linking social media accounts to notorious cyber troll sites like a chan and q anon however nearby witnesses are sharing that image and video recording attempts are distorted and devices used to record our damage due to an interference and points at the crushed objects we take you now to a video posted on twitter showing the destruction of a crash site in milan italy the surrounding area set ablaze in a building collapse where you can ladies and gentlemen we are receiving a report that a crash landing has occurred near headquarter stations here in glendale and another an echo park lake there seems to be a oh god did she say uncle clark what was that yuri when i told you it was live there's no way that was real my dad lives in glendale guys i'm in west la and i didn't see anything this is what i was telling you about last night it is everywhere online yeah people are posting videos about seeing weird lights in the sky and then car batteries dying and then spacex and then nothing medial blackout so what is it elon musk just got pissed because everyone made fun of his baby's name so he's already dropping satellites on us or what i think it is exactly what it looks like don't say it's [ __ ] aliens it is [ __ ] alien you always say it's [ __ ] aliens mostly two-piece you off but this time i think it is actually aliens there's no way it has to be some kind of meteor shower or something well you heard them they said there was no other asteroid or meteors or anything else they had seen coming this is something different oh no do you think it could be terrorists someone trying to mess with us because of the election or something it's a little late for that don't you think i mean we're already [ __ ] up we're gonna blame it on us again we're marching towards city hall so they're gonna say it's antifa i know it maybe you should go home you never know what's gonna happen out there i'm fine rachel i've been to enough of these protests to know how to handle myself if it was terrorists it wouldn't be happening in other countries they said it was happening all over who would want to just start oh great there we go i'm calling my dad you're a nod everything is russia think about it this is all part of the control strategy black ops have done it in nigeria in venezuela in el salvador in every country they want to control and now it is being done to us first you create some [ __ ] chaos you give people something messy to be scared of usually it's other people or an assassination attempt or a government takeover but it is not the main part of plan the way people scared shitless start to lose their heads and people that are afraid are easier to control and then you isolate people you round them up into groups that you can contain or you make them scattered so they can't make groups big enough to resist and then you cut off people's ability to communicate so that they can't warn others internet cut off the cell phone's not working but that's not what's happening right now my dad's not probably gonna get a voicemail you see he's probably just out of service keep trying i'm telling you something big is happening i'm only like 15 miles away from echo park don't you think i would have heard if something crazy like that was happening i don't even wake up for earthquakes of course you wouldn't notice if something was happening okay clearly i still have internet so the black kids are probably localized chances are you're right outside the area it doesn't make any sense no cops use numbers like this all the time during sting operations adoring protests right alex that's actually true that shit's easy getting power to shut off in most places though that that is tougher and if you don't have some sort of control over the power sources then you could do something called a a transient electromagnetic disturbance it sends out a wave that shuts down all electricity for blocks it can blow up cars frank our batteries and shut down everything man but this kind of thing is really hard to control it would have to be really [ __ ] advanced tech to keep it going for so long and if it's not russians it's probably [ __ ] aliens guys wait someone just sent this to me on instagram all right y'all thank you for watching my live i am here in burbank on the roof of my gorgeous apartment one of those satellite things just crashed not too far from here so i want to see if we can get a peek at what's causing all this drama in the meanwhile you can get a good look of me i just got my hair done so tell me what you think in the comments and make sure you hit that like button all right so the power went down a little while ago and i was trying to go get some food but none of our cars would start when i put that theme crash down i thought it was an earthquake for a second but nope supposedly it's a falling satellite twitter is saying that cameras don't work too well on these things something about radiation or interference or something but let's try let me just switch the camera so you can see what i see hmm well looks like that's not going to happen but at least you can stay watching me and i'll fill you in on what i see let me just get closer to this side where i can see better hang on a sec okay so the satellite or whatever it's this big metal ball this is light at the top of it spinning slowly not like a party anything but like like a lighthouse almost pretty the police are all around it and they're all yelling at each other and of course they're pointing their guns at it the light is stopping on the officer closest to it the officer is moving closer in oh my god the light the light it just it got all right for a second in [Music] oh no they're on fire there's smoke coming off of them and life's moving around burning everything it's killing everyone oh my god the lights are moving around still changing all these people are bringing and shaping after them holy [ __ ] that can't be real they're just trying to get followers well that looks pretty real to me well it is impossible okay they're supposed to be satellites and sometimes i'm gonna start sapping people what if it's really russian robots here to kill all the liberals oh man not again yes i'm sure that's exactly what is happening they sent a bunch of satellites into space so they could crash and kill everyone in burbank of all places well you don't think they really wouldn't do that besides it's not just better pink it's happening all over the place this guy in new jersey said they just took out his whole ties guys i just got a video message from gabby oh my god gabby has our doctor giving you an update when are they letting her go home she's been in treatment for weeks um not yet she um i talked to her this morning and she sounded okay but uh they said her oxygen levels are getting better but why isn't this loading uh your computer's wired to the router right try bringing it up there michael why don't you ever answer your phone the power keeps going on and off in here and there's no wi-fi i hope you get this the nurses are telling everyone that one of those satellites landed close by now we're on lockdown they said the building's fine but we have to stay in here until it's safe enough to transport us to another hospital because they're having trouble keeping the generators on they said it's safer not to evacuate until we know which streets are safe but one of the nurses was talking outside my door the little one with the weird hair she said her girlfriend's in new york and that those things are killing people they're not just satellites she said that the army can't do anything nothing hits them though no guns no rockets she sounds bad [ __ ] crazy she started freaking out and she keeps arguing with security and they're just telling everybody to stay calm that it's not safe to leave but i i think i'm gonna have to cut my reservation here a bit short because when people start doing that thing where they try to keep everyone calm you know it's time to get the hell out of there so big brother how about you come get me sneak me out of the laundry cart really michael call me back oh no how long ago did she say that i don't know but i have to go get her no no no no she's probably in the safest place to be right now she said kaiser right they have security and it's pretty far out so i'm sure they'll be able to keep everyone safe michael you're joking right you heard what those things did to police you think a rent-a-cop is gonna do any better well i don't know but what we're not gonna do is jump to conclusions if they say we don't need to evacuate and we should stay indoors and that's what we're doing some of us have been doing it all year so why are we going to change things now well maybe we should meet up and you know we can do something you know what's going on out there those videos don't even look real right but michael needs your help and four kids are going to be better than one thank you for worrying about me guys really but i am going michael wait how are you even going to get over there they said that the cars aren't working either oh go on foot maybe the subway's still going i don't know but i have to go i heard the subways are down actually some of the entrances are blocked off i thought it was just because of the protests i think coochie's something long though it means i guess i'm walking you are not walking all the way across the city michael oh wait her hospital is near the grove right uh alex it's a protest near there it's not too far from us but i haven't seen anything weird i don't can't believe you're out there again people are still spreading growing like crazy and we're right oh my god i'm sorry michael it's fine it's fine gabby's gonna be fine i'm gonna go message me if you find anything out be safe guys i'll check in when i can't way to go oh i really messed that up didn't i he's fine we're all used to you putting your foot in your mouth it's cute sometimes well it is important we should figure out what we should hit just in case where we should head i can't go out there it might not be safe for us to stay put they say that more than 50 of car accidents happen right around the house you don't drive no i know i don't drive that's not the point what does that say but our chances out there this is real huh where are we supposed to go if the danger is right outside that door no no they're saying we have to stay inside so that's what i'm going to do [Music] alex what are you okay yeah one of those things move down everyone's freaking out alex you have to get off the street how far are you from your apartment our group is out here on the west side most of the lights went out and it looks like none of the cars are working anymore get everyone away from there just as you can we heard what those things are doing it is only a matter of time before they start getting up and killing people we don't know if that's true alex listen to me what did we see in those videos after they land they shut the power and communications down right and then they will get up and they will start killing everything around you do not want to be around these things you have to move oh no guys i think we better find out what happens get down there now run away as fast as you can things are probably rushing [Music] my vision is blurry the crash took me off my feet for a bit but i'm not hurt i look around and try to see past the dust and darkness to one side fire is already growing in the distance the group i've been marching with all day is shaken but helping each other hey are you guys okay no i'm fine we should head that way where the lights are still on then move away from the crash site and toward the lit street lights i want to get everyone moving to safety without causing a panic oh my head is ringing hey i see a bus up ahead people are boarding several buses already taking off there are cops everyone remain calm please board carefully only take what you can carry we'll be taking you to the nearest evacuation center as soon as possible officer can you tell us what's going on what was that thing there will be more information at the evacuation site please move away from the street onto the sidewalk and line up for the next available transport wait why do we have to wait for the next bus there's still room we have to maintain capacity limits per vehicle they are sending more transportation soon moving away from the street and onto the sidewalk [Applause] this bus is at capacity move away from the vehicle please move on to the sidewalk and wait for the next vehicle that's [ __ ] there's still room they drive around that thing filled like a tuna can and you can't let us board because of capacity this vehicle is evacuating the residents of this street more vehicles are coming shortly now move back wait so you're telling me that only residents of this fancy-assed building are allowed to evacuate how do you know that some of these people don't live in there huh because i only see one [ __ ] difference between all these pretty [ __ ] white folks in us that's not what this is you are disobeying direct orders and we need to clear those ready to evacuate now move back we are ready to evacuate these people need to get to safety too please these buildings weren't even here 10 years ago this used to be a black neighborhood and now we're not even good enough to be evacuated i need you to listen to me i can't help you if you don't follow my directions more vehicles are coming i can't believe you're doing this get your [ __ ] head out of your ass and help us get to safety i told you to move back now step away from the vehicle and onto the sidewalk listen to me any minute now those things are gonna get up and start killing people it's not an exaggeration and it's not a goddamn joke they're the reason why we keep losing service on our devices and they shut down the power on them when they wake up so we need to leave now while that bus is still running you have to believe me we don't have time for the same [ __ ] [ __ ] there's things falling from the sky and you're still pulling this i have to let these people on the bus and you have to get the bus going before it's too late oh my gosh it is blurry almost blinding too much light i feel someone's arms around me pulling me away from what i can only describe as blistering heat i hear people screaming and i smoke burning my efficient is starting to clear the bus before me is in flames everything around it all the people inside i i i try to move forward maybe i can help but the arms keep pulling me away i feel dizzy [Music] i've been running for a while and stop to catch my breath when i realized one of those things was coming down it felt like it was gonna fall right on top of me but it hit a building a couple of blocks up when it hit it felt like the earth was opening up windows breaking everywhere people were screaming i ran into an open office thinking i had to get under some kind of table california earthquake training they don't tell you the sound of buildings breaking around here it's like sitting inside of a thundercloud i didn't leave until it was quiet outside my ears were still ringing but the screaming had stopped so i thought it would be safe to move on no electricity no lights it should have been dark but the sky was bright and red and full of clouds not cloud smoke blowing in the light of the fires i moved slowly i was afraid something would hear me one of those things i looked around and realized which direction i needed to go but a three-way overpass that collapsed from the street i needed to cross i found a path that i find when i got to the top i turned back and most of the city behind me the buildings were they were ruined i couldn't see any people around but off in the distance i could see something moving i thought it was a trick of the flame making shadows dance but they were too big too tall there were two or three of them standing on legs as tall as palm trees these big heads at the top that looked long metal like a machine but alive and they were moving around like they were searching for something the heads had these long arms like worms or uh tentacles and and every once in a while they would pause and that light would shine from the top and freeze everything like a camera flash and then something would explode and the arms would keep picking things up from down below like a crab scrounging around for food it took me too long to realize it was people it was picking up people and stuffing them into its metal head that's when i heard the screams again i turned i ran stumbling down the other side it must have been six or seven blocks before i saw anyone anyone hear me come in command do you copy cp come in we have a mass casualty event unplanned withdrawal requesting priority one evac over please can anyone respond i am the only one left i am requesting extraction asap command do you copy is anyone on this frequency reading me i am all that is left i repeat i need extraction asap oh my god hey hey hey you get in here get in you hurry before they see you are you injured no i'm fine i just need to catch my breath there's more of those [ __ ] coming down you're lucky you made it this way i haven't seen many people leave that side what's happening where are the rest of you we had orders to establish a cordon around the first one that landed about five clicks south of here we just got into position when the target just woke up we had orders to contain but as soon as that thing went mobile we initiated contact [Music] no we attacked and then that laser beam started going off it was over in seconds crispy so what are they why are they doing this your guess is as good as mine all i know is that they're hostile and if we want to win we have to live long enough so that we can take them down now those things are obstructing the airwaves nothing in or out within its radius so much for 5g huh and the signal pops in and out every once in a while messages pass through then but and not all the time who are you waiting on my little sister i hope you find her you shouldn't be too far from her i could really use your help maybe you could come into the hospital negative i'm maintaining position here until i can clear this zone and you should stay tuned i i can't i can't leave her alone please come with me to the hospital there are more people i don't give a [ __ ] don't you get it it's not safe out there for civilians the smart thing would be to stay here where we have some cover until we can move to a safer location right but there are more people at the hospital maybe you can get in contact what part if i don't give a [ __ ] don't you get i'm not going back out there my entire [ __ ] platoon is dead i'm crispy [ __ ] dead and you want me to come with you for what so i can play bodyguard for some civilian no no those things just ate everything we could [ __ ] throw with them we're safer here until they pass and then i'm heading straight to the [ __ ] red line and i'm staying underground to get some serious [ __ ] firepower out here you're gonna go into the subways yeah once word gets back to hq yeah they're gonna send out some big [ __ ] booms that'll level this whole [ __ ] place so until then yeah i'm staying out the [ __ ] way going into the subways is insane you could get caught down there those things are too big to get down to the subway tunnels and there's parts down there beyond the trains that civilians don't have access to there's maintenance areas connections to sewer lines it is the safest place to be it's reinforced for earthquakes and flooding we could even stay down there for good if we need to we could lock the front entrances up start a [ __ ] commune or something [ __ ] crazy that's never gonna work we could gather reinforcements and set up a rebellion to [ __ ] those things up tactically we can come up in the sewer lines surprise them they never even see it coming we can come back from this and then it won't be the end you'll see you might not believe me now but you'll see once we get down there it'll all [ __ ] work out it has to i can't stay here sorry but i can't michael i heard some of the security guards talking they said that something came out of that satellite they they couldn't see what it was clearly but it's not human then they were saying that something was spotted on the lower floors one of those things it got inside i asked the nurse to tell me what was going on she just said that security was aware that they were handling it she told me to stay inside and to keep my door closed but i i think they all left i haven't seen anyone pass by for a while sometimes i can hear the other patients call out for help and then nothing i'm scared i don't know what to do where the hell are you mom's not answering either do you think she's okay what is that i'm probably just imagining things i'm sure i'm sure mom's fine i know it i'm gonna be fine too i'm gonna try and see if i can get out of here i can walk a little now so i just need to make it to the stairwell get over here michael i need your help is that your sister yeah did you see the uh you better hurry we were running for a long time almost right into another one of those monsters there was a train ramp we ran up the railway and hid when we got to one of the taller bridges there were others there hiding watching we could see the whole city from here fires and monsters people trying to escape they were everywhere now and here we were with the perfect view for the end you believe in salvation i believe in survival the body or the sun i can feel my body my soul is just gonna have to hang on for the ride if it's there thank you for saving me you must do what we can for each other yeah well not a lot of people believe that anymore perhaps not still you choose to surround yourself with those who i choose to surround myself with are trying to make a difference and you he met alive who was dead in trespasses insane i don't think we're going to be able to get by in this world without a little sin anymore the good of the father is inside every one of us but singing is also inside each of us therefore we must repent to find salvation in his race can you really look at all this going on and think we can repent and be saved we cannot question the will of the father where is the father right now is god sitting on his throne watching all this happen and letting it are all these deaths a part of his plan perhaps this is his plan what is the use of a god who allows this to happen to us it has been commanded that we must do our parts to save our brothers and sisters perhaps our time has run out this year has been a test and if this is the father's plan then this may be time for judgment those things out there don't have anything to do with god perhaps the world is too much part of us to save it perhaps there will be no more anointed yeah and maybe god is dead no this is a cleansing what this are his angels what if this is how we find salvation perhaps they are here to cleanse us of our sins get away from the edge they might see you here i am here father i am ready sign your angels and bring us to salvation i said stop my entire body is shaking ah the rough edge of the brick gets into my hand all that i know is that i have to keep these people safe i have to keep myself safe and i will not be killed because i'm a [ __ ] psycho but it's too late and i'm looking back at the light of one of those things and for a second maybe i should say a prayer maybe i should ask for forgiveness the walking tower stops no heat rays no fiery death it almost sways a little and then it falls backwards crashing into the building behind it [Music] gabby are you okay where are you i'm almost to the hospital i'm coming i'm okay michael i'm okay i'm so glad i finally reached you where are you are you okay i'm not sure i think i'm almost there those things just started falling over like they ran out of batteries what happened with that thing in the hospital oh my god michael it was horrible i was trying to make it out of the building and then just before i got to the stairwell i i saw them they had they had these these giant heads and these arms like an octopus it was horrifying they they were around one of their patients that oh my god michael they were eating him they had these needles that came out of their arms and it looked like they were drinking his blood and then they started screaming this this horrible sound they started flailing around and then crashing into things and then their bodies started to melt it was it was like they were drinking acid they just melted i can show you look it's no horrible michael i've never seen anything like it it's it's like something and this is poisonous to them this means they're all dying right is this happening everywhere i don't know gabby i hope so i holy [ __ ] i'm just so happy you're okay i can see the hospital now i'll be there soon okay hang tight i don't think this is how the doctors would have wanted us to end my quarantine but get your ass over here hey do you think fat styles is open i'll be there soon okay okay hurry up michael you're alive i was pretty close there for a second but i'm here are you guys okay what happened over there well we started uh you know internet and power went out for a little while but when they came back on you know rachel and i started playing truth or dare and i had no idea no he didn't nothing happened but you said that we could talk about this in the apocalypse stays in the alien apocalypse wow well thank god you guys are okay wait where's alex oh he messaged me he's on his way home he's alive but that's all he said was gabby okay did he make it to the hospital i'm just getting here now but yes she's fine she saw those things up close and she said that they're [ __ ] eating people oh my god yeah but something happened and they started melting like they couldn't handle it yeah power and service has been going up everywhere and everyone has been talking about it these alien [ __ ] were killing everyone and the giant machines were laying waste to everything and then suddenly they are going down everywhere whatever their plan was i don't think it worked but do you think that's it have there been any landings anywhere ah nothing about landings but uh oh there's plenty of video now this one guy is asking his followers to vote on whether or not he should go into one of the fallen ships i'm going to vote yes michael go find your sister and let us know how it goes oh and see some pictures of the date aliens okay guys stay safe with you soon i am coming to you from los angeles with a live update as many of you have experienced today our roadmap challenge we never expected to face some alien life crash in cities all across our globe devastating our families and the way of life so quickly that we had no chance to act or even prepare to defend ourselves and yet as suddenly as this danger came and as quickly as the damage was done the attack from the foreign force seems to have come to an abrupt halt and the cause the same virus that just recently overturned our entire existence a little did we know that this microscopic infection would one day save us from a cosmic invasion footage obtained of the smaller beans shows them some coming to a physical deterioration similar to the organ damage created by the novel coronavirus testing is still underway to determine the physiology of these creatures but experts are speculating that this lady and life form may not have been prepared to protect from this specific strain of the virus as this new mutation has only existed so recently and many questions still remain to the cause of this invasion and to the full extent of damage and loss of life that has been created but there is one thing starting we are truly not alone in the universe as we begin to recover and process from this life-altering series of events i'd like to ask one thing of our viewers who are lucky enough to still be watching take a look around at the devastation and horror that has occurred and weigh that against the way you live your life on a day-to-day basis consider how quickly it can all fade away and remember that feeling when you interact with your brothers and sisters of the human race what is to come and whether we will be able to recover from this is up to each and every one of us let tonight be a lesson that we are not our own enemies and that we all have a planet to protect good nights [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um oh you